#aro pride



One of the privileges of being aromantic: you can laugh at people’s love problems, because it doesn’t make sense to you anyway. Side effects: may cause people to think you’re a psychopath

i kissed a girl yesterday and im aromantic again this is not how i had to react

I was presenting an intro presentation for my personal finance class, and on the slide where we were supposed to talk about what type of family you want in the future, I said I don’t wanna get married and just wanna have a ton of dogs, including a picture showing that, as well as a picture of those car stickers depicting family members but only with dogs. My classmate just said “that’s the most im-asexual-as-fuck-help-me thing I’ve ever heard” and I just wanna say I’m glad I’ve built a reputation like that at school

Elizabeth Comstock from Bioshock Infinite is an aromantic bisexual

Lanque Bombyx from Hiveswap/FriendSim is an aromantic bisexual

Since they’ve been so popular, I’ve unlocked five more Pride Dragon pin designs in the Pride Dragon Bagons Kickstarter.

Agender, Pan, Non Binary, Genderquee, and Aro

(and I have more waiting in the wings ^_^)

Pledge now to help make them a reality

Here are all the handmade Pride Dragon Bagons available in the Pride Dragon Bagons Kickstarter

Tumblr won’t let me put up all the images in one go, but you get the idea :)

  • Ace
  • Bi (pink base)
  • Bi (purple base)
  • Pastel Trans
  • Bright Trans
  • Lesbian (pink/orange)
  • Agender
  • Aro
  • Polyam
  • Pan
  • Genderqueer
  • Genderfluid
  • Non Binary
  • Black Rainbow

Check it out here


Hey given its Pride Month, shout out to all aces and aros that didn’t have a single clue they were ace and/or aro until they were in their twenties or older.

You’re all valid.

Figuring this shit out is hard. I’m still figuring out my gender out. I’m so ace and a hopeless romantic I have no idea if I’m aro or not.

Don’t worry about guessing wrong. Don’t worry about changing your mind. It happens! Not everyone’s gender and sexuality is obvious to the self. Sometimes the answer is obvious and sometimes you got to go on a quest for self discovery.

There’s nothing wrong with taking your time to work yourself out.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with deciding you don’t like labels and would really rather just be acknowledged as not straight.


the most iconic and best scene ^^


Bellusromantic Flag (Redesign)

Bellusromantic is a micro-label on the aromantic spectrum defined as having interest in traditionally romantic things, such as kissing or cuddling, but not feeling romantic attraction, and not wanting a romantic relationship. A bellusromantic person may enjoy or desire these activities in non-romantic contexts, but does not enjoy them in the context of a romantic relationship.”

I decided to redesign the bellusromantic flag since the term resonated with me, but I wasn’t quite a fan of the flag.

Lavender - Traditionally romantic behaviors; like kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc.
Dusty Pink - The link between traditionally romantic behaviors and being aromantic; removing actions like kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc from a romantic context.
Rose Pink - The core identity of being aromantic; not experiencing romantic attraction, as well as identifying as bellusromantic.
Peach Pink - The link between being aromantic and not desiring a romantic relationship. May also include being romance-repulsed if that applies to the user.
Peach - Not desiring and/or rejecting romantic relationships. Could also include favoring other types of relationships (alterous, (queer-)platonic, etc.).

I decided to still include the rose as I thought it was a unique addition and helps the flag stand out. Above features one complex and one simple version depending on the users tastes; as well as a blank version if the user prefers it without a symbol.

Below on the left, is the current bellusromantic flag I’ve found. On the right is the original, and I mostly based my redesign off of it. I wanted to add a unique stripe construction instead of the basic fade-into-white that many other flags already have ^~^
