

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?’”

John 11:25-26

Happy Easter!

“For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’”

Romans 10:12-13

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.’”

John 6:35

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

It was so exciting to stop by the bazaar at the #bloomingtonkrampusnight and see my #krampus cards s

It was so exciting to stop by the bazaar at the #bloomingtonkrampusnight and see my #krampus cards selling fast! So glad they got a wider distribution this year. #artist #encouragement

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There is no right way of loving or wanting to be loved. You know yourself best, you know what you want and you should not be afraid/ashamed to ask for it. The way you love and feel love is as special as you are and therefore it is not wrong. No matter what kind of relationship you crave, no matter if you desire to be physically involved or not, no matter who or what you are interested in, your wants and needs are valid. I know that there are so many types of love, romance, relationships etc. out there, but that does not mean it makes you “weird” or “unnormal” if you do not want any of that. You know what you like and you know what fulfills you and (as long as you are safe), you should live it loudly and proudly. For it is only human to love, to want to be loved and to want to feel some sort of connection. So do it in your own way, my love. Your way is the right way.

This is your reminder that even if you struggle with your self-esteem and self-love, it will get better. There is still time. It is never too late, my love. I see how hard you have been trying to accept yourself, to embrace your flaws and I am so proud of you for that. Just because you feel the darkness again, does not mean your efforts were not worth it. With every time that you try again, you choose yourself. And there is so much beauty and so much strength in that. I promise you, it will get better. For now, just keep trying. I love you.

I will never truly understand why people choose to be mean, condescending, racist, unsupportive and so, so negative when the world is already falling apart. We need more love, we need more positivity, we need more kindness. And if you, dear reader, have said or done something nice for someone else (or even yourself) today, I want to remind you that you have made the world a better place. We need more people like you. We need people who choose peace; we need people who choose love; we need people who choose kindness. Thank you for being a light. You are a star.

A huge shoutout to everyone out there who struggles to put their thoughts into words. You are not stupid; you are not failing; you are not incapable of speaking. Your mind is a complex universe and the thoughts you have are so important. I understand that it is frustrating when you cannot express your thoughts the way you want to express them, but it does not make them any less valid. They still exist, even if just in your head. They are proof that you are a creative human being with amazing ideas and opinions. Everyone has a different way of reflecting what is going on in their mind: speaking, writing, singing, drawing etc. And no matter who you are, you matter. It is all about finding what works for you, not what is expected of you. I see you. I hear you. And I love you.

Always remember that if someone calls you ugly, stupid, annoying or any other condescending/negative words, it only reveals their ugly character and has nothing to do with you. I know words can cut deep and leave scars, but I hope it helps you heal when you think about that whatever has been said to you is not a reflection of you, but of the other person. You are truly beautiful, radiant and so, so needed on this world. Everything about you is perfect the way it is. *sending hugs*

You’re not lazy, you simply need to rest. You’re not stupid, you simply have gaps in your knowledge that can be filled. You’re not ugly, you simply have a wrong perception of your reflection. You’re not naive, you simply believe in the good in people and in the world. You’re not unlovable, you simply haven’t recognised your own worth yet. All of these negative thoughts you may have in fact disguise a positive truth - a truth that you have to learn to believe. You, my love, are simply wonderful the way you are.

In a world filled with many wonderful people, please never forget that you are one of them. It is normal to feel small, insignificant even, when you meet new people. It is easy to recognise how amazing, beautiful and talented others are and to forget about your own strengths. I just want to remind you that even if there are 7.9 billion people in this world, you are still one of a kind. You still matter. And your existence is important. The voices in your head might be saying that your life is pointless, because you are not as special as others; that’s a lie, my love. You are so special. It is time to finally recognise your worth.

Think about this for a second: When one single screw is missing while building furniture, it could be dangerous. When one single traffic light stops working, there will be massive chaos in the streets. When one single lightbulb dies out, it immediately becomes darker in the room. All these things seem small and insignificant, right? Yet they have such an important and powerful impact. They are you; you are the screw, the traffic light, the lightbulb - if you did not exist the world would not work properly. You are such an essential part of it all, my love. Always remember this when you feel worthless and like your existence doesn’t mean anything. It does. Your existence is needed.You matter so damn much.

In moments that you feel insignificant and worthless, I want you to remember that you are the centre of your life. Your life revolves around you. It is so easy to lose focus while working, being there for others, studying, etc. Yes, of course we are part of society and yes, of course we have friendships and relationships that are important, too. But the most important thing in your life is you. It is good to look at the big picture, but sometimes we can get very lost in it, which makes us feel small and unimportant. That is when you need to take a step back and focus more on yourself. It may sound absolutely selfish, but it isn’t, I promise, my love. You are not selfish for tending to the essential part of your life: you.
