

벨기에 - Belgium

칵테일 - Cocktail

아이스티 - Iced tea

생수 - Bottled water, spring water

코코아 - Cocoa

사탕무 - Beet (사탕 - Candy, 무 - Radish)

콩 - Bean

양배추 - Cabbage

무화과 - A fig

꽃양배추 - Cauliflower

가지 - An eggplant

단호박 - Sweet pumpkin (달다 - To be sweet, 호박 - Pumpkin)

대파 - Spring onion, leek

쪽파 - Scallion

순무 - Turnip

모음 - A vowel

자음 - A consonant

나무딸기 - A raspberry (나무 - A tree, 딸기 - A strawberry)

녹다 - To melt

탑승권 - Boarding pass

절벽 - Precipice, sheer cliff

빨강 - Red

하양 - White

노랑 - Yellow

피망 - Pimento, Bell pepper

근대 - A beet

연령대 - Age group

해산물 - Seafood, marine products

물다 - To bite

마못 - Groundhog

스프링클러 - Sprinkler

납치하다 - To abduct, kidnap

소방훈련 - Firedrill (소방 - Firefighting, 훈련 - training, drill, exercise)

승객 - A passenger

잔디밭 - Lawn (잔디 - Grass, 밭 - Field, garden)

인터페이스 - Interface

MINIOCABULARY | via Facebook on We Heart It http://weheartit.com/entry/69251550/via/NicoleKM

MINIOCABULARY | via Facebook on We Heart It

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대학교 - University 

*Uni (the abbreviation of University)

캠퍼스 - Campus

도서관 - Library

학생 식당 - School Cafeteria

학생 기숙사 - student dormitory / a residential hall for students

학비 - school expenses

시간표 - Timetable 

장학금 - Scholarship

교과서 - Textbook

학점 - Credit (이수단위)

        - Grade(성적)

동아리 - Club

명문대학 - Prestigious university

단과대학 - College

전문대학 - Junior college

대학원 - Graduate school

학사 - College graduate

석사 - Master 

박사 - Doctorate

종강 - Finish a course

전공 - Major

학과 - Department

이력서 - Resume

학생회 - Student council

교수 - Professor

학기 - Semester

- Written by Admin Hee

- Edited by Admin Yu

Hello! This is Admin Sun here. Today I’ll introduce some idiomatic expressions! There are a lot of Idioms (관용구) and these are some of the most frequently used expressions.  

✎뒷북치다: to hear about a certain thing late and react / make a fuss after the event is already over

Literal translation: to beat a (back/rear) drum (*the literal meaning hardly makes sense, ‘뒷북’ literally would mean ‘back drum’.)

Ex) 나는 늦게 그 농담의 의미를 깨닫고 뒷북을 쳤다. (I understood the joke late and reacted late)

✎말은 쉽다:Easier said than done. / Easy in theory

Literal translation: talking is easy

Ex) 그가 하고자 하는 것은 말은 쉽다. (What he wishes to do is easy in theory)

✎뒤통수치다: to betray someone (usually when they do not expect it)

Literal translation: Hit the back (of someone)

Ex) 나는 그녀가 뒤통수 칠 줄은 몰랐다. (I did not know she would betray me)

✎기가 죽다:to lose one’s confidence or energy, to become depressed or feel inadequate

Literal translation: Losing(dying) Energy

Ex) 나는 선생님의 말에 기가 죽었다. (I lost my confidence at my teacher’s words)

✎꿀 먹은 벙어리:someone who does not/cannot say anything (tongue tied)

Literal translation: a mute who ate honey

Ex) 그는 억울한 상황에 꿀 먹은 벙어리가 되었다. (He became tongue tied at the unfair situation)

✎봐주다: to cut some slack for someone

Literal translation: to see (for someone)

Ex) 너가 처음으로 잘못한 거니까 봐줄게. (I will cut you some slack because this is your first mistake)

✎오리발 내밀다: to lie when someone inquires you about something you did;feigning innocence of a deed

Literal translation: to stick out a duck’s foot

Ex) 그가 범죄를 저질렀음에도 불구하고 오리발을 내밀었다. (Though he committed the crime, he denied it)

✎입을 모으다: Many people having the same opinion and saying the same thing. Voicing the same opinion / agreeing

Literal translation: gathering mouths

Ex) 손님들은 입을 모아 그를 칭찬했다. (All the guests praised him)

✎한눈팔다: to get distracted, not concentrating at the task at hand

Literal translation: selling an eye

Ex) 영희는 한눈팔다 번호를 까먹었다. (Getting distracted, 영희 forgot the number.)

✎수박 겉핥기: to do something superficially / superficial, shallow

Literal translation: Licking the outer of a watermelon

Ex) 그의 지식은 수박 겉핥기에 불구하다. (His knowledge is superficial at best)

✎속을 썩이다: to cause trouble and worry

Literal translation: to make the inside rot

Ex) 그 문제아는 부모의 속을 썩였다. (That problem child caused his parents grief)

✎생각이 짧다: to act/speak without thinking, to act/speak inconsiderately

Literal translation: thought is short

Ex) 내 생각이 짧았던 것에 사과했다. (I apologized for my brash actions)

✎벼락치기: cramming (before a test), hastily preparing

Literal translation: lightning striking

Ex) 나는 벼락치기로 겨우 88점을 받았다. (By cramming I narrowly got an 88(points))

✎모르는 게 약이다: Ignorance is bliss / better off not knowing about something

Literal translation: not knowing is medicine

Ex) 묻지마, 모르는게 약이야. (Don’t ask, it’s better if you don’t know.)

✎말을 돌리다: changing the topic of a conversation, going off topic

Literal translation: Turning talk

Ex) 그는 현실을 부정하고 싶은지 말을 돌렸다. (He changed the topic as if he didn’t want to face reality)

✎말도 안 되다: nonsense, being absurd or impossible

Literal translation: Not even a word / talk

Ex) 나는 당황해서 말도 안 되는 소리를 했다. (I talked nonsense as I was flustered.)

Well that’s it for the idioms! I hope this was of some help :D happy studying and stay safe everyone!

-Written by Admin Sun

고요하다 Still

조용하다 silent

잠잠하다 calm

고프다 hungry

붉다 red

이러하다 be this way

그러하다 like that

높다 high

낫다 better

예쁘다 pretty

맛있다 delicious

달다 sweet

쓰다 bitter

가볍다 light

기쁘다 glad

아프다 painful

작다 small

착하다 good

이렇다 be like this

저렇다 be like that

어떠하다 be how

- Written by Admin Na

- Edited by Admin Yu

Here are some nouns and verbs that are used together or go well together!

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form)

한숨을 쉬다 : to sigh

한숨 : ⓝ sigh

소원을 빌다 : to make a wish

소원을 이루다 : to make a wish come true

소원 :  ⓝ wish

약속을 지키다 : to keep a promise

약속을 어기다 : to break a promise

약속 :  ⓝ promise

전화를 걸다 : to make a phone call

전화를 받다 : to pick up the phone

전화를 끊다 : to hang up

전화 :  ⓝ telephone

마법을 걸다 : to cast a spell(magic)

마법 :  ⓝ magic

소리를 지르다 : to scream

소리 :  ⓝ sound

노래를 부르다 : to sing

노래 :  ⓝ song

대가를 치르다 : to pay the price

대가 :  ⓝ cost, price

시험을 보다 : to take a test

시험 :  ⓝ test

코를 골다 : to snore

코 :  ⓝ nose

신발을 신다 : to put on shoes

양말을 신다 : to put on socks

신발 :  ⓝ shoes

양말 :  ⓝ socks

책을 펴다 : to open a book

책 :  ⓝ book

꿈을 꾸다 : to dream

꿈 :  ⓝ dream

싸움을 걸다 : to pick a fight

싸움을 말리다 : to break up a fight

싸움 :  ⓝ fight

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wiHawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wiHawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wiHawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wiHawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wiHawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice wi

Hawk: Klinger, we’re gonna need more ice. Try the Officers’ Club.

Klinger: I’ll be back in a trice with the ice.

Charles: ‘Trice’?

Klinger: Fifteen ways to a better vocabulary, Major. The keystone to executive advancement is enhanced by good verbiage.

Charles: Funk and Wagnall are whirling dervishly in their mausoleum.

BJ: Great verbiage, Charles.

Charles: I’m on day fourteen.

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Said Synonyms- Reporting

  • Added: to enhance an argument
  • Advised: to warn, to offer help
  • Announced: to declare formally and or publicly
  • Asserted: to state positively but having no proof
  • Called: to capture attention by increased volume
  • Commented: to explain, interpret, or criticize - to make a remark
  • Complained: to express dislike or disagreement
  • Congratulated: to give wishes; to acknowledge an action or deed
  • Continued: to further or add to an earlier point
  • Declared: to make known clearly and openly
  • Informed: to give information, to make known; declare
  • Lied: to not speak truthfully
  • Observed: to mention casually
  • Offered: to suggest; to state
  • Mentioned: to state briefly; to bring up in conversation
  • Protested: to formally or openly disagree
  • Quoted: to repeat words of others; to cite a source
  • Recalled: to remember or bring up
  • Related: to make connection; to say allegorically
  • Remarked: to make a brief, casual statement of an opinion
  • Remembered: to recall
  • Reminded: to remember; to mention so as not to forget
  • Repeated: to say again; to restate
  • Replied: to answer; to say in response
  • Reported: to give a formal statement; to give an account of
  • Reassured: to give additional comfort, support, or evidence
  • Revealed: to make known; to publish
  • Stated: to say or paraphrase from official documents
  • Taunted: to cruelly tease in a mocking or insulting manner
  • Teased: to annoy or pester; vex
  • Tempted:  to cause to consider (usually) something bad

Said Synonyms- Explaining

  • Addressed: to speak directly to sme, respond or answer
  • Answered: to respond to a question
  • Asserted: to add or offer additional information
  • Assured: to soothe, comfort, calm
  • Broke In: to interrupt, supplying additional information
  • Cautioned: to warn or advise; strongly suggest
  • Claimed: to assert or maintain; to state as fact
  • Concluded: to finish or draw to a close; to understand
  • Confided: to let in on a secret; to disclose
  • Described: to give additional information
  • Explained: to make or offer an explanation
  • Finished: to conclude or complete
  • Quipped: to say ironically or unemotionally
  • Implied: to suggest, hint, or say without saying
  • Noted: to make mention; to acknowledge
  • Promised: to give word or make a vow
  • Puzzled: to say with doubt or ambiguity
  • Reckoned: to add or submit; to figure or believe
  • Rejoined: to answer an objection
  • Replied: to answer a question or comment
  • Responded: to reply or answer a question or comment
  • Retorted: to reply to criticism in a sharp, witty way
  • Returned: to answer an objection; to reply to a criticism or charge
  • Speculated: to guess using information available
  • Surmised: to conclude or deduce

Said Synonyms- Arguing

  • Accused: to charge, slander
  • Agreed: to concur, to be in harmony
  • Argued: defend position, disagree or dispute
  • Chided: to scold mildly; to goad into action
  • Commanded: lead; overwhelm opposition
  • Contended: to argue, dispute, disagree
  • Countered: to dispute, question
  • Convinced: persuaded; remove all doubt, win over
  • Disagreed: to be at odds; to not agree
  • Emphasized: to stress
  • Exclaimed: to speak suddenly, loudly with surprise
  • Interjected: to add or assert; to interrupt
  • Interrupted: to cut off or disrupt; to interject out of turn
  • Maintained: to assert, to support by argument, to affirm
  • Objected: to disagree; be in oppostion to
  • Pleaded: to implore or beg; to speak desperately
  • Proclaimed: to announce officially; support publicly
  • Proposed: to set forth a design or plan
  • Reasoned: to state calmly and with logic
  • Sassed: to speak back to authority figure; rebel
  • Screamed: to use high pitch loud voice
  • Threatened: to say in menacing manner
  • Warned: to make aware in advance of harm, danger, or evil
  • Yelled: to shout or use loud voice; scream

Said Synonyms- Suggesting

  • Chimed In: to add (usually) unwanted advice
  • Coaxed: to convince against someone’s will; change mind
  • Dared: challenge, question
  • Hinted: implies suggestion
  • Implied: similar to suggest - indicates a definite idea
  • Insinuated: to convey sth unpleasant in a sly, sneaky way
  • Intimidated: to say without saying, stresses delicacy of situation
  • Pondered: to consider; to weigh all options
  • Suggested: to propose as a possibility, to imply
  • Urged: To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort

Said Synonyms- Questioning

  • Asked: to question or solicit
  • Begged: to ask in a humble manner earnestly
  • Blurted: to interrupt or interject, to ask all together
  • Bugged: to ask repetitively; difficult or unwanted questions
  • Demanded: to ask for urgently and boldly
  • Guessed: to infer; to ask without evidence
  • Hypothesized: to guess, infer
  • Implored: to ask with fervor, implying desperation or distress
  • Inquired: to ask, seek information
  • Insisted: to demand strongly, to declare firmly
  • Pleaded: to answer a legal charge, to lovingly implore
  • Questioned: to ask, doubt, or dispute
  • Requested: to ask (sometimes) formally
  • Wondered: to say with puzzlement or doubt
  • Worried: to cause to feel anxious, distressed, or troubled

Said Synonyms- Acknowledging

  • Acknowledge: reluctant disclosure of something perhaps a secret
  • Admitted: reluctance to disclose or concede facts
  • Affirmed: implies deep conviction, little chance of contradiction
  • Alleged: to assert or declare, especially without proof
  • Approved: to consent or agree
  • Avowed: boldly declaring, often in the face of opposition
  • Boasted: to take pride in, brag or overstate
  • Bragged: to boast or overstate; be prideful
  • Conceded: similar to acknowledge and admit  
  • Confessed: an admission of a weakness, failure, omission, or guilt
  • Corrected: to instruct more correctly; remove misconception
  • Denied: not accepted; unused, refused
  • Disclosed: to reveal something previously concealed
  • Divulged: to reveal sth that should have remained secret
  • Fretted: to needlessly worry about small details
  • Greeted: to acknowledge presence; salute, salutation
  • Imitated: to copy, mimic or simulate
  • Jested: to make fun of, tease
  • Marveled: to speak with wonderment or amazement
  • Nodded: to move head up and down in agreement
  • Praised: to speak of with honor; to speak highly of someone
  • Revealed: to make known that which had been secret or hidden
  • Uttered: to articulate; pronounce or speak
  • Volunteered: to give or offer to give voluntarily

Said Synonyms- Sounds & Misc

  • Babbled: to speak incoherently; gibberish, like baby talk
  • Bubbled: to speak lively and expressively; with joy
  • Chatted: to speak informally as to a friend
  • Chortled: to chuckle gleefully; short laugh of joy
  • Chorused: to speak simultaneously, together
  • Chuckled: short, soft laugh; usually to one’s self
  • Coughed: short, strong expulsion of air from lungs
  • Decided: finished, set
  • Echoed: repeated sound
  • Gasped: heavy breath after scare or physical exertion
  • Giggled: short, high-pitched laugh from fear or nervousness
  • Growled: rough, threatening manner
  • Gulped: to speak taking in large amounts of air as if drinking
  • Gurgled: to speak with fluid in the throat
  • Hissed: to speak in evil threatening manner
  • Hollered: to shout usually to someone at a distance
  • Lisped: to speak unclearly substituting sounds especially ‘th’
  • Panted: to speak as if out of breath
  • Piped:to speak suddenly and loudly
  • Quavered: to speak emotionally with faltering voice
  • Shrilled: high pitched shriek
  • Sighed: to speak with difficulty as if bored
  • Snickered: to say derisively with a laugh
  • Sniffed: to say as if about to cry
  • Snorted: to say with contempt and a short burst of breath
  • Sobbed: to cry uncontrollably
  • Sputtered: to speak with difficulty perhaps from impediment
  • Stammered: repeating words and sounds while missing others
  • Stuttered: to repeat certain sounds multiple times
  • Vowed: to promise solemnly; pledge
  • Wept: to cry softly, quietly
  • Whimpered: to cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds; whine
  • Whine:to complain or protest in a childish fashion

Credit to http://www.synonyms-antonyms.com/synonyms-for-said.html

Check out this lesson at danishwithemi.com

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Easter vocabulary

Basket = kurv

Bunny = kanin

Chick = kylling

Chocolate = chokolade

Easter = påske

Easter bunny = påskehare

Easter egg = påskeæg

Easter egg hunt = påskejagt

Easter monday = 2. påskedag (literally: second easter day)

Easter sunday = påskedag (literally: easter day)

Egg = æg

Good friday = langfredag

Hare = hare

Maundy thursday = skærtorsdag

Palm sunday = palmesøndag

Spring = forår

Easter traditions in Denmark

Besides the usually egg hunt and eating a lot of chocolate eggs there are a few other easter related traditions in Denmark.

Påskefrokost: Literally means “easter lunch”. It’s a social gathering where you celebrate easter with alcohol and lots of food. Usually celebrated with either your friends, family or co-workers. At a påskefrokost you eat a lot of different dishes. On the table you would usually see eggs, fish, bread, meat balls, dessert with lemon, etc. People will usually drink easter beer which is known as “påskebryg” in Danish.

Gækkebrev: A letter cut into a creative pattern (google it and you’ll see) with a small rhyme written inside. Instead of writing your name at the end of the letter (e.g. “yours sincerely, [name]” or “from [name]”) you replace your name with dots (e.g. “from …….”). It is now up to the receiver to guess who send it! If the receiver guesses who send the letter, the sender owes them an easter egg. If the receiver do not guess it, they owe the sender an easter egg.

If you have any questions or feedback feel free to submit a question/feedback at danishwithemi.tumblr.com/ask and I will answer as soon as possible.


부탁 - Favor


부탁이 있어요 - I have a favor (to ask)

제 부탁 좀 들어주세요 - Please do me a favor

어려운 부탁 - A difficult favor

letslearnhangul: Beverages in Korean~ Just some common beverages in Korean!~ *remember to try and so


Beverages in Korean~

Just some common beverages in Korean!~

*remember to try and sound out each word before peeking at the romanization!~

물 (mul) water
주스 (joo seu) juice
우유 (oo yoo) milk
콜라 (kol la) Coca Cola!
맥주 (maek joo) beer
커피 (keo pi) coffee
차 (cha) tea
핫초코 (hat cho ko) hot chocolate
와인 (wa in) wine

Hope this helps and happy studying!~

Post link
h-eonno: Want to train your dog in Korean? Try these out! “들어봐”  -  Listen “앉아”  -  Sit “엎드려”  -  Lah-eonno: Want to train your dog in Korean? Try these out! “들어봐”  -  Listen “앉아”  -  Sit “엎드려”  -  La


Want to train your dog in Korean? Try these out!

“들어봐”  -  Listen

“앉아”  -  Sit

“엎드려”  -  Lay down

“따라와”  -  Follow

“이리와”  -  Come here

“기다려”  -  Wait / Stay

“가져”  -  Take it

“놓아”  -  Put it down / Let go

“안돼!”  - No /  Stop

Post link
h-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE fh-eonno: Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends. Click HERE f


Taken from real experiences, here are some phrases said often between friends.

ClickHERE for more Friendly Phrases!

Let’s take a look at the vocabulary! 

야 - hey 

친구 - friend
좋다 - to be good, nice
무엇 - what

미안하다 - to be sorry
없다 - to not have, to not exist

꿈 - dream
꾸다 - to dream 

별일 - a thing, a matter
아니다 - no, to not be/be not

나 - me, I
이게 - this
어울이다 - to suit 
생각하다 - to think

금방 - shortly, soon
다시 - again
오다 - to come

너 - you
정말 - really, 
겁쟁이 - chicken, coward

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h-eonno: Political Vocabulary in Korean Politics - 정치 Political - 정치적인Feminism - 페미니즘Equal rights - h-eonno: Political Vocabulary in Korean Politics - 정치 Political - 정치적인Feminism - 페미니즘Equal rights -


Political Vocabulary in Korean

Politics - 정치 
Political - 정치적인
Feminism - 페미니즘
Equal rights - 평등
Gender - 성별 (also known as 젠더)
Gender equality - 성평등
Government - 정부

President - 대통령
Chairman - 의장
Vice President - 부통령
Prime Minister - 수상
Parliament - 의회
Democracy - 민주주의

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h-eonno:Nature in Korean! Do you know how to make sentences with the vocabulary in this lesson? • 


Nature in Korean!

Do you know how to make sentences with the vocabulary in this lesson?

• 지금 - “now”

• ~이에요 - “It is”

지금겨울이에요 - “It’s winter now.”

지금이에요 - “It’s spring now.” 

가 와요 - “It’s raining.” 

바람이 불러요 - “It’s windy” / “The wind is blowing” 

무지개 봤어요 - “I saw a rainbow.” 

날씨 좋죠? - “The weather is nice, isn’t it?”

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l’orientació sexual (f) – sexual orientation

la sexualitat – sexuality

l’homosexual (m) – homosexual

l’homosexualitat (f) – homosexuality

el gai – gay

la lesbiana – lesbian

el/la bisexual – bisexual

la bisexualitat – bisexuality

el gènere – gender

la identitat de gènere – gender identity

el/la transsexual – transgender

la transsexualitat – transexuality

l’asexualitat (f) – asexuality

l’asexual (f/m)– asexual

el col·lectiu LGTBI – the LGBT+ community

la lgtbfòbia – lgbtphobia

l’homofòbia (f) – homophobia

la bifòbia – biphobia

la lesbofòbia – lesbophobia

la transfòbia – transphobia

l’homòfob (m) – homophobic

el trànsfob – transphobic

el bífob – biphobic

cisgènere– cisgender

el gènere no binari – non binary gender

heteronormatiu– heteronormative

l’heteronormativitat (f) – heteronormativity

l’heteropatriarcat (m) – heteropatriarchy

eixir/sortir de l’armari  – to come out
