#sally jackson




grover goes away a lot for missions for Lord of the Wild Business™. sometimes it’s far from camp, sometimes it’s relatively nearby. a lot of them just happen to be in the more rural parts of the state of new york

he makes it a habit to always stop by the jacksons’ before going back to camp

it doesn’t matter if percy is there or not (and eventually grover forgets to use their mental bond to check), grover will show up at their door and sally will let him in offering hugs, food, a place on their couch, and an eager listener if he wants to talk about his mission 

usually, grover is exhausted and falls asleep almost immediately. there are a few missions where he shows up and sleeps on the couch for a day or two. after a particularly hard one, grover wakes up after a few days to find percy had moved him into his bedroom and taken the couch instead. sometimes, paul is there instead of sally, but is just as eager to talk. sometimes, all three are there and grover joins them for family dinners

sometimes, no one is there. percy will be off at school or at camp, sally and paul will be out or at work. once, grover falls asleep on their doormat. they give him a key, but he keeps losing it, so percy hides a key for grover under the mat (“not very secure,” grover says. percy shrugs and takes another cookie. “i think i can handle it”)

whenever grover falls asleep in the empty apartment, he always wakes up covered in a blanket with a glass of water and some sort of snack on the coffee table in front of him, because the jacksons know how to take care of family
