#divination readings



Cheap Tarot Readings and Pendulum Divination.

I offer cheap, in depth Tarot Readings via Etsy, each reading will receive a high quality photograph of your cards, and an in depth conversation about the results of your reading.

Set your mind at ease about the future, or maybe ease some nagging doubts you have about the relationships in your life.

For more simple yes or no questions I offer Pendulum readings, for 50p

Tarot Readings start at £3.50

I really hate to ask, but I’m currently saving to cover some dentistry work I desperately need done, if you could share this or consider paying for a reading I would appreciate it so so much!

Thank you, Leaf


this reading can tell you:

  1. the main theme of this new year
  2. departing energies from last year
  3. talents you will be expressing this year
  4. future opportunities
  5. upcoming obstacles
  6. how to deal with upcoming obstacles
  7. how to achieve your goals and dreams


-> trust yourself - choose what you’re drawn to.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

PILE ONE (left)✨

  • a main theme of the year for you will be finally getting what you deserve. if you feel you are often treated unfairly in situations or that you give more than you receive, that will not be the case in the upcoming months.
  • you are leaving past conflicts behind you. five of wands can relate to arguments and fighting, and that may be an energy you are moving on from.
  • six of wands is about success. the talents you will be expressing will bring a lot of recognition and notice for you. you can accomplish anything if you’re determined enough to go the extra mile.
  • there will be future opportunities for celebration. four of wands can sometimes indicate a wedding, but it may just be spending more time with family and friends in a very stable, harmonious environment.
  • this year you may struggle with some kind of disappointment or sadness. maybe you experienced a loss in your career or relationships, or maybe the universe causes you to miss out on an opportunity you wanted because it knows there is something better for you.
  • to deal with these upcoming challenges, you either need to be careful and thoughtful in your choices and decision making, or embrace love and connections. i got both kinds of energy, so take what resonates.
  • you may have some self-doubt, or negative thoughts and beliefs that can tend to put you in a hole or trap you. remember to look at both possible outcomes of a situation, not just the worst case scenario. when you want something, don’t allow fear to stop you from going after it. notice the blessings you have around and be grateful for them, because you will attract more.

PILE TWO (middle)✨

  • knowledge and understanding will be a main theme of the year for you. you may be learning new things, even studying, as well as exploring ways of sharing your own ideas and gifts.
  • you might find yourself letting go of anything from last year that was blocking your happiness. you could have also had a very narrow view on what you thought you needed to be happy, whereas this year you are moving on from that mindset.
  • you will be showing your persistence and ability to persevere despite any obstacles that come your way. there is defensive energy in this card, but it shows your strength will be seen.
  • there are opportunities for you to overcome anything you are dependent on. it may be an addiction, or some kind of toxic behaviour that you will learn to move away from, or it could just be that you will find your freedom and independence. there is potential for you to feel so confident and self assured.
  • you’re likely moving into a new phase of your life this year or completing a major stage, however you may also be struggling to come to terms with it, or you may be resisting the change. there’s a chance that for some, you’re challenge is actually making the cycle end.
  • even if you are feeling overwhelmed and tired, you are so close to getting to where you want or need to be. ten of wands is a sign to not give up during difficult times.
  • in order to achieve your goals and manifest your desires, you will need to believe in yourself and your abilities. you have the power and strength, so never doubt it.

PILE THREE (right)✨

  • you may be working towards achieving many different things this year. the main theme for you juggling these tasks, and it will likely bring some chaotic, stressful energy but you can also succeed.
  • last year you may have been quite separated from others, whether that’s feeling introverted, lonely or just taking time to yourself think and reflect. you will likely be moving on from this and reconnecting with others.
  • you may have already, or will soon have a huge realisation. it not only changes your perspective, but also the way you take action in life and will have a big impact on how you express yourself.
  • there will likely be future opportunities to revisit familiar places and people. six of cups has energy of reunions, joy and comfort. it could even relate to a childhood home or spending time with family.
  • this year you may be dealing with feeling like you have missed out. it can suggest an obstacle with money or inspiration, and even feeling lonely.
  • you can overcome this if you maintain your passion and determination. don’t lose focus on your goals, and have the drive to see them through.
  • to manifest your goals, be sure that your mindset is in the right place. if you are focusing on the negatives and on lack, you may attract more of it. whereas if you are counting your blessings and having positive, hopeful thoughts - then that is what you will align with and attract more of. son of pentacles is also a sign to be patient and consistent when going after your desires.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like & reblog if anything resonated!! :)

personal readingsshop.

love to all


how can I bring happiness back into my life?

-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

->photo below [click for clearer image]

PILE ONE (left)

ace of swords, three of cups

  • spend time with people who are important to you, whether that means quality time with friends, or going to parties and socialising. either way, you should be around those who support and care for you. you may also find joy and peace in creating and sharing your ideas, as well as gaining new understandings and perspectives on what is happening around you.

PILE TWO (middle)

ten of cups, the tower

  • a lot of your happiness lies with your relationships, friendships and family. when your connections are strong and you feel supported you are always vibrating at the highest frequency you can be. sometimes the universe takes us out of situations because we wouldn’t have removed ourselves from it. however there may need to be some kind of change -maybe even in a seemingly negative way- in order to put on the right path in the right direction.

PILE THREE (right)

the sun, the moon

  • this is a sign that you need to focus on where you want to succeed and find joy instead of on any negatives. there may also be some things you are unclear about or don’t have a full understanding of yet. the thing you don’t know might even be what makes you happy - you could be feeling really unsure because there are things that are yet to be uncovered.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordablepersonal readings.

love to all

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(picture at the bottom. click for clearer view)

PILE ONE - left

knight of swords

  • you’re likely to meet a person who is highly driven, ambitious and action oriented. once they have their mind set, they won’t change it, and have the motivation to keep going until they succeed despite any challenges in their way. there will be a mental and intellectual connection between you and this person, as well as a romantic one, and things are likely to move quite quickly.

PILE TWO - middle

the high priestess

  • your person may have a very mysterious exterior that will intrigue you. they are very in touch which their intuition, almost psychically. there is likely to be a very rare and intense connection between the two of you, and it will be an opportunity for you to both grow spiritually, access inner knowledge from your soul and gain new perspectives.

PILE THREE - right

king of pentacles

  • you’re likely to meet a highly successful person in the future. their world is full of abundance and wealth. they may have a lot of value on materialistic items, but are also ambitious, determined and can manifest all of their goals. when they go after something they want, they nearly always get it. they will be loyal, and bring a lot of stability to your life.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal readings shop.

love to all


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T FOR SOMEBODY ELSE. every card is pulled for a reason, however this is a general, collective reading and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.



  • this card represents not being afraid to stand out from the crowd. it encourages you to be free and unleash your talents and gifts to the world. don’t be trapped by limiting beliefs and people who don’t understand you. instead, chase down your desires and express your true self in the process. reconnect with the part of you that likes to break boundaries and go beyond limitations. don’t let anything stand in the way of your freedom or growth.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated, and follow me for regular tarot posts :)

affordablepersonal readings.



✨(pick a pile tarot reading)✨

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


page of wands

you mind may be full of ideas and inspiration, you could even feel a calling whether that’s for a career path or a spiritual path, but you may lack the courage to take the steps in these directions. you have a curious mind with endless potential and excitement for the possibilities, but your fear gets in your way. you do have the bravery within you leave your comfort zone and take action, you just need to believe it’s there. know that you can make anything happen.


three of cups

you may have some kind of block relating your social life. perhaps this was a disagreement with a friend or family member, even a misunderstand or miscommunication. it’s likely affected your connections in some way. you could benefit from embracing energy of community and gatherings. if you have been avoiding events because of a conflict, you may actually need to attend in order for it to be resolved. either way, act maturely and accept peace and harmony into your life.


ten of pentacles

you likely have a block in the area of finances and money. this doesn’t mean you aren’t wealthy now, or can’t be in the future. it just suggests that you may have some limiting beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your true potential in education and career. maybe you don’t believe you are worthy or able to achieve your goals - but you are. realise this. catch any negative thought patterns you have relating to financial security and stability, and flip them to the positive. change your thoughts and your whole reality will change too.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! :)

personal readings.

love to all

∆Witchy Reminder∆

A healthy dose of self criticism is perfectly fine within your craft, however remember not to wholly disregard everything always as you’ll lose confidence in yourself and much information that was otherwise important.


I’m planning to do some oracle card readings on what you need to hear right now! If you want a reading, simply send in your initials, your favorite color and your favorite animal through ask and I’ll try my best to respond


I’ve been wanting to add a 5th deck choice to my shop and I am torn between these two.

I think the Silver Witchcraft is beautiful, but it’s imagery is based on the RWS, and so is the Universal deck, so I worry that they are too similar to each other, that it would not make sense to offer both as choices.

I know the Deviant Moon can be a little off-putting but I love the designs, I love looking at it, I really love this deck, and I want to work with it more, I think it has a lot to offer people, but I worry that the “darker” designs may be off-putting to clients.


I’ve gone ahead and made a poll, here.

Silver Witchcraft Tarot

Deviant Moon Tarot

I’ve been wanting to add a 5th deck choice to my shop and I am torn between these two.

I think the Silver Witchcraft is beautiful, but it’s imagery is based on the RWS, and so is the Universal deck, so I worry that they are too similar to each other, that it would not make sense to offer both as choices.

I know the Deviant Moon can be a little off-putting but I love the designs, I love looking at it, I really love this deck, and I want to work with it more, I think it has a lot to offer people, but I worry that the “darker” designs may be off-putting to clients.

