#black women are beautiful

iameriwa: “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing


“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength".


Happy International Women’s Day ♀️

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Focus on You

Instead of worrying about what others might say, do, or think, just try to remain focused on yourself

Remember, you don’t need the applause or recognition of others to be great, just shine!

Easier said than done, but appreciating yourself doesn’t need to be hard Sis.

Stay blessed and focused


Author - @iameriwa

Model - @theferow

Photography - @jordanviision

Hair - @reeree_stylez

Invest in yourself

Dear Black women,

In order to secure a comfortable future, you must first invest in yourself.

Invest in your education and career.

Invest in your wellness, take care of your spiritual, physical, and mental health.

Invest your time doing things that bring you joy, peace and happiness.

Surround yourself with people who can advance your mindset, skills, network, and understanding of the world.

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable, that’s where amazing things happen.

Stretch yourself but don’t overdo it




Use each day as an opportunity to share your awesome talents with the world, your community, your family, and circle of friends.

Be encouraged

Be encouraging

Be empowered

Be empowering

Be inspired

Be inspiring

Be everything you want to be

But most of all, be YOU

Remain blessed Black Queens ❤️

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Crystal Renée @luvcrystalrenee

Black Mixed fishing

I don’t want to spend too much time on this “hot” topic. So here are my thoughts on the mixed fishing phenomena…

1. I’ve noticed that average looking non-richly melanated women, who dont meet the conventional beauty standards i.e. slim, blonde and white, tend to partake in mixed-fishing shenanigans. In an attempt to appear more “desirable”, they use cosmetics, non-invasive/invasive surgery to alter their natural average features with hopes of looking : racially ambiguous, exotic, or of mixed heritage… because in “urban” culture such looks are considered beautiful.

2. If you are blessed to be an offspring of two Black parents, you shouldn’t feel offended or disappointed by this nonsense, because these white women aren’t contributing to our dehumanisation or erasure. If anything, their actions are negatively impacting mixed women.

3. Accordingly, Black women I urge you to put down your capes, and let mixed women and the ignorant self hating black men (who worship white/mixed women) fight this battle…it isn’t any of our beautiful black business.

Stay blessed and highly favoured Queens

Author - @iameriwa

Models - Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jesy Nelson

Never Settle

Irrespective of how I feel about Nicki’s personality, I do respect and admire her contribution to Hip Hop and women empowerment.

So much so, that I was extremely saddened and disappointed in her choice of partner. Anyway, I urge women, especially single women, to use Nicki’s marriage has a cautionary tale. If you’re successful, and have choices, DO NOT settle down with a man who isn’t on your level.

I know that society puts tremondous pressure on women to get married and have children; but try to be strong, and wait for someone more deserving! DO NOT ignore the warning signs, the excess baggage, lack of financial security, and criminal background, just because you’re eager to become a WIVE and MOTHER.

Love yourself enough to not invest in a nonentity like Mr.Petty ‍♀️


Model - Nicki Minaj


Write the tale that scares you, that makes you feel uncertain, that isn’t comfortable,

I dare you

In a world that entices us to browse through the lives of others

To help us better determine how we feel about ourselves, and to in turn feel the need to be

Constantly visible, for visibility these days seems to somehow equate to success…

Do not be afraid to disappear from it,

From us for a while,

And see what comes to you in the silence.

I dedicate this story to every single survivor of sexual assault

Speech by Michaela Coel

Photography by Vittorio Zunino

Skin Blessed by God

I don’t know who needs to hear this but

Sis, your kinky curly afro hair is beautiful

Your richly melanated skin is beautiful

Your thick juicy lips are beautiful

Your spectacular broad nose is beautiful

Everything about you, from your head to your toes is beautiful

Because BabaGod created you

And The Lord makes no mistakes

So please rise up each and every morning

Basking in the fact that you are BeYOUtiful

In the words of Nas “My African skin gave me the passion to win”

Always remember that Queen

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Mary Sekeye

Photography - Belva Chan

Cherish Her

When a man reaches a state of maturity

He begins to understand the importance of having a good woman by his side.

He doesn’t lie to her,

Cheat on her,

Play games with her heart.

He doesn’t intentionally disrespect her

or diminish her feelings.

Instead he shows through his words and actions how much he appreciates, loves and honours her.

He remains committed through the ups and downs

Giving her the loyalty she deserves.

Author @iameriwa


Shaina Shaina is a comedy that chronicles my experience with daily microaggressions as a black woman, post-graduate, millennial in 45 era. IG@THESHAINALYNN
