#autistic girl


this blog is officially 1 years old woo hoo

these intrusive thoughts are getting out of control

new challenge for physiatrist.

learn to tell the difference between autism in women and bpd.

ENG: Warning, I’m an android.
(autistic*, but it’s almost the same)

I wanted to do this in my native language, because there is not much information about autism here where I live. And I think it is important that autistic people who speak Spanish and are Latino have some representation.



Pixar’sSoul contains a scene that VERY CLOSELY mimics the feeling of having a sensory overload.

It’s nothing mean-spirited or TRYING to cause sensory issues or anything like that - in fact, it’s a great opportunity to explain what a sensory overload is like - but just a head’s up, as it was a bit triggering for me when I wasn’t expecting it.

Also, VERY bright lights in some parts (I couldn’t continue watching after about 10 minutes because they hurt my eyes so badly)

i hate it when people say one thing and mean for me to do something else. like my boyfriend’s mom will say it’s time for his brother’s bedtime and then get mad when i don’t immediately leave. how would i know i’m supposed to leave? you are a grown up and fully capable to saying what you mean, so say what you mean!!

Online school is ideal because I can take breaks if I’m having a low spoon day


That autistic feel…. Lol but seriously these food separators are great!

I do that too. But i don’t have food seperators like that. So i just put the food as far away from each other as possible. I don’t really like when my salad get’s mixed with other kinds of (warm) sauces on my plate, i have nothing against it if i put it on myself.

So it’s kinda fun to look at my familys plate vs mine. Bc they aren’t bothered by it at all.. and i’m like ‘no no go away!’ almost everytime my food touch each other. If the food cold has touched the warm food i usually wont eat it. So my parents usually tell me i put too much food on my plate.

- here is a short video of my artworks which i chose to exhibit. There are 7 in total! The quality is bad i know… Hehe

Soooo i got my art exhibited at a museum. It’s an exhibition where autistic people can exhibit their art. It lasts three days. I hung them up yesterday. This is a really big moment for me in my life! I reached one of my goals❤️❤️ It might only be three days.. But that doesn’t matter tho.

Soooo regarding my drivers lisence… Its getting hard financilley.. My parents really cant afford it anymore.. Bc it cost so much money.

Every time i tell them i feel pressured to do it they brush it off. And it makes me so damn mad!! Plus my driving teacher wants me to drive flawlessly before i can go up to the final driving test.

I feel really pressured bc i feel like im not good enough. Sometimes i drive pretty good and sometimes i drive pretty badly.

I also drive in a big city which just makes it all harder.

My parents are also feeling less and less optimistic about me getting my drivers lisence anytime soon.. That only makes me more unconfident than i already am. I feel like a failure

Sorry i just wanted to rant…

High school party

P.s all the covid restrictions has been lifted in my country aka Denmark!

Sooo i went to my very first high school party today. It’s almost midnight as im writing this.. i got home earlier than i expected i would. The party started at 19:30 and should end at 24:00..
There were a lot of people, lights, loud noises, very loud music and i couldn’t hear what my friends were saying (who btw are all autistic too). It was party that were rave themed.

And i had a mental breakdown and got sensory overloaded. I started crying. Luckily my friends were there to help me :)). But honestly i also thought the party was kinda boring.. i already started considering going home at 21 because the party was so boring. It has to be the most boring party that i’ve ever attended. Even tho it was kinda boring, loud etc. i’m also kinda glad i went. I discovered something new about myself and my boundaries. I have always fantazised about high school parties… but i found out they weren’t for me.

Do you have any similar experience regarding parties like this? If so i would love to hear them.

Does anyone else wear shirts inside out bc of itchy tags and seems

Okay, but… And this is a question to the smart but also not smart people like me around.

I’m autistic and I have ADHD. The sky is blue and the British Royal family is racist.

Facts. Anyway.

So I’m autistic, and I’m very smart in a few things and very unskilled in others. Like… Sure, I can pick up a tune in two plays and explain to you how colouring in filmmaking works. But I can’t do math in my head and get lost if we turn into any street.

And don’t get me started on social cues.

When did that joke die? What are you laughing about? Why are you looking at me like I said something stupid/should say something?

The thing is: I don’t have the mental capacity to do some of the stuff my friends think I’m smart enough for. Whatever braincells I had were burnt off trying to get my bachelor degree.

It’s adorable, but I’m the person who needs to look up online how to boil water.

I feel like I have to say every day that: I’m a little dumb, please be a little comprehensive.

I’m music smart, film smart and that’s it.

(Bestie. You are reading this. I love you..we both know it is funny.)

Anyone else got that experience with NT people forgetting your limitations?

Sorry I’ve been MIA everyone! My mental health has been a struggle these past few months, but I’m finally starting to see progress in myself ❤️ Taking the time to log off and clear my head, has been extremely beneficial when it comes to my general wellbeing and sense of security.

I hope to get back to posting soon ! ❤️ Thank you for all the lovely messages telling me you miss me, and you miss my content. Will do my best to respond to as much as I can when I am able ❤️

Love Madelyn ☀️⚡️☮️



yall with adhd or autism or such ever just get…. bored. like so Painfully bored. like its not “oh hehe i was so bored and i made this” to flex or “oh im so bored bc i have nothing to do” but like a “i am physically incapable of ending this horrible understimulation with any activity i might attempt” and its genuinely fucking painful

Every fucking day

People I haven’t spoken to in years are messaging me to meet up when this is over with. Filling me with anxiety and avoidance ughh. Why am I like this.

Terrified of something that probably won’t even happen.

I love social anxiety :/

Happy lockdown day U.K. people!

(feel anxious about all this so just ordered cookie dough)

Look after yourselves and stay safe!!

Ireally should let go of past relationships…

I piss myself off

My family are the type of people who are like yeah we seen it on tv great now we don’t need to travel there.

I just think travel is such a big thing and to just have it dismissed like that saddens me.

Singing is my absolute favourite thing to do.

I used to sing in front of my parents but my mum would just give me little negative comments which hurt me.

It seems like it’s impossible for her to say something nice about me.

I think I could have Beyoncé’s voice and she would still have critised me.
