


Credit: SolidEnergy Systems

A spinout company of MIT, USA, has produced a new rechargeable lithium metal battery that can double the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries and could make smartphones, drones and electric cars last twice as long.

The company behind the design, SolidEnergy Systems, developed the anode-free lithium metal battery by replacing a common battery anode material, graphite, for very thin, high-energy lithium-metal foil, which can hold more ions to increase energy capacity.

Hu, co-inventor and CEO of SolidEnergy commented, ‘With two-times the energy density, we can make a battery half the size, but that still last the same amount of time, as a lithium ion battery. Or we can make a battery the same size as a lithium ion battery, but now it will last twice as long.’

Hu developed a solid and liquid hybrid electrolyte solution. He coated the lithium metal foil with a thin solid electrolyte that doesn’t require heat. He also created a quasi-ionic liquid electrolyte, which proved inflammable, and has additional chemical modifications to the separator and cell design to stop it from negatively reacting with the lithium metal.

The final result was a battery with energy-capacity perks of lithium metal batteries, but with the safety and longevity features of lithium ion batteries able to operate at room temperature. ‘Combining the solid coating and new high-efficiency ionic liquid materials was the basis for SolidEnergy on the technology side,’ adds Hu.

The chemical modifications to the electrolyte allow the lithium metal batteries to be rechargeable and safer to use. The SolidEnergy has now moved into bigger space and Hu is hoping to ramp up production for their November launch.

#materials science    #science    #batteries    #electronics    #lithium    #metals    #energy    
A recent study has confirmed what we all probably already suspected: watching cat videos boosts ener

A recent study has confirmed what we all probably already suspected: watching cat videos boosts energy and positive feelings. Yay! :) 

Here is a video to give you a boost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1dpQKntj_w

You can read more about the study here: http://news.indiana.edu/releases/iu/2015/06/internet-cat-video-research.shtml

Those having access to ScienceDirect articles can check out the actual research paper here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563215004343

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#finnish    #energy    #research    

African Energy Use Per Person vs. a Typical American Refrigerator - Annual kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed per capita, 2017

Source: International Energy Agency and Energy for Growth Hub

#the environment    #energy    








TIL Nuclear power is actually better environmentally than coal.


Atomophobia is a big oil plot tbh


Newer designs are even better. For example, a molten salt reactor can be designed so that it physically can’t go into core meltdown. Because the radioactive fuel is dissolved in a molten salt compound, an overheating reactor can simply melt through a barrier, pour into a shielded chamber, and solidify back into a solid form. 

The best example uses liquid fluoride salt and radioactive thorium, which is cheaper, more plentiful, and less suited to weapons than uranium. 

Have ANY of you played fallout?? No thanks

What an absolute galaxy brain take

Atomic advocates when someone says Thorium be like

#energy    #mdpost    
It’s hard to believe that your gut controls SO many things in your body! Sugar and food cravin

It’s hard to believe that your gut controls SO many things in your body!
Sugar and food cravings you can’t control?
Migraines and headaches?
Insomnia or poor quality sleep?
☕️Lack of Energy or fatigue throughout the day?
Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis?
⚖Weight Fluctuation or Troubled weight loss?
Constipation or bloating?
Mood swings, depression, anxiety?

Any of these things can be a sign of an unhealthy gut!

Plexus’ Triplex to the rescue!!

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#plexusambassador    #plexuspower    #plexusbeliever    #plexusstrong    #plexus    #guthealth    #fitness    #healthy    #wellness    #feelgood    #energy    #poweredbyplexus    #powerofplexus    
Today I was taken to the spot of all temptation…. StarbucksI am beyond proud to say i exite

Today I was taken to the spot of all temptation…. Starbucks
I am beyond proud to say i exited the building carrying only a water and an egg white sandwich. I have officially been caffeine free for about 4 weeks! I haven’t been on Plexus that long, but I know in my heart, if I didn’t have something curbing those cravings I would have caved.
We will chalk today up as a win!

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#plexusambassador    #plexuspower    #plexusbeliever    #plexusstrong    #plexus    #energy    #wellness    #healthy    #health    #nocaffeine    
So Today I upped my Bio Cleanse to the suggested 2 after breakfast and 2 after lunch! I hadn’t

So Today I upped my Bio Cleanse to the suggested 2 after breakfast and 2 after lunch! I hadn’t really felt much of a difference doing 1 and 1…other than the fact that I felt great! After taking two in the am after lunch I did feel some rumbles in my stomach but nothing painful or uncomfortable by any means! I could just tell that my stomach was doing something but nothing ever came of it, even after my second dose in the afternoon. Tonight I will also take my first ProBio5! I feel slightly nervous that I will have some crazy reaction…but how could I!?!? It’s all made from plants.

Otherwise, I am feeling seriously energetic! I was up late (WAY past my usual Sunday bedtime) at the Jags vs Bengals game and got up right on time for work this am and I am not sure I even yawned today! It is really insane I can feel this great! I feel aware and more alive now! I also feel like I am much more productive on homework and other ventures at night!

I will keep you posted on how ProBio5 goes this evening!

Until then

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#plexusambassador    #plexuspower    #plexusbeliever    #plexusstrong    #plexus    #powerofplexus    #poweredbyplexus    #energy    #health    #wellness    #unreal    #feelgood    
So far I am Day 3 on the pink drink! I wake up feeling tired as usual but once I get in the shower I

So far I am Day 3 on the pink drink!
I wake up feeling tired as usual but once I get in the shower I am wide awake and ready to go! This is new for me…Normally I drag myself to work, regardless of how much sleep I get! I also feel more energetic at the end of the day.
Take tonight for example:
I worked all day 8-530.
I came home, made dinner, while cleaning up around the house. Threw in some laundry, paid bills, did 2 ½ hours of homework, folded the laundry and at 10:30 I am jumping into bed! Normally after work I am lucky to get ½ of that done!

Looking forward to getting my Plexus shipment with the rest of my stuff!!

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#plexusambassador    #plexuspower    #plexusstrong    #plexusbeliever    #energy    #college life    #natural    #plantbased    #naturalenergy    #fitness    #health    #wellness    #onebody    

Hello Everyone
Yes, I’m going to talk about Plexus. Yes, I am an ambassador for them. No, I’m not going to SELL you on the company. Yes, I can help you feel more healthy and energized. Yes, I’m going to be your informer, your outlet, your go to, for any and all questions and concerns in regards to your health, wellness, and Plexus needs.

A little back story: I have always been a “hippie” health freak. Concerned about all things entering my body. I love the old wives tales of apple cider vinegar and oil pulling. I avoid medication at all costs. I, however, have never been one to yo yo diet, diet period, or jump on bandwagons. I have used products from multiple health chains such as Beach Body and Advocare but have never completely been on board with ALL of their products and ideas. Plexus was a new one, another health and wellness idea. I figured i’d eventually check it out, maybe try a few products but never really “go all in.”
Then there was the Plexus Sip and See
There I met real people from my area on this new product. Still apprehensive I listened and learned, what is Plexus? What makes it different than EVERYTHING else on the market? The stories of success from multiple people in the room brought me to tears. Plexus was changing lives!
But still…. It can’t be 100% good right?
I took all the info distributed there, which came with no obligations or any sort of sales pitch, just raw information, and scoured the internet for every bit of information I could find.
100% vegan
Completely plant based
All Natural
No GMO’s

Most importantly…the testimony on how and what Plexus has done for so many.

I had to share it with the world! Everyone needs to know about this! You don’t have to live your life in a fog and constantly tired. You CAN feel better!

So as of today… I’m all in! I will spread the word and not because I see myself quitting my job in 2 years to stay at home and sell Plexus but because I want to help people become healthy and happy!

Let me take you on my journey with Plexus!

Or share yours with mine!

#plexus    #plexusstrong    #health    #fitness    #wellness    #getfit    #feelbetter    #pinkdrink    #plexusbeliever    #plexuspower    #energy    #happygut    #balance    #natural    #plexusambassador    
THROAT CHAKRA (Vishuddha) Location: Base of Throat Element: Space/Ether Colour: Blue Sense: Hearing

THROAT CHAKRA (Vishuddha) 

  • Location: Base of Throat 
  • Element: Space/Ether 
  • Colour: Blue 
  • Sense: Hearing Mythological Animal: 
  • Bull, Elephant & Lion 

Crystals: Blue Calcite, Amazonite & Blue Lace Agate 

Vishuddha means purification and is the fifth plane of awareness. The Throat Chakra is concerned with expression; the gift of being heard and understood. It helps to also speak and receive the truth.

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#crystals    #gemstones    #minerals    #stones    #chakra    #chakras    #throat chakra    #healing    #crystal healing    #energy    #crystal grid    #sacred geometry    #calcite    #expression    #kaunocrystals    
Summoning The Lesbian Succubus https://clips4sale.com/45475/19460751/cid3dbced53053a8e9e155bdaccd0Vi

Summoning The Lesbian Succubus https://clips4sale.com/45475/19460751/cid3dbced53053a8e9e155bdaccd0

Violet is in her bedroom touching herself sensually. She plays with her hard nipples, licking her fingers and wetting them. She slides her fingers into her panties and gently touches her dripping wet pussy. Stripping out of her bra and panties she shoves her fingers deep in her mouth getting them nice and wet and starts fingering her pussy while fantasizing of a dark, mysterious woman. As she rubs her clit and brings herself to orgasm, the dark woman magically appears in her room, drawn to her intense lesbian sexual cravings. They kiss passionately and then the Succubus slides down between Violet’s legs and begins to lick her pussy. She tongues and sucks on her clit until she is having another orgasm. She climbs to her mouth to kiss her again but this time she magically sucks all of the sexual energy out of her mouth leaving her still and limp. But the Succubus isn’t done with Violet, she’s not there to consume her but to transform her. She strips out of her own bra and panties and then blows her own magical sexual energy into Violet, transforming her into a magical creature of sexual energy just like herself. Violets eyes shoot open and glow as she gasps air into her lungs. Filled with a frantic lesbian sexual energy, she sits up suddenly and pushes herself onto the Succubus, diving between her legs and satisfying her own sexual craving with her mouth on her pussy and tongue on her clit. The succubus has her own powerful orgasm and then they two women kiss again, a newfound pair on a new magical adventure together. 

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I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again


A little louder for the people in the back

Chackra’s are a Buddhist practice and therefore not part of a closed religion

Interesting, I had always thought they were closed because they are also a part of Hindu belief. But after looking through the comments and then looking into it a little bit online, I see that there is a chakra system in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

It seems that Buddhists believe in a five chakra system, while Hindus believe in six of seven. So (genuine question!) does this mean that to work with the five chakra system would be acceptable but to work with the six or seven system would be appropriative?

Fantastic question!

Six chakras is pretty much an exclusive Hindu belief, but once you go into a deeper level of chakra study, then there is no defined system. However, for the average beginner, Buddhism usually believes in 4,5,7, or 10 chakras, depending on the person. 5 was the first system introduced to Buddhism and is still the main system used by , 4 is less common, 7 is the newest but also the most common, and 10 is the least common. However they are all studied and practiced for the last 450+ years so take that as you will.

Here’s what I’ve always studied and what I’ve always taught. Chakras are a gathering of energy that are attached to us but exist in an extraordinarily fluid reality. Each person is going to have more or less depending on themselves, and what they hope to accomplish when they are focusing on their chakras. However most people have one at their head, one at their heart, and one at the end of the spine known. But Chakras aren’t fixed at these locations. There are some people I know who focus on as many as 16 chakra points. However for the average student, 5 or 7 is the way to go.

#chakras    #buddhism    #energy    
We took an after hours private tour of Stonehenge that allows you to walk up to and in between the 5We took an after hours private tour of Stonehenge that allows you to walk up to and in between the 5We took an after hours private tour of Stonehenge that allows you to walk up to and in between the 5We took an after hours private tour of Stonehenge that allows you to walk up to and in between the 5

We took an after hours private tour of Stonehenge that allows you to walk up to and in between the 5000 year old stones. Some people took pictures, some laid in the grass, some meditated and prayed. Stonehenge is seen as a spiritual place to many and is situated at one of earths main energy centers

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#twogirlsseetheworld    #stonehenge    #england    #history    #historical    #spirituality    #energy    #traveladdict    #travelphotography    #travel    #panoramic    #photooftheday    #photographyisart    #photography    #vacation    

  • the beginning of a spiritual awakening
#alura cein    #spirituality    #consciousness    #psychic    #ascension    #spiritual    #awakening    #esoteric    #psychic medium    #witchcraft    #medtiation    #star crossed lovers    #twin flame    #tumblr quotes    #tumblr background    #spiritual quotes    #spiritual awakening    #universe    #heavens    #goddess    #creator    #angelic    #enlightnement    #crystals    #energy    #dark energy    

Transcend yourself to be your better self ✨

#newage    #alura cein    #spirituality    #consciousness    #psychic    #ascension    #spiritual    #awakening    #esoteric    #tarotreading    #meditation    #spiritual quotes    #tumblr quotes    #tumblr background    #witchcraft    #full moon    #solar plexus chakra    #chakra    #existence    #energy    #soul type    #positive quotes    #crystals    #beautiful nature    #universe    #galaxy    
Happy New Year! Many Blessings

Happy New Year! Many Blessings

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#new age    #religion    #crystals    #magical    #spells    #witchcraft    #flower of life    #flowers    #alura cein    #universe    #galaxy    #archangel michael    #psychic    #starseed    #soul mates    #twin flame    #energy    #positive quotes    #positivity    #belief    #goddess    #creation    #creator    #angelic    #merkaba    #third eye    
What you manifest, You get… You just have to want it.

What you manifest, You get… You just have to want it.

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#new age    #religion    #consciousness    #positive thinking    #inspiration    #spiritual    #spirituality    #spirit    #chakra    #crystals    #psychic    #galaxy    #universe    #starseeds    #tumblr quotes    #tumblr background    #alura cein    #energy    #manifestation    #thrid eye    #spells    #witchcraft    #solar plexus chakra    #archangel michael    #hierarchy    #creation    #creator    

Oracle- Leslie Ann O'Dell

#oracles    #divine    #divine light    #healing    #letting go    #beauty    #beautiful    #escape    #pretty    #dark art    #crowns    #spiritual    #change    #transformation    #energy    #light and dark    #balance    #vulnerable    #clarity    #open mind    #mystical    #mysterious    #enchanted    #dreams    #light beings    #consciousness    

Loves Me, Loves Me Not- Olesya Umantsiva; 2017

#flowers    #fields    #nature art    #romance    #taking a chance    #healing    #paradise    #beauty    #beautiful    #escape    #pretty    #fine art    #nature    #spiritual    #earthy    #colorful    #energy    #vibrant    #peaceful    #letting go    #tranquil    #loves me    #loves me not    #flower fields    #dreamy    

Light Body- Marcos Alvarado

#light beings    #light body    #spiritual    #healing    #energy    #awareness    #spiritual art    #matter    #beauty    #beautiful    #escape    #pretty    #dressed-up    #blue aesthetic    #healing art    #consciousness    #vibrations    #dark art    #artists    #soul travel    #astral    #beings of light    