#self help



if you are a creator and you didn’t or couldn’t create today, it’s okay - i hope your spark can come back soon; please try your best to not be so hard on yourself


hey, can you stop for a second, please?

inhale for me

now, exhale

take a moment to reorient yourself - have you had something to drink? have you had food? have you taken your medications, if you need to? maybe it is time to have a shower and change your clothes, too

this is your reminder to breathe and take care of yourself, please. you got this.


gentle reminder

‪you have gotten through everything in your life so far

you are here because you are strong and you are trying

please don’t give up, because you can get through this too

try to take a few deep breaths - it’s going to be okay, and it’s okay if you need help through this; you are not alone ‬


you don’t have to be productive all the time; you’re not a machine, you’re a person with aspirations, feelings, and you deserve to be fulfilled and happy - take a break whenever you need to, and please take care


‪your creations inspire and bring joy, even if for now it is just to yourself, so please try your best to never stop creating, and to not be discouraged ‬


unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath in and breathe it out slowly - you are going to be okay, you don’t need to have it all figured out today, you are so strong for not giving up, you are not a problem and you are not something that needs to be fixed; you are loved, i promise, and you are absolutely never alone

spread hope, not hate

this blog is a safe place. you are loved. you are proud. you are human. you deserve to live.

studying in a new environment can sometimes help you handle anxious feelings - anxiety doesn’t have to be a barrier to education, and you deserve to learn what you want when you want to

sometimes it’s good to look back and see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve changed - just try your best to not get stuck and forget about who you are now

there are always going to be those times where you’re in a creative slump, all you have to do is push forward and try your hardest - everything will come back to you in time

try your best to make yourself a priority 

the other day, one of my newer friends told me that she knew she wanted to be friends with me when a group of us were talking in a big circle and i backed up a little bit so she could be apart of the circle instead of outside of it. i didn’t even remember doing that and it just goes to show that small gestures and acts of kindness go such a long way and can completely transform someone else’s life. the cherry on top is that these things tend to have a snowball effect, and it can transform your life in ways you could never imagine, so go make someone’s day


Re-frame your past & grow from it

ok but for real have you seen a person in shock before

because adrenaline can do weird stuff to a human.

stuff adrenaline makes people do:

-actually feel the pain that someone else is experiencing

-be all numb, void of emotion

-be shocked into calming down, and somehow manage to stay calm and take charge of the situation


-(person) freezes, sort of like a catatonic state

-get really positive(i feel like this is just a façade, but whatever helps you cope, really)

REAL TALK THOUGH: if you ever see anyone in shock, try to calm them down. talk to them, tell them that you are with them, that they’re going to be okay, hold their hand if it helps them(ASK FIRST OKAY), make sure that their body temperature is okay, etc.

feel free to add on, this might come in handy and help someone:D

My fault? When I tripped over because I didn’t tie up my shoelaces, that was my fault. When my favourite plant died because I forgot to water him, that was my fault. When I lost a friend because I kept putting off contacting them, that was my fault.

When you locked me in your room, when you tried to finger me under the tables in our science class, when you told everyone we had sex, when you made fun of my body and called me a whore, when you tricked me, when you groomed me, when you made fun of me for going to the police, was that my fault? You say yes, I say fuck you.

Those parts of me I’ll never have back, you stole that. There was no us, and there certainly was no me. You haunt me, when I see you my legs don’t work, and I want to run towards you, to embrace you, then thrust my knife into your back. Because that is what you did to me.

I see you laugh at me; I see you jeer. Whore, slut, skank, did you ever really know my name? Did you know what my favourite colour was? Did you know what show I loved the most? Did you even want me? Or did you want my body? You salivate, dripping drool like a dog with a gaping maw, you ate me, then spat me out when I resisted. You didn’t want me when I fought back.

You’re a monster, a lying cheating beast who prays on those who are smaller. You saw a rabbit, ripe, fresh and full of hopes, and you snapped its neck. For so long that rabbit lay there dormant, its neck hanging like a loose rope. I loved you once, at least I thought I did, I was 12 when you started attacking me. You said you love me, then proceeded to treat me like a toy.

You won, you won finally, I broke. 2 times I stood on a ledge, 2 times I choked myself with a rope. I turned, naïve, thinking maybe you’d see what you did. You were laughing. Mouthing “jump”. So, I tried, and 3 angels held me down, took me to the hospital and tried to fix what they could. They mended my physical wounds and tried to fix my brain. They had to remove the TV remote chord, I tried to die again.

I haven’t seen you since, and that brings me great joy. Every time I hear your name, see you active online, I laugh. I’m not fixed, not yet. I don’t think I ever will be. There’s no way to fix what you’ve broken, but that doesn’t mean that it will always bring me down. One day I know I’ll be able to stop the flashbacks, look past the trauma and know it wasn’t my fault. Until then I just must play it day by day. One day you’ll be scared of me, like how I am with you. And on that day, I will have won.










Pretend ur invasive self hating thoughts r being said to u by a 13 y/o boy on xbox live trying to get a rise out of you like
“Your girlfriend dumped you because you’re ugly”
that’s nice tim isn’t it past ur bedtime

also, if you have intrusive violent thoughts, pretend they’re being said to u by an annoying backseat driver

“drive into that pole”
thanks karen or i could not do that


you can also pretend that the Super Paranoid thoughts are being said by that conspiracy theorist in your history class

“maybe they poisoned you”
maybe you should fuck off, geoffrey-with-a-g


My favorite for intrusive anxious thoughts is to pretend Spock’s behind you with an answer.

“did I lock the door-”

captain you have locked the door every day for over ten years, and it is very hard for most people to break even subconscious habits, so you most definitely locked the door

I told my new psychiatrist about how I learned this from y'all and his eyes lit up. He didn’t smile but he did nod a whole bunch of times, it was great.

I like to pretend that my intrusive thoughts are being said to me by a super uptight religious white lady

“god hates you because you don’t believe in him”
“your failures are too great to be forgiven by anyone”
“everything you do is wrong and you are going to burn in hell”

thanks for the input brenda but fuck right off

I would just like to say that I love you all for this idea.
