

i ate and then had a small binge and i’m so pissed at myself

i’ll weigh myself tmr morning to see if i gained

but i don’t really know if will bc my total for today was 1330

UGH i’ve been restricting a lot but hit a plateau so i’m taking today and eating about 500-600 cal to give my metabolism a boost

so i ate a whole bowl or strawberries and some goldfish

i’ll probably eat more later but i already feel fatter :/

~daily entry~

•july 2nd 2021•

today was better than yesterday. Wouldn’t even hv ate today if my mom didn’t make me stay downstairs with her. lost my control and ate :/

i think it’s okay tho bc i had a semi-healthy dinner with lots of protein. it also filled me up a lot which feels disgusting but ik i’ll still weigh less in the morning. i moved some furniture today and i’m sure that burned a lot of cals. disappointed that i ate bc i wasn’t even hungry.

~what i ate~

  • few bites of steak
  • 4 small grilled mushrooms w/ cheese
  • banana baby puffs

total calories: <400
