#dream core


Aaaa thank you for 500 followers!!!!

Half way to 1000!!!!


you take a spider outside, and turn off the lights in an empty room and put that wrapper in your pocket until you find a bin.

you’re kind like that, saving the world little by little without even realising.

Im so sick of this pandemic and how common eugenics is just constantly now. I have spent the evening crying and actually most of the day crying because of how little people care about how so many have just died so quickly.

Kyoto- LSD: Dream Emulator (1998)

Happy new year! Thanks for supporting my profile in 2020, thanks for ur reblog, comments and hearts! Thanks to u I keep this profile active, not much, but every so often I publish a new edit for you! Thank you, bc for ur help the Cryptid Academia has become better known and fills me with a lot happiness, the Cryptid Academia now unites many countries & languages! thank u, I love you. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

me in the hospital is the most amazing thing haha. It is so gloomy and cozy, does this place seem so well known to you? it is because it is a liminal space.
