#rant post


do mainstream authors know that they can make their heroes cry? like, they don’t have to just feel these overwhelming emotions dry-eyed?? and tears don’t make them weak??? it’s literally a natural bodily function that happens when you feel Strong Emotions????? and it’s lovely???????? and I just want more men in fiction crying pls it’s literally all I need????????? I swear it’s like I get blue balls waiting for these men to cry and they NEVER DO IT’S INHUMANE

Okay can I just talk about something.

This might be a bit waffley so bare with but I just need to get this off my chest.

What is it about TikTok that makes people lose all sense of fucking critical thinking and nuance.

Ever since using TikTok and interacting with the people and comments I’ve noticed a concerning thing. And that is that a lot of people on TikTok think that human beings are fucking 2d dimensional beings like poorly written characters BUT WERE REALLY NOT.

For example, someone will say something possibly controversial or even offensive, or someone could say something very widely agreed on and THEY WILL INSTANTLY BE LABELLED AS EITHER GOOD OR BAD. No I’m between just “this person said something mildly offensive = bad horrendous same level as hitler” or “this person said they supported gay rights = they are an angel blessed in this universe who can do nothing wrong”

It’s really frustrating as that’s just not how humans or the human mind works??? I mean come on have these people never heard of the saying “there’s no true evil in this world”

NO ONE is a completely horrible person and it’s important to recognise that ESPECIALLY when people want to learn and grow. I feel like this could be applied to the entirety of the internet but I notice it SO MUCH MORE on TikTok. Now don’t get me wrong is people do something out of line or offensive they should be told and hopefully take it well but that doesn’t mean you get to demonise someone because they made a mistake, because you know damn well everyone’s made offensive comments before because unfortunately we don’t come out the womb fucking omnipotent.

And yes I mean more than one mistake. A lot People act like you have 3 strikes and ur out when it comes to mistakes but AGAIN just not how humans work, people learn and grow and become better versions of them self everyday and when you treat them like shit for making mistakes it’s only going to slow that down.

I think it mainly stems from people just not realising that you truly do not know anything about famous people, whether they put on a persona or not you do not know that person, you consume their content but you just cannot know them personally, therefore don’t assume.

Tl;dr dear TikTok, treat people like actual fucking human beings instead of characters behind a screen thank you.


Hey guys can you do me a huge favor and not try to act and use me as a sex toy, I mean get to know a girl first! Thanks♥ Also just so you know just cuz a girl has a kink or sexual blog doesn’t mean she wants you in her pants!

How pathetic and unhappy do you have to be to say nasty shit to other people anonymously ?I’ve noticed that loosers here like to attack others in this platform using Anonymous asks , you have to be an extreme pussy to be doing that I literally imagine those individuals to be like, totally obese,ugly ,jobless, ( pedo vibes) and living in their mothers basements. If you’re one of those people and you just so happen to see this , suck my dick

I don’t even Want to stop eating to loose weight anymore I’m just tired of feeling controlless and over thinking about food. I’m tired of eating something and right after dictate myself for eating it, or wanting to be different body types nothing like mine every other day. one day my arms are too big, the next day my love handles or too big, the next day my ass is too small. One day I want to work on my muscle and eat protein, then the next day I’m worried if I’m gaining weight cause of the protein, then the next day I want to starve myself then the next day I want to keep my boobs. I’m exhausted. Why can’t I just be enough?



Why the FUCK are anons so disrespectful to slasher writers?

You know what I just discovered? That someone sent a fucking death threat to @slasherrabbitmadness. For fucking what? For taking so much time to write incredibly long and detailed fanfictions about slashers, theoretical relationships and smut with the reader? For being honest about her writing preferences and saying that she only writes for female readers? For going beyond fluff material and exploring the darker aspects of the slashers the wrote about? Whatever the fucking reason that shithead anon thought was a reasonable idea to send this woman death threats is never going to be a good fucking reason.

I’m about to go on a fucking list on what the fuck is wrong with you specifically bitch ass anons who think they’re fuckin’ slick.


First of all, these are writers who are writing for the fandom on their own accord. They’re using their own skills, on their own time, and most importantly for their own pleasure. Everyone else’s validation of their work comes SECOND. NOBODY is entitled to the time and skill from any fucking artist because they’re human beings too. If a writer doesn’t wanna write something, they don’t fucking have to.

Oh now what are you anons gonna do? You gonna fucking cry? Get the fuck over it, and tuck your crocodile tears back into your ass crack. Not every writer has the time or interest for all of your requests and that’s entirely fine because you simply cannot make someone do something they literally don’t have to do anyway. That’s life.

If you’re sitting up here and harassing writers because they literally just didn’t feel like doing your dinky ass request, move the fuck on and stop mentally reverting back to your kindergarten self. Your dumb, toilet clogged brain chooses to dehumanize writers from being people into the image of animals or robots who were built for your liking, and you need to fucking stop that if you wanna get on anyone’s good side.

A writer listening to your request and DOING IT is a privilege in its own right, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO NOTHING. When writers write for you, you say thank you. When they don’t, leave it at that and close your mouth.

These type of anons seem to wake up and expect the world to bend over backwards, create a buffet and kiss their cheesy anus when they should really be just grateful when any writer gives them time of the day and leave it the fuck at that.


I’m talking about fics that include the list of yandere, drug use, noncon, kidnap, and abuse themes. The issue with these themes is lessthat writers explore these concepts when writing about slashers, but morethat anons and some blogs in general feel the need to bully writers who choose to explore these areas in their works. Random anons seem to bully writers who do noncon, abuse and/or yandere fics involving slashers because they’re drunk on the fluffy side of the fandom while seemingly forgetting that these are SLASHERS.

I’m going to remind everyone in this fandom that slashers are NOT good people.

Michael got boners from murdering people in the novel, and even in the movies he’s incredibly perverted.

Freddy Kruger consistently flirts with his victims. He literally kissed people against their will.

Jason Voorhees kidnapped a girl and became obsessed with her because she looked like his mom in the 2009 remake.

Billy Lenz invaded a sorority home, sexually harassed them, and is heavily implied to have sexually abused both his sister and the girl found dead in the park.

Bubba Sawyer held his chainsaw to a girl’s pussy and let her live because he got horny. He was still ready to have her killed when Drayton said she had to be sacrificed for grandpa (the second movie).

Bo Sinclair straps people in his sex dungeon and is heavily implied to do “things” to them against their will.

Asa Emory, the Collector, was about to grope that one girl’s tiddies in the first movie. Jesse Cromeans literally sexually abuses his victims for snuff films.

Brahms Heelshire was NOT going to let Greta leave without giving him a “real kiss” during the scene of her tucking him in bed.

And that’s not even allof the perverted, and dark shit slashers do. All the writers who create darker stories really want to do is express how deeply disturbed many of the slashers canonically are in their works. They’re bringing attention to the fact that probably the vast majority of slashers totally fucking would hold you hostage, at the very least. But as I mentioned before, many people seem to prefer the “softer” sides of the slashers. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because some people just prefer reading the more “average” stuff while some writers just don’t like to write about darker things. That is A-okay.

But when people start harassing writers who write about darker themes just because “omg that is gross, how could you???” while turning around and dreaming about fucking and kissing Jason-kill count over 200-Voorhees, it just makes me wonder as to how people even got to that mindset.

Based on what I’ve seen, many people who hate darker fics about slashers to the point of bullying and wishing deathto the writers has to do with many things.

First is the fact that lots of people in the slasher fandom actually either never paid close attention to or even WATCHED the movies to help themselves understand WHY some writers would write them in a “certain” way. Even if you never watched Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Boy, or whatever and you simply don’t get what some people write about the slashers, your own confusion is absolutely no reason to harass people and I cannot fucking believeI have to explain this.

“But I’m a kid! You can’t write that because I’ll see it!!”.

Get. The fuck. Out of here.

Below is a screenshot to prove my second point:

Another is many people, again, simply being full of shit. Some blogs and users have a strong holier-than-thou attitude about writers in the slasher fandom to the point where they feel the need to go in their targets’ inboxes and insult them. Despite wanting fluffy content in their feed and easily having the ability to literally not read works with evil themes, these people feel SO empowered by their own preference that they ever so just “must” dictate what the fuck other people write and draw despite the source material consistently showing that we’re dealing with fictional, murderous, and mentally unstable characters.

If other writers or users in the fandom aren’t interpreting the slashers to how YOU think they should be interpreted, they apparently have to be burned at the stake….(sarcasm).

I’m going to go ahead and wrap this up by wishing the comfortability and safety of ANY writer who’s been harassed by randos in their inbox

Just to name a few at the top of my head:






@supremethunda gets an honorable mention even though she’s from the Marvel fandom. This is because she talked to me about the harassment towards writers in the Marvel fandom whenever they write fics with darker themes as well, and others can attest that the harassment there is even worse.

There are other people that have been harassed by some really rude anons before, but people sending one of my friends threats just hit the nerve for me to post this.

There needs to be more anons with humbleness, patience, appreciation towards the people they’re requesting from because for fuck’s sakes, they’re human beings too. They have jobs, hobbies, friends, family and emotions. Is it SO hard to be fucking nice? It’s not, so don’t be stupid to these people and remember to use respect.

That being said, Happy Monday, and remember to stay horny for slashers.



First of all, howdoes “Consensual Noncon” kink work?

Source: u/Jumbledcode. (2015). ‘Can anyone comment on why people (someone like me) enjoy rape/non-con story lines?’. r/TwoXChromosomes.

“I’d suggest that there are several factors that make up the appeal of non-con fantasies.

  1. Guilt/Self-image: For many people, their sexual/relationship desires don’t necessarily match their image of themselves, or alternatively they feel guilt over others’ perceptions of those desires. Rape fantasies allow them to mantain some illusion of denial over their desires while still indulging in the idea of them.
  2. Responsibility/Laziness: The appeal of abdicating control isn’t limited to avoiding guilt; it’s very tempting to want a scenario where you have no responsibility for maintaining your lifestyle/happiness. Similarly to before, it’s the appeal of being given what you secretly want without even having to choose it.
  3. Transgressiveness: A rape scenario has overtones of danger and taboo-breaking. These can easily be exciting and can therefore be a turn-on.
  4. Desire: Being wanted is often a huge turn-on, and the idea of someone desiring you enough to break laws and disregard everything to have you plays into this feeling.

To me, it seems that most people who fantasize about being the subject of rape do so due to some mix of these motivations I’ve mentioned. Of course, there are also those who have experiences which have taught them to associate non-consent with their sexuality, but that’s a separate issue”.

My personal explanation?

I don’t think calling fics that involve noncon “rape fics” and those who enjoy it “getting off to rape” is a very good way to put it. Many engaging and well done media pieces often involve some very dark themes. Again, Monster by Meg and Dia is a song that features the main character sexually abusing a girl he met. You COULD call this a “rape song”, but acting as if the rape is the only thing that matters in this story would be pretty..naive. The story has to do with an emotionally, and physically neglected/abused boy, who grows up and becomes an attention/love starved monster who’s SO starving for validation, that he believes forcing himself upon a girl he knew would “prove” to himself that he’s capable of being touched and loved. Of course, the main character eventually realizes that rape is not love, that what he did was wrong, and later kills himself in his own bathtub with kerosene and a match.

However, the assault aspect of this song is still a meaningful and alluring part because it talks about how emotional and physical abuse can warp someone’s perspective on reality, to the point where they think forcing someone to “stay” with them is how to create a healthy relationship. That’s the same energy I have for noncon fics, especially in the slasher fandom. Many slasher fics that contain noncon often have to do with the slasher preying on the reader because of their own fucked up mind. It’s intriguing because, let’s be honest, pretty much none of the slashers are in a pretty good mental space lmao. Thus, noncon actually falls more in line with how slashers would go about what they believe is a “good relationship” more often than quite a bit of fans here seem to believe. Again, Michael got boners, Jason chained someone up, Freddy smooches people against their will, Billy Lenz is a sex offender, Chromeskull makes snuff, yada yada yada, you know the drill. That being said, it’s interesting to see noncon being expressed with these characters because it gives us a new perspective on how fucked up they’d likely be if the world of sex and relationships was introduced to these characters.

Even if some fics do only involve the act of the noncon itself, reminder, there ARE people in real life with a consensual noncon kink. So these fics DO help their kink because they CHOSE to read the story, and to mentally engage with the character’s fictional actions for their personal pleasure. This is different from actual rape, which takes real physical and psychological power away from the victim, as well as actually endangering them. I can assure you, probably the vast majority of the people with consensual noncon kink can actually tell the difference between their fantasy and reality, and thus, are just as vulnerable to such heinous acts as anyone else because whaddya know, they’re still human beings.

In short: The “Consensual Noncon” kink doesn’t actually translate to “getting off on rape”. At least not rape that takes place in reality and impacts actual people. Consensual Noncon involves an altered, reverie sexual practice that only takes the “rough” characteristic fromrape rather than actually beingrape (lacking the consent as well as completely disregarding the other person’s thoughts and physical boundaries, which consensual noncon is actually notabout).

Now let’s address what the fuck you’re trying to say:


Honey, do you know what fandom you’re even in? We’re talking about slashers. Fictional characters who personally find satisfaction in murdering, stalking, and tormenting their victims. Look at the fucking source materials if you think they’re all “light hearted” and “fluffy”, because they’re not. Freddy-fucking-Krueger has sexually assaulted other characters, Leatherface acted perverted towards one of his victims, Brahms was getting touchy with Greta, and Michael gets off on murdering people as well as peeping on their sexual acts. These aren’t fucking Spongebob and Patrick characters, they’re characters that were literally created to be fucked up. If you have that big of a problem with people writing these characters to be fucked up, when you damn as fuck know good and well that these characters are fucked up, you should probably look for another fucking fandom.


Boo fucking hoo then. If you’re gonna be a massive Karen about people writing dark characters in a dark way, maybe you should go back to Playhouse Disney or some shit.


So you’re okay with people writing stories of slashers, fictional murders, murdering people in the name of the reader, but you’re not okay with the idea of a fic depicting slashers in a way that mixes their brutality with sexual urges? You’re okay with fictional murder, but you wanna police fictional sexual assault? Even when it’s in-character? Even when you could’ve literally just ignored my post if you were so triggered by it instead of wasting your time trying to look like you have any logical or moral high ground? You are fucking dense.


I think it’s interesting that you’re policing these writers, many of whom I know were victims of sexual assault themselves, in a way that you actually wish they received such heinous messages from people like you. So you’re out here, not understanding the dark and monstrous nature of the characters you claim to simp for, and wishing death upon people who experiment with their dark nature in a way they see fit? Does Rob Zombie deserve death threats for featuring Otis Driftwood? Who’s implied to be a serial murderer and rapist? Does John Carpenter deserve death threats for “glorifying” the nature of murder and stalking? Did Wes Craven need messages telling him to die because he wrote Freddy to be a monstrous influence on everyone around him, in a way that drives home that he is something to “fear”, and yet be allured by?

You are a fucking idiot.

None of these writers deserve to be told to die just because they rightfully experiment with how monstrous and frightening these characters are, for sticking to the canonical version of the character when they fucking feel like doing it. It displays the sexual complexity and eerie nature that these characters much likely possess, while it’s explicit for those aroused by the fantasy in which they consentedto read.

I’m sorry that your brain is too dumbto understand what I’ve been trying to say, too cuntishto politely ignore my post since you disagree with it SO MUCH, and too obviously jealousof these writers for them daring to not only produce such intriguing content, but to be brave enough to stick to the original guidelines of how these characters very much are like.

If I were sixteen, I would’ve told you to get hit by a fucking train until you’re reduced to minced meat, but I’m not going to do that because I learned that despite how irritating and goddamn hardheaded people often are, they’re still people who deserve basic respect (such as not being told to go kill themselves over fictional fucking stories).

So what I’m going to do insteadis tell you to shut the fuck up, get the fuckaway from my blog, stop pretending that you have a higher moral ground when you clearly don’t, and to practice reading comprehension before going after people’s messages.

Thank you, and good night.

everyone can smell my cologne in a 10 meter radius my hand quite literally slipped while putting it on whoops

got out of my flat to walk my dog at the exact same time as my neighbour to walk his dog. it’s 2am. love that for us

*reads something without thinking* which language was that in

I just realized I vent on here when I’m sad so I’m just gonna say

Bakudeku which is Bakugou and Deku from mha is just a toxic ship like bruh it’s just gonna turn out like mf sangwoo and yunbum if they lived together like i-

As a Bakugou kinnie I could never date someone like Deku- hes just too fucking innocent and annoying and I just wanna punch his fucking face everytime I fucking see it!?

Bakugou would need someone he feels safe around and thats protective so idk maybe like Shinso or Todoroki?

I didnt say Kirishima because although I like the ship I don’t think they’re meant for eachother relationship wise.

Todoroki possibly, mainly because he knows what it’s like to have daddy issues and some mommy issues and wouldn’t mind someone crying on his shoulder like Bakugou if he had a mental breakdown.

Shinso because he would most likely listen openly and would give good advice and also if Bakugou had any bad thoughts or tried to do anything Shinso could stop him.

The reason Bakugou is the way he is, is most likely Deku and Bakugou definitely isnt really the person to hold grudges okay.

I cant be bothered to read this back because I’m so tired but I cant sleep so.
