


If you stop looking at your phone in every free moment it will feel a lot more anxiety-inducing at first but after a day or two you will settle into a slower way of thinking and eventually you will spend the whole morning looking at the sun rise through the window while you sip coffee or hold your sleeping partner and your thoughts wont feel like they’re on a treadmill

Art Drafts Due This Sunday (15th May!) Please don’t forget to send us your work - or to let us know

Art Drafts Due This Sunday (15th May!)

Please don’t forget to send us your work - or to let us know if you have a problem.  We are happy to grant short extensions if they’re required.

We’re super excited by the beautiful submissions we’ve received so far!

The TRSB Mod Team

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hi! i started this tumblr account when i was 15, and i’m 20 now. i just came to look back on everything and i’m so proud of myself. keep your head up, life gets better. a few years back i didn’t plan on living much longer but now i’ve been in a happy relationship for two years, we moved away from our hometown together, adopted two cats, and i’m a full time artist. wow. life is amazing. and i believe in every one of you and all the positivity i put out on this page. (btw my small biz is @gonelucidart on instagram and gonelucidart.com)

idk who needs to hear this but your nose looks fine. you don’t need a nose job


a list of very good things:

  • clean sheets
  • the sound of rain
  • really good coffee
  • nice smelling candles
  • clean hair
  • good books
  • wearing an outfit that makes u feel cute
  • talking with friends until 4 in the morning
  • a friend randomly pinching your cheek
  • complimenting people
  • seeing little kids play with their parents
  • nice, warm hugs
  • inside jokes
  • smiling at babies
  • good music
  • a new wallpaper for your phone
  • looking back at old pictures of people you love
  • the smell of outside after it rains
  • the smell of book shops
  • playing an instrument after you haven’t for a long time
  • moments where you realize you’re in love with the world
  • sunny, warm days
  • best friends laughing together in the mall
  • seeing amazing movies
  • reading a book you’ve wanted to read for a long time
  • really good food
  • doing something you were afraid of and having a really good time
  • getting ur eyeliner perfect
  • having a joke land just right
  • getting to know someone
  • a stranger reading your favorite book on the subway
  • ur package arriving in the mail
  • someone u rlly like texting u back
  • cute puppies and kittens
  • someonegetting it
  • someone buying ur favorite thing/knowing ur order without thinking
  • “this made me think of you”
  • random good morning texts
  • telling ur friends how much u love them
  • finally getting ur braces off
  • really good writing
  • when ur house is clean and the sun is filtering in through the windows
  • the smell of ur favorite person
  • reading good poetry
  • getting to kno urself
  • when u get a good nights sleep
  • sleepovers with friends
  • little kids being funny with each other
  • new socks
  • coming home to ur dog/cat/pet
  • cookies
  • ferris wheels at night
  • going to a restaurant with friends and being too loud
  • being proud of something you made
  • people who light up rooms
  • understanding something after not getting it for the longest time
  • answering a question right
  • hot chocolate
  • good coffee
  • good smelling lotion
  • putting on perfume
  • taking a really long shower and feeling good after
  • moments where you feel whole and light
  • telling a joke that makes someone laugh
  • buying someone a gift
  • ur fav smell


Be happy for people. Especially the ones you love. No one is taking what is yours, whatever they have is theirs. The things that are meant for you, find you. Work to find them by all means. But jealousy will never bring you something that isn’t meant for you, nothing will x



things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever

  • change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
  • move the pictures on your wall
  • stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
  • slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
  • change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
  • drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
  • shower with the lights off, without music
  • buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
  • start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
  • wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
  • listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015

Almost all of these are about variety. Humans need stimulation! We need enrichment! We literally cannot do the same thing every day!

The other day I was feeling miserable, so I hopped on a bus and rode it all the way back to where I’d started, and my brain, which had finally had some proper stimulation via new environments, was suddenly ready to go again!

This is why taking walks/drives and trying new hobbies are good for you! Don’t turn yourself into a sad zoo animal! You need some pumpkins to roll around in your enclosure!


back to school reminders:

  • your grades don’t define you
  • mental health is a priority
  • not doing some homework assignments isn’t the end of the world
  • turn things in on time even if they aren’t completely done
  • you don’t need a perfect GPA to go to college
  • apply for scholarships
  • drama is exhausting; try to avoid it
  • ask for help when you need it
  • you aren’t stupid for not knowing everything
  • not every friend is a real one
  • teachers aren’t always right
  • everyone makes mistakes
  • you can do it


do not put up with passive agression. the people in your life should respect you enough to be straight forward with you. If someone does not come to you directly with an issue, it is not yours too fix. you can’t spend all your time picking apart your relationship with someone, searching for what you did, and blaming yourself when you don’t even know what for. it’s not fair for people to put you through that.


Just a reminder that ALL progress should be celebrated

harmony-is-happiness:Text source: Based off this post by @amelia-rayshen Please don’t remove the sou


Text source: Based off this postby@amelia-rayshen 
Please don’t remove the source.

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this is your friendly reminder that although social media is popular and everyone seems to have it, you shouldn’t feel pressured to keep up and you don’t have to be there for everything. it’s okay if you just watch youtube videos and tik toks and to delete instagram whenever it bores you or makes you feel insecure or anxious. there’s a world out there you’re allowed to experience without being part of this online culture.

These reminders are nice.



eating is a good thing. feeding yourself is a good thing.

The second your actions intentionally work to make a marginalized person feel small, disposable, rep

The second your actions intentionally work to make a marginalized person feel small, disposable, replaceable, or usable, you are no longer acting within an intersectional framework. #criticalracetheory #feminisms #reminder

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