




How on earth do people simultaneously acknowledge that autistic people experience regular sensory distress and also say that autistic people just happen to have unusually high pain tolerances? Because what it looks like is that we’re in pretty regular to constant pain from an early age and just get told that we’re not actually hurting and just need to do the thing until we just realize that it’s never going to not hurt. So injuries pile up, and illnesses go ignored, because if nobody gave a shit enough to help before, why bother? So naturally and magically, it’s just having a high pain tolerance. Obviously.

oh shit, i think you are incredibly onto something.

autistic people also very commonly just straight up have chronic pain, not just from sensory issues

hEDS and its most common comorbidities are EXTREMELY common among autistic people, and even very obvious and debilitating cases can go undiagnosed for an extremely long time. It’s far more common than doctors really realize.





when u exit hyperfocus mode and ur immediately hit with every status effect ever

Oh fuck I gotta pee. Wait wait, I can’t stand up I’m gonna fall over. Shit I haven’t eaten in like 23 hours. Damn I’m thirsty, maybe I should— fuck why am I nauseous? Oh, I didn’t eat, right. It’s WHAT time? 3AM? Do I even have time to eat? Shit, I forgot to take my meds earlier. Or did I? Damnit. Why is my head pounding, oh, right, haven’t eaten and I’m dehydrated… fuck I still gotta pee

*minimizes word document and stands up*

My body:
