#witch tools



A ceremonial blade with a black handle, used in ritual for ceremonial magic. Traditionally are double-edged blades, but don’t NEED to be. Often decorated at the handle with carved symbols or crystals. Used to channel and direct energies mostly.


Used for magical evocation. Usually printed on altar cloths, painted on altar tiles or work on jewellery or clothing. Used for multiple different purposes; protection, summoning energies or spirits, among other things. Symbol for air.


A witch’s wand can be made of almost anything that she/he is drawn to. Used in most spell work to raise and direct energy. A lot of witches decorate their wands with an array of crystals and magical objects to make it prettier. Symbol for air. 


Symbol for water. Used to hold wine or any other ceremonial liquid. In some cases symbolizes the physical body or the womb of the Goddess.

B O L I N E 

White handled knife, often with a curved blade. This blade is strictly for harvesting or cutting herbs, also anything that has to do with carving or cutting during spellwork.

C E N S E R 

Holds the incense.

 I N C E N S E 

Symbol for air. Different incense scents have different properties and you would pick one based on the intent of your ritual work or spellwork.


Mainly used in Wicca as a belt to signify rank, but in other paths it is just used in spellwork. The cingulum is basically a 9ft long chord made from natural fibers or materials.


Mostly used to sweep away negative energy. Most witches make their own besoms.

C A U L D R O N 

A pot used for potion making, brewing or for safely burning out candles or incense in spells or rituals.

J E W E L L E R  Y

Enchanted rings, necklaces or even earrings that are used in ritual or spellwork.

S T A N G 

A forked staff. Symbolic of horned deities.


A designated place for worship or witchcraft. Normall adorned with symbolic items and offerings. 

A L T A R   C L O T H 

Used to decorate the altar, store tarot cards or runes. Normally decorated with symbols of the craft depending on it’s purpose.

A L T A R   T I L E 

Placed on the altar for symbolic purposes. In old texts it was said to trap and hold spirits.


In some cases used in place of athame. Also never used to cut anything physical. Said to keep negative spirits at bay.


Different coloured candles are used to represent different things within spellwork or ritual work. Burnt for intent.


Used in spellwork to hold concoctions or other witchy items together. 


Used for a wide variety of magical purposes. Each crystal has individual purposes and can be used in many ways to channel these properties.

D I V I N A T O R Y   T O O L S

Tools used for psychic practices are a staple for any witches looking to practice this.

H E R B S 

The oldest magical tools. Probably the most important tool and has been used for centuries to treat ailments and other purposes. Different herbs have different properties.

 E S S E N T I A L   O I L S

These contain the properties from the plants from which they are made. Their scents also have effects on people and are wonderful to use in the craft.

M O R T A R   &   P E S T L E

Used to crush herbs and other ingredients.

O F F E R I N G   B O W L 

Used to hold offerings for the Gods / Goddesses that a witch sometimes worships.

S T A T U E S   &   R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S 

Figurines or symbols used to represent deities honoured, this is normally kept on the altar.


The vibrations from ringing a bell is said to banish unwanted spirits and clear stagnant energies from a room. This is normally done before any magical workings.


Normally used to help prep one mentally and also to get into the mood. Putting on ritual attire is mostly to help you focus and this in turn will help boost your intent. it’s also a lot more comfortable than jeans.


Used similarly to the wand to draw and direct energies.

D R U M 

Often used the same as if one were to chant. The rhythm helps induce a trance like state and I am assuming that it would work the same as the bell in some sense.


Used as a divinatory tool but also in spellwork.


As some witches do rely on the cardinal directions in spellwork it is handy to have a compass near or on ones altar.

P A P E R  &  P E N

Have spells written down or to help quickly jot down any visions one might have during divination or other psychic practices.

S A L T 

Strong protection and purification properties. Most witches will use salt in nearly everything. Symbolic of earth.


An often-wearable piece of jewelry precisely used or worn for protection and warding off ill intent. Examples are the Evil Eye and the Eye of Horus. Thousands of religions and cultures have their own and others are universal.


A magickal blade or dagger that is used exclusively for rituals and metaphysical work. An Athame can ward and protect a presence or vicinity from negative intentions You can also utilize this to cut energy cords.


The ring of a bell not only provides cleansing throughout an area but is an exceptional way to incorporate sound and the Air element into your practice. Witches Bells are bells that are often hanging over the entrance door, used for a vast amount of time as a protective caution, and purifying the energies of those who walk through the doorway.


A magickal broom particularly utilized to sweep and or swoop energies. This can be to cleanse, to guide smoke, or to remove stagnancy from oneself or dwelling. The Besom has been a tool for thousands of years.


An assortment of dried herbal sprigs that can be utilized by being hung or once burned. Please do not burn white mountain sage unless you are indigenous though, for it is a closed practice.


The spark of a candle can purify the air and can also be applied for divination. Candles can be engraved, anointed, infused, and beyond. They also are great for incorporating the element fire.


A fire safe dish or canister that can be used to brew potions, burn loose incense, or to boil a delicious meal. A classic staple for witches, a kettle is most used. Cauldrons also happen to incorporate every element.


A grail of a sort to be used for drinking brews personally, or offering concoctions to spirits, deities, or ghosts. They are commonly shaped comparably to a wine glass, but appearances can fluctuate


A small ornament or sachet charmed with a particular purpose that can be carried or worn by a person for a variety of affects. This can range from jewelry to small vessels and accessories.


Crystals are rocks that are formed organically from the earth or grown in a laboratory. Although many people prefer natural crystals, they are unaware the reasoning for them being made in labs. The Earth has limited supply of these crystals that are extracted or mined from the natural resources that we have to offer, if we as people do not resolve this, Earth will be entirely depleted of its own magickal gems.


Cartomancy has been used for thousands of years. There are three varieties of card decks in this aspect, the first being playing cards. The second is Tarot, and the third is Oracle cards. The origins of each vary; but the Romani people are mostly credited for the origins of Tarot.


A Grimoire is a personal journal in which a witch or spiritualist puts their research and all magickal related texts. Grimoires can include collages, birth charts, correspondences, pressed flora, and recipes. Some people consider this sacred and share with nobody, whilst others happily share their work. The choice is up to you if you want one and what you might wish to do with it.


An Incense a fragrant of biological materials such as powdered flora and resin or sap. Incense are used by burning them and allowing the smoke to create an aroma throughout your dwelling. There are three forms of Incense, Cones, Sticks, Loose Blends. A loose blend is a concoction of ground herbs as they are and usually require a charcoal to burn.

Mortar & Pestle:

The Mortar is a receptacle that is made of a tough material and formed like a bowl. The Pestle is the tool used to crush, grind, or powder the herbs. The Mortar and Pestle have been used for centuries in cooking, pharmaceuticals, and apothecaries.

Essential Oils:

Essential Oils are compounds extracted from plants into a liquid. This is like the essence and soul of said plant. Can be used for topicals and aromatic purposes. They are incredibly useful in potions that are not meant to be drank but sprayed or applied to the skin. Always make sure to use a bit of carrier oil and water with essential oils, as the potency can be acidic and will need to be diluted. Water alone however cannot properly mix it. Specific essential oils can be toxic and even lethal to animals, so it is imperative that you research it before use if you own any pets.


A pendulum is an item that is suspended from stationary position so that energy and gravity may cause it to swing. This is used for a variety of reasons from divination, communication, and alignment of beings or spaces. One might use a pendulum board to commune with spirits or deities in a precise manner, but you can also use your hand. Always make sure to vet before proceeding to ask questions. Vetting is the process of assessing the pendulum by asking yes or no questions; one true, and one false. If it answers correctly, it is safe to proceed, if not, I recommend closing the space, cleansing, and warding before trying again.


An enchanted liquid that can alter or transform one if drank. This is a sort of blanket term or a very brief word to use due to the various forms there are. Most are used from biological compounds such as essential oils or herbs, carrier oil, and a preservative. Potions can have remedies or poisons, all depending on the ingredients.


Runes are an Ancient Germanic Alphabet that many use for divination. They can also be used as sigils because each Rune holds its own meaning. Witches write out the Runic Alphabet on small stones, bones, or marbles and gently toss them into a vessel and scry based on where they land or what falls at all.


A sachet is a relatively small cloth bag with a pull string. For those who practice, these are incredibly useful. Sachets can be used as charms, to carry crystals or cards, or filled with herbs and carried around or used in the bath. These are also referred to as Muslin bags.


Scrying Mirrors are usually painted a reflective black and are used for divination purposes. In many cultures around the world, mirrors are portals, especially if two are placed parallel toward each other. Therefore, many practitioners ward, seal, or cover their mirrors when not in use. You never have to do that, but I recommend it.

Singing Bowls:

The singing bowl is a kind of bell created in Tibet and Himalayan cultures that produces healing frequencies and vibrations that are not only powerful but cleanse a space and person. Singing bowls can range in materials from forms of metals such as brass, or carved crystals.


You might be wondering why I added an eating utensil to this list. This is because there are so many ways to use this magically in mundane and ritualistic actions. I have a specific spoon set aside for scooping and stirring herbs in spells, and I recommend having one too. The way you stir or grind something has intention as well, you can stir it clockwise to attract something towards you, and counterclockwise to deter something. This can be applied to tea, coffee, or food before drank.


Mist and spray bottles bring a different degree of efficiency and genius to potions, infusions, and enhanced magickal oils. These can be applied to charms, sprayed on a surface or general space, used as perfume, or sprayed on linens and clothing for numerous and different intentions.


A talisman is an item, often a piece of jewelry that has religious or magickal properties through charming, charging, enchanting in order to bring the wearer protection, beauty, fortune, or discomfort. Examples of this are a rabbits foot, the seal of Solomon, or a pentacle necklace.


A Veil is a hair accessory that is charmed and worn to shield and protect an individual’s energies. Most are scarves or bandanas, but you can get creative and use hairclips, scrunchies, or your hair itself. Empaths particularly can benefit from veiling as to not be subject to the energies around them and keep their thoughts and feelings and theirs alone.


A hand-held stick or rod that holds magickal properties and essence and can be used to cast spells. I like to use wands to write sigils, runes, or symbols on auras, tools, doors, and mirrors. Most wands are made of wood or crystals, but the materials can vary.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Never stop learning. Every day is a new chance to experience and learn more, whether that’s of the world or of oneself. And if you are teaching others, always encourage questions!!! It’ll get you thinking from perspectives you otherwise never would look into.

  • The Athame: a knife with a black handle, which is used to cast a circle. Represents masculine energy and the element of fire. Should not be used for cutting or to cause physical harm to others!!
  • The Chalice: these can come in goblet styles, or simply any mug or cup. This is used  to hold water or wine, which is to be drank after a ritual. The chalice represents water.
  • The Wand: your wand can be made out of anything you feel connected to: bone, wood, metal, etc. A witch’s wand is very personal, which means you can fashion your wand to your own personal style. The wand is used to direct energies during a ritual, and represents the element of air
  • The Pentacle: This is a very powerful and protective symbol in Wicca. On an altar, your pentacle can come in the form of a pendant or a platen. You can also use a pentacle necklace on your altar. This represents earth, and used to cleanse yourself, your surroundings, and all items on your altar. 
  • Candles:Different colored candles can represent different uses for the candles. The candles clearly represents the element of fire. A pair of candles represents a Goddess and a God
  • The Cauldron: Like the chalice, the cauldron represents water. The cauldron is used to hold things such as water, incense, herbs, and candles. This is very useful when it comes to rituals and burning small fires. Cast iron is the best material for your cauldron but isn’t mandatory. 
  • Bells: Bells are often used to mark passages in a ritual. Many spells ask for you to ring the bell once or twice and the bells can mark the beginning and then end of a ritual.
  • Incense: Incense is used to clear energy, cleanse, and call in energies. Most incense will work with whatever you’re doing.
  • The Bowls: The bowls on your altar represents earth. It is important to have a bowl of sea salt because the sea salt can cleanse your other magick tools on your altar. Smudging bowls are very important in magick.
  • Crystals: There are many different crystals that hold different energies. Keeping a variety of crystals on your altar can help with various different rituals. These crystals cane enhance the power of your spells.
  • The Broom: The broom is very symbolic of sweeping energy and keeping negativity away 

Before using these tools, you should clear and cleanse it. The more you grow in your witchcraft, the more tools you can add to help yourself thrive in your magick ✨

These are just things I’ve found that helped me when I began witchcraft. Most of these things are not a necessity, but can help. Please do not give me hate for this. This is a Wiccan blog, hence the name. 

✨ For Magickal Work:

The Scorpio Moon has a raw, pure energy that makes it perfect for efforts involving sex magic. It also lends itself to magickal work involving psyhicism, separation, truth, transformational change, courage, wishes and goal accomplishments. Use it also for blessing and consecrating scrying mirrors, crystal balls, or other divinatory tools.

✨ Mundane Event Planning:

When drastic measures are necessary for personal growth (setting plans in motion for long-range goals comes to mind here), nothing can beat the transformational and separating energies of the Scorpio Moon. For this reason, save any life-altering decision-making such as cross-country moves, career changes, relationship endings, and so forth for this time. It’s also useful for surgical procedures where growth, tumor, or cyst removal are at issue, as well as the commencement of treatment for other health problems. But those aren’t the only things this energy is good for. It’s also great for buying new bed linens and lingerie, and using them to your full advantage!

✨ Gardening Tips:

A very fruitful sign, seeds sown during a Scorpio Moon tend to germinate very quickly. It’s also a good time to prune if you want to encourage the growth of a leaf or flower buds!

Brightest Blessings!

[]  All-Things-Witchcraft
