#sam winchester x reader


Part 2 here

Warnings: None except light cursing

He chuckled at the tear that had rolled down your cheek before using his finger to wipe it away, he locked eyes with you and brought his hand to his mouth, he licked the tear off his finger, still holding your gaze. You broke the contact and looked down at your bound wrists.

You finally looked up at the monster of a man in front of you. He made you sick, killing people and ruining lives meant nothing to him, he saw it all as a mere game. And to your surprise, he hadn't laid a hand on you, yet, except for that brief moment. As much as you wanted to hate him you knew it wasn’t his fault he was a sociopath, but what he chose to do with his lack of guilt and sympathy was completely up to him. 

He was still staring at you, it’s like his eyes had been glued to you ever since you had gotten there. 

“What are you going to do to me?” You asked, finally bringing yourself to speak. He looked taken aback that you had the courage to even talk but out of everyone you were one of the few people that had sympathy for him, and not as much fear. He chuckled yet again “I don’t know, maybe torture you.” he spoke as a small smile spread across his face. You took a deep breath and pushed yourself as far back into the chair as you could. 

You looked at him again, “Do you enjoy killing people, being feared?” you asked, watching his expression shift. For maybe the first time this encounter he tore his eyes away from you. 

“I like being a sociopath. You know, I’m not burdened by things like guilt or love.” He said looking down and then looking back up. “Are you sure, not even in your own way, you don’t love anyone, not even one person?” 

He sighed, “Ugh, I forgot you are a psychology major.” He groaned. You slightly smiled, unaware of why Kai Parker remembering something about you made you a little bit happy. 

You looked back up and again he was staring at you, you stared back, noticing how blue his eyes were. “It’s a bitch isn’t it, loving someone?” You asked, hoping to get something out of him to see that he wasn’t all bad. That maybe there was one glimmer of hope to see that there was something in him worth saving. “Yeah.” He breathed. Continuing to stare into your eyes. You could feel a slight grin trying to play on your features. Something about him saying gave you a happy but odd feeling. He leaned forward a tad before stopping and looking at the door behind you. You turned around to see the door being flung open. 

Stefan and Damon walked into the room. “Y/n!” He yelled, running over to you. You looked at where Kai had been to see an empty seat. “Stefan.” You sighed happily. He reached for the ropes, getting burned as he touched them, clever bitch had covered them in vervain. Stefan fought through it and continued to untie you. 

Damon walked back to you and Stefan. “He’s gone,” Damon said, picking up a chair and throwing it across the room. “If Kai wants a fight he’ll show,” Stefan said looking at his brother. You nodded and Stefan put an arm around you ushering you to the door that they had broken off the hinges. As you walked you looked around, spotting a dark shape up in the rafters of the building. 

Kai’s eyes found a way to yours once again, you kept the gaze locked, confused with yourself as to why you weren’t screaming at Damon that you knew where he was, instead you watched his expression soften as he watched you walk out with the brothers. You broke the intense contact when you looked down, smiling softly. 


Sorry, this took so long to get up and sorry to whoever requested it, I accidentally deleted the request before I could copy it. So I kinda left it on a cliffhanger so you guys could choose what you wanted the ending to be

Imagine: You and Dean being enemies but thinking you are soulmates (I think?)

Dean Winchester x  Female Reader

Word Count: 1351

Soulmate Aus

Sam glared at his brother for about the 102nd time that day and shook his head. “Dean are you really sure you want to do this?” He asked climbing out of the car alongside Dean as they walked towards the towering houses lining the street.

They walked straight up to the front door and knocked. They waited about 3 minutes and got what they were looking for, no answer. Sam walked around back, looking for any open windows or doors and Dean did the same. They both looked up to the second floor at a window that was left open. “How do you even know this one is her?” He asked. “Dean we’ve checked every city hall with the same name as hers in every city we’ve stopped in. How do you know she’s not your enemy?”

Dean looked down at Sam from the fire escape he was currently climbing up. “ Because, Sam, she just is, I know it’s weird but I just, I don’t know, I just feel it.” He said as he reached the small platform near the window. “And with how the last time I saw Cassie, it didn’t end well, at all.” He shook his head dramatically. Sam looked up at Dean and frowned.

They walked around the room picking up little objects and looking at them. Dean plopped down on the bed causing a big groan to come from the frame. He looked down and raised his eyebrows and smirked causing Sam to scoff. “Dude, if you really want to meet her, why don’t you just knock on the door maybe, oh uh, I don’t know, when she’s home.” Dean got up looking around at pictures of probably one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen and some of her friends, he was guessing.

“Because that would be weird, just showing up at her door and saying hey I think we’re soulmates.” He yelled. “Oh, but you stalking her isn’t?” Sam asked, chuckling. “I am, I am not stalking,” Dean said back, walking over to a dry erase board calendar. Dean looked at the date and looked at the activities planned for that day. He grabbed a picture from the wall and ushered Sam and himself back down the fire escape.
374 Tobler road. The shiny black impala sat outside the company building waiting for the same beautiful girl he’d seen in the picture.

Soulmate and Enemy. One of those words brought great happiness and the other brought nothing but pain and misery. On everyone’s wrist, each held a name, one was your destined soulmate and one was your sworn enemy. On your left wrist, you had the name Casen Anderson and on your right, you had the name, Dean Winchester. You knew Casen, he was your boss after all, who you had dated, twice. Dean, however, was someone you had never met.

You hated Casen with everything in you so you thought that he was your enemy, for a short while you were sure that he was your soulmate because of that you two gave it another go and now here you were, alone in some restaurant by yourself downing milkshakes and fries as they came to you.

The door to the quaint diner opened and in came two guys. They sat down in the booth in front of you. You glanced up from your half-empty milkshake to see a brawny dirty blonde man facing you. You quickly raked his features, taking in his green eyes, his boyish features, his hair spiked into a quiff and his worn leather jacket that was about 2 sizes too big. You stared back into your milkshake and let a small smile play on your lips. The particular reason why? You had absolutely no idea.

You paid your bill and finished your drink, heading outside. You got into your car and locked your door, you turned on your ignition. Your engine sputtered and you sighed. How wonderful you thought to yourself, first you get stood up, second you drink about 6 milkshakes in an hour and now your car wasn’t working. You let out an exasperated sigh and strutted back inside. You sat back down and huffed. You shoved yourself to the back of the wall in the booth and pulled your knees against your chest. You didn’t know what it was but everything just felt like it was going downhill.

Sam looked down at the menu groaning. “Why does every place you choose only have burgers on the menu?” But Dean didn’t answer, instead, he stared at the damsel in distress in front of him. It was the same girl who had given him butterflies earlier the same girl who he had seen drink 2 milkshakes in 20 minutes and to him that was amazing, and the same gorgeous girl who he had seen scattered in pictures on the wall.

“Dean.” Sam whisper yelled. He snapped out of his gaze and Sam turned around and looked at you. “Hold on,” Dean said, sliding out of his seat.

“Hey, are you okay?” A gravely voice asked. You looked up, looking at the attractive man in front of you. “Yeah, I’m just having a bit of a rough day.” You said, taking in his features again. “Well, uh, I’m Y/n.” You said, not that you didn’t want him there but anyone that wasn’t your soulmate you didn’t really want anyone talking to you right now.

“Dean, Dean Winchester.” He said smiling. Your eyes widened and you swear you could hear your jaw drop to the floor. You flailed your arms around, probably looking like an idiot in front of everyone. You flung your arm forward and pulled up your right sleeve shoving it towards Dean.

He held a knowing smile on his features and shrugged off his jacket showing you his wrist. In black markings was your name in elegant writing. You gave him a confused look. “Um, what is happening to that name.” You asked, looking at Dean’s wrist. He looked down giving a confused frown and shrugged. “They probably disappear when you meet your soulmate.” How was he so nonchalant about this. No one you’d ever met had had this happen before.  

You lifted up your left sleeve to reveal a blank wrist. You couldn’t lie, you were freaking out just a tad. You held out your wrist to Dean for the second time and showed him as well. “See, it looks like its completely normal.” He smiled, before lightly tugging your sleeve back down. He shrugged his jacket back on and slid into the booth next to you. He pointed his finger to the booth in front of you guys. “That is little brother, Sam.” He said picking up a cherry stem you had left on the table and chucked it at Sam. He turned around with an annoyed look on his face “Dude.” He said warningly. You chuckled, covering your face with your hand as you watched him turn back around and go back to whatever he was doing.

You and Dean were having the time of your lives, talking about things that you had done or wanted to do, just talking about life in general. Dean had told you about what he had done for a living and at first, you didn’t believe him, but with a little explaining, you found it easy to trust and believe him. You two talked about everything you could think about, Sam had already left and driven back to the apparent motel that they were staying at.

You were in the middle of laughing at one of Dean’s hunting gone awry story when a waitress came over and told you that they were closing. You guys were getting ready to leave, pulling out some cash for the bill when you heard the waitress say “Were closing sir.” to someone who had just walked in. You grabbed onto Dean’s arm and began to walk out with him, still laughing as he told his story. Your joy stopped abruptly as you looked at the man in front of you.


Ok so you know what I love so much is how Sam and Dean went from being these hunters who weren’t really anybody in the beginning and just following in their dad’s footsteps but now it’s like everyone and monster fears them, like after those two hunters killed Sam and they said “do you really want to have Dean Winchester on your ass for the rest of your life like yes bitch fear them It just makes me so happy or when they said we’re not trapped out here with you you’re trapped out here with us and idk it’s just something that makes me so mf happy

This list is inspired and partially taken from @r-evolve-art  ‘s au masterlist.
Message me if you have a request for one of these, I would be more than happy to write it

* You have each other’s names on your wrist

* You have the name of your soulmate and the name on your enemy o on your wrist, you have to figure out which is which

* Your last words to each other are written on your arm

* You can only see color when you first meet your soulmate

* Time stops at a certain age, if you haven’t met your soulmate, or if they aren’t born yet you stay the same age until they reach yours

*  Each year imprinted on your arm, whispered in a dream, sent in a mail or whatever, is a hint to who/where is your soulmate

* Meter of how in danger your soulmate is

* You can only see shades of your soulmates eye color until you meet 

*  You get the same injuries as your soulmate

*  Soulmate’s share a heaven/afterlife

* You and your soulmate share dreams, you can communicate in them but you can’t remember each other’s faces when you wake up

* It is impossible to lie to your destined soulmate

* Only your soulmate can kill you

*  On top of everybody’s head is the name of their soulmate. You can’t see your own. If you tell somebody their soulmate’s name, something unfortunate/death will happen to them/yourself/a soulmate

* When you finally get within the mile of your soulmate the day repeats until you find them (Kind of like a time loop)

* Mysterious letter detailing to one person when they’ll meet, and another letter detailing where they’ll meet to their soulmate, but not both (Person A gets when they’ll meet, Person B gets where they’ll meet) 

* Soulmates are the same (souls) throughout all lives, including past lives
*  Everyone receives a picture of their soulmate (at a certain age) taken the year they met

* A mirror that you can see and talk to your soulmate in, all bodies and faces are distorted so you can’t see who it is until you meet certain criteria 

* Everyone is born knowing their soulmates biggest (Maybe future) secret

* When you’re born you get a list of your soulmates biggest insecurities, you have to find out who they are based on the list

*  You meet your soulmate the day after the worst event of your life



Winchesters x Reader

Summary: When Sam and Dean visit a witness for questioning, they’re surprised to find someone else waiting for them instead. Though they haven’t a clue of who she is, she knows them all too well…


“Hiya sweetheart. We have a few questions to ask, so what do you say you let us in?”

Y/N looked out the crack of the door, and saw two men waiting outside. The one who had just spoken flashed her a smile as the other nudged him in the side. 

She appraised them with a lifted brow. “You’re expecting me to invite two strangers into the house just like that?”

“Dean, be professional!” the taller man hissed. He turned back at Y/N and cleared his throat. “Sorry Miss, my partner is still a little hazy about the whole introductions thing.” He flashed a badge and gave a quick smile. “I’m agent Farell and this is my partner, Agent Hodgson. We’re here about the Riverside murders.” 

“FBI,” Y/N nodded. “Come on in.” 

She opened the door wide, and let the men follow her into the parlor. She smiled to herself when she heard them whispering behind her. 

“I don’t know about this, Sammy. This house is supposed to be owned by a Mrs McGregor. The chick that let us in looks kinda young to be an 86 years old granny…”

“Maybe she’s a relative? We can’t be sure until- Dean! Put the gun away!”

Y/N turned around and smiled sweetly. “Is everything alright back there, Agents?” She sensed Sam and Dean’s caution and was pleased by their obvious discomfort. This was going to be fun…

“Everything’s just dandy,” Dean replied with a bite. 

The trio made it to a brightly lit room and Y/N leaned against a table. “So, you guys wanted to talk about the Riverside killings?” 

Dean glared at her with pursed lips, his hand shadowing over his holster. Y/N eyed him warily. 

“That’s right,” Sam said. “But we came to see Mrs McGregor. Who are you?”

Y/N wracked her brain, trying to think of an answer. “I’m an aid,” she said quickly.

“Funny,” Dean huffed. “You see, we talked to McGregor’s son just this morning, and he told us that she lived alone.”

Y/N looked back at Sam and Dean’s darkened expressions. Both were slowly inching closer to her and teasing them suddenly wasn’t as fun as it was before. 

She backed up with a nervous laugh. “Okay, confession time… my name is Y/N and I’m not an aid. You guys are Sam and Dean Winchester, right?” 

Sam pulled out a silver blade as Dean cased the room. “How do you know our names?” he demanded.

Before she could respond, Dean yelled out from a far corner of the parlor. “Sam, I found Mrs McGregor!”

Y/N closed her eyes. “Oh crap,” she muttered. 

“Well?” Sam asked. “Where is she?” 

Dean stood up from the corner he was hunched over. “She’s dead,” he said simply. 

Y/N felt her heart race and she held her hands up in surrender. “Listen, I can explain-”

“Sorry sweetheart, there’s no explaining a dead body in your house,” Dean interrupted. “Something tells me you’re not keeping it there for décor.” 

“You’re a demon aren’t you?” Sam said, his eyes narrowed. He pointed his blade at her and cocked his head. 

“Yes. Well, no! A demon has been behind the Riverside murders, but I’m not-”

“Good enough for me!” Dean lunged at Y/N from the right and knocked her to the ground. She gasped for air as she landed on the dense tile. She managed to push him away as she scrambled to stand.

“You need to listen to me,” Y/N said. “I’m not your enemy!” She latched onto the edge of a table, but felt a strong grip pull her back and knock her to the ground once more. She looked up and saw Sam leaning over her, his blade lifted above her chest. 

She scratched at his polyester suit and looked at him pleadingly. “Sam, please. You have to believe me!”

He was just about to swing down his weapon when the front door opened with a bang. “What the hell do you idjits think you’re doing?” a voice boomed. 

“Hey Bobby.” Y/N managed weakly from underneath Sam. “A little help here?” 

The Winchesters turned in awe. “Bobby?” they said in unison. 

“In the flesh,” the hunter huffed, bounding over with a scowl. “Boy, lower the shank and get off her before I get over there, myself.”

Sam gulped and raised himself slowly. He offered out a hand sheepishly and helped Y/N to her feet. 

Dean took a few steps forward, his brows furrowed. “Alright, what are we missing here?” he asked. “She’s a demon!”

Bobby turned to him with a squint. “She ain’t no demon!” he barked. “She’s my protégé!”

Y/N cleared her throat and waved awkwardly. “Hey guys,” she said. “I’m Y/N. I’m new to the whole hunter thing, so Bobby has been helping me out.”

“When I heard you boys were working a case not far from us, I figured we’d drive over. Have you two give Y/N some pointers,” Bobby explained. “As luck would have it, we stumbled by McGregor’s home. Found her dead.”

Sam looked at Y/N and quirked a brow. “Why didn’t you tell us from the start?” he asked. 

She shrugged. “I’ve heard a lot about you two, I just wanted to mess around. Test the legendary Winchesters, you know?”

“That was stupid,” Bobby said, shaking his head. “Never get on Sam and Dean’s bad side.”

“I think I get that now,” Y/N mumbled. 

“So just to be clear,” Dean started, with a glint in his eye. “She’s a hunter, and not some dangerous entity from downstairs?” Bobby shot him a look of warning. “Boy-”

Dean waved him off and squeezed himself beside Y/N, pushing Sam aside. “I’ve gotta tell you, I’m so sorry about what my brother did back there. I still tried to tell him to get your side of the story before going all Ghost Face on you with the knife…” Y/N crossed her arms as Dean flashed her a bright smile. 

“Are you kidding me Dean?” Sam scoffed. “You’re the one who was pulling out the gun without-”

“Shhh… Give me a second here, Sammy,” Dean hissed before turning back at Y/N. “Anyway, I know a great little bar not too far from here. Maybe we could go for drinks sometime?” He winked and pointed with a snap. “My treat.”

Y/N looked at him, trying to hide her smile. Just five minutes earlier, he was on the verge of killing her over a mistaken identity, and now here he was, flirting shamelessly. She peered over at Bobby rolling his eyes by the front door, and Sam sulking just a few steps away. 

“What do you say we take care of the Riverside case first, then maybe we can talk about drinks?” 

Not sparing the Winchesters another glance, Y/N squeezed Bobby’s shoulder and walked out the door. She had only discovered the world of the supernatural three months ago, but so much had happened since then. Y/N understood that life as a hunter was dangerous, but damn was it fun…


GiveCounting Shoulder a shot!!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)

This sort of came to me about an hour ago, so I just had to write it…  Sorry if it’s a little jagged, I was in the middle of a study session then *poof* an idea. Okay, back to the books. 

Oh, last thing! Their FBI names are from Supertramp…



tagging the stupendous:   @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70 @eliwinchester99 @cosbloos@danzalladaggers


Sam Winchester x Reader

Summary:It’s Valentine’s Day at the MOL Bunker!!! While Dean plans his usual bar hopping, Sam and Y/N stay home to spend the holiday together. Though they’re keeping their relationship a secret, Dean might be closer to catching on than they might think…

Requested by:@molotovedbyanangel


“Alright nerds, you know the drill.”

Sam and Y/N looked up from their books and turned to see Dean standing at the doorway. 

“What?” They asked in unison. 

Dean stepped into the library and approached the table at which Sam and Y/N were reading. He looked over the stacks of books piled up around them and rubbed the back of his neck. “Wow,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, I dig the whole Brainiac dynamic you’ve got going on, but guys- we’re not even working a case. What the hell are you reading?” 

Sam closed his book and leaned back in his chair with a stretch. “We’re taking inventory, dude. Not that you would care, but our records are in rough shape.”

“Yeah,” Y/N said, shooting Dean a pointed stare. “It seems not everyone in the bunker likes putting resources back in their place after use.”

“I’ll have to talk to Cas about that…” Dean replied sheepishly.  

“So what’s up? Are you headed out?” Sam asked with a small smile. 

Dean stood up and pointed at his brother with a cheerful snap of his fingers. “You know it, Sammy. I just came to say sayonara. It’s Valentine’s day and I’m feeling lucky.”

“Well, don’t let us keep you,” Y/N replied absentmindedly. She turned back at her ledgers and Sam followed suit. 

Dean raised a brow and narrowed his eyes at the pair. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he remarked. “You see, you guys never let me off the hook for my little Valentine’s soirées. You always find a way to try and kill my fun with your morals or whatever.” 

Sam furrowed his brows. “I’m not following,” he said earnestly. 

Dean nodded his head slowly. “Listen, you guys can bluff all you like, but I know what’s going on here.”

“The only thing that’s going on here is record keeping, Dean,” Y/N huffed. “You can join us if you’d like, or you can go break a couple hearts at the local bar.”

Dean quirked a brow and turned to his brother. Sam was glancing downwards, a guilty expression on his face. “You’re not keeping secrets from me, are you Sammy?” Dean asked. 

Sam’s gaze shot up. “Hmmm?” 

Dean clicked his tongue at his little brother’s unspoken affirmation and backed up slowly, his hands held up in surrender. “Alright, I get it. I’m cramping your style,” he said cheekily. “I’ll just head out now. Keep doing whatever it is you guys do alone in the bunker…”

With a final smirk, Dean fetched his keys and traipsed out the Bunker’s metal doors. 

Sam and Y/N sat quietly for a moment, frozen from the awkward interaction. It was Sam who finally broke the silence. “Was I being sketchy?” he asked. 

Y/N put her hand over his and squeezed. “You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met, Sam Winchester. Hell yeah, you were being sketchy.”

Sam laughed and ran a hand through his hair, a wide smile on his face. Y/N grinned at his poor acting skills and leaned over the table to give him a kiss. 

For the better part of a year, Sam and Y/N had been hiding their relationship from Dean and Castiel. They would steal kisses behind the library’s bookshelves, hold hands under the table, and sneak into each other’s rooms at night to talk until morning. In truth, neither knew why they were masking their affections. Dean would be thrilled at the coupling since he had been trying to get them together since Y/N first joined their circle. As for Castiel? The angel was his happiest whenever his friends found small joys in life. It seemed Sam and Y/N had simply become accustomed to keeping to themselves. 

Sam grabbed the book in front of him and closed it with a thump. His nose crinkled from the specs of floating dust, and Y/N watched, amused. “So,” he coughed. “Movie?”

She gave him a thumbs up. “Sounds like a plan!”

The Winchester sat up from his seat, and pulled Y/N by the hand. She giggled as he cleared his throat, still affected by the library’s dust. He looked back at her and sniffed. “You think this is funny?” he asked, feigning annoyance. 

“Just a little,” she teased. 

Sam rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he pressed. “Dean’s out, so that means our Valentine’s can finally start.” He grinned and Y/N felt her heart swell as his eyes crinkled with laughter. “We’re gonna have a blast!” 

The hunters scrambled to Sam’s room, both pushing past the other playfully as they raced to make it there first.

“You’re such a cheater!” Y/N hufffed when Sam rushed to the bed just seconds before her.

He lay down and raised a brow. “How is it my fault that you’re slow?”

She sat down beside him and punched his shoulder. “Okay, maybe I can’t prove it… But you’re still a cheater…”

Sam sighed and pulled Y/N closer to him, her head resting in the crook of his neck. “So what are we watching?” he asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Y/N hummed happily and trailed a finger down his chest. “I don’t know,Sam. Does it matter?”

The Winchester shifted to look Y/N in the eyes. His hair was dishevelled from their race, but his breathing was steady.

“Movies are overrated, anyway,” he said softly. “Just stay with me.” Sam hooked a finger under her chin and leaned forward. She felt him smile against her lips and pulled back a moment to catch the look on his face.

“I love you, Sam,” she whispered.

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against her own. “Say it again,” he said softly. Y/N tilted her head up and kissed him lightly. “I love you,” she repeated.

He let out a breathy laugh and leaned back to study her. “I can’t get enough of hearing you say that,” he admitted.

Y/N nodded, taking in his crooked smile. “Happy Valentine’s day, Sam Winchester,” she said.

Sam wrapped his arms around Y/N once more, pulling her against his chest. He kissed the crown of her head and held her tightly. The hunters lay together, locked in each other’s embrace, a comfortable silence passing between them.

They hadn’t been at rest for more than a few minutes when the sound of footsteps echoed suddenly in the halls.

“I KNEW IT!” a voice called from the doorway. Sam and Y/N jumped up, both reaching for the shotguns they kept holstered to their belts.

They aimed their weapons, but lowered them just as quickly.

“Dean?” Sam asked incredulously.

The elder Winchester stood tapping his foot at the front of the room, a triumphant smile on his face.

“You guys really thought you could keep this from me?” he laughed.

“Dean… were you spying on us?”

“Course not,” he said. “I just came back for my wallet. And what do I find instead? You two making out, plain as day.” Dean stepped forwards and caught Sam and Y/N in a rough embrace. “I’m so happy for you guys,” he said. “It’s about time you made it official!”

He pulled back, all smiles. “And it’s about time you finally got some action, Sammy,” he said, giving his shoulder a shake.

Sam’s cheeks reddened. He made a move to tackle his brother, but Dean was quicker, rushing out the door. “I’m calling Cas!” he yelled out from the hall with a whoop. “Hell, I’m calling everyone!”

Sam and Y/N stayed back and shared a glance, smiling at Dean’s enthusiasm.

“Why do I get the feeling that Dean is more excited about usthen we are?” Y/N chuckled.

Sam turned to her and pulled her in for one more kiss. “That’s where you’re wrong,” he said with a grin. “It’s me who couldn’t be happier.”

With the bunker finally to themselves, Sam and Y/N joined hands and set off to make the most of their Valentine’s Day, together.


GiveAlways By Your Side a shot!!!!!

@molotovedbyanangel​ Heyyyy!!!! omg thanks for the request, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sam but can never really think of what to write for him!!!! Okay, I’m actually pretty happy that I got this out before the week’s end, I’m not usually so timely with… well, anything, so this was a big deal for me. I hope you enjoyed it and OOOOOH!!! I’M LOVING YOUR BLOG’S NEW THEME!!! 


If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)



tagging the sweetest:  @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70 @cosbloos@danzalladaggers


Dean Winchester x Reader

Summary: Y/N prepares for the perfect Valentine’s day with Dean Winchester…


The alarm clock blared and Y/N sat up in bed bleary eyed and fatigued.

She frowned at the ringing and reminded herself that she didn’t need to set the timer anymore. The Bunker had been empty for a while now and she didn’t have much to do without the boys around, anyway.

Y/N looked to her right and saw Dean’s side of the bed was vacant. “You’d think I would be used to that by now…” She stretched with a soft groan and stepped out from under her covers. It wasn’t until she checked her phone that she was finally spurred to action.  

The screen read February fourteenth.

She gave a small smile at the date. “Well Dean, looks like you’re in luck!” With a renewed sense of purpose, Y/N set out to get her Valentine’s plans ready. 

Every February fourteenth, Dean and Y/N would celebrate the holiday with all its clichés. Chocolate, romcoms, and a couple of beers was all it took to make the day a good one. Though their celebrations were modest, the way they saw it, having each other was enough.

Y/N walked over to her closet and put together an outfit. It was an important day and she had to dress accordingly. Once clothed, she gave a weary smile at her reflection and stepped away. 

Y/N ambled down the Bunker’s empty hallways until she reached the main room. She fetched her keys, two bottles of beer she had laid out the night before, and a DVD copy of Say Anything before rushing out the door to meet Dean. 

A crisp February wind met her outside and she squinted at the clear sky above. Y/N smiled at the perfect weather and stepped into her car. She turned on the ignition and let out a deep breath “Here I go,” she whispered.

Valentine’s Day, One Year Ago

“Though I respect your affections, couldn’t you perhaps ease your passions?”

Sam entered the room and rolled his eyes. “Guys, come on. Cas is right. Take it easy, we ALL live here.”

Dean and Y/N grinned from their spots on the couch. “It’s just a kiss Sammy. Get over yourself,” Dean chastised. 

“You guys are making out in our movie room. It’s not just a kiss,” Sam retorted. He and Castiel weren’t really offended, but liked to nag whenever they could. 

Y/N shifted in her seat and kissed Dean’s cheek. “Sorry guys. We can’t help it if we’re hopelessly in love with each other,” she teased. 

Dean turned around and kissed her back. “That’s right,” he started. “Hopelesslyanddevastatingly in love…”

Sam and Castiel shared a look as the pair carried on from where they had left off. In each others arms and against each others lips. “Maybe we should-” Cas stammered. Sam nodded. “Right ahead of you.” The angel and the hunter spared a last smile at their friends before leaving the room and locking the door behind them.   

“I think they’re gone…” Y/N mumbled mid kiss 

Dean pulled back and winked. “I figured that would do the trick.” 

Y/N laughed at his callousness and moved away from him. She lay down and settled her head on his lap. 

“How’s the view from down there?” he asked. 


Dean frowned. “Honestly? You usually hit me with a testy one-liner.”

Y/N shrugged. “I’m serious. I’m getting a great look at the ceiling from this angle…”

“Yup. There it is.”

Y/N giggled. “I set myself up for that one didn’t I?” he laughed, leaning his head back on the couch. 

Y/N grabbed hold of his hand and squeezed gently. “You totally did,” she admitted.

They stayed quiet for a moment, comfortable in their easy connection. Dean started humming and Y/N listened as the faint tune carried on. She closed her eyes and smiled. “What are you humming?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

He hesitated and Y/N opened her eyes, taking in the glint in his eye. “Mr. Roboto,” he said carefully. “Styx.”

Y/N quirked a brow. “Is that so?” 

“Is that a problem?” Dean asked, glancing down at her. 

“You mean, is it a problem that you only ever hum the same ten songs from eons ago?”

Dean raised a brow and hummed louder. 

Y/N raised a hand and reached out to touch Dean’s cheek. “I love you,” she whispered. He sighed and leaned into her touch. “I know,” he said softly. “And you have no idea what that means to me.”

Y/N moved to sit up. She looked into his eyes and saw him staring back. “Happy Valentine’s day,” she said. “I can’t wait to see what this year will hold for us.” 

Dean leaned forwards and kissed her lightly. “As long as you’re still by my side, I couldn’t give a damn.”

With their favourite movie playing in the background, and plenty of sweets and beer waiting on the table, the two hunters nestled against each other and took comfort in the small moment they shared together.


Y/N drove past vast green pastures and earthy plains before finally reaching a sparse forested area. She knew exactly where to find Dean and felt her heart race as she drew nearer to her destination. She parked her car and stepped out, taking her Valentine’s treats with her. 

I wonder if Sam has passed by lately… Y/N thought as she walked down a woody path. She could hear the buzzing of insects as she hiked, the unlucky few that hadn’t left for the winter. Their humming sounded suspiciously like Dean’s beloved rock hits… Y/N hiked for the better part of an hour before entering a familiar clearing. It was there that she saw Dean waiting just up ahead, the grin she knew so well tugging at his lips. 

“How’s the view from down there?”

Y/N felt her eyes sting as she stepped forwards, a shaky smile on her face. “Dean,” she said softly, “you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

“And you have no idea what that means to me.”

Y/N walked towards the clearing’s centre. Her heart ached as she caught a flash of Dean’s laugh. She stopped when she reached a patch of blackened ground. 

She knelt down before a heap of scorched wood. It had been months since she’d last been here and the ground was still stained with ash. She laid out the DVD and bottles of beer she had been holding. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she whispered.  

Above Y/N, standing cold and out of place was a pyre. It had been months since she had lost Dean to the vampires and he had been laid to rest. She still remembered the night Sam had driven the Impala home, passenger seat, empty. He had left the Bunker shortly after and she hadn’t heard from him much since then. She winced and cast away the memory, thinking instead of her last Valentine’s with Dean. They had been hopeful then, trusting in their future. He had told her that day that he would be content so long as she stayed by his side. 

Y/N looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, reveling in the sun’s soft touch upon her skin. She took a breath and spoke. 

“I’m still here.”


Hey guys! Try reading Whiskey & Cola!

I have no idea why I did this. It sounded like a good idea at first but then by the end it was just too late to turn back. Don’t worry, I’m writing another Dean Winchester V-Day fic as we speak to atone for this one. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY YOU GUYS!!!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)



tagging the sweet:  @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70 @eliwinchester99


Winchesters x Reader

Summary:  Y/N has always dreamed of fighting alongside the Winchester brothers, but when they finally give her the chance to join the hunt, things don’t go as expected…

This is an angsty one…


“Are you sure you’re up for this, kid?“ Dean asked, his tone laced with doubt.

Y/N crossed her arms and turned to Sam for support. "Tell him that I’m not as clueless as he thinks I am!”

“I don’t know, Y/N. Dean’s got a point. We just don’t think you’re ready for a real hunt yet. Maybe in time, with some more training?” Sam was trying to come off as earnest, but was sweating under Y/N’s pointed stare.

“I’ve been taking the backseat on every hunt for the past year,” she began slowly. “I’ve read the lore, done the research, and studied everything you two have taught me. I know what to expect!”

Dean shook his head and sighed. He fetched a beer from the cooler propped up against the car. “That’s all good in theory,” he said, cracking open the can and leaning against the Impala’s hood. “But it ain’t so clean cut in the thick of it. You’ve got book smarts, no one’s denying that, but you’re not cut out for a hands-on fight.”

Y/N felt something snap within her. Hunting was heroes work. It was a task that only the most skilled could endure. To hear the Winchesters tell her that she wasn’t a match for their lifestyle was a blow to her pride.

“I’m not asking for your permission,” she spat. “I’m not your sister and I’m sure as hell not your responsibility. I’ve been researching your cases for as long as I can remember, so it’s time you respected me as a member of the team.”

Y/N glared at the brothers, expecting them to challenge her. She was surprised by their grim silence, instead. “We do respect you,” Sam said softly. “It’s because we care about you that-”

“Forget it, Sammy,” Dean cut in. “I don’t think she understands. We’re past protecting her at this point. If this is what she wants, then let her have it.” He tossed his can across the gravel plot and stomped to the driver’s side. “We’re five miles from the wolf pack. Let’s see what you’ve got.” Dean scowled at Y/N before shutting the car door with a slam. Sam swallowed nervously and followed suit.

Although joining the brothers on a hunt was what Y/N had wanted, she felt hollow at the prospect of finally doing it. She assured herself that it would be a heroic  endeavor and followed the Winchesters into the car. She knew what to expect. Everything would be fine.

His face was scarred and bloodied. His wide eyes held the broken promise of lost innocence. “Please,” he begged. “Please, I don’t want to die…”

Y/N gripped her blade tightly as the boy cowered below its tip. “You’re a monster,” she said more to herself than to him. The boy couldn’t have been a day over nineteen, with awkward bristles patching his chin, and the soft blush of youth still coating his cheeks. He was only a boy, but he was also a werewolf. A living contradiction that Y/N needed to end.

“What are you waiting for?” Dean yelled from across the field. “Kill it!” Y/N turned to the sound of his voice. The Winchesters fought back to back, defending each other’s rears as fanged creatures clawed from every side. The moonlight cast a bright glow on the land, contrasting the crimson stains on the shadowed earth.

Feeling pressured by Dean’s instruction, Y/N focused on the young monster before her and took a hesitant stab, missing his heart entirely. He cried out with pain and gripped at the blade impaled in his shoulder. Y/N froze, fear sapping her of  the strength to pull back.

“Y/N!” Sam hollered. “Finish it!” She caught a flash of Sam’s wild eyes and pulled the silver blade back by reflex. The boy dropped to the ground and clutched at his wound. His face was pale and Y/N felt nauseated.

She saw his tear stained cheeks and the  helplessness of his posture. She saw a reflection of herself. Frightened. Desperate. Hopeless. She raised the bloodstained blade in her hand but felt her fingers seize. It dropped to the ground with a clatter. The metallic resonance an echo of her crazed heartbeat. She couldn’t kill him.

She dropped to her knees.

“I’m so sorry,” she breathed. “Don’t worry, I’m going to fix this.” Y/N leaned over the boy and pressed her hands against the wound to lessen the flow of blood.

She miscalculated.

The werewolf bared its fangs and lunged at her. It was a wounded animal trapped in a corner, unable to tell kindness from malice. Y/N struggled against it, her back against the dewy grass. The creature clawed at her chest, tearing streaks across her shirt. Her limbs turned to lead against the assault. She had seen the Winchesters fight foes before, but had underestimated the raw violence involved. “I’m trying to help you!” she cried. “Let me help you!”

The werewolf slashed at her with pure animal instinct. It was blind to her good intentions. It sought blood. Y/N arched her back against the grass as the creature craned forwards, its fangs grazing her neck. She pushed against its chest but lost strength as it inched closer.

“I just want to help,” she choked. The creature snarled and Y/N looked away from its yellowed eyes. Her grip against  its chest faltered as her resilience dissipated. Her eyes screwed shut as she accepted the finality of what was to come.

She would not survive this hunt.

Heat slicked her cheeks. She cringed. Sam and Dean never cried. Sam and Dean never let the monsters get the better of them. Sam and Dean never lay down, accepting  death.

She was not Sam or Dean.

She was not a hunter.

As these thoughts richocheted through her mind, Y/N felt the werewolf stiffen above her. She was sure that the monster had bitten her neck. In her rush, she must have stayed numb to the fatal wound. She kept her eyes closed, grateful for the painless kill.

A moment later, she heard the scrape of metal and felt the weight over her body lift.

She opened her eyes.

The werewolf boy lay dead beside her, the tip of a silver blade protruding from his heart. She turned her head and saw Sam and Dean, standing tall and bloodied above her.

Dean was glaring down at her and the kindness had left Sam’s eyes. In that moment, they were hunters. Nothing more.

She gasped when a rough hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her up from the ground. The Winchesters stared with hardened features.

“You almost died,” Sam said. “If Dean and I hadn’t come in time, that would have been it.”

Y/N hummed a response, still disoriented. Blood hummed in her veins. She could taste metal on her tongue. The air was thick with death and Y/N shuddered in spite of herself. She was buzzing.

Her eyes darted around the grassplot. Bodies littered the ground, and when she looked down, the glazed eyes of the dead  boy monster stared back. Her eyes stung and tears trickled out, leaving a hot trail in their wake. She turned to the Winchesters, hoping for comfort, but saw indifference instead. Sam and Dean were unfazed by the massacre, immune to its horror. They were hardened by their years on the road, and could offer Y/N no sympathy after she ignored their warnings.

“I only wanted to help,” she whispered, lowering her gaze to the young werewolf lying dead at her feet. “I thought I could help him…”

“Are you crazy?” Dean scoffed. “These things are monsters. They don’t need your help! In this job, you kill whatever goes bump in the night, end of story. The sooner you quit trying to be a hero, the better.” He shot her a look of disappointment and strode off.

Sam sighed. “We’re not trying to be hard on you, but this is it. You’ve hunted and seen it all. Are you satisfied?” He squeezed Y/N’s shoulder gravely and stepped past her to follow his brother.

Fled were the fantasies of hunting’s triumphs and honour. Y/N had learned the truth tonight. Hunting was a curse. A plague. A brutality. She watched as the Winchesters left her alone. She wanted to run away from them. She wanted to escape the pain, regret and humiliation she had brought upon herself. She wanted to escape the burden that weighed upon Sam and Dean Winchester.

Instead, she followed them.

She walked the stained path to the Impala and nodded at the boys up front. Moonlight glared from above. She climbed into the backseat and shut the car door with shaky hands. She listened to the rumble of the ignition and took one last glance at the remnants of her fist hunt.

She turned forwards and closed her eyes.

There would be more to come.


Try reading Mortal Danger Brings Clarity!!!

This was just a spur of the moment fic, but don’t worry- ALL OUTSTANDING REQUESTS WILL BE POSTED NEXT WEEK!!

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit my taglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)

Tagging the awesome:@the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70@cookiemumster1 @eliwinchester99@baby-bloos@danzalladaggers




Sam Winchester x Reader

Summary: When Y/N is wounded on a hunt, Sam is the one who volunteers to patch her up. Though she never expected it to happen, a hunt gone wrong may be the only thing to shine a light on her feelings for the Winchester…

Requested by:@baby-bloos


“Sam! You said four vamps, not eight!”

“Well, I guess I was wrong!”

“Yeah, no kidding!”

Y/N groaned as the Winchesters bickered behind her. The three hunters were spaced out in a circle, backs to each other as they held an offensive to the line of vampires coming from every corner of the warehouse. “Save the fight for the undead, you guys!” Y/N called behind her shoulder, machete poised. “This isn’t the time for your sibling rivalry!” 

“You hear that, Dean?” Sam asked smugly. “She says to shut up.”

Dean ducked a stiff blow from an oncoming monster and smashed an elbow to its side. “Sammy, I swear,” he huffed. “The second we’re out of the woods, I’m gonna kill you.”

Sam rolled his eyes before slashing his blade across a vamp’s exposed neck, bringing it to its knees. “You okay back there, Y/N?” he called out. 

“Looking good over here,” she gasped. “I think we’re nearly done!” Sam was turning away when he caught a flash of movement in his periphery. “Y/N!” he yelled in warning. “Vamp, nine o’clock!”

She turned to her right, startled. “I don’t see it!” Just as she pivoted around, a vampire burst out from the left and sliced her leg with a jagged steel rod. 

She cried out in pain and stumbled to the ground, cutting her hands on the shards of broken glass spread across the warehouse floor. “Sam!” she called out. 

Sam felt his heart lurch at the ache in Y/N’s voice and charged towards the monster that had attacked her, pushing it against the wall, and slaying it. 

“That was the last one,” Dean said grimly from across the room. Sam nodded stiffly and dashed to Y/N’s side, adrenaline coursing through him. He knelt down and put an arm around her. “I’ve got you,” he said gently. “Just hold on.” He winced when she stiffened in his hold. “I’m gonna lift you up, alright?” Y/N nodded as he raised her to her feet. 

“How’re you feeling?” Dean asked, walking towards the pair. 

Y/N stumbled and a sharp pain shot up her leg. She cringed and pushed her weight against Sam’s side. “Not great,” she admitted. “My leg’s hurt.”  

“That’s gotta sting…“ Dean whistled. “Hey, I think I saw a First Aid kit back there.” He gestured towards a dingy sitting area behind them. “Why don’t you let Sammy patch you up while I do a last scope of the place? The nest was bigger than we thought. There might be a couple stragglers hiding around.”

Sam crinkled his nose. “There were eight, Dean. I might have made a mistake before, but I’m sure about this one. There were only eight.”

Dean turned to his brother and stared at him through half lidded eyes. “I know that, genius. I’m just trying to give you two some privacy.Lord knows, you heartthrobs need it…” 

Sam’s mouth twitched as his brother walked away, and Y/N felt a heat creep up in her cheeks. “So,” she said awkwardly. “First Aid kit, right?”

Sam flashed her a half smile. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Let’s go.”

The pair shuffled towards the corner, but Y/N felt her leg burn with every step. Sam listened to her shaky breaths and sighed. “Here, maybe this will help,” he said. He stopped walking and leaned down to scoop Y/N in his arms. Her hair brushed against his nose and he smiled in spite of himself. 

“Woah there,” she laughed. “Maybe a bit of warning next time you decide to carry me?“ 

Sam snorted and shifted to look at her. “Hopefully, there won’t be a next time,” he replied. 

Y/N gripped tightly at his ragged shirt and leaned her head against his shoulder. She could see Sam’s jaw twitch as he tried to suppress a smile, but said nothing about it. 

“Alright,” Sam groaned. “Putting you down, now.” He lowered her onto a tall counter, and grabbed a stark, white box that was propped against the backsplash. Y/N lifted her dangling leg up a fraction and winced at the pain that followed. “Take it easy there,” Sam warned. “Let me check you out first.”

He grabbed a chair and dragged it in front of Y/N, sitting down and resting her wounded leg on his lap. He leaned over and fetched a pair of medical scissors from the kit. Y/N watched as his brows furrowed in concentration, and he turned up to look at her. “The gash is above the knee,” he explained. “I’m going to have to snip your clothes.”

She could only nod, entranced by his method and purposeful movements. For a moment, the pain in her leg subsided, all thoughts on Sam.

Taking her nod as sufficient enough consent, Sam dragged the scissors up her pant leg and cut a ring around her thigh. He studied the wound, cocking his head as he assessed the damage. “I think it looks worse than it actually is,” he noted. “You might not even need stitches. I’ll just clean it up, then Cas can do his thing back at the bunker.” He slid a hand under Y/N’s leg and swiped a gauze over the injury. 

She gulped at his warm caress and felt goosebumps course over her skin. There was a subtle intimacy in the way his calloused fingertips made quick work of her wound. “I think we’re done here,” Sam said finally, wiping the sweat from his brow. Y/N’s heart swelled at the proud smile on his face, and she reached out to touch him, stopping herself just short of cupping his cheek.

He looked up and frowned at the expression on her face. “What’s wrong?” he asked her. “Is the wrapping too tight?” He let go of her leg and stood up, leaning against the counter to her right. She thought frantically of a response, not wanting to admit to ogling him. “No, it’s perfect,” she whispered. “It’s just my hands…”

She showed him the small cuts from the shards of glass, and Sam took both her hands in his own. “No problem,” he said. “There’s not much left in the kit, but maybe this’ll help.” Y/N watched as he unbuttoned his flannel and shrugged it off, revealing a snug crew neck shirt underneath. He smiled shyly before wrapping the plaid fabric around her damaged hands and tying it up as best he could. 

Sam took a step back and crossed his arms against his chest. He scratched his nose and looked at Y/N expectantly. “Well?” he asked. “How’s that?” Y/N appraised his work, lifting a brow at the unconventional mend. “It feels better,” she grinned. “Thanks Sam.”

He rolled his eyes. “You think it’s crappy,” he laughed. “It’s all over your face!” He waved off Y/N’s protests and helped her off the counter. 

She faltered a bit, but stood balanced when Sam supported her with a steady hold. “You ready to head home?” he asked. 

She nodded. “Yeah, I think we’re done here. I’ve faced enough danger for one day.”

“You know,” Sam mused, “It didn’t have to end this way.” 

“What do you mean?” 

He looked at her and grinned. “Remember when I warned you about the oncoming vamp?”

“Yeah, what about it?” 

“I told you nine o’clock, but you turned right.”

Y/N hesitated for a moment before his words finally struck her. “Nine o’clock was to my left!” she moaned. 

Sam nudged her with an elbow. “No kidding!”

The pair laughed as they exited the warehouse, pressed against each other. When he heard the noise, Dean looked up from his spot against the Impala’s hood and smirked. “Did I miss something?” 

“Nah, it’s nothing, dude,” Sam replied breathily. 

Dean nodded knowingly. “Gotcha Sammy. It’s a couple’sthing, isn’t it?”

Y/N froze, silently cursing Dean for taunting his little brother. She turned to Sam, expecting him to shift his gaze away or stutter a response. Instead, she was surprised to see him raise his chin in defiance. “Yeah Dean, that’s right,” he affirmed, giving Y/N’s shoulder a squeeze. “It’s a couple’s thing.” 

Dean glanced at the pair and nodded. “Good times,” he grinned, standing up and moving to the driver’s side.

“Acouple’s thing, Sam Winchester?” Y/N inquired once Dean was gone. Sam smiled sheepishly under her gaze. 

"I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he said softly.

“You didn’t,” she whispered back with a grin. “Sam, I-”

Just then, the Impala’s horn sounded. Dean beamed from inside the car, a glint in his eye. “I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but don’t we have a date with Doctor Cas? Save the cheesy confessions for after we all get patched up!”

“It’s alright, Sam,” Y/N said with a laugh. She leaned forwards and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “We’ve got all the time in the world to talk about the couple’s thing…” She struggled to the Impala’s backseat, looking over her shoulder to flash Sam a wink. “Besides, Dean is right about seeing Cas.” She gestured towards her bandaged leg with a smile. “Your medical skills really suck.”

Sam turned back at his brother and scowled. “Would you give us a minute?”


Try reading Oversight!!!

@cosbloos​ Hello!!!! I really want to thank you for sending in a request!!! I really hope you liked this one, and I just want to say that YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!

This could have very well have been a platonic wound mending but I had to go there

If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments… or visit mytaglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…)



tagging the coolest:  @the-chaotic-cow@tuttifuckinfruttifriday@adaydreamaway08@stitchintimefan@andthevillainshallrises@justyourlocalwhore@waiting-for-cas-to-save-me@leigh70@cookiemumster1 @cosbloos@danzalladaggers


“You have to stop doing that.” Sam laughed softly, shaking his head.

“What?” You asked.

“Saying things that make me want to kiss you.” He explained.


At the Age of Thirty-Seven


Ao3Patreon Tips (all tips currently help me keep afloat in this sad financial time)

At the Age of Thirty-Seven He Knew He’d Found Forever

Rating: M

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Characters: Sam, Reader, others mentioned

Word Count: 1825

Warnings: Birthday fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, anniversary, aphrodisiacs, breaking gender roles, established relationship

Summary: Sam’s birthday dinner is a big night for both of you.

A/N: Written for @fangirlxwritesx67 50 Kisses 500 Follower Celebration, with prompt #19, One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.Slightly inspired by the song The Ballad of Lucy Jordan (title taken from lyrics) (y’all are lucky i managed to not make a fuck-ton of angst from this song)

Squares filled: Kissed to keep quiet ( @spnfluffbingo​ ), Aphrodisiac ( @spnkinkbingo​ )


You busied yourself with the final preparations of the lavish dinner you were making, checking one more time on the roast broiling in the oven before pulling the cooled cake out of the fridge to frost it. After covering the cake in Sam’s favorite frosting, you took a breath, noticing your hands shaking. Tonight was a big night, and not just because it was Sam’s birthday. It was also your two-year anniversary. Two amazing, if not sometimes horror-filled, years of having the luck of being Sam Winchester’s girlfriend.

The two of you had been working on a hunt together, finishing off the vampire nest you were after just in time to still celebrate his thirty-fifth birthday. Dean and Cas had been off on a ‘wolf hunt on the other side of the country, so you convinced him to let you treat him to a few rounds at the hunter’s bar a couple miles from the motel you’d been staying at. The adrenaline rush of the hunt paired with copious amounts of alcohol had led to you deciding to give Sam what was meant to be a traditional birthday kiss. When you’d gone to pull away, Sam had pulled you back into his lap, kissing you deeper. The look in his eyes when he finally released you had you quickly paying the tab, Sam’s hand in yours the entire short drive back to the motel. He had admitted how long he had wanted to make the first move, how he was worried that your whole relationship would change if you hadn’t felt the same. That was the night you first made love to Sam Winchester, the first time you told him you loved him, at least, while he was awake, the first time he returned the sentiment.

You looked down at the cake in front of you, picked up the frosting bag and put the finishing touches on the decorating…yup, a big night.

Keep reading

i don’t know how i just found this but it is ridiculously fluffy, and now i might have to reconsider your title in my head as a (sammy) smut queen… did i mention i love it? bc i do. and i’d like to thank chuck for your sam phase lol

Mine for a Long Time

Part 7

Warnings- Not much, slight angst, set up for next chapter really.

Word Count- 999

“Sam, please just tell me what he said,” I run my hands through my hair as I follow Sam out of the kitchen and into the hall. Sam keeps walking though, well more like sprinting compared to me since his legs are as long as a goddamn giants. 

“Samuel Winchester! Turn around right now and talk to me dammit!” I yell to him, exhausted with the fact he keeps acting like a child. 

Sam stops and I watch from behind as he lifts his shoulders and lets out a sigh. He turns around and gives me a sad and knowing look.


I stop him before he can give me his pity, “No Sam. I don’t want that pitiful puppy dog look you give people when you feel bad for them. Dean has been gone for 3 weeks now and I haven’t heard a single word from him, but I know you’ve talked to him. I know you have. Please Sam,” I walk over to him and grab his arm pleadingly, “What is he doing? Where is he?” 

Sam stares at my hand that’s placed on his arm for a moment and slowly shakes his head in disapproval. 

“He’s fine Y/N, really. He just needs some time.” 

I throw my hands in the air in annoyance, “Time for what! Dean Winchester doesn’t take time for anything. He’s Dean friggin Winchester! The same Dean Winchester who says that he would rather crash Baby into a wall than mope over things that he can’t fix.”

“Y/n. You almost died. Dean held your practically lifeless body in his arms and he couldn’t do anything to help you. That takes a toll on a person, especially Dean.”

“I know Sam, trust me, I have the friggin scar and medical bills to prove it. But, Dean has lost a lot of people and he’s gotten back on his feet like it was nothing. I’m not dead Sam, I don’t get why it took such a toll on him.” I try to reason with him, but he just looks at me like I haven’t figured something so obvious out yet and that he knows something that I don’t. 

“What?” I question him. “What do you know that I don’t?” 

“You really don’t see it do you?” He questions me. 

My eyebrows furrowed together, “See what?”

Sam lets out a sigh, and starts to think to himself. His face starts to make slight movements as if he’s debating with himself. 

‘ “Samuel.” I give him an annoyed stare.

“Hey, don’t give me that mom glare.” 

“What do you know about mothers?” I felt bad as soon as I opened my mouth.

“Ouch.” Sam responded sarcastically.

“I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry Sammy. I’m just…” Sam stopped me.

“I know Y/N, don’t worry about it.”  

“You’re not going to tell me are you?” I ask Sam, already knowing the answer. 

“I’m sorry Y/N. I can’t betray Dean like that.” 

I turn around a walk away without another glance at him, ignoring him calling out to me. I walk to my room and push open the door and throw myself onto my bed. I think to myself of all the possibilities of what Sam wasn’t telling me, but it all comes up blank. 

I lay there for another moment before an idea comes to mind. I quickly grab my phone from my pocket and dial a number. I wait a few moments listening to the ringer until a woman’s voice comes up. 


“Hey, Jo. Care for some company?”

`”I’m sorry Y/N, like I told you before Dean called me 2 weeks ago and said quote on quote, “I need space.” whatever the hell that means.’’ Jo said from behind the bar as she dried off a glass. 

“And you’ve heard nothing since,” She simply shakes her head. I turn on my stool and turn to Ash who is at the end of the bar half drunk, “What about you Ash? Have you talked to him?” Ash quickly lifts his head and shakes it, waking himself out of his stupor. 

“Well, no.” My shoulders sink in disappointment, “We did share a few texts though. If that helps any.” My spirits suddenly perk up. 

“Dean texted you? What did he say? Did he tell you where he was?” I ask him walking over to him. 

He brushes a hand through his mullet, “Well he doesn’t really know how to use emojis, you should really teach him or he’s going to end up texting the wrong person the wrong thing if you know what I’m saying.” He raises his eyebrows in suggestion.

“Ash. Do you know where he is?” 

Ash pulls out the stool next to him and pats it for me. 

“Sit young Obi-Wan, let the master tell you what he knows.”

After listening to Ash’s overly long story of Dean texting him about a case in Minnesota, I thanked him and said my goodbyes to him and Jo. And quickly drove to the address Ash got from Dean’s cell. After a handful of hours I finally got to the motel Dean was supposed to be staying at and bribed the pervy desk-clerk into giving me Dean’s room number. So much for privacy. 

I stand in front of Dean’s door hoping to Chuck that when I knock a half naked woman doesn’t answer instead. I stop delaying and raise my hand to the door and knock. 

I wait for what seems like forever, the anxiety sets in after I start to wonder if Dean had already left and I’ve missed him. After waiting another minute, I turn around back towards my car and begin to walk towards it until I hear the door open from behind me.

“Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?”

I turn around and lock eyes with the one and only Dean Winchester. Who doesn’t look nearly as excited to see me as I am to see him.




No because does anyone know what the mileage of the impala is? Cause that baby must be quite extreme.

Dean Winchester would definitely make fun of someone for wearing ripped jeans like how boomers do. I’m making this a headcannon.

And Sam would just be like “Dean, it’s what kids wear nowadays. Not everyone enjoys flannels and leather.”


Again searching for a story in which the reader was kidnapped and she escaped in the middle of a preserve jungle and she call sam and Dean and they help her.
