#tessa gray


*Will tucking a 4-year-old Lucie to bed*

Will: Lucie, it’s time for bed

Lucie: Mr. Snuffles says that I can stay up as long as I want and you need to die

Will: What the fuck, Mr. Snuffles?

Alec, with his heartbreaking contradictions, shy and brave, relentless and tender. Alec’s midnight-blue eyes, and the look on his face when they had their first kiss. And their last. Magnus had not thought today’s kiss would be their last. But nobody ever did know, when the last kiss came.

Magnus saw all his dearest friends. All his lost mortals, and all those who would live on. His mother, who he could never make laugh; Etta of the beautiful voice that had kept him dancing; his first Shadowhunter friend, Will. Ragnor, always the teacher, who had gone on before. Catarina, her healing hands and endless grace. Tessa of the steadfast heart and great courage. Raphael, who would sneer at this sentiment. His Clary, the first and last child Magnus had ever watched grow up, and the warrior woman he knew she would become.

And then Alec again.

Alec running up the steps of Magnus’s brownstone in Brooklyn to ask him out. Alec holding on to him in cold water, offering Magnus all his own strength. The stunning surprise of Alec’s warm mouth, his sure, strong hands, in the hall of his angelic ancestors. Alec shielding Downworlders at the palazzo in Venice, coming for Magnus through a cloud of demons, trying to shield Magnus through every land and at every turn. Alec choosing Magnus over the Clave every time, without hesitation. Alec turning against the Laws he had always lived by to protect Magnus and keep his secrets.

—The Red Scrolls of Magic, The Eldest Curses 1.

#secretsofblackthornhall #2!

“I just love him, Magnus, like he was my own. He is my own. I’d kill anyone who wanted to hurt him, just as I would protect Mina or Jem with my life.”

Just what I didn’t know I needed thank you @cassandraclare for always being able to make me (ugly) cry :’)

**Warning: This is reeeally long!**

Since I’ve been spending too much time thinking about Chain of Gold, I may as well put this out there. 

With all the confusion (read: shipwars) about Lucie’s TLH endgame, i.e., the Lucie x Jessie vs. Lucie x Matthew, I figured I’d look at the “evidence” we have for and against Fairondale and Jucie(?) so far in canon:

Fairondale’s canon:

- Age: Jessie and Lucie have a too-large age gap for Cassie’s books so far (excluding Malec, I guess). 16 and 24 is a LOT imo. Matthew and Lucie are much closer in age.

- TMI/City of Heavenly Fire: When Tessa meets Clary in the CoHF Epilogue, she says that “There are families—the Blackthorns, the Herondales, the Carstairs—for whom I have always felt a special affinity” and “The Fairchilds, too, have been dear to me in my life.” Tessa doesn’t talk about loving the Lightwoods or Lovelaces (lol) like that so it’s obvious she’s not referring to the TID crew. Also she (and Jem!) have obviously watched over the Fairchilds QUITE A BIT since Jocelyn called on Tessa of all people to perform Clary’s protection ritual. Thats a huge deal at a time when Jocelyn was hiding from the entire Shadow World. They are obviously very close and Jocelyn trusted Tessa (and Jem) THAT MUCH. Wonder why…

- Magnus’ POV: Magnus’ “necromancy is bad” conversation with Ty made it look like he wasn’t thinking of any exceptions. He’s around in TLH, and very close to the Herondales (he even mentions Lucie and James in CoHF), but he doesn’t make it sound like he thinks “necromancy is bad except for Lucie who found her soulmate through it”. Makes me pretty sure the necromancy for Jesse doesn’t end in a happily ever after.

- The family tree: Cassie’s said many many times that the family tree is lying to us. This means that at least one or more big ships are gonna come as surprises in the end. Now its looking like James and Cordelia might actually end up together since they both actually love each other (Gracelet-free!James does at least, and the Gracelet’s gonna go obv). Our 3 protagonists are Cordelia, James and Lucie. I really doubt the family tree gets ALL THREE of their endgames right - it’s just not Cassie’s style (in every series at least one of her mains gets a surprising ending) and it would lower the odds and surprise of the finale too much. And that leaves Lucie’s endgame. Meaning Lucie might end up with Matthew instead of Jesse.

Jucie’s canon:

- Attraction: Lucie’s attracted to Jesse as of ChoG at least (she notices that his skin is soft? and thinks about his eyes and hair all the time) and says she’s not attracted to Matthew - except for that one sentence (“Lucie”, he said softly, and she almost closed her eyes, remembering how he had put his coat around her in the street, the warmth of his touch, the faint scent of him, brandy and dry leaves.)

- Supernatural stuff: Lucie’s powers seem to be perfectly matched for Jessie’s, erm, circumstances. It really does seem to be a fated sort of thing.

- Family tree: If Fairondale end up together, AND if Clary’s descended from Matthew, it might mean that Jace and Clary are a little bit related, and both descended from Will. And I really don’t know if Cassie would do that after all the TMI stuff.

- City of Heavenly Fire: Again from the CoHF Epilogue: “There are families—the Blackthorns, the Herondales, the Carstairs—for whom I have always felt a special affinity”. If Jucie don’t end up together, I really can’t imagine a good reason for why Tessa cares about the Blackthorns. I doubt its because she cares so much about (dis)Grace. 

TLDR: This is driving me nuts!

Feel free to add to this if I missed any clues

William Herondale - Custom Funko Pop   @cassandraclare​  “Pulvis et umbra sumus. It’s a line fWilliam Herondale - Custom Funko Pop   @cassandraclare​  “Pulvis et umbra sumus. It’s a line fWilliam Herondale - Custom Funko Pop   @cassandraclare​  “Pulvis et umbra sumus. It’s a line f

William Herondale - Custom Funko Pop  


“Pulvis et umbra sumus. It’s a line from Horace. ‘We are dust and shadows’. Appropriate, don’t you think?“ Will said. "It’s not a long life, killing demons; one tends to die young, and then they burn your body - dust to dust, in the literal sense. And then we vanish into the shadows of history, nary a mark on the page of a mundane book to remind the world that once we existed at all.” 

― Clockwork Angel

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@cassandraclareowns these children, not me :’)

Literally dying inside this took me like, what, two weeks? two and a half weeks? pure pain.

There’s a lot of blue in this because it represents Tessa’s warlock-ness(?) lmfao.

Will is wearing dark blue because it’s a good colour on him and it represents that he married a warlock bc herondales simp love only once.

the tie around lucie’s waist is (supposed to be, it looks kinda green ignore that) white silk, to represent her power over the dead (we stan).

James is wearing mostly black because boi turns into a shadow. The blue ring on his finger i’m sure i think i meant to be green to represent his bond with Matthew but uh…it didn’t look great so i changed it. sorry Math.

There are two curtain colour versions: gold and blue. this is ‘cause WIll and tessa got married in gold and blue.

Tessa is wearing blone and lavender because lavender is nice okay and bone is from the shadowhunters children’s rhyme: bone for those who don’t grow old.

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Tag list (let me know if you’d like to be added/removed): @axoloteca@lucie-blackthornsWi

Process gif +scrapped ¾ finished lucie (i’m going back a whole step her eyes are being weird and she’s also doesn’t have enough overlays)

Tag List: @lucie-blackthorns@axoloteca

WIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A BIGGER PIECE Y’ALL i’m probably never gonna finish it knowing the way i a

WIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A BIGGER PIECE Y’ALL i’m probably never gonna finish it knowing the way i am but at least i finished Tessa falsglkasjglkjasdf (actually she isn’t finished either there’s a ton of stuff to fix but stjelkfjakjflkajsfa i have stuff to do)

buy me a coffee 

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Also just an fyi I’m going to be closing up my etsy mid-may until probably next year because I’m moving (this doesn’t apply to most of you but for the handful of people who this applies to you know who you are just letting you know I’m gong to start taking down ads as soon as this week)

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