

Say it with me everybody!!!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Past!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Problems!

You! Are! More! Than! Your! Body!

You! Are! More! Than! You! Think!


Sometimes we can compare ourselves to others who are trying to achieve a similar goal then us, or are already where we’re trying to be, and it can make you feel like you’re not where you should be. The truth is, everyone grows at different rates and that’s totally okay! Everything happens in divine and perfect timing and we just have to trust in our growth. We all have our own path, and our own lessons to learn, so there really is no point in comparing to others. If you want to take pointers of how others did things to see if it helps then that’s great, but don’t let it define your growth if it works differently for you. If there was only 1 way to do things in life, it would be boring!

Its important to remind ourselves of the little achievements and milestones we’ve already accomplished. Its easy to forget how far you’ve come when you still feel you’ve got a way to go, but take time to look back and appreciate yourself, and all of your little victories, no matter how small. When you do this, it puts into perspective how far you’ve already journeyed, how far you’ve already grown (which will probably surprise you). They say its not the destination its the journey, so make sure you stop to appreciate it. Pat yourself on the back for all the manifesting and growing you’ve already done, and it will motivate you to keep going, it will show you how much further you can go when you realise how far you’ve come. Be grateful for the successes you have already won, and you shall attract more to you.

Trust in divine timing, trust in the journey, trust in yourself.

Everyone grows at different rates, and that’s totally ok.
