#general anxiety disorder


I think a lot of people think that once you go to the doctor and get meds for depression and anxiety then that’s it. Or that you cannot question or tell the doctor stuff. But you can. When I told my doctor that the meds in the past that I took made me feel numb, which in turn made me want to kill myself, then she took steps to help me feel better about other kinds of meds completely outside that family of drugs that I had taken previously.

The doctor-patient relationship is a two way street. Yes, the doctor knows things, but you have to be able to communicate what the issues you have are, and sometimes you might even have to convince them there’s a real problem. On the other hand, sometimes the match-up between doctors and patients aren’t that great so it can also be good to find a new doctor.

Once I felt I could trust the doctor after they explained that it was different, I decided to try to take this new antidepressant medication. Of which took a process of months to determine if I needed more, then we discussed introducing a new medicine along with the current one, which is still a process I’m going through now. These kinds of things aren’t set in stone, and you have to be able to be flexible and commutative. Doctors don’t know everything, and they certainly don’t know how you actually feel unless you tell them. It’s important to communicate your concerns and report side effects that make you feel uncomfortable. Meds aren’t supposed to make you feel numb. They aren’t designed for that. So once she told me this, I felt better about trying new ones.

Whatever the case, if you’re not ready to take meds then don’t. Just know that’s an option if you want to take it. I was unmedicated for many years due to my trauma as a teen of being forced to take meds that made me feel bad or worse than I had already felt. So, I totally get it. Just try to take care of yourself. If you know something is wrong or are struggling, try to seek out help. Whoever that is, just try. If you ever need a person to talk to, my door is always open.
