

e-offering #039 for Apollo was presented physically in the form of self-willing charity not done purely for the sake of those I worship, but from my own heart and spirit


A line-up of the first-born children of my royalty next-gens in order from eldest to youngest.

From left to right:

Princess Flurry Heart

Species: Alicorn

Parents: Princess Cadence, Shining Armor

Aqua Iris

Species: Unicorn

Parents: unknown - adopted by Twilight as a foal

Prince Apollo

Species: Alicorn-Sphinx hybrid

Parents: Princess Celestia, Prince Scorpan

Prince Amour

Species: Unicorn

Parents: Prince Blueblood, unknown mother

Prince Pyrinos

Species: Unicorn-Umbrum hybrid

Parents: Princess Luna, Sombra

As Aqua Iris was adopted by Twilight and Twilight herself never has any children, I consider her part of the line-up even though she does not inherit the title of Princess. Also, despite the fact that in my nextgen universe Tempest and Twilight end up together, I do not consider Victory Vale to be true royalty and thus did not include him in the line-up.



Statue of Apollo covered in tulle netting

A copy of the Greek bronze original by Leochares (330 BCE)

Blanton Museum of Art

Apollo Exhibiting Homosexual Acts (330 BCE)

sorry ive been inactive bc of college! heres new midnighter and apollo 

sorry ive been inactive bc of college! heres new midnighter and apollo 

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I really really really hope the Apollo 11 Flight manual isn’t a scam

I really really really hope the Apollo 11 Flight manual isn’t a scam

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 In honor of pride month, here are my pinups of these two icons together ☀️ In honor of pride month, here are my pinups of these two icons together ☀️

In honor of pride month, here are my pinups of these two icons together ☀️

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(5/5) - If Apollo didn’t stop Xandrian from ranting, he would’ve probably exploded.

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Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his

Saddest thing (that no one seems to be talking about) is that Nico will have felt Jason, one of his only friends, one of the only people that he fully trusts, die.

Also I’ve never used this style of art before, so cheers.

Sorry for the feels and stuff; I had to get my emotions out somehow.

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Really normal about this fictional character

No longer normal about him I need to become him


Some MidPollo for my loving and supportive boyfriend, who puts up with my shit and I appreciate him for it.

catkir: ♬♫♬♩catkir: ♬♫♬♩



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listen… i love klapollo… i love how, despite all the shit that went down with apollo and kristoph, klavier genuinely likes him????

and they’re polar opposites? like.. klavier is a famous rockstar. he was(?) the lead singer of a popular band. but he genuinely likes this nerdy attorney with uncooperative hair and a penchant for practicing yelling in his spare time. he treats him incredibly nicely. and it’s APOLLO who is annoyed by klavier, not vice versa, which is usually the norm in this dynamic.. its like klavier finds apollo fascinating tbh. which could be bc he sees klavier as a person, not just a celebrity

i love that klapollo
