#quiet borderline


Am I actually having trouble breathing or is just my anxiety kicking in?

Fuck I don’t wanna do this anymore.

I’m so tired of this world.

Me * being too anxious and depressed to go to work * “I CAN’T”

Also me * being too anxious to tell my boss I can’t go to work cause of my anxiety and depression…and instead goes to work * “…. It’s just 8 hours… 7 if you finish fast and your boss is having a good day”

…….all I want is to sleep the entire day please

Do I identify as non binary or is it just me hating myself to the point that being enby and choosing they/them pronouns seems to be the furtherest away from myself?

Anyways happy pride month ️‍❤️

You really can’t take the hint can you??

I’m so tired of existing

For the fact that I don’t even wanna be alive, having to celebrate your birthday and being reminded of it just feels like a stab right into my soul with my eyes wide open. But hey “Happy Birthday to me”, right?

You go to bed to wake up again.

Everything’s the same. All over again.

“you can always talk to me if you feel like that”

I did, but you weren’t there…

Fuck fuck fuck when I need you you’re not there I thought you were my friend

9 am and I already had a panic attack at work. Going great so far…feel like I’m disappointing everyone no matter what decision I make.

Love sharing music with people. It’s the best way to get to know someone without having to talk.

Everything is going too fast. Please, it’s suffocating me, let me catch my breath.

Called in sick today for Uni cause I just mentally CAN’T but now I’m sitting here and feeling so bad for not attending uni cause physically I’m fine…. But my depression and anxiety are just over the roof.

Also my boss called me earlier and asked if I could work on Saturday so there goes my plan of using my weekend + holiday on Monday and trying to get out of the depression loop.

So now I’m sitting here, feeling anxious for not being at uni today and having to work tomorrow….

Stop fucking choosing favorite people only because they were nice to you once.

They won’t be around forever and you know deep down they don’t mean harm with that, but they simply have their own life. So you try to be reasonable and not be mad at them, but fail miserable.

This is a self portrait I took a couple years ago, for me this is what my mental illness looks like.

It’s Feeling detached from myself, it’s when I don’t even know who I am, its the constant battle inside my head, it’s the 13 hours I was asleep, it’s the monsters inside my head that say I’m better off dead, it’s the inability to cry anymore at something traumatic and then breaking down because I’m hungry. Its feeling everything way to intensely yet not feeling anything at all.
