#the past

bemusedlybespectacled:elierlick:Rare photos from trans history: Olympic runner and Zdeněk Koubek sty



Rare photos from trans history: Olympic runner and Zdeněk Koubek styles Cinda Glenn’s hair, 1936. Koubek was one of the first trans men to gain international fame after he transitioned in 1935.

this is inspiring weirdly complex emotions in me. like, it’s the fucking 1930s. I can hear the mid-atlantic newsreel voice. the fact that it plays coy with why he knows so much about women’s hairstyles, but like, as a funny surprise, not as shock and horror. the fact that it never deadnames him or uses incorrect pronouns. the fact that he looks like Mickey Rooney. idk it’s just making me feel feelings.

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I had one of those moments again today… Where I really miss seeing the laughs and smiles on your beautiful face from across the table…

There’s a new $5 Diary Tier post up on my Patreon. The Moon Under Water is all about reflectio

There’s a new $5 Diary Tier post up on my Patreon. The Moon Under Water is all about reflections and illusions of the past, as well as a London that once was.

This photo is from Trafalgar Square in 2007.

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“no regrets for the good times, only sighs for the pain left behind. like a crack in the window that lets the cold air in, i still feel you creep through my bones every now and then.”

- cracked windows // m.b.


don’t give him the time of day, it’s not worth it. also it’s monetized so it will benefit his pocket. i know he says he will give the money to charitable causes or whatever but please do not support him. for people who want to see the video i have spent the past 3.5 hours transcribing it for you. here it is. disclaimer: i stopped using punctuation at one point because i just couldn’t type quickly enough and i wanted it out tonight so sorry about that. also it is a wall of text. 

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Thank you so much for writing this! 

For anyone who wants to know what Alex Day says in the video he uploaded earlier today.


“I needed to be somewhere different. Maybe I needed to be someone different, too.”

— Heather Davis / The Clearing

Soda became vodka…

Bikes became cars…

Kisses turned into sex…

Remember when your dad’s shoulders was the highest place on earth?

The biggest problems we had was getting a ball that was stuck under a car and who ran the fastest.

Monopoly…was only a board game.

The most pain we ever felt was a scraped knee.

And goodbyes…only meant until tomorrow.

And we just couldn’t wait to grow up.

When you find a Reddit profile of your ex boyfriend from years ago (2007-2008) and it turns out that his liking for conspiracy theories (Alex Jones and 9/11 truther bullshit) and using girls as bus-stops (what FDS would call using you as an “experience”) would morph him into a complete misogynistic piece of crap despite being a self-described SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) who in his Facebook bio “defines himself by the love he gives”. I wonder if the poor girl his with knows about this side of him though?

Don’t you hate it when something to do with a former friend comes up and you think, “Isn’t it sad that you’re doing this after what you did to someone I know, and you don’t feel ashamed at all?” This person I befriended during 2010, he was pretty much an arrogant know-it-all with a manipulative wife who reverse baby trapped him, who relished in toxic behaviour no one called her out on in the day. These two people are both stories for another day.

2013.12.31 용산CGV 아무도 머물지 않았다 Le Passe

2013.12.31 용산CGV 아무도 머물지 않았다

Le Passe

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