#social construct


One of the proofs of god (or other higher force) existing might be the fact of god appearing during or right before death (people who experienced clinical death often describe their last brain activity as seeing/meeting/talking to their god).

But I’m actually wondering how much of that experience is caused by the knowledge of god figure and his characteristics that we gain during life.

If we didn’t know about the idea of god, if nobody implemented it in our minds would we still experience this transcendent “delusion” in our last moments? If we would it could be considered a proof of god actually existing - he is on our mind internally not as an acquainted concept.

But if we were only familiar with the scientific explanations of the world and our surroundings would we still “meet” god before our death? Or we wouldn’t be able to do it as we would not be familiar with the social construct of god therefore our mind would not have the material to unconsciously create the experience?

Sex Fact: Virginity is a social construct. There is no one definition of what virginity is. 

As someone that works in the medical field, I wonder which language one could possibly use to talk to people that feel like ‘biological sex is a social construct’. If naming relevant body parts/organs feels like an insult, what would be a respectful way to navigate such a conversation?
(Yes, it is often relevant to know such things.)

It all boils down to the fact that I’d prefer everyone to see me as a woman again, except for straight cis men that I’m not befriended with.

Man, Woman & Trans Of The Year

We here at schooltrashers.com decided to nominate people we think deserve the title “(insert gender here) of the year”. We decided to put them in three different categories to even out the playing field, plus I don’t know many famous “transmen”, so I just put “trans” to simplify things. With that being said, let’s go start with…

Man Of The Year - Russell Brand

Although he’s not a right-winger, he seems to be triggering Democrats, the mainstream media and BreadTubers. This is due to him pointing out the truth and saying things that goes against the narrative. The Left hates that, they absolutely hate the truth. For this reason alone, Russell Brand truly deserves the title Man Of The Year.

Woman Of The Year - JK Rowling

She is standing her ground, pissing off The Left by recognizing scientific and biological facts. She does that by acknowledging there is a difference between men & women. That’s not transphobic by any stretch of the imagination. But the radical left wants to lie and indoctrinate people by claiming that gender is a “social construct”. Ironically by saying this, they don’t realize that “Gender Identity” is the actual social construct.

Trans Of The Year - Blaire White

She is absolutely awesome. Her political views triggers The Left. She even triggers The Left with her anti-pedophilia videos. This woman is incredible and yes I call her a woman because that’s what she looks and sounds like, but make no mistake that she is trans. She is what trans people should aspire to be like because she’s mature, intelligent and kind. Blaire White is actually awesome and sweet, unlike ContraPoints, Rachel Levine or Jessica Yaniv.

With that being said, I think The Left has a lot of growing up to do because they’re surely not acting like it with how hateful and intolerant they are.
