

Hermione: Don’t do the thing Harry!

Ron: Hey Harry, lets do the thing!

Snape: Don’t do the thing you dunderhead ball of deaf ignorance.

McGonagall:  Mr Potter, don’t you dare do the thing.

Dumbledore: Hmmm…  Perhaps you shouldn’t do the thing, but here are some tools, explained in the most vague possible way, to get the thing done, I’m counting on you.

Hagrid: *Gives all the details about the thing*  Shouldn’t have said that.  ‘Arry don’t do the thing.

Sirius: James, I mean Harry, back in my school days with James, your dad, we always did the thing.

Remus: Sirius, perhaps you shouldn’t encourage him, but if you’re going to, here’s a map to help you do the thing.

Draco: Potter can’t possibly accomplish the thing.  Prat.

Luna: We must go do the thing from the side while riding nargles to freedom.


Harry: I‘m doing the thing!  I’m doing IT RIGHT NOW!  CONSIDER THE THING DONE.

One thing the Harry Potter franchise did right that a lot of other movies didn’t:

NOT put the movie posters on the book covers.

Overview:You’re going to the library late at night to study and Theseus Scamander can’t resist speaking to you when you study opposite one another.  

A/N:This is my first ever imagine here on tumblr so if it’s not the best then don’t hate me haha. If you have any requests for more Theseus imagines or anything else(I can write other people too) then just let me know. 

 Like and reblog!

Word count:1155

The library seemed to block out the echoing yells of the rest of the school. Heaving a sigh of relief you scrabbled to grab your wand from your pocket whilst clutching onto the pile of dusty books that were precariously slipping with the sheen of rain from the outside. A lazy flick and they were hovering in a neat pile. The followed you as you started to make your way through the aisles of books and clusters of students to find a quiet place to study. Classic you, you’d left an essay for Potions at the last minute, which meant pulling another all nighter to get it done in time.

In the corner, tucked between shelves about hinkypunk origins and water plants and their properties, were two desks opposite each other, worn in and forgotten. They were right by a window though, with a view of the sprawling grounds, and that made it your favorite spot to go to. You were surprised however to see that you weren’t alone.

A 7th year boy was hunched over the desk, scrawling hurriedly on at least a foot of parchment, so lost in concentration he didn’t even notice you were there until the pile of books landed with a soft thump. His head snapped up in surprise. By the light of the small orb bobbing gently above him, you recognized him; Theseus Scamander. You’d seen him in there before, often like you staying here late into the night hidden behind piles of books, before leaving bleary eyed and glasses askew. He was wearing them now. They worked well with his messy dark curls that fell over his forehead, making him look effortlessly cute. Smiling awkwardly You slid into the opposite seat and pulled out your quills and ink, throwing your hair up into a pony tail and trying to look like you were really interested in the first book you pulled in front of you, a dauntingly big and dusty copy of “druids and their droughts.” Easier said than done. Everything you read went in one ear and out the other and you started to long about your warm bed in the common room. In your states of boredom you couldn’t help to Surreptitiously stare at the boy opposite you.

“Is there a reason you’re looking at me?” Theseus asked, not looking up from his writing. You could hear the smile in his voice. laughing lightly to hide the embarrassment you reply “sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s flattering.” He looks up and smiles before offering out a hand for you to shake, which you did. You couldn’t help but notice the way that his rolled up sleeves showed his slight muscle and his grip made the veins in his arms protrude all the way down to his hands. You could feel the chill of the sliver ring that was on his thumb on your hand, and you almost zoned out looking at his hands as he introduced himself “I’m Theseus.”

“Y/N” you smiled.

“You’re in 6th year, aren’t you?”

“Yea, how did you know that?”

He shrugged “I’ve noticed you here a few times and I heard you mention it.”

“Oh, so you’ve noticed me?” You teased, and was surprised when you saw a funny blush dust his cheekbones.

“You could say that.”

You bent down, hiding your bashful smile as you started to copy your friends notes. You heard him get back to his, and for a while you both worked in silence as the rest of the students stared to dwindle and the night went on. Your eyes started to itch with fatigue and you were never good enough at charms to stop yourself from feeling like this. You almost gave in and went to bed when you heard a soft cough. Theseus was holding his wand; a warm purple liquid was spurting out into a mug he’d conjured.

“Should stop you falling asleep,” he smiled sweetly. Touched, you thank him and take a sip, enjoying the taste of what seemed to be blueberry muffins dancing on your tongue.

“How’s your work going?”

“All done,” he smiled, ruffling his hair causing the curls to bounce around “it’s not my best but I think It’ll be okay. “

“Oh.” You were slightly disappointed that he’d be leaving you alone now-even though you hadn’t spoken much it had been nice to hear the scratching of someone else’s quill and the occasional awkward “sorry” as your hands brushed grabbing books from next door piles.

“What are you working on?”

“Potions,” you groaned. You were really starting hate potions.

“I’ll help,” he offered, pulling his chair around and leaning close to your shoulder to read what you’d written. You tried not to over react to the fact that you could smell the faint left over of his cologne, or the fact that you could see the freckles dotted on his neck. You watched as he picked up a quill and stared to scribble in the margins of your work, adding extras and highlighting parts that you didn’t need.

“It’s good,” he reassured “I did this essay last year and remember what my notes were. You don’t mind, do you?”

“No,” you whispered, before snapping out of your daze and looking away so he wouldn’t see your look of embarrassment. Theseus had seen however, and he couldn’t help but enjoy the fluttering of bashfulness that overcame him. You were cute-even cuter than he’d thought when he’d noticed you these last few months. The fact that somehow, he’d been able to actually talk to you without stuttering with nerves was better than acing any essay.

He opened his mouth to speak when a loud bang made you both jump. The librarian was hovering over you, scowling so deeply her forehead looked like it would crack at any point. “Is that a drink I see Mr Scamander? By BOOKS??”

“I think that’s our cue to leave” Theseus quipped, and together you both packed up your things and dashed out the library to the sound of the librarian’s lecture of “respect” and “gratitude” ringing in your ears. Rounding a corner, you both stopped, catching your breath and stifling chuckles so you weren’t caught by Filch.

“So. Y/N.”


“You wouldn’t happen to need help on any other essays, would you?” He grinned.

Your heart started to pound faster, but you kept your voice light as you mused “I have a transfiguration essay due Monday which I haven’t started.”

“Well,” Theseus smiled, leaving a bit closer so his breath tickled lightly against your ear “if you’d like…I could…maybe- “

“I’d love that.”

He beamed widely, ducking his head so once more a loose curl fell into his eyes, and it took everything in you not to to wind a finger around one “Same time same place tomorrow?”

“Looking forward to it,” you smiled, hoisting your bag over your shoulder. “Good night Theseus.”

“Good night Y/N.”

You both paused for a second, then parted ways. And yet Theseus kept turning back until you were swallowed up by the darkness, his smile getting wider and wider as he started to count down the minutes until he could see you again.

Day 19, 20 and 21 of inktober. Black flame candle, broomstick and a werewolfDay 19, 20 and 21 of inktober. Black flame candle, broomstick and a werewolfDay 19, 20 and 21 of inktober. Black flame candle, broomstick and a werewolf

Day 19, 20 and 21 of inktober. Black flame candle, broomstick and a werewolf

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Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!

Forgot to upload these over the last few days. Somewhat of a Harry Potter theme…and Zero!

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part one of some scorbus kisses for the Kiss Art February challenge hosted by @ violettnouvel on Instagram <3

i ain’t never seen two pretty best friends with the same aesthetic ones always got to be emo and the other looks like a golden retriever
