#shall we date


I thought we’d finally covered everything, and were done with this woman after we made this thread, but it appears we stepped in more of her shit and it’s about time we went over it.

First off, calling Angel and her friend “whitewashed Latinas”? Because they don’t try to paint themselves another race, think that speaking broken grade school Spanish is a flex, or cling onto their daddy’s heritage for clout like it’s the only thing they have?

Accusing a real disabled woman of faking it and being ableist while she openly talked about struggling to get help for months is such a willfully ignorant take that I’m not going to even humor it.

Angel has also never said that she was a black woman, she’s always said she’s Puerto Rican. Just because two black women didn’t like your nonsense that doesn’t mean they’re lying about anything.

Hell, Brianna has been a part of your group for years. This is someone you’ve seen photos of, spoken to on VC, roleplayed with, co-wrote a story with, and allowed to mod your server. How are you even going to accuse her of being some fake black woman alt account? Especially when she was one of the first people to run to your defense online.

How is Tsuki any more of a fake BLM supporter, and advocate for white supremacist talking points than the actual white woman you and your friends had using BLM to justify an acid threat towards her?

How far up your own white savior ass do you have to be to even consider shit like this? Sass/ @storiesofsass is also a real person; she isn’t Angel on an alt account and one look at her own account would easily tell you that.

Also, her friend isn’t Mandy on an alt either. You can stop blaming her for shit that your friends did on discord too.

Since you felt like publicly stating that you’ve been asking your friends to help you doxx these women, helping you find their workplaces and family members; I hope you know there’s an FBI report filed with your name on it.

no thoughts only pirate mammon

ikane96: Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrikane96: Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrikane96: Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustr


Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!

This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrate and enjoyable at the same time. Also, I draw MC and Obey Me characters together! I don’t know what colour should I put so I choose blue (Blue is my Fav colour!)

MY BIG SIS MAKE OBEY ME COMIC!!!!! She’s into Obey Me! because she was curious why like obey me haha

awww cute!!!

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Finally, I made a new Instagram account because somebody keep stealing my artwork on Instagram. If you want to follow me go a ahead. Link

I will upload more soon.

New art style check

This was actually such a fun challenge, I think with this art style I’m gonna just be using specific palette colors. And speaking of pallets this one obvi has one and its eye-burning by @art-palettesfornobody

Also is it gonna end up being a trend that I start a new art style with Zeus…. I’m not mad it’s just quite the coincidence I’ve gained 2 new art styles w him lol.

Happy Bi Visibility Day!!!

Here’s a reminder that no matter your gender identity, your preferences, or anything of sorts if you identify as bisexual then you are valid!!!

Alt ver below cut

Happy Birthday @the-gedonelune-times‼️‼️

I already told you this but my wishes are nothing but the best for you today I hope I did Amaryllis justice

The clip studio paint version fucks so much more. I’m so relieved with how it turned out

Wow! That first procreate drawing flopped! Cool! Anyway I did some alterations to it since I didn’t like it and I think it looks a bit better now

Sooo recently I got an IPad Pro and procreate. I just finished my first piece on it and uh. I think it turned out ok? Idk y’all tell me

ok ok. I jumped straight into trying a full body with this style 

I feel like its a good start for sure! I do have to work on coloring the hair better but that’s nothing new. (really proud of the line art of it tho) 

Anyway, A look into a few years before she and Zeus even knew of each other’s existence! She used to have straight, red hair and red eyes but one day her eyes started getting orange and, her hair started to curl up and take a orange color. This is during that time.  

But for her coronation she did straighten and dye it back to it’s original form! It wasn’t for nostalgia purposes tho. 

Dear followers, 

Today I offer you the arcana x wh Devil Zeus ❤

Tomorrow? Who knows…….. 

Leviathan Icons

☆Game: Obey Me

☆Like or reblog if u save

☆Don’t Repost

☆My pinterest: https://br.pinterest.com/renichigo/

*cof cof* klaus

*cof cof* klaus

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Mc: “I don’t know how you do that.”

Lucifer: “Do what?”

Mc: “Make everything sound like a threat. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively tryto sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.”

Lucifer: “That’s because you look and sound, like the human personification of a warm hug.”
