#anti sjw


Watch “Non-Binary Star Ezra Miller Groomed A Child???” on YouTube

What is a Woman?

Definitions exist for a reason. It’s not transphobic to know the difference between men, women, & trans people(IE: Transmen & Transwomen). It has a lot to do with biology.

For example, men are adult biological males. Women are adult biological females. Transmen are biological females who transitioned into becoming men. Transwomen are biological males who transitioned into becoming women.

Transwomen typically still has a penis, most likely due to not being able to afford the surgery to remove the penis. They might also not be able to afford breast implants. Hence the crossdressing & make-up. Transwomen can still impregnate women or transmen as long as they still have their penis.

Transmen will always have a vagina. But they might never be able to afford to remove their breast due to the high cost of surgery. Transmen can get pregnant.

But of course there are individuals who are wealthy enough to afford these surgeries such as Blaire White & Caitlyn Jenner.

So now that we’ve established who trans people are, let’s talk about the non-transgender people. So let’s start with men. Men have penises & can impregnate women or transmen. Women have vaginas, breasts & can get pregnant.

With that said, I think I’ve made a fair & accurate description of the differences between men, women & trans people. It all comes down to biological differences on whether or not they’ve transition via surgery or cross dressing.

I think it’s important to acknowledge these differences. It doesn’t invalidate anyone, it’s simply an acknowlegement of the differences between men, women & trans.

Now for left-leaning trans individuals, don’t expect conservatives to want a relationship with you. Instead stick to liberals or leftists, they’re more than willing to have a relationship with you. For right-leaning trans individuals, I don’t have to tell you anything because you have a better understanding than Leftists or Liberals do on these issues.

Hopefully there’s some sane left-leaning trans individuals who will agree or understand this post. Someone with an open mind who hasn’t been brainwashed into hating people who disagree with them politically.

Hate is a huge problem & it doesn’t solve anything. We must reject hate & try to listen to different opinions or viewpoints. So that we can have a better understanding of each other. Peace be with you.

Watch “Woke-Man makes an angry rant about Elon Musk owning Twitter & Roe V Wade being overturned” on YouTube

The very reason why I created schooltrashers.com was to expose teachers like this. There’s a lot of sex predators in our school system grooming or preying on their students.

Watch “Why Free Speech Triggers The Left” on YouTube

Finally finished watching The Batman in full thanks to HBO Max & it’s still garbage. This is how I rank the Batman movies. Would have included Batman V Superman & Zack Snyder’s Justice League in the S Tier, but they weren’t solo Batman movies.

The reason I put The Batman in shit tier is because of the fact that it’s 1) Woke. 2) Too long. 3) Too many miscasts. 4) Boring just like Matt Reeves previous movies. 5) Catwoman & The Riddler are the cringiest parts about this movie in both their looks & the way these characters were portrayed. 6) This movie tries way too hard to be dark & edgy, yet it forgets to be entertaining.

The only plus side I can give this movie is Batman’s voice, but that’s not saying much.

From Newsmax - Lara Logan ‘Definitely Pushed Out’ at Fox After Fauci Comments | Newsmax.com

Lara Logan 'Definitely Pushed Out’ at Fox After Fauci Comments | Newsmax


Equality Golbat: “It’s awful that attacking Planned Parenthood shuts down the 97% that is non-aborti

Equality Golbat: “It’s awful that attacking Planned Parenthood shuts down the 97% that is non-abortion services, and the loss of abortion-related services is also a tragedy.”

The defunding of Planned Parenthood isn’t a tragedy just because referrals for abortions aren’t the only things Planned Parenthood does. It’s a tragedy because of all the things Planned Parenthood does including informing people about the option of abortion, which is an important and necessary part of a modern healthcare system.


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Equality Golbat: Is considering oppressed groups of people as undeserving of agency, autonomy, and s

Equality Golbat: Is considering oppressed groups of people as undeserving of agency, autonomy, and security the right way to live?

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Neurodivergent Nidoqueen: Yes, I have done this thing in the past, so I can safely say that I cannot

Neurodivergent Nidoqueen: Yes, I have done this thing in the past, so I can safely say that I cannot do this thing without putting myself through significant pain.

And “this thing” can be anything from a particularly tasking aspect of your day job, or class presentations, or running a mile within a time limit, or anything else you can possibly think of.

Contrary to popular able-bodied/neurotypical belief, us disabled people do actually have a fairly realistic grasp of our physical, emotional, and/or mental limits. This is a strategy we use to set our boundaries, and in some settings it’s even a valued asset. Still, able-bodied neurotypical people are all too willing to try and nudge us to do things that we know, because we’ve done the same kind of thing before, will cause us significant pain.


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Equality Golbat: “Being pressured to accept your abusive parents because ‘that’s just Asian parents

Equality Golbat: “Being pressured to accept your abusive parents because ‘that’s just Asian parents being strict’ is not a form of privilege.”

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Equality Golbat: “Being stereotyped as bad drivers, bad speakers, and abusive parents is not a form

Equality Golbat: “Being stereotyped as bad drivers, bad speakers, and abusive parents is not a form of privilege.”

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Equality Golbat: There shouldn’t be a compulsory pledge of allegiance to begin with.I’m fully aware

Equality Golbat: There shouldn’t be a compulsory pledge of allegiance to begin with.

I’m fully aware that the US Pledge of Allegiance violates separation of church and state. It’s also horribly inaccurate.

“Liberty and justice for all” doesn’t exist for our enormous prison population, societally oppressed groups, nor for the people whose cultures have been almost destroyed in the aftermath of American imperialism.

The US today is run as an oligarchy, not a republic, and certainly not a democracy.

And children who don’t even know the implications of swearing allegiance are being deprived of the ability to think critically about their country from the start.


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Equality Golbat: No one should be drafted, regardless of gender.Even if military drafts are an examp

Equality Golbat: No one should be drafted, regardless of gender.

Even if military drafts are an example of sexism harming men, no one should have to be drafted from the start. Military drafts remove all people’s agency. If the people don’t want to go to war, they shouldn’t have to be forced into it.

The people should ultimately decide whether or not to go to war.


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Equality Golbat: Being annoyed with “political correctness”, instead of being hurt by people refusin

Equality Golbat: Being annoyed with “political correctness”, instead of being hurt by people refusing to be respectful, is a privilege.

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Equality Golbat: A rewards-only approach can still be abusive.Reward actions that should be rewarded

Equality Golbat: A rewards-only approach can still be abusive.

Reward actions that should be rewarded. Positive reinforcement helps kids remember things that can help them in the future. It’s important to help your kids and get their opinion if they have trouble doing some things. 

Reward your kid for doing something good for someone else without being asked, for instance. Help your kid and reward them for doing something that might not be the easiest thing for them to do. Why reward your kids if you have to help them do something? Because it shows you understand that they’re putting in a lot of effort to do the thing, even with your help.

If you’re rewarding acceptance of punishment, pain, degradation, helplessness, or withholding vital necessities and putting them under the guise of rewards, that is abusive.


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Equality Golbat: If you’d rather pay a doctor to “fix” your child because acceptance is hard work, d

Equality Golbat: If you’d rather pay a doctor to “fix” your child because acceptance is hard work, did you forget it was hard work to get that money in the first place?

One of things you need confront before you ever think about having kids, is that your kids are not going to be you. Those kids might end up radically different from you. Don’t eversay that if your kids aren’t exactly like you, that they’re bad people. 

There are a lot of different people in this world. All we want is to be happy and secure in our lives and in ourselves. There are a lot of different ways to be happy and secure and to do good in the world. Do not be your kid’s bully. Guide them to whatever way helps them be happy and secure and able to do good in the world. 

You might not understand your kid’s definition of happy and secure. But your kid will be infinitely better off if you help them come into their own, rather than force them into being someone they’re not.


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Equality Golbat: The fact that mindfulness has accomplished anything disproves behaviorism.Mindfulne

Equality Golbat: The fact that mindfulness has accomplished anything disproves behaviorism.

Mindfulness is essentially meta-thinking: thinking about your own thought process. That’s a very simplified explanation, but it’s the basic foundation. Behaviorism says that your thoughts, feelings, and awareness don’t matter, only trained responses. The fact that anyone has accomplished anything by being mindful disproves that claim.


I’d also like to add that it’s very difficult to actually be mindful of yourself, especially when behaviorism has taught you that your thoughts, feelings, and opinions are worth jack shit. It’s incredibly empowering for abuse victims to practice mindfulness and use it to draw up and sustain their boundaries.


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Equality Golbat: If you believe what and how people think is irrelevant to the human experience, why

Equality Golbat: If you believe what and how people think is irrelevant to the human experience, why call yourself a psychologist?

What it comes down to is this: people think differently. People think differently in every social, political, and cultural group that exists. The point of the psychologist shouldn’t be to make our thinking and functioning more monolithic and homogenous. It should help people find ways to work with their current thought processes and functioning in ways that work for them.


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Abuse culture: A culture in which certain groups are treated as problems rather than people.Let’s no

Abuse culture: A culture in which certain groups are treated as problems rather than people.

Let’s not pretend that abuse is “only a family problem”. In every setting, in every aspect of society, abuse runs rampant. Everyone not seen as “normal” is treated violently and inhumanely-whether it be through physical, financial, or emotional violence. Abuse is so ingrained in society that members of the group “normal” can say they believe other don’t people deserve to be happy, don’t deserve to be accepted, don’t deserve to express their feelings, or don’t deserve to live, without any repercussions whatsoever.

That, needless to say, is a huge problem. And navigating through the sea of abuse culture colors our lives in every way imaginable.

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The following youtube accounts are by people of vastly diverse backgrounds who are all exposing predatory behavior in their own way …

Anxiety War

Blaire White

Ready to Glare

CreepShow Art

These just serve as a small example of those speaking out, please feel free to repost and add more accounts!
