#unpopular thoughts


Unpopular Opinion

I hate the cancel and hate culture of the series fandoms, solely on the basis of their OTPs and ships.

Like dudes, wake the fuck up. Your ship is a tiny dot in the vast, colorful and astounding universe of the show. Y'all behaving rudely just because something that you wanted didn’t happen is basically a slap on the face to the creators of all these amazing shows that they spend so much time and hard work on. It’s their show, they can make it however they like it. Remember that they’re the one with the whole story and plot, not us, and that they always strive to present the show in such a way that every single aspect is intertwined, making sense in the end.

Fucking wake up and look past that one percent faulty and appreciate the other 99 percent mastery. Idiots.

This is most likely a very unpopular opinion. But, thanksgiving leftovers are amazing and are sometimes even better than when they were fresh.

Remember ladies and gentlemen this generation loves performative activism without actually doing anything themselves or for others.



Kill the stereotype that Fe users are incapable to be leaders.

I’ve never seen this stereotype but let’s kill it with fire

People are not defined by the stereotype of their MBTI. A person is not only their MBTI or Enneagram or Hogwarts house or Moral Alignment, every person is unique! The personality typing community would do good to learn this!! (And to those of you that do know this *high five*)

In moments that you feel insignificant and worthless, I want you to remember that you are the centre of your life. Your life revolves around you. It is so easy to lose focus while working, being there for others, studying, etc. Yes, of course we are part of society and yes, of course we have friendships and relationships that are important, too. But the most important thing in your life is you. It is good to look at the big picture, but sometimes we can get very lost in it, which makes us feel small and unimportant. That is when you need to take a step back and focus more on yourself. It may sound absolutely selfish, but it isn’t, I promise, my love. You are not selfish for tending to the essential part of your life: you.

“Nothing is going to stop me from loving you, I could be hit with a semi right now and I would would be using my last breath telling you that I love you with all of my heart.. it’s not a waste, never that. I think loving is the most important thing a person can do, not even just romantic love either.. I think everyone should love everyone and the world would be a better place. I mean, doesn’t it make you happy that I love you?? It means a lot when you are loved, at least it should. So love people today, tomorrow, and the next day cause it makes the world a better place.. I will start by loving you and it will grow from there.”

Who knew that we could change the world just by loving someone - eUë

Hate does not bring peace. No matter why you hate someone, let that shit go. You are hurting yourself more than them. When you think of hating them, you are affecting you, not them. Disagree, believe they are dumb, believe they are hypocrites, believe someone should shut up, but stop hating. It does not solve the issue, it does not create a safe place where they wont bother you, and it will not at the end of the day, make you any happier.

Unpopular opinion: The AA anime isn’t that bad. Like, yeah, the animation sucked ass but the voice actors and dub as a whole still did amazing. Eric Vale(PW’s va), Dani Chambers(Dahlia and Iris’s va), Brandon Potter(Godot’s va), and so many others put so much more life into the characters than just in the games. (And the bloopers are hilarious)
