#fictional other


Imagine being wrapped in your f/o’s arms as you look up at them. They’re looking at you with so much love in their eyes that it fills your heart with joy. They’re just as grateful that you are here as you are for them. 

Imagine your f/o waking you up with the softest kiss on your forehead. 

Imagine your f/o teaching you on their favourite subject (how to their favourite game, what is the plot of their beloved series etc.)

Imagine getting a kiss from your f/o before going to work

Imagine your f/o hugging you from the back and putting their head on your shoulder

imagine waking up on a sunny morning with your s/o having their face buried in your shoulder

imagine your f/o giving you their dry clothes to wear after you got caught in the rain

imagine starting cooking classes with your f/o ! you guys joined out of curiosity, only expecting to go once, but you two have so much fun at the classes you keep going ! and you use what you learn at the classes to surprise eachother with dinner

bonus; imagine the other couples at the classes being your friends and their f/os !


This year has been amazing. Especially because of you all ! I’ve been so much happier since I’ve become a part of the self shipping community. I’ve never seen a group of people who are so supportive and accepting and sweet… I hope you all have an amazing New Years, and I hope 2020 treats you well !

- Mod Esther

Imagine celebrating New Years with your F/O(s) !

Imagine taking a blanket to the park and sitting on the grass to watch fireworks together ! If you and your F/O have kids, imagine them being with you, and imagine their excited face when they see all the bright colors !

If fireworks aren’t your thing, then imagine having a party with your F/O and all of your friends ! Imagine kissing your F/O at midnight, and all your friends cheering and oohing to mess with you.

i know the holidays are a tough time for a lot of us, especially the family parties we have to go to, so imagine your f/o going to one of your family’s holiday parties with you ! imagine them holding your hand if you’re anxious around your family, or standing outside with you when you need space from the people inside the party.

Imagine constantly giving each other kisses. Whether it’s a quick peck, or a sweet full on kiss. Maybe one of you is busy working on something and the other gives them a kiss on the cheek, causing the kiss victim to get all flustered. Kissing a shoulder while cuddling in bed, kissing each others hands, maybe even a kiss on the top of the head.

imagine getting frozen yogurt with your f/o on a hot day in the middle of the summer… you stack it as high as you can with all kinds of candies and whipped cream and chocolates, and then sit at a park bench to share it


I see a lot of posts for self shippers who ship with villain/evil/morally grey and how it’s okay to ship with them, and how your relationship has probably changed them for the better, made them stop doing bad stuff or they’ve apologized for their actions…

But I think what we really need is some good representation for self shippers who decide to join their nefarious F/Os and do bad with them!

I wanna see more posts about being by their side when they take over or destroy the world! I wanna see more about being a hand to your F/O to assist in ruining the hero! I wanna see more about being an accomplice to your F/O’s nasty deeds!

Self shippers shouldnt be afraid to write their inserts as nasty and mean as their F/O possibly is.

Villain lovers who turn to the dark side for your F/O? You are so valid and I love you!!



hm i am personally tired of folks with villain f/os making gross hcs and would much rather read something soft so heres some soft thoughts:

  • your villain f/o saving your life, redeeming themself at least to you if nobody else - its a start though!
  • Your rich fancy villain f/o treating you to a fancy dinner!
  • your villain f/o getting blushy at the thought of you, much to the amusement of their subordinates/co-horts (bonus if teased)
  • your villain f/o’s first kiss with you…maybe their first kiss in general! being evil makes u unpopular in the romance department sometimes..
  • your villain f/o and you holding hands. thats it that’s the prompt
  • your villain f/o maybe not being fully redeemed, but more of an antagonist than a full -ledged villain - thanks to your guidance, but also because you give them  a desire to change
  • you and your villain f/o just in general building a healthy, soft relationship where they become less of a bad person. no stockholm or anything like that no bad tropes 

This post was not meant to be circulated so much and was more a vent on my part, so the wording is poor. I apologize it came off as though you cannot have f/os remain evil / that you have to redeem them. I more am just incredibly uncomfortable when people glorify abuse in their imagines/hcs

So! Here’s a bigger selection of soft but silly villain f/os:

  • You and your villain f/o plotting something super big and evil but like. Whether its actually evil or just plotting a prank, that’s up to you!
  • Want some chaos? Be sure to include glitter bombs along with your evil laser cannon …lots of fun to be had.
  • How about singing evil villain songs? You know. Disney style…
  • Just in general, you’re allowed to be evil together! In a super healthy way!

I’m not super great at prompts but please rb this version of the post instead!! So people know theyre valid no matter how villainous you and your f/os are!! Just make sure you’re doing it all in a healthy consensual manner


✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ The selfshipper urge to refer to your strong masculine f/o as your wife



Pro tip for simulating physical human touch:

You’ll need a body pillow or regular pillow (memory foam is best because it’s more firm!), a heating pad, a t-shirt, and body spray that you think smells like your f/o.

Put the shirt around the body pillow, spray it with the body spray. Put the heating pad underneath the shirt on low. Boom. Feels like cuddling with your f/o!

*I understand how pathetically sad this sounds to a lot of people, but it really helps emotionally. For different reasons, so many of us don’t have a real person to have intimacy with. This really does help. For me personally, I just don’t want to cuddle with anyone but my f/o(s)!

me: *falls for a character*

the media they’re from: “ah yes, now they are marked for death.”

Self-Shippers of tumblr, do you ever decide you want to check out a TV series/movie/game/book after taking an interest in it and just have ✨that feeling where you know you’re going to walk out of the experience with a new F/O or two?

S/I: Did F/O just tell me they love me for the first time?

Platonic F/O: Yeah, they did.

S/I: …And did I do finger guns back?

Platonic F/O: Yeah, you did.

S/I: Sorry, I think I need to be alone right now.


S/I: Thanks for being alone with me, F/O.

S/I: You call yourself a friend, but where were you when my meme only got four likes?

Platonic F/O: Making four accounts, bro.


S/I: No, no, no, no, you can’t come in here… Platonic F/O is naked!


Platonic F/O:What?!

S/I: I couldn’t say I was naked! They’re allowed to see me naked.

Platonic F/O: Why does anyone have to be naked?

F/O: S/I, arm wrestling competition, let’s go.

S/I: You’re on.




S/I: We’re just holding hands?

F/O: Yes :)
