

Okay someone’s probably already done this before but the idea came to me and it’s such a self-callout atm so I had to

LAST WEEK’S STATS (09.13.20)
Height: 5'2" (157cm)
Weight: 159.8lbs (72.5kg)
BMI: 29.2 (Overweight)

NEW STATS (09.20.20)
Height: 5'2" (157cm)
Weight: 153.2lbs (69.5kg)
BMI: 28.0 (Overweight)

ILOSTby: -6.6lbs (-3kg), -1.6% BF, & -1.2 BMI Points


I guess that’s what happens when you only eat 3,490cal the whole week and also burn 14,309cal in total in the same week. ‍♀️ I’m going to try taking it easy for the first few days of this week (09.20 - 09.26), but I’m so excited right now; going back down to, or even past, my LW by next week should totally be a piece of cake!!

I don’t even Want to stop eating to loose weight anymore I’m just tired of feeling controlless and over thinking about food. I’m tired of eating something and right after dictate myself for eating it, or wanting to be different body types nothing like mine every other day. one day my arms are too big, the next day my love handles or too big, the next day my ass is too small. One day I want to work on my muscle and eat protein, then the next day I’m worried if I’m gaining weight cause of the protein, then the next day I want to starve myself then the next day I want to keep my boobs. I’m exhausted. Why can’t I just be enough?

Everyone: eating breakfast

Me: my arms are fucking huge so I’ll have to pass- *cough*I mean I can’t eat this early or I’ll get sick

Her hips: ).(


If you know then you know

Me: why do you care about changing your body so much, no matter how skinny you get someone else will be smaller and no matter how big your ass gets garentee someone will have a bigger rounder and juicier ass than you

Also me: my body Is a disgrace lol



Also tumblr: check out these innocent posts that will instantly trigger your ED

Imagine seeing a real life thinspo girl at a gourmet HAMBURGER joint and by the time you noticed her you were already half way done with your burger. That was my life last night

Me:Okay SOO I’m gonna Eat healthy fats, do squats and work on my curves today

Also me: you just wanna become slim thick like the rest of these Cookie cutter man pleasing insecure girls, you just want an exuse to eat today you dumb b*tch, have some discipline and put the food down

Ana and I have a strange relationship. One day I feel like I should eat avocados only for a week then the next day I’m convinced I don’t need to eat anything because I already ate yesterday.

Wonder what it’s like to be a normal fucking human being

Me: let’s check tumblr it’s been a while

Tumblr: okay incase you forgot, your not very skinny or have femanine curves, so your sort of …. idk…. unattractive? But that’s okay, just be who you are

#ed menes    #annorexix    #annorexyc    #ed life    #annorexxa    #ana tingz    #anablog    #tw ed behavior    #ana trigger    #ed tingz    #body dysphoria    #body dysmorphic disorder    

If you’re in a relationship with a guy and you’re wondering If maybe you’re straight up lesbain isnt it safe to assume you’re probably a suppressed in the closet lesbain? You could Atleast accept the bi sexual label but no you’re wondering if you straight up just want chicks for now on lol
