
5th edition dungeons and dragons only has the stats for the base modrons so over the course of the n5th edition dungeons and dragons only has the stats for the base modrons so over the course of the n5th edition dungeons and dragons only has the stats for the base modrons so over the course of the n

5th edition dungeons and dragons only has the stats for the base modrons so over the course of the next few days I’m posting videos on the Heirarch Modrons and making their stats.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcFsxfrenLv_Nx0oxSmBhA

Post link


Sirius:Yo mama so scary, you thought the monsters in your closet were friends.

Regulus: We have the same mom, siri.

Sirius: i guess that means we’re both sons of a bitch

Headcanon: Every mother’s day before the potter’s adopted sirius, he’d spend the entire day making yo mama jokes to regulus

Sirius:Yo mama so scary, you thought the monsters in your closet were friends.

Regulus: We have the same mom, siri.

Sirius: i guess that means we’re both sons of a bitch


barty coming in his dorm holding the UGLIEST cat in existence while pandora evan james dorcas and regulus are sitting there flabbergasted

evan: barty.. what IS that.

barty: a cat? duh!

dorcas: barty that is literally the ugliest creature i have ever met.

barty: please don’t talk about james that way.

james: OI???!!!!! I THINK YOUR CAT IS CUTE.

regulus: agreed. the cat is cute.

barty: not YOU james. my cat james. his name is also james.

james: you named your cat after me????

barty: it was either that or professor whiskerhooves

pandora: i would’ve chosen professor whiskerhooves!!!!!


barty: okay. i’ll come back later. clearly you all weren’t prepared to meet james regulus is a whore the fifth.

regulus: REGULUS IS A WHORE???

evan: THE FIFTH????

pandora: see you later james regulus is a whore the fifth!!


“Do you want to talk about it?” 

Regulus picks at the fuzz on his socks. Alphard’s been in and out all evening. Spying on him. Looking at his brother, Regulus wonders if Sirius is here to do the same.

“Do I want to talk about the fight I had with your best friend?” Regulus asks poignantly.

“No,” Sirius corrects, “do you want to talk about the fight you had with your boyfriend?”

Regulus sighs. He appreciates the effort - Sirius making the distinction that he’s here to support his brother, not defend his friend. Regulus is sure Sirius is aching to instil in him just how much James loves him but now isn’t the right time. Still, this is progress.

“I don’t want to do anything,” says Regulus. 

He hasn’t moved from his bed since he walked home from James’, tears glistening in his furious eyes. Part of him thinks he should rant and vent and curse James Potter dead, but he’s all angered out now, he’s lost all his fight. What’s the point in any of it?

“Okay,” says Sirius. He lies down on the bed beside Regulus. Gets comfy. “You can do nothing, but you’re not doing nothing alone.”

ms black and ms lestrange, before she became mrs lestrange (seeing as walburga was always ms black…)



Regulus Black - Infinitely

“Hang on!” I called as I wiped the paint from my hands and went to the banging door.

“Open up!” I heard Regulus yell through the wood.

“Regulus?” I said puzzled as he practically fell through the door as I opened it. “What an earth is the matter?”

“I’ve done it, I’ve found it.” He said in a frantic tone as he peeped out the windows and harshly pulled the blinds closed.

I switch on the light in the otherwise pitch black room. “Found what?”

“The Horcrux.” He whispered, as though saying the word alone would cause the whole world to collapse.

I frowned deeply. “The what?”

“Horcrux.” He hissed. “I can’t tell you anything; he’ll find you if I do.”

“Who will?” Worry began to bubble in my stomach.

His eyes flitted around nervously, tugging at the sleeve of his left arm. “I can’t say, you’ll hate me.”

“Who will find me, Regulus?” I asked again sternly.

“The Dark Lord.”

My stomach plummeted to hell as I stumbled back, bumping into a side table as shock raged through my bones. “You didn’t.”

“I…I had to…” he poorly excused as he dipped his head.

“Say you didn’t!” I screeched angrily.

He simply nodded back. Quickly, I raced towards him and gripped his arm, ripping the sleeve up. There, in an ugly way, led the Dark Mark that twisted and turned as I looked down at it. Quickly, Regulus snatched his arm away and pulled the sleeve back down, rubbing over it softly.

“I did it so I could better know how to get rid of him.” Regulus promised. “And I did.”

I eyed him warily. “How?”

“He’s split his soul, that’s what a Horcrux is.” He said. “If I destroy it, I’ll destroy him.”

“This seems dangerous.” I whispered.

“He hasn’t a clue I know, he let it slip to me one day where it was hidden.” Regulus’ eyes danced with excitement and fear, a terrible mixture that led to impulse decisions and an awful fate.

“If you destroy this, the Dark Lord dies and his followers are sure to abandon his message…” I repeated.

Regulus nodded. “Certainly.”

“This seems awfully important to him.” I noted quietly.

“It is!”

“Then wouldn’t you think he’d better hide it?” Regulus seemed to stop for a moment. “If this is the key to his downfall, he wouldn’t simply let it slip where it was. Besides, how do you know this is the only one? There could be hundreds.”

“I…I hadn’t thought of it.” Regulus confessed.

“What sorts of protections are over it? How do you know that you could actually get it?” I asked.

This seemed to shake Regulus greatly as he took a seat on a low armchair in the room, hands running through his hair nervously as he thought.

“I’ll take Kreatcher with me,” he concluded. “And if the worst happened I’ll send him away with it, to destroy it.”

“I hate when you talk like that.” I said.

“Like what?”

“Like this is the end.”

Regulus peered up at me sadly for a moment. “I have to do this, if I don’t…Godrik knows what he’ll do, what it’ll cost.”

“Join The Order, we have plenty of resources to better help you and-“

Regulus turned his nose up with a scoff. “Go crawling to them? My brother would have a laugh.”

“Put your pride above your life and just see what happens to you.” I snapped. “This is more than brotherly rivalry.”

Regulus frowned. “I don’t need him, I need to find this Horcrux and all will be fine.”


“I should go, I don’t know if I’ve been followed.” He said as he stood.

I quickly moved in front of the door. “Don’t do this, not alone.”

“I have to.”

“You don’t have to do anything alone, not if you simply ask for help.” I said wisely as he approached me.

“You know my feelings for you?” I nodded. “When this is done, I’ll leave my family…I’ll come to you.”

A tear slipped down my cheek. “For what?”

His hand gently felt over the soft skin of my cheek. “For marriage, and children…for a chance of living happily.”

Quickly I looped my arms around his neck and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. He started for a moment before melting into my hold and wrapping his arms around my waist. The kiss was sweet, a sort of until we meet again kiss.

“Promise me.” I whispered against his lips.

“I promise, my dear.” He hummed back.

Pressing a chaste kiss to my lips he moved me aside to get to the door, hasilty opening it before pausing to look back at me.

“I love you.” I said confidently.

A ghost of a smile graced his lips. “Infinitely.”

This will be the seventh post in our series on astrological magic. Since we’ve already talked about how the planets and parts should be placed, we are ready to discuss some of the theoretical basis for creating images which draw the power of the celestial bodies for specific purposes. Here you will learn a little about images, their function, and how they are made. Since the theory behind making effective images is very extensive, I will probably make more posts with information about it in the future. Keep in mind that although this post contains vital information for the art of astrological magic, you’ll probably have very limited success if this post is the only source you derive your methods from. Make sure to be safe, and feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

Making effective and practical images which conduct the power of the heavens is a particularly important skill to have if you want your magic to be effective. To successfully do this, you’ll need to understand that everything made at a given time permanently takes on some of the properties of the heavens above it at that time. For that reason, when you’re making an image with the intention of conducting the power of specific celestial bodies, it’s important that you know about some of the symbols and images which are associated with the bodies whose power you’re using.

There are many types of images, and they can be based on any type of heavenly or earthly source, depending on their purpose. It’s possible to create an image for any purpose you could ever need. You should get to know some of the more basic images and what they can do if you want an idea of the connection between symbol and function. In the next post, I plan to go over some of the more basic images, such as those of the zodiac signs, their functions, and how they can be used. In this post, I will address some kinds of images which aren’t of the zodiac (some of which are heavenly, and others of which are derived from other sources).

Aside from the stars directly concerned with the zodiac and its workings, there are many other constellations and images in the sky, each with its own symbolism and mythological background. For example, Canis Major (the Dog) is good for casting images to help protect a person or place from plagues or epidemics, edema, and vicious animals. Another example is the constellation called Serpentarius (the Snake), which is good for curing poisons and snake bites (or other venemous bites). I’m certain that you could find an effective use for any constellation you wish, if you look for one which suits your purposes. Just keep in mind the particular image the constellation represents (for example, Pegasus pertains to horses, and this is obvious because its image is a winged horse), and if it represents a particular mythological figure with a story behind it, research the figure to learn more about its potential (for example, Hercules is a constellation, and he has a long mythological story which can help provide insight into many of the ways his constellation can be used).

There are also images which aren’t derived from anything in the heavens. These are perfectly effective in their own right, and I will briefly discuss their use here. Images of this kind include things like effigies. You could make an image in the likeness of two people you dislike fighting each other, for example. You could also make an image which looks like a mangled or maimed version of a person or thing which you want to see destroyed or suffering. Just remember that if your image represents a living thing, your desired effect should be written on its belly if your intentions are benevolent, or its back if your intentions are malevolent. Make sure the species of the thing the image depicts is written on its forehead (this particular concept of labeling is mentioned twice in Revelation, and probably in numerous other religious or biblical texts). On the chest of your image, you should write the name of the ascendant at the time of your casting the image, as well as its ruling planet and the angels (or other appropriate spirits, if you’d rather not deal with angels) who rule over it (and their seals or characters). These images are then treated accordingly.

After its creation, what should be done with an image depends on the purpose. They can be left hanging from a relevant place, or worn on the body somewhere, or buried. In the past, British folk magicians and witches would hang many different kinds of charms in their chimneys, some for positive effects or protection, and others for harming people (there is some debate as to why they decided to hang the charms there). They can he hanged from a tree to be exposed to the wind, while hanging them upside-down has different effects than hanging them normally. Sometimes these images are boiled in water. And of course, the best-known treatment (which is still practiced widely, even by people who don’t consider themselves magic users at all) is to burn the effigy in a fire, such as the British do every November. What you do with an image you’ve made, combined with the intent and emotion you put into your work continue to affect this particular kind of image and its subject as long as you continue to interact with it.

Even in the practices of making images that aren’t directly based on zodiacal imagery, it’s useful to use elective astrology in advance to decide on a good time to cast them and carry out your will on them. Some ancient Arabic astrologers actually claim it’s possible to actually infuse images you’ve created with a soul comparable in magnitude to that of a living thing if you properly perform these practices. Most historical astrological magicians I’ve researched seem to agree that images from the zodiac are usually far more powerful than other types of magical images, and are definitely capable of greater things than words are. They also, however, recommend that you use a prayer or clearly worded petition which asks for the thing you’re seeking. If you can refer to the specific astrological conditions which are present at the time, and to their effects which can help you, you should certainly make sure to do that in your prayer.

There are images for the fixed stars, too. These vary depending on the source of information, but I will explain the images the Hermetics tend to use for them. Here is an extensive post which details the materials and other things ruled over by the fixed stars (as well as the signs and planets). Below are some of the images of the fixed stars, along with their uses.

Algol’s image is a man’s head with a bloody neck. This image is useful for making a person more bold or noble. It can help protect from injury, and ward off malicious magic and witchcraft.

Pleiades has the image of a lamp or a virgin. These images can help you see at night, bring multiple spirits to a place, make the wind blow, and make hidden things seen.

Aldebaran has the image of a man flying, which some sources also say is the likeness of God. This image is useful for gaining wealth and social status.

Capella’s image is a man ready to play a musical instrument or dance. It’s useful to carry with you if you want to be respected and accepted by people in positions of power, and it can also be used to alleviate toothaches.

Sirius’s image is a virgin with her dog. This image brings kind intentions from others, and can put you in the favor of the aerial spirits (such as those in Ars Theurgia Goetia). It can also help you to calm people who are angry, including people in positions of power or authority.

Procyon’s image is a rooster, or alternately of three maids. It’s a useful image for gaining the favor of divine beings, spirits, and people. It also helps protect from witchcraft and health problems.

Regulus’s image can be a lion, cat, or a person deserving of respect sitting in a chair. It makes people more agreeable and reduces anger.

Alkaid’s image is a man in deep thought, or a bull or calf. It can protect a person from malicious magic, and helps safe travel.

Gienah’s image is a raven, a snake, or a black man (or perhaps a man of any ethnicity who has dark hair) in black clothes. It can make a person ambitious and charismatic. It can also cause wet dreams. It can help you get rid of malicious spirits, or draw them in. It’s also helpful protection against people who intend harm, and wind.

Spica’s image is a bird or a merchant carrying lots of wares. It can help you gain money and abundance, and protects against ill will and petty mischief.

Arcturus’s image is of a horse, wolf, or dancing man. It can help reduce fevers and promote blood health.

Alphecca’s image is a hen, or of a man wearing a crown. It can help you be pure and loved by other people.

Antares’s image is a man-at-arms in chain mail, or a scorpion. It can help you remember and comprehend things well. It helps you have a healthy complexion. It can also help you repel or control evil spirits.

Vega’s image is a vulture, hen, or traveler. It can help you be charitable and have good self-esteem. It gives you some control over demons and animals.

Delta Capricorni (also called Deneb Algedi) has the image of a goat or male deer, or an angry man. It can help you gain wealth or success, and can make people angrier.

I hope this has given you some understanding of magical images and how they work. I’ll be continuing this series soon, hopefully explaining a few more images, and then talking about things which are ruled by each of the planets, signs, and fixed stars.


You & Me | Part 2 | Regulus

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy! The next part will be back on the main timeline, so there won’t be a choice after this. Click here for part one.

“I’m sorry, Sirius, I should really go after him,” You frowned, watching Regulus stomp down the hallway, “He’s not as strong as you- or he- thinks he is.”

Sirius let out a sigh, nodding, “A raincheck, then?”

“A raincheck,” You said, “I’ll see you around.”

Then, you turned around, half jogging towards Regulus.

Once you caught up to him, you were practically panting, exclaiming, “Do you have any idea how long these corridors are, Reg?”

But he didn’t say a word.

“Giving me the cold shoulder, are you?” You scoffed, “I’m walking you to class, you know. Like a good friend.”

“Only after I walked off,” He muttered, arms crossed against his chest.

You rolled your eyes, grabbing him by the shoulder and stopping him from continuing to sulk, “Really, Reg? I was trying to be nice. Because he’s your brother and we were going the same way anyway. If you took it the wrong way, then that’s your doing, not mine. Your my best friend, Reg, I’m not going to leave you alone when you’re upset. Surely you know that?”

Regulus was hesitant to meet your eyes. He felt guilty, really. Had he prevented you from making a new friend? Yes. Was that new friend his brother who always seemed to overshadow him? Also yes.

He shook the thoughts out of his head, his eyes finally meeting yours, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was being immature.”

You nodded, “Just don’t let it happen again, alright?”

The two of you started walking towards potions, his next class, when you asked the question you were dying to know, “Why’d you get so upset?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Come on, Reg, you know you can tell my anything,” You said, leaning your head on his shoulder, “Please?”

He shook his head, “No, I know you and you’re going to take it the wrong way.”

“Watch it, Black.” You hissed, taking a deep breath a moment later, “Tell me.”

“I was jealous, alright?” He frowned, “Sirius gets everything he wants. A spot of the Quidditch team, a group of friends. I was worried that once the two of you got talking, he’d get you, too.”

You sighed, “For starters, no one can "get me”. I’m not an object. Secondly, you’re my best friend. No one’s taking that title away from you. As for your jealousy, I’ll have to see about that one.“

His eyes widened, "See about what? What are you going to do?”

But you kept on walking, a smirk on your face as he chased after you.

“Y/N? Come on, tell me?”

He stopped in his tracks as you kept walking, calling over your shoulder, “Are you coming or not?”

Then it hit him: he was chasing after you. Like always. But if he could make the choice to spend his whole life chasing after you in exchange for even a moment with you, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
