#positively positive


in our journey…

…towards better mental health and in trying to prioritise ourselves, it’s very easy to lose touch with empathy.

kindness is essential. both towards yourself and others. put yourself first but make sure you’re not hurting your supporters in the process. you and your loved ones, both deserve love and care ✨

just a personal note

my day went from amazing to a total disaster today. i ended up crying constantly for more than 2 hours. i skipped dinner which is going to haunt me in the form of a migraine tomorrow..the crying will definitely add to it too. i messed up both at work and with family. had multiple panic attacks throughout the crying and i have never felt more alone than i did a few minutes ago.

the point of this post is not to get sympathy but to keep it very very real. shit happens. it may seem like a person who puts out positive words every day has everything sorted but that’s not the case.

we’re all in this together. we all have these shitty days when it’ll seem like it’s the end of the road. i kid you not, the way i felt today, i haven’t felt like this in a long time and it was just…i am completely drained right now.

i digress, but what i really want to say is please hold on. when bad turns to worse and you see no way out, please still hold on. just go to sleep if there’s nothing else that can be done. but keep holding on, no matter what. you are special and precious and your existence matters. your beautiful self may be a tiny dot in the universe but in the greater scheme of things, you have a unique role to play.

sending out love and strength to everybody who reads this and anybody who needs it. ✨

your feelings are hurt…

…and you’re thinking that it must be something about you or that it’s your fault.

but is it really? think about it and if it is then go ahead and apologize. but if it’s not - then don’t put the blame on yourself.

how someone reacts to a situation is not under your control. what you can control is your own reaction. let yourself feel ✨

this is simply to acknowledge…

…that you are progressing.

you are working hard - on yourself, your studies, your work, your habits, your life, and more.

it’s difficult and may have been inconsistent but keep going. take smaller steps if you must, but keep moving. you’re capable. you can do it

a simple reminder…

…to be kind to yourself.

beating up yourself is not going to help. be patient and take care of the words you speak and think to and for yourself.

you deserve kindness. you deserve the best ✨

this is a reminder to…

…hydrate yourself.

keeping up your positivity along with all that you do in life is hard work.

make sure you stay hydrated and healthy. care for yourself ✨


you’re the sun…

…in your own universe.

shine bright. focus on yourself. exude warmth and let yourself shine.

you’re the centre. you matter ✨

this is a reminder…

…that youa re capable enough.

times are tough and you’re feeling low but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have the ability. this feeling is temporary.

your courage and capabilities are permanent, right there inside you. let it come out. ✨

if it’s tough right now…

… remember that time changes. circumstances change. life isn’t constant.

all the efforts you’re making. all the tiny steps you’re taking. all the healing that you’re allowing yourself to go through. it’s all going to come together.

it’s going to give you a new, brighter and happier you. keep going. keep trying ✨

take this as a reminder…

…to forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in the past.

you’ve grown ever since and have come so far. let go of the past. don’t let it hold you back. learn from it and move on.

you deserve forgiveness. most of all from your own self. move forward ✨

pick your battles

not every issue is worth wasting your peace on.

make sure you know what to fight for. let go of all the rest. now is not the time to pay attention to what doesn’t bring you peace, growth, and healing.

focus on you. focus on forward

this is a reminder…

that you’ve come so far!

where you started is left behind and this new you is brighter, wholesome, and more positive, even if only a little more than the old you.

your progress matters, no matter how much. you’re doing great. keep going on ✨

it’s on the way

the thing, person, event or change that you are waiting for is coming.

keep working towards it. keep holding on. it’ll be here soon ✨

it’s slow right now…

…but not stagnant.

things are happening. they are in the background and you can’t see it yet but the wheels are moving to bring the best to you.

find the patience within. look forward to the brightness ahead ✨

hey everyone,

i’m trying to get an idea of how i can be of better help to you guys through this page. i was hoping you could answer this simple poll based on when you’re active on tumblr. i want to post at a time when more of my followers are online, so that you see my posts on your feed. it’s not about the numbers, like I’ve always said. it’s about me wanting these reminders to reach those want them.

for the sake of convenience, please enter the time according to PST. it’s not my timezone either but I think this will make it convenient for maximum people. you can use this website: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ for easy conversion.

i can’t wait to get to know you guys more so please do leave your answers in! thank you

there’s always going to be…

…a higher goal. you’ll always want to reach somewhere above where you are in the present.

worrying about why you are where you are and not where you “should” be is normal but not needed. you’re never going to feel like you want to stay where you are. not for long anyway.

keep working towards your goals. but also make sure to push yourself just enough. you’re trying and that’s all that matters

every little bit of…

…self love and self care counts. yes, even the tiniest bit.

you can slowly get to doing your entire morning routine. for today, just washing your face is fine. some day you’ll go for a walk outside. making trips to the kitchen and bathroom are good enough for today.

gibe yourself some credit. you’re trying. you’ll do better soon. it’s all good ✨

here to remind you…

…to stay hydrated.

take quick, short breaks through the day. remember to hydrate, eat, and rest well. working hard doesn’t have to take away from your health and wellness.

take care of yourself. you are precious

to all those who are feeling like…

they are struggling alone in this huge world - remember that just like you hide your struggles from those around you, so does everyone else.

the fear of judgement stops us from sharing our true worries. everyone is worried though. about things big or small, important or casual, real or imaginary.

everyone has their own struggle. you aren’t alone. you aren’t the only one who feels like they could do better. you’re okay. it’s all okay ✨

it might seem confusing…

…right now, when you’re trying to put things into their place but in the long run, it’s going to make so much more sense.

building a routine, growing your skills, or bringing even simple changes to your life can seem exhausting. it’s easy to lose motivation. remember then, to recall why you are doing this.

keep your end goal in mind and keep going

sending out positive vibes…

…to anyone and everyone reading this.

may your day be beautiful, your efforts fruitful, and your life wonderful ✨

you could be the gentlest person ever…

…but sometimes you’ll need to fight your fights.

you won’t always have someone to help you out. to defend you and to make sure that you’re not taken advantage of.

sometimes you’ll need to take a stand. not always, but sometimes you will be the only one who can make sure that you are heard. when the time comes, be your own pillar. you can do it

take time out today…

…to notice your progress.

see the difference between where you were a while ago and where you are now. maybe you are able to handle a little bit more pressure. maybe you are able to sleep a littls better. maybe you are able to forgive yourself a little easier. maybe you are better at not judging yourself.

it could be a big change or small. all that matters is that it’s movement. you’re moving ahead

hey everyone,

i’ve noticed this across many asks that you guys share with me that people are concerned a lot about the imbalance in friendships. i usually am too - mostly I am the more invested one and end up being hurt. i read an article about it today and found it helpful and I thought that maybe someone here might benefit from it too. sharing the link here: https://www.vox.com/23026672/how-to-handle-a-lopsided-friendship

hope it help you :)

did you say thank you…

…to yourself today?

did you appreciate yourself enough today? did you realise that your mind, your body, your actions and your whole being are in existence because of you and for that you are grateful to your self?

acknowledge your efforts. appreciate yourself. you deserve it

growth is beautiful…

…but remember that it’s also tough.

even figuring out what’s best for you is a difficult thing to do. give yourself time. don’t be harsh on yourself.

you’re trying your best to grow. keep at it

a reminder for you to…

…be kinder to yourself.

you’re trying your best to navigate through all the hurdles in life. it’s tough. you know it.

give yourself room for mistakes. be kinder to yourself. be more gentle. you deserve it ✨

here to tell you…

…that it’s okay.

sleeping in for a few more minutes today. taking time off work to simply rest for a day. caring about what you need before caring for others. taking some time off before you recalibrate.

it’s okay. you don’t have to be on all the time. these breaks are necessary. enjoy them

here’s your affirmation for the day

“I am stronger today than I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be a step ahead than I am today. I am building myself right now and yet I am more perfect in the perfect, than I have ever been”

repeat this to yourself. write it down. believe in it because it’s the truth of who you are

it’s time to rebuild

even if you’re starting from scratch, you might find some pieces that you can reuse. if not now then maybe later in your journey.

it can’t be known if it’ll be any different this time. all we know is that it’ll be slightly easier this time around. easier than the last time and a little bit more difficult than the next time.

you can do it. you can rebuild. you have the strength for it. tap into it ✨

self love is…

…knowing what you need and what you don’t need in your life.

self love is allowing things and people who are a positive influence on your life, to enter your life. it’s also realising what disturbs your peace and should no longer be welcome in your life.

self love is not just finding out your positives and adding them in but also identifying the negatives and moving towards weeding them out. do better for you. for your own good. ✨

falling short of your goals…

…can feel disappointing.

your efforts, however whole hearted they might have been, can sometimes fall short. it’s in no way a reflection of your abilities or strengths.

sometimes it works out in a single try while other times it may take a few extra takes. if it’s important for your growth, don’t give up. keep going. you can do it

missing a task can be uncomfortable…

… especially when you value the difference your efforts make.

but remember to go easy on yourself too. sometimes, it’s just too much to do and you need some off time. that’s okay. that’s normal.

allow yourself to cool down in this off time. you deserve breaks like this. let yourself recharge ✨


today was a tough day…

…to get through.

if you faced it bravely - kudos to you!

if you took a step back instead - know that it’ll be better the next time

don’t beat yourself up. it’s okay. it’s done now. rest up for a brighter tomorrow
