
SCARLET BACKED FLOWERPECKER (male)Dicaeum cruentatum© Choy Wai Mun top© Doug Janson  - bottomThis is

Dicaeum cruentatum

©Choy Wai Mun top
Doug Janson  - bottom

This is a tiny bird about the length of a business card, 9 cm (3.5 in) and weighing 7 to 8 grams (0.25 to 0.28 oz). Sexually dimorphic, the male has navy blue upper parts with a bright red streak down its back from its crown to its tail coverts, while the female and juvenile are predominantly olive green. It is found in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and occasionally gardens in a number of countries throughout South and East Asia. “Cruentatum” in its Latn name translates to bloodstained for the bright red color which runs down the male’s back and along the hind end of the female. Called a flowerpecker but is primarily a frugivore.

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HAMMERHEAD BAT (male) of BIG-LIPPED BATHypsignathus monstrosus©Sarah H. OlsonThis is the largest bat

Hypsignathus monstrosus

©Sarah H. Olson

This is the largest bat in continental Africa, with wingspans approaching 1 m, or about 3 ft, and males almost twice as heavy as females.

Males and females also greatly differ in appearance, making it the most sexually dimorphic bat species in the world. This differences include several adaptations that help males produce and amplify vocalizations: the males’ larynges (vocal cords) are about three times as large as those of females, and they have large resonating chambers on their faces. Females appear more like a typical megabat, with foxlike faces.

Males have massive resonating chambers on their faces to amplify vocalizations (indicated by dashed line)

Bottom photo is the female Hammerhead Bat ©Alamy Stock photos

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Le truc qui est sûr, je ne vais pas mourir de faim tout de suite… ;p

Le truc qui est sûr, je ne vais pas mourir de faim tout de suite… ;p

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Les bienfaits des bananes bien mûres “La banane mûrit avec des taches sombres sur la peau. Ces

Les bienfaits des bananes bien mûres
“La banane mûrit avec des taches sombres sur la peau. Ces taches sombres produisent une substance appelée TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) qui a la capacité de lutter contre les cellules anormales. Plus il y a de taches sombres, plus élevé sera le pouvoir immunitaire et anti cancer de la banane…”
[Propulsé par Dr Diahou Bertin Nguessan], in Conclusions de Recherches sur la Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes (Thèse)

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau L'Homme est frugivore et non carnivore
Extraits des notes du “Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes” de Jean-Jacques Rousseau

#frugivore    #frutarien    #vegetalien    #vegane    #végétarien    
Idéal pour un snack de crudi-frugivorus

Idéal pour un snack de crudi-frugivorus

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My sister’s breafast this morning. Slowly turning frugivore? I wish ; p

My sister’s breafast this morning. Slowly turning frugivore? I wish ; p

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Yesterday i went to the farmer’s market in my hometown Nice and got nearly all of this stuff f

Yesterday i went to the farmer’s market in my hometown Nice and got nearly all of this stuff for free!!!! I spent only like 13€!! I feel spoiled :)
Since they see me a lot i’ve made friend with some of the dealers there and sometime they get really really friendly!!! I’m blessed

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