

Please acquaint yourselves with H-Mann (nickname chosen by him, don’t blame me) the Kobold. H-Mann loves to play tricks and would like to find a companion full of energy and advanced in spirit communication.

Age:~660 years, approx middle aged for his species.

Appearance:Clocking in at about 3′5″, H-Mann is tall for his species. He prefers to wear deep green and brown clothing, patched up where it has worn thin, and fairly ragged around the edges. He likes to wander around barefoot and wears a woolen hat on cooler days. He has deep dark eyes and a mischievous grin. He has a strawberry blond hair and a blond goatee beard, but beneath this has a very youthful face, almost child-like. He has ornate germanic tattoos down his arms, across his chest and up his neck. His skin is smooth but sallow, with a faint green tint in the right lighting.

Personality:H-Mann loves to play tricks. This spirit is not for you if you want everything to be in the same place you left it. This intensifies if he feels left out or forgotten. But if you keep up with your offerings and communicate as often as you can, he loves to help, too. Especially with domestic chores and DIY renovations. Somehow they seem to be closer to being finished than they were when you popped out of the room to do something else for minutes! He is easily distracted by sparkles and can sit quietly watching the light refracting through a prism against the wall for hours. He would love to go to a home that has a fireplace, or could at least set up a hearth-like altar. When he gets annoyed he will make noises at night to keep you awake, only stopping when he has been satisfied (usually apologies for hurting his feelings will suffice, along with the usual offerings). Be 100% certain you want this spirit when you apply, as he intends on spending the rest of your life with you. He is highly adventurous and would like a companion that is not afraid to try new foods, drinks, experiences etc with him tagging along, of course.

Special Preferences: H-Mann would love to help his companion with prosperity and fire magicks. He asks that the person he goes to will never attempt to take a photo of him due to cultural reasons. He prefers to communicate with oracle cards, runes and telepathy. He would rather a smaller family, no more than 6 other companions. He is not interested in any romantic liaisons outside his species.

Applications for H-Mann will be open in two weeks time, but in the mean time as with the other spirits, please ask him questions in the inbox or through our discord.

E the Bubble Spirit is a very unique creature that I stumbled upon around seven months ago now. When I met them, I knew right away the spirit was not meant to be a companion for me, and so the vetting process began.

Appearance: E is literally a pearlescent bubble approximately 8-10 inches in diameter, this size can fluctuate depending on mood.

Energy Alignment: E is light aligned, resonates with the elements of air and water, and is suitable for sensitive beginners, as they would like to form a learning relationship with their companion, teaching them about working with the above elements.

Characteristics and Needs: E is very sensitive to touch and requires a companion that will not insist on any kind of physical contact. E doesn’t tend to “burst” but will if they feel threatened, and regenerates in a new location safely away from the threat. E is agender, asexual and aromantic, preferring them/they pronouns. They are very soflty spoken, when they speak at all and prefer pendulum or water scrying as a form of communication, and prefers to meet up on the astral realm as the wind and other air currents in the physical make them uncomfortable. They are willing to teach these for the right companion. Not particularly fond of plants - the leaves are too pokey.

Applications for E will open Fri 9 Feb, and in the meantime E will be available to talk both on here and in our discord linked below


For various reasons, mainly pertaining to “human histrionics” (his words, not mine), Ch the Fire Horse has decided to withdraw from the adoption process and will not be listed at any future date. I apologise to any who were looking forward to meeting him.

I will NOT be involved in frankly juvenile inter-discord/tumblr ‘wars’ or other dramas. If you want to be here on this blog, I don’t care what other board you belong to. I will never tell you X board is better than Y board or X practitioners has more/less experience than Y practitioner. You are all adults (or nearly) and can make decisions for yourself.

In return I expect you to be able to do the same in this space. This space should be safe for all members, regardless of where they come from. You don’t get to tell another member to leave or not recommend another board or this board to other people. You do not get to control the choices of other people in this space. You do not get to gossip about other spaces behind their backs, or do so to my space.

Trying to do so will be found out eventually and it will end in an instant dismissal from the discord board and being blocked on Tumblr. I am sick of the drama that belongs in High School, and I will not have it in this space. 

The spirits deserve more than this, and a word to the wise - if you insist one creating drama in any area, especially relating to spirit work, it will begin to show up in your relationships with spirits and in your conjures. You will begin to attract spirits that feed on that kind of negativity. It’s not worth it, if for that reason alone.

If you’re aware of or involved in any conflicts of this nature, I’m not going to ask you to “pick sides” or anything stupid like that. Just take the things and teachings from any space you join that resonate with you and leave the rest - the squabbles or even advice that simply doesn’t feel right to you. Please don’t come running to me with any he said/she said type tales. I’m not interested.

You don’t need to be involved in drama. Take a step back, a deep breath and just enjoy the discord and tumblr spaces no matter which boards you belong on. 

Any one who tells you otherwise is being manipulative and is not worth your energy.

End of story.

In the next week two spirits will be posted for adoption

E the Bubble Spirit. E is a beginner level spirit, but also needs someone who will be very sensitive to their needs.

Ch the Fire Horse who requires an advanced practitioner.

Details coming soon.

As a quick personal introduction, I am a Heathen Hedgewitch, raised around magick from a young age. I have been practicing spirit work for close to 22 years (this coming May, in fact), which I only recall because it was my 12th Birthday when my Mother sat me down and taught me how to use a Spirit Board. I felt a connection that night with something far greater than myself and have not looked back. 

I first began Astral exploration when I was around fourteen, doing it completely by accident the first time. I had no clue what had happened, but luckily had a family with a rich history of this, so they were able to talk me through what happened, and guide me in ways to control it and learn from my experiences. 

From then on, spirits have been a part of my life. While there have been times that I tried to push aside my connection, it has never really left my side. For various reasons, I only have a couple of very close spirit companions myself permanently in my life. However I have worked through these years aiding spirits in finding other companions, to heal and teach.

The nature of the work I do in the spirit world mean that the spirits I come across are not always strictly ‘love and light’, which is why this board is for advanced practitioners. There are definitely gentler souls that I come across, and these will be available for beginning practitioners if the spirits feel called to be with them, but I can’t promise this will be a regular thing.

Spirits I vet are with me for a minimum of six months before they are listed on here, and because I build a close relationship with them, I expect you to do the same before submitting an application. For this reason, when I list a spirit they will be online for communication for two weeks before I accept any applications for them. I want you to know the spirits before you apply for them. To misquote a dear friend, this isn’t Pokemon, you don’t get to ‘collect them all’.

I know I’m a new companionship center, but you can rest assured that I have experience, and I care deeply about the spirit’s ongoing welfare.

Please find our Discord at: https://discord.gg/tbzkkuF

“We will be together for all of your lifetimes” - The Legend of Korra #Book4 Korra &

“We will be together for all of your lifetimes” - The Legend of Korra #Book4
Korra & Raava

Cosplayer: me
Ph: @jinetedelbarril_
Special thanks to: @team_avatar_yipyip

#Korra #AvatarKorra #Raava #Korracosplay #AvatarKorraCosplay #TLOK #TLOKcosplay #Atla #WaterTribe #Avatar #Nickelodeon #thelegendofkorra #LaleyendadeKorra #cosplay #cosplayChile #Cosplaygirl #spirits #blue #POCcharacter #poccosplay #Cosplaygirl #teamavataryipyip #teamavataryipyipchile #TeamAvatar #Gang #KorraBook4

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The Shiro Ukari is a ghost-like Yokai found in Japan. The Shiro Ukari is a ghost-like Yokai that is

The Shiro Ukari is a ghost-like Yokai found in Japan. The Shiro Ukari is a ghost-like Yokai that is white in color with a long, bright yellow eyes, and whiskers. The Shiro Ukari only appeared in a few scrolls from the Edo period and it was created by an artist and everything about it and its origin are unknown.

Art by: Matthew Meyer

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I’ve been watching a Death mark/NG playthrough and sketched Shuichi and Kokichi as spirits from the game

Yes Shuichi only has his pointer finger and thumb on each hand, and yes I’m aware there’s already a spider themes spirit- I just thought it fit

Kokichi has mouths for eyes, and the weird horns/spikes sticking out of him are,,, well y’know how pinocchio’s nose grows when he lies? Same concept, different locations, also more painful! Also he’s not blushing, he’s choking himself

Hayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during hHayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during h

Hayao Miyazaki’s wonderful, animated fantasy, Spirited Away – about a disgruntled girl who, during her family’s move to a new town, wanders into a shadowy world ruled by gods, witches and spirits – crossed over on March 28, 2003.

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These two fairy tales are somewhat unusual as they are set not in the natural environment as so ofte

These two fairy tales are somewhat unusual as they are set not in the natural environment as so often folklore and fairy tales are, but in coal mines. The first is set in Shilbottle Colliery in Northumberland, England, near Alnwick and is the story of a mine spirit: the Bluecap. The second is from Callington Pit (also Northumberland) and tells the story of a boggart - Cutty Soams.

In the first, the Bluecap worked alongside the miners as a putter - someone who pushed (or dragged) the coal tubs. He worked hard, and kept the miners safe, manifesting himself in a blue flame. The miners paid him: if they overpaid him he would leave the surplus behind, but if they underpaid him he would become indignant, leave his wage, and potentially put the miners in danger. 

Cutty Soams, on the other hand, delighted in putting the miners in danger (he was thought, perhaps, to be the ghost of a miner killed years earlier). As the Colliery Guardian wrote in 1863,

One [Cutty Soams] was a spiteful elf; who indicated his presence only by the mischief he perpetrated. He rejoiced in the name of “Cutty Soams,” and appears to have employed himself only in the stupid device of severing the rope-traces or soams, by which an assistant-putter – honoured by the title of “the fool ”– is yoked to the tub. The strands of hemp which were left all sound in the board at “kenner-time,” were found next morning severed in twain. “Cutty Soams” has been at work, could the fool and his driver say, dolefully knotting the cord.“

[Sources:Thomas Hair,The Faery Folklorist]

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Prayer for Spiritual SightWinding round the center,We call to the Spirits:Our voice echoing in the w

Prayer for Spiritual Sight

Winding round the center,
We call to the Spirits:
Our voice echoing in the wind,
Our flame warm in the dark.

We give way to their voices,
Listening as they move us,
Swaying with us in the quiet
Of the moon’s gentle light.

The path is open to the Spirits,
A way that winds through the world;
Sliding down the silent starbeams
Into the sacred grove to dance with us.

Unfastened from the mundane,
Exposed to the cosmos,
Filled with a gnostic understanding,
We begin to speak for the Spirits

Here in this place, let our Sight be clear,
Let it flow like water from our mouths.
May prophecy and vision be a waterfall
That hews close and strong to Truth.

In all the things we do, our voices raised,
May we know the path our feet wander,
And may we speak it clearly, by your leave.


[Image description: a planchette among herbs, with the words, “Oracle of the Spirits” on it, by Rev. Michael J Dangler]

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Traveling SpiritsArising with the dawn,We lift ourselves into the heavens,Seeking a space above the

Traveling Spirits

Arising with the dawn,

We lift ourselves into the heavens,
Seeking a space above the clouds,
As the world falls away.

The blue sky awaits
Above a blanket of clouds,
With clear and easy passage
Into new worlds with new friends.

The winds that lift us,
Flowing around our wings,
Drive us into the sky;
A wonderous earth unfolds below.

Traveling past mountains,
Fields that grow and rivers that flow,
I watch the world turn below me,
And know that this passage is blessed.

To the Traveling Spirits,
I sing your praises today.
Let my flight through your domain
Be as smooth and gentle as the winds allow.

Walk with me, bring me home,
And set me gently into new adventures.
So be it.


[Image Description: a woman looks out an airplane window at clouds and a distant mountain, by Rev. Michael J Dangler]

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The legends of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark describe a plethora of fairies and otherworldly beings- some also turn up in the folklore of other religions and some are unique to Scandinavia. Trolls, especially, get a lot more attention in these Northern European countries than in other parts of the world, whereas tiny winged beings barely warrant a mention.

1.   TrollsLarge,ugly,dull-witted, lumbering, and hairy, trolls don’t get the good parts in fairy tales, which might contribute to their dislike of humans. Even in the contemporary role-playing fantasy games, they appear as horrible and heartless monsters. However, trolls can change shape and appear quite handsome when they want to charm humans- especially women, whom they capture as wives. If you leave them alone they’re usually not dangerous, but they can become ferocious if you taunt them. Rich trolls make their homes in the mountains, where they stash great stores of gold and silver, the poor ones live in the forest or under bridges, as you’ll recall from the Norwegian tale The Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Extremely sensitive to sunlight,trolls turn to stone when exposed to the light of day.

2. BergresarAncestors of trolls, these ancient, huge, and powerful beings represent chaos. They dislike just about everybody, including humans, elves, and deities. Churches and bells annoy them too, and they hurl boulders to destroy church buildings.

3. Alver-These Swedish elves come in two varieties; ljósálfar (light elves) and dokkálfar (dark elves). The beautiful,fair skinned light elves live in the sky- they’re the good alver. The coal-black dark elves- the bad guys- live in the earth.



4.Havman And Havfrue  - These beautiful blue-skinned water spirits resemble merfolk and are generally benevolent creatures. They guide seafarers safely through Scandinavia’s waterways and sometimes come ashore to find mortal mates.

5. The Tradandar  - The spirits of trees, these deities live among the branches and communicate by rustling the leaves. They can shapeshift into owls, women, or tiny fairies who dance in the treetops. Legends say that when people die their souls become tree spirits.

6. Dvargar  - Known as master craftsmen who fashioned Odin’s spear, Thor’s hammer, and Frey’s ship, these small, ugly male spirits live in cliffs and abhor people. When they don magic cloaks or hats they become invisible.

7. Gardstomte  - This hard-working spirits helps farmers by caring for livestock and doing chores around the homestead. Usuallly depicted as an old man with a long,white beard and peasant’s clothing, he likes porridge and gets angry if people don’t take good care of their property and animals.

8. The Valkyries - One of the better-known Scandinavian spirits, these female entities decide which warriors survive  and which die on the battlefield. They ride into the fray on flying horses, then ferry half the dead to Odin’s Valhallaand half to Folkvangr, home of the goddess Freya. As they cross into the world of deities, they cause the Northern Lights to illuminate the sky.

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.

Terence McKenna
