

There’s not a lot out there about greysexuality so if you’ve ever questioned if you are I think this video might help!


Happy International Asexuality Day!!! I just wanted to do a little something to celebrate today. People don’t really think about asexuality a lot or hear our stories so I wanted to change that! This video I read some of my viewers ace stories


Hello my lovely peeps! My newest video is out and I’m super excited for it. I talk about some of my favorite asexual headcanons. Click the link and be sure to comment below who your favorite ace headcanon is


We’re all acin’ it today! Happy first international asexuality day everyone!

Why are asexuals apart of the LGBTQA+??
…well maybe because we get the same ridicule and disgust from people not only from outside but inside the community. Also maybe because in many cases there is no physical attraction, atleast speaking for myself. So when I do marry it will probably be to another girl because I have always felt emotional contentment to females more then males. Which would be considered a homosexual relationship. Does that make me a lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, ect? No, I am asexual and I deserve to be proud of that. I should not have to be ashamed in what should be an open community. Stop the hate.


AroAce dragons but refined!

Unfortunately, these designs are not for sale as I have gotten attached to them, but you can download a banner of them at full resolution over on my ko-fi for free!

I also finally have accrued enough dragon line-arts to create a small digital coloring book, these lines included! Go check it out!

coolcurrybooks:Three Essays by Black Asexual Women “Romance Is Not the Only Type of Black Love thacoolcurrybooks:Three Essays by Black Asexual Women “Romance Is Not the Only Type of Black Love thacoolcurrybooks:Three Essays by Black Asexual Women “Romance Is Not the Only Type of Black Love thacoolcurrybooks:Three Essays by Black Asexual Women “Romance Is Not the Only Type of Black Love tha


Three Essays by Black Asexual Women

“Romance Is Not the Only Type of Black Love that Matters” by Sherronda J. Brown

“The bonds that Black womxn share amongst ourselves are unlike any other. It is with Black womxn that I am able to be completely and unapologetically myself. It is with Black womxn that I have been able to foster a sisterhood, kinship, and camaraderie that fulfills me and will never let me be alone.”

As a Black Woman, Celebrating Pride This Year Has Been Hard” by Yasmin Benoit

“Now is the time to remember that queer culture wouldn’t exist without Black culture and Stonewall wouldn’t have happened without Black trans women. Even if none of that were true, it wouldn’t make our struggle any less significant to the LGBTQ+ community. All Black Lives Matter, no ifs, no buts, no justification. That includes Black trans lives, Black gay lives, Black bisexual lives, Black asexual lives, Black non-binary lives. That’s what I’m going to make some noise about, and you should too.“

“The Hardships of Being an Asexual Woman of Color” by Kimberly Steele

“I feel like growing up as a black cis female, I wasn’t given many choices with any kind of way to have a healthy relationship with sexuality. It’s almost like everyone, no matter what race they were or what religion they followed, was raised to view sex and sexual situations the same. That method didn’t work for a great number of people of color, and I feel like my relationship with sex (well, lack of a relationship to it) is part of that.”

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Happy Pride, here’s an important article for us to read, talk about, and work on.

Warnings for discussion of sexual/reproductive violence, antiblack racism, and fetishization.

“Black asexuals deserve to have more visibility and clarity, and Black people deserve to embrace our sexualities outside of the confines of prescribed hypersexualization.”



Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I’m trying to prove something.

Reblog if your blog is a safe place for asexuals.



Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I’m trying to prove something.

Reblog if your blog is a safe place for asexuals.

being asexual is like being a vegan: you don’t take meat, but you also don’t do anything with milk or eggs

pearlsfromthewest:I’m really happy to announce that Trevor Project will be including some trainingpearlsfromthewest:I’m really happy to announce that Trevor Project will be including some training


I’m really happy to announce that Trevor Project will be including some training materials about asexuality and asexual issues for their staff and volunteers. The Trevor Project offers 24 hour 7 day a week telephone counseling services to youth who are struggling with crisis and thoughts of suicide. In addition they have an online anonymous advice message system for non-crisis issues surrounding gender and sexual identity. The staff and volunteers who provide advice and support will now have access to and training on ace positive information.

This is huge and is great inclusion by the Trevor Project! Suicide prevention among youth of all gender and sexual minorities and the other work that Trevor Project does is critical. Suicide has touched many of us in some way. Now there is a place for ace, grey-a, aromantic, and demisexual people to seek help when they are in crisis. The Trevor Project crisis line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-866-488-7386.

Now is the time to spread this information across our community so that everyone knows. I’ve attached a few graphics: two purple Trevor Project logos and a two of their own graphics. Note: Trevor’s logo color is primarily orange; I made purple graphics instead of orange/purple ones for color clashing reasons.

If you have a blog, website, tumblr, or other web presence, you can use these graphics to spread the word. I know that we can get this information across our community very quickly and let everyone know that there is help and hope when they feel alone. If you have a blog or tumblr, please write about this to spread the word. I’m also adding the info to my AVEN signature and my Facebook page.

The materials that were created for Trevor Project’s training manual are available here. Originally I intended to have them be produced via a community project but I wasn’t able to get that together in time (I’m sorry :( ). Producing more documents like this one is a goal of mine over the summer, so anyone who is interested in that should send me a message. If you would like to thank the Trevor Project, I suggest using their Facebook page or their Twitter feed (I don’t think they have a Tumblr, but maybe I’m wrong…).

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Anyone involved in Wikipedia who is familiar with Wikietiquette? Because long standing editors are m

Anyone involved in Wikipedia who is familiar with Wikietiquette? Because long standing editors are more likely to be taken seriously than single purpose accounts, and I don’t have an account at all.

Here’s the story: back in December 2011 someone removed the flag from the ‘Asexuality’ Wikipedia article because it apparently “was based entirely on web forums”. However, it has been used internationally in pride parades, and I have links to Creative Commons photographs depicting it. This photo is SF pride 2011 and is CC, thesephotos are Stockholm Pride 2011 and is CC, this photo is Toronto 2011 and is CC.

Thisphoto is Manchester 2011 and unfortunately is not CC, nor is the photograph above which is from Belgrade 2010 and which I seriously want some more background on than the information I can get from the news reports, so if you know something personally please drop me a line.

To my knowledge, no one has reported on the asexual flag directly in the news and such, nor have they written a book on it, because that is the way things roll. There is (A)sexual which apparently featured the flag, but I haven’t seen it, and I don’t know about citing a documentary. Here is a Vice magazine article on London Pride 2011 with a photograph that has the asexual flag (not CC).

I have no status on Wikipedia, would someone who does please consider helping? I think the asexual flag, symbolism explained here, is an important symbol of the online andoffline presence of the asexual community.

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image source: teshiron on flickr Asexual contingent at the San Francisco pride parade, 2011.

image source: teshiron on flickr

Asexual contingent at the San Francisco pride parade, 2011.

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Happy Ace Day! 

I’ve never really talked about my journey to coming out as ace to anyone so I wanted to post it some where - so feel free to ignore cause its basically just a diary entry of my random ass thoughts lol 

Keep reading

I’m a sex favourable asexual, and sometimes it gets confusing.

Even though I’m not inherently sexually attracted to a person, if that person is a sexual partner of mine, I will get turned on by thinking about them, them touching me, telling me things, describing things, etc.

Lately I’ve been questioning my asexual identity bc of things like ‘responsive arousal’ and the fact that I’ve been sleeping around and just,,, ugh,,, i need to validate myself again
