#mental illness memes



someone: “we should get some ice cream together! just like in old times! or we could go to a nice restaurant!”

my eating disordered ass:

credit to borderline.bunny on instagram

To all my neurodiverse/mentally ill/traumatised asexuals and or aromatics:

You’re still valid. I love you. Your sexuality is valid despite your circumstances.

Messy hair, smudged makeup, wrinkled clothes, chipped nail varnish, stained fingertips, chapped lips, mix-match socks, annotated books, clashing aesthetics, dried flowers, scribbled handwriting, voice cracks, bruises, acne, body hair, early mornings, late nights, unmade beds, loud music, soft touches

Does anybody else wake up and… the day just feels wrong?

And does anyone have any advice on how to cope with it because I am Frustrated

Reblog this with human things you find beautiful

• When people smile so wide, creases appear on their face. It’s like they’re so happy that they can’t keep it in

• Tanlines and age spots and freckles and scars and stretch marks and acne. Chapped lips, bleary eyes, broken nails, split ends. Anything that marks us as human and vulnerable and brave.

• h a n d s

• A stomach that has lots of rolls or none at all!!!!! It makes me so happy to think that that’s the place where your favourite foods are!!!!!!

It’s 2020, it’s time to stop putting so much importance and value on physical beauty. What is beauty, anyway? Everyone has a different definition of it. Stop judging others and stop judging yourself for their beauty not fitting into your version of it.

WE are beautiful and WE are radiant and no I don’t accept criticism

If you like my memes follow my meme insta too ❤️ @lamplighterlife

Repost from my meme page but yeah my body isn’t a happy camper

My therapist: “your style is always really cool! It’s nice that you don’t let your depression get in the way of you taking care of your appearance!”

Me: “There’s an old belief that when you die you come back as a ghost wearing the same thing you died in, and I really don’t wanna haunt the earth for a thousand years while wearing stained sweatpants and a stretched out tank top.”

My therapist: “Hahah that’s funny you should be a comedian!”

Me: “No Sharon I literally sleep in jeans. Sometimes I wear hats too. I refuse to be the mordern equivalent to a Victorian child in a night gown.”

Me: “Wow I’ve been pretty mentally stable lately!”

My brain: “Go to waffle house at 3am.”

Me: “Oh no it’s the first sign of distress.”
