#us politics




Just me crying in the bathroom so I don’t wake my partners with this, fuck.

So to sum up: CT and DC have passed laws making it illegal to extradite someone to another state if they are being charged in that other state for crimes pertaining to abortion or trans health care, and makes it legal to sue and get your money back if you are targeted by a TX-style “bounty” law. DC also includes “crimes” of consensual adult sex, gay and interracial marriage and cohabitation and providing or using contraception.

This is, as the thread explains, basically legal interstate warfare. CT and DC’s laws bar compliance with such laws.

This is, on one hand, kind of terrifying, because this is where we are now. It’s going to get worse long before it gets better.

On the other hand… holy shit, someone fucking did something.

Someone fucking did something real.

Both Sides Are Equally Bad!If you enjoy these cartoons, please reblog or support them on my Patreon.

Both Sides Are Equally Bad!

If you enjoy these cartoons, please reblog or support them on my Patreon. A $1 pledge really helps!

To read my notes about the cartoon, check out the original patreon post!

Transcript of Cartoon:


This cartoon has six panels; two rows containing five panels between them, and then a final row with just a single large panel. 

Panel 1

Three people stand on a city sidewalk talking.  There is “Mr. Right,” a bald white man wearing a dress shirt and a tie; a woman wearing glasses, a white collared shirt and a floral skirt; and “Ms. Left,” a black-haired woman wearing a hoodie and jeans.

Glasses has turned to her left, to address Ms Left.

GLASSES: Whats’ the worst thing you do, Ms Left?

MS LEFT: Well,.. Some of our extremists punch people, and not everyone punched is a Nazi.

Panel 2

Glasses has now turned to her right, to ask Mr Right a question. 

GLASSES: And Mr Right, what’s the worst thing you do?

MR RIGHT: Oh, you know… Forced child separation, inhumane detention camps, and mass shootings inspired by the violent rhetoric of our highest elected leaders.

Panel 3

A close-up of Glasses, who is holding up a hand with a “stop!” gesture and looking upward as if thinking.

GLASSES: But if you both do violence… Then that means…

Panel 4

An even tighter close-up of Glasses. Her hands are up on her face, and her eyes are wide, as if she’s having a startling realization.

GLASSES: That both of you are…

Panel 5

A very tight close-up of Glasses’ face - her entire head doesn’t even fit in the panel.  She’s grinning too wide and sweating and looks very intense. Her dialog in this panel, rather than being contained in a dialog balloon, is done in huge, happy letters superimposed over the image.


Panel 6

A large panel, showing Mr. Right and Glasses grinning and dancing joyously while they sing. Musical notes fill the air around them. On the far right of the panel, Ms Left is facepalming.

MR RIGHT (sings): Equally bad! Equally bad!

GLASSES (sings): Equally bad!

MS LEFT (thought): Why do I even talk to centrists?

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A few questions this morning for the Republican Party:

  • If banning assault weapons will “never work,” and therefore we shouldn’t ban them at all, why are you banning abortions?
  • Why is it that the government cannot require you to wear a mask and get a vaccine, both brief and minimally invasive medical procedures, during a global pandemic? Especially when it now CAN force you to continue an unwanted pregnancy against your will?
  • Related: why is it “my body my choice” when men are protesting, but not when it’s women doing the exact same thing?
  • If “censorship” and “cancel culture” are bad things and free speech is vital, why are you banning books, threatening teachers and social media, passing Don’t Say Gay laws, punishing Disney for offering even a milquetoast rebuttal, and otherwise censoring as much free speech as you possibly can?
  • If “sharia law,” that thing you’ve been howling about for decades (herein understood to be a religiously based legal framework that places women under patriarchal control and makes decisions by unaccountable religious fiat) is so bad, why do you want to impose that exact thing in America?
  • Was it just because Brown Muslims Are Bad And Scary!!! But White Christian Ethnofascist Nationalism Is Good?
  • If any country’s top priority is the securing of its borders against foreign interference and the sovereignty of its internationally-recognised territory, why do you so rabidly support Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?
  • If your principles are for freedom, limited government, and low taxes, why do you want to cripplingly increase taxes on working-class and low-income people in order to preserve handouts for billionaires and big corporations?
  • If filling a Supreme Court seat in an election year is bad and can’t be done, how do you explain Amy Coney Barrett?
  • Ohhh, is it just that Democrats can’t do anything but Republicans can?
  • No really. Do you have ANY principles that aren’t nakedly extremist and wildly hypocritical, and designed only to function in the interests of power, money, and racism?
  • Asking for a friend.

Y'all have a nice day.

gayxbe:bibliotheksbewohnerin:macleod:It’s officially been an hour. No one has deleted the covf




It’s officially been an hour. No one has deleted the covfefe tweet.

It has now been 5 hours.

It’s because it’s on purpose. Today, Trump also announced that the U.S. will pull out of the Paris Accords, an environmental agreement that regulates pollution and has many, many countries involved. This is going to have terrible and likely domino effect-like consequences, and the Trump administration knows that. They will happily let this, and everyone making fun of it, distract from that. Pay attention.

#^^^^^#listen to this italian: berlusconi pulled this kind of stunt all the time#we were busy laughing at him and memfying him#while the real sketchy stuff was going on behind our backs –@bidonica

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I’m really glad this anti-Confederate backlash has picked up steam, because we’ve allowed Confederate apologists to completely seize control of Civil War history. The fact that we even think of it in terms of “North vs. South” or “Union vs. Confederacy” is a sign of that influence. It should be “America’s Slaveowner Revolt.” We ask questions like “what if the South won the war”, as if that was remotely possible given their numbers and logistical failures. The Confederacy was barely a government. Within a year of forming there were riots from food shortages. The whole notion that this was between two equally formidable and legitimate sides is a fallacy of the so-called Lost Cause.

This isn’t griping from a history buff by the way, the Lost Cause has been one of America’s chief guardians of white supremacy for 150 years. The Big Lie about states rights affects politics to this day, and always in the context of letting states curtail civil rights that the federal government has guaranteed. Prior to the Civil War, when Northern states tried to push back against fugitive slave laws and make themselves sanctuaries for runaway slaves, the government cracked down hard on them. There was not a peep about states rights on that. We see it happening today. The states rights scolds have not said a word about Jeff Sessions threatening to destroy cities that refuse to hunt undocumented immigrants. Yet somehow the rights of states become sacrosanct when they want to keep gay couples from adopting kids. All of this is relevant to our current situation, and hopefully taking down some statues of (frankly overrated) treasonous generals is just the beginning.




Alabama: OCT.22rd

Alaska: OCT. 7th

Arizona: OCT. 9th

Arkansas: OCT. 9th

California: OCT. 22rd

Colorado: Election day.

Connecticut: OCT. 30th

Delaware: OCT. 13th 

D.C: OCT. 16th

Florida: OCT. 9th

Georgia: OCT. 9th

Hawaii: OCT. 9th

Idaho: OCT. 12th

Illinois: OCT. 9th

Indiana: OCT. 9th

Iowa: OCT. 27th

Kansas: OCT. 16th

Kentucky: OCT. 9th

Louisiana: NOV. 17th

Maine: OCT. 16th

Maryland: OCT. 16th

Massachusetts: OCT. 17th

Michigan: OCT. 9th

Minnesota: OCT. 16th

Mississippi: OCT. 9th

Missouri: OCT. 10th

Montana: OCT. 9th

Nebraska: OCT. 19th

Nevada: OCT. 9th

New Hampshire: NOV. 6th

New Jersey: OCT. 16th

New Mexico: OCT. 9th

New York: OCT. 12th

North Carolina: OCT. 12th

North Dakota: Election Day.

Ohio: OCT. 9th

Oklahoma: OCT. 12th

Oregon: OCT. 16th

Pennsylvania: OCT. 9th

Rhode Island: OCT. 7th

South Carolina: OCT. 9th

South Dakota: OCT. 22rd

Tennessee: OCT. 9th

Texas: OCT. 9th

Utah: OCT. 7th

Vermont: Election Day.

Virginia: OCT. 15th

Washington: OCT. 8th

West Virginia: OCT. 16th

Wisconsin: OCT. 17th

Wyoming: OCT. 22rd 

Please register online if you aren’t already. Check your registration and your friends. Lots of people don’t have much time left to register! Don’t wait until the last minute! 

Register to vote ONLINE NOW!

Memes are all very good, but to get the assholes out, you have to VOTE.

I you live in Kentucky, there’s still time! Please get out to register, take your friends, make them get registered if they aren’t. This November’s election is critical.


hey, so if you haven’t heard, político published a document leaked from the united states supreme court tonight.

that document, while not yet set into law, shows that the supreme court voted to overturn all federal laws protecting the right to abortion in the united states of america.

these prior rulings, roeandcaseywere decided on the basis that the surveillance of abortion as a medical procedure violated the fourth amendment of the united states constitution, which protects our right to privacy.

this decision will impact more than just abortion.

it will impact gender-affirming care, the drugs you’re prescribed, the surgeries and procedures you undergo.

if you’re marginalized, i’m so sorry, we basically just lost hipaa protections for us.

if this doesn’t directly impact you, donate to planned parenthood, to the trans lifeline, to your local abortion funds and mutual aid funds. protect our privacy.

What are we going to do now?

What can we do make sure the people in our communities and close to us are safe and can access the care that they need?

What resources do we have? How can we help?


America is dealing with GOP trauma. The media gives the patriarchy/abuser a free pass, by design.

This is % true. And yet: we do not have to be happy with what we have, just because things are not worse. Would Trump’s very presence have made every measurable metric worse? Yes. But that doesn’t mean we stop fighting for better.

Biden’s Covid response has been abysmal. He’s out here calling Putin a war criminal & doing nothing about it; tweeting that healthcare is a right not a privilege on the same day the federal govt stops funding free Covid testing. His border policies remain largely unchanged from Trump’s racist & disgusting policies; we’re still looking at a bogusly Republican-packed 5-4 court, even w/Katanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation.

We can acknowledge that everything would be worse with our former President while still requiring more, requiring BETTER, from our current one.



Passed along to me & confirmed by a friend who works at Disney.

Just a reminder that other employees at Disney are walking out and have been calling for a BOYCOTT all week

Also if you want to be an ally to these workers and align yourself with the cause stop blogging about the new movies/trailers because that is literally part of the boycott

…. Maybe go to their website and take a look at what the demands are and suggestions for how non-Disney employee allies can actually help? Regarding a boycott: https://twitter.com/DisneyWalkout/status/1504919617856102402

[image description: tweet by @ DisneyWalkout on March 18, 2022 that reads: “We’ve been seeing this question alot and want to address it. We have not called for one, but if want to, please do. Just know, the crews of your favorite content would love for you see their work. They put countless hours in to create something they were proud to share.”

this is in reply to a tweet by @ AsexualAutistic that reads: “Are you calling for a boycott?” /end ID]

A list of demands here https://www.whereischapek.com/demands includes a bunch of actions they want The Walt Disney Company to do such as stopping campaign donations to Florida politicians that support the “don’t say gay” bill.

Here are ways supporters can help: https://www.whereischapek.com/how-can-i-help-tuesday that include things like:

  • talking about the walkout on social media
  • links to queer organizations you can volunteer for
  • suggestions for bugging your local reps
  • links to learn more about queer history, including podcasts and shows to watch
  • (yes I know I’m posting late to the actual date of the walkout, it’s already March 23 here, but these ways to support are not limited to March 22)

Also! [image descriptions for tweets screencapped under @ runcibility’s post: a series of three tweets by @ DisneyWalkout on March 21, 2022 found at https://twitter.com/DisneyWalkout/status/1506057714119503873 that read:

“(1/3) We have been informed that Disneyland Cast Members who do not feel safe to fully walkout tomorrow are being told they cannot even wear pride/trans Mickey pins to show support. Standing in stark contrast to the words of "inclusion” spoken by Chapek today in the town hall.

(2/3) These are the Mickey pins that Disney themselves sells. They want us to feel “safe” but then sell our identities as brands for profit while preventing those same identities from existing in their own company.

This all happening while many sectors of the company have been internally supportive of employees walking out tomorrow. Front-line workers, the most vulnerable of us, not given the respect they deserve is shameful. #DisneyDoBetter#DisneySayTrans#DisneySayGay#WhereIsChapek /end ID]

The Right Wing Media is Again Pushing Pleasures of Anal Sex as Alternative to Unwanted “Forced Birth” Pregnancy

The Right Wing Media is Again Pushing Pleasures of Anal Sex as Alternative to Unwanted “Forced Birth” Pregnancy

With the GOP on defense after Roe draft leak, we should look forward to hearing more sex advice and explanations of how things will likely change for some Americans – but no need to panic about anything extreme says the right wing. “We just need to drop certain delusions that our sex lives and major life decisions are our own private…

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Watch “Top Drag Queen EXPOSES Anti-Gay Republican’s Drag Queen History with Bombshell Revelations” on YouTube

It is fascinating to see conservatives go hard against the LGBTQ+ community, especially in the month of June. That’s not to say that it would be better any other month of the year.

But lately, here in the U.S., it seems as if they’ve taken on a special mission to demonize, threaten and castigate the queer community. And the extra attention paid toward drag queens is … just … WTF.

So of course, I’m happy to see Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake get “outed” for her hypocrisy. Kudos to Richard/Barbara for speaking out and sharing receipts of Kari’s swerve into hatred and bigotry.

Honestly, did she really think no one would have researched or shared this info about her life? It wasn’t even that long ago.

Anyway … Happy Pride! ️‍

the day every mother and child is guaranteed a happy, healthy, and well funded life is the day i support the overturning of roe v wade. holy fuck.

becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tumbecausegoodheroesdeservekidneys: I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory(Edited for clarity: Tum


I wonder if terfs are enjoying this victory

(Edited for clarity: Tumblr won’t let me remove the damn tag (or doesn’t seem to be anyway), but I’m aware the phrasing is ambiguous, so to be clear: I am genuinely wondering if they are enjoying this, or are horrified and considering it to somehow still be the fault of trans women. Either way, my own stance is that this is horrific and child abuse, and also, I believe we should find a legal way to have terfs and other transphobes flung into Jupiter)

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