#hearth witch



In today’s busy world, it can be hard to have 5 minutes to yourself to cleanse and ground your energies, but fear not – the shower can be a great place to do this.

When you are underneath the water, you can envision it cleansing you and washing all the negativity from you down the drain. The water can be incredibly refreshing and grounding too. Taking a few minutes to close your eyes and stand under the soothing water and calm your mind and breathing can be really good for you - spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.

If the shower uses rainwater, you’ll receive its rejuvenating, protective, inspiring, creativity-boosting - maybe that’s why we have great ideas in the shower ;D - and cleansing energies.

If you’re using town water like me, don’t worry about the water being ‘impure’ or ‘not as natural and spiritually cleansing as rain.’ I like to think of town water as a symbol of unity. After all, hundreds or possibly thousands of people in your town / city use it for everything from cooking and drinking to watering their gardens and washing their clothes and selves. Makes it seem more powerful when you put it in that light, huh? Don’t underestimate it, folks – it’s still water and water is powerful.

As a secret witch, I find the bathroom a good and private place for a few low-key workings. I often wear my favourite, (waterproof) crystal necklace and cleanse it with the water and my own cleansed energies. I also fill empty lip gloss containers with the warm water and add a few little bits and bobs like petals, leaves or even pieces of recently-dried tree sap to make infusions. They can be used later to cleanse small things like crystals, candles or even to anoint yourself. ! Make sure if you do use infusions you do not drink them unless they are fresh and you are certain that the plants you used aren’t dangerous in any way !. Lip gloss containers are great for the secret witch because they are inconspicuous and small enough to slip in your pocket. Just don’t let anyone mistake them for actual lip gloss!

Also, make sure you wash your body in the shower (kind of obvious, but oh well). Remember that physical hygiene and cleansing is just as important as spiritual cleansing, and it’ll help you feel fresh, bright and a million dollars – great for yo’ self-esteem.

Blessed be, lovelies. Hope this gave you a new appreciation of the bathroom!

A Haven, A Home

When thinking about creating a witchy, welcoming home, it can help to think what a haven means to you.

Begin by thinking of havens heroes have had in various literature. Where have they found refuge and recuperation? Then, think about places you have sought refuge in your life.

Visualize your ideal haven — allow yourself full creative imagination at this stage. Write down key words and themes of this image: cozy, peaceful, greenery, knowledge, seclusion, companionship…

Then examine your current home space. What are some ways you could bring your home closer towards that ideal in your mind?

[This is an idea I got from the book “Winter” by Jo Graham.]




Yeah, it’s all arbitrary, and yet these completely made up ideas still influence what we think and feel. So, to take control of that subconscious, here’sa few crafty tips for starting the New Year. (I actually like to do all these things before I go out for the New Year’s Eve party, so that I come home to a new year and a fresh start. But it’s a bit late for that now.)

  • Clean the whole house. Pay special attention to the floors, the mirrors, and counter- and tabletops. Wash up any dishes you have left in the sink, or fill up the dishwasher and put it on if you have one. All this is best done before Midnight (hence why I do it before the party).
  • Put out fresh linen - bedsheets, tablecloths and all. Anything you can.
  • Take out the trash. This sounds painfully prosaic, but starting the new year with last year’s garbage is something that was always profoundly, even spiritually displeasing to me. Taking it off your mind will make you feel better.
  • Air the whole house. This can also be done on the morning of New Year’s Day.
  • Change the incense, aromatic oils, potpourri and any other things you used to scent the air. Give yourself a whole new atmosphere.

These are just a few ideas, I’m sure you get the picture. As always, the most important part is what feels right to you.

Still relevant, I think.

5 ways to discover beauty in the everyday:

  1. When you slow down
  2. When you are open to building a new connection with a loved one
  3. In every meal you eat
  4. In the miracle that is your body
  5. In the constant changing of nature

(read more at totalbalance.com.au)

Do Witches Cast Spells?

“You would think that the answer to this question was a given but in truth it is a big fat… maybe…

This question can’t be as definitely answered as one might expect because of the diversity found within paganism and the difference between Spells and Ritual. Whilst it is safe to make the statement that all Witches engage in some form of ritual it is not possible to say the same about spellwork…”

(read more at knotmagick101.wordpress.com)

I personally only focus on magickal ritual in the mundane everyday routine.But also, not every witch is pagan… coming from a Christian witch.

Misty Day (Swamp Witch) | American Horror Story S3E2

My fashion goal for this spring/summer is to build a few outfits heavily inspired by her witchy style.

This mini caldron will be used for burning intentions under the next full moon but until that special occasion arrives? It makes for a lovely tealight candle holder too. ️




Personal Birth Chart

Personal Star Sign Overview

Personal Practise


Dream diary

Personal Numerology

Sacred Days you Participate In


Personal Patronus Animal

Deities - what deities you follow, how you honor them etc.

Altar Layout

Protective Sigil (to keep your grimoire out of sight of prying eyes)








Grounding and Centering




Magickal Tools - list and uses (wands, sigils, etc)




Herb index + correspondences

Drying herbs and Flowers

Flower correspondences

Essential Oils - uses, safety.

Tea Uses and Correspondences

Natural Remedies - recipes for salves, tinctures, etc.


Plants Index, Correspondences and Care


Planetary correspondences

Planetary/Stargazing Events



Moon phases and guide

Gardening by the phases of the moon

Moon rituals

Charging through the Moon


How Crystals Work - Energy etc.

Crystal Index and Uses/Correspondences

Crystal Cleansing Methods

Charging Crystals

Crystal Safety + Maintenance. How NOT to charge and cleanse some crystals.


Tarot Cheat Sheet

Palm Reading


Pendulum Reading

Tasseography (Tea Leaf Reading)


Rune Stones

Dream Divination

Dowsing (with sticks, etc)


Bath Magic

Sleep Rituals/Magick

Glamour Magick

Natural Beauty/Pamper Recipes - face masks, body scrubs, hair masks, bath bombs etc.

Self Care/Pamper Checklist

Stress Management Methods

Mental Health Coping Methods (if applicable)


Kitchen Witchery - Recipe Book

Natural Cleaning Product Recipes

Cleansing Rooms and Spaces

Cleaning Checklist


The Five Elements




Candle Magick

Colors and Correspondences


Wheel of The Year + Rituals (If followed).

Mythology/Legends and Religious Teachings


Knot Magick


Plant Masterlist

Letter Z

Zedoary - Protection, Purification, Confidence, Courage, Spell-Breaking, Strength

Plant Masterlist

Letter Y

Yarrow - Courage, Love, Divination, Happiness

Yellow Dock - Fertility, Money, Prosperity, Love

Yerba Mate - Fidelity, Love, Lust

Yerba Santa - Healing, Divination, Protection, Blessing, Purification

Yew - Rebirth, Protection, Longevity, Change, Divinity, Strength

Ylang Ylang - Peace, Joy, Reconciliation, Dispelling Negativity, Calm

Yohimbe Bark - Love, Lust

Yucca - Cleansing, Purification, Removing Curses, Removing Hexes

Plant Masterlist

Letter W

Walnut - Mental Clarity, Manifestation, Protection, Healing

Watercress - Mental Clarity and Strength, Fertility,

Wheat - Abundance, Rebirth, Fertility

White Willow Bark - Protection, Love, Healing, Love Divination, Cleansing, Wishes, Inspiration

Willow - Creativity, Fertility, Inspiration, Emotion, Binding, Love, Love Divination, Protection, Healing

Wintergreen - Protection, Healing, Hex-Breaking

Wisteria - Psychic Development, Wisdom, Meditation, Love, Prosperity, Healing From Grief

Witch Hazel - Divination, Healing, Beauty, Cleansing, Protection, Wisdom

Witches Burr - Protection

Witches Grass - Happiness, Lust, Love, Exorcism

Wood Betony - Purification, Protection, Expulsion of Evil Spirits + Nightmares and Despair

Woodruff - Victory, Protection, Money, Protection, Money, Purification, Justice

Wormwood - Protection, Love, Divination, Meditation, TOXIC DO NOT CONSUME

Plant Masterlist

Letter V

Valerian - Purification, Protection, Love, Sleep

Vanilla Bean - Peace, Happiness, Love

Venus Flytrap - Love, Protection

Vertiver - Protection, Love, Dreams/Sleep, Prosperity, Love, Breaking Hexes

Vervain - Protection, Purification, Money, Peace, Healing, Sleep


Violet - Protection, Wishes, Peace, Healing, Rebirth, Love

Plant Masterlist

Letter T

Tamarind - Love

Tangerine - Purification, Energy, Calming, Joy

Tansy - Warding Off Evil, Protection, POISONOUS DON‘T CONSUME AND DON’T PUT ON SKIN

Tarragon - Healing, Compassion, Love, Consecration

Tea Leaves - Different Ones Have Different Purposes

Tea Tree Oil - Protection, Strengthening, Purification

Thistle - Healing, Protection, Warding Off Unwanted Visitors and Thieves

Thyme - Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage

Toadflax - Protection, Hex Breaking

Tobacco - I’m not going to put the purposes because tobacco causes cancer as well as many other terrible health issues. Please do not chew, burn, smoke or consume tobacco in any way.

Tomato - Protection, Prosperity, Love


True Unicorn Root - Hex-breaking, Protection, DO NOT INGEST, ESPECIALLY WHILE PREGNANT

Tuberose - Healing, Peace, Psychic Powers, Love

Turmeric - Fertility, Protection, Health

Turnip - Ending Relationships, Protection

Plant Masterlist

Letter S

Saffron - Love, Healing, Happiness

Sage - Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes, Purification, Cleansing

Sandalwood - Meditation, Peace, Divinity, Love, Wishes, Consecration 

Sanicle - Safety In Travel

Sarsaparilla - Health, Happiness, Love, Money

Sassafras -  Health, Money, Prosperity

Savory - Sensuality, Sexuality, Passion 

Saw Palmetto Berries - Healing, Protection, Exorcism, Passion, Spiritual Openings

Skullcap - Fidelity, Love, Meditation, Peace


Sesame - Money, Lust, Passion

Shallots - Purification, Banishing Bad Luck

Shave Grass - Fertility, Protection, Clearing Thoughts, WARNING TOXIC DO NOT CONSUME

Sheep Sorrel - Protection, Health

Shepherd’s Purse - Money, Friends, Luck, Healing

Skunk Cabbage - Legal matters

Slippery Elm - Stopping Gossip

Snapdragon - Protection, Exorcism, Purification

Snowdrop - 

Solomon’s Seal Root - Protection, Cleansing, Binding, Promotes Success 

Sow Thistle - Strength, Stamina, Protection 

Spanish Moss - Protection, Opening Blocks, Dispelling Negativity 

Spearmint - Healing, Love, Protection Healing

Spiderwort - Love

Spikenard- Luck, Health 

Squaw Vine - Fertility, New Beginnings, Protects Unborn Fetus From Jealousy of Others 

Squill Root - Money, Prosperity 

St. John’s Wort - Health, Dreams, Protection, Banishing, Blessing, Divination, POISONOUS DO NOT CONSUME 

Star Anise - Psychic Powers, Luck, Power 

Straw Flower - Luck, Longevity, Protection POISONOUS DO NOT CONSUME 

Strawberry - Success, Good Fortune, Luck 

Sugar Cane - Love, Lust, Sympathy

Sunflower - Energy, Protection, Power, Wisdom, Wishes .

Sweet Bugle - Love, Marriage 

Sweet Pea - Friends, Allies, Loyalty 

Sweet Potato -  Grounding, Comfort, Sustenance, Harmony

Sweetgrass - Peace, Unity, Attracting Spirits Peace

Plant Masterlist

Letter R

Radish - Protection and lust

Ragwort - Courage, Warding off Evil Spirits

Raspberry - Healing, Protection, Love, DO NOT INGEST ANY PART OF THE PLANT IF PREGNANT

Red Clover - Cleansing, Protection, Fidelity, Love, Prosperity

Red Willow Bark - Meditation, Cleansing

Rhubarb - Fidelity, Protection

Rice - Fertility, Love, Good Fortune, Warding off Evil Spirits, Prosperity, Protection

Rose - Protection, Love, Lust, Happiness

Rose Geranium - Averts Negativity

Rose Hips - Healing, Good Luck, Invites Good Spirits

Rosemary - Health, Love, Lust, Preventing Nightmares, Purification, Removing Negativity, Healing, Can Be Used to as a Substitute for Other Herbs

Rowan - Protection, Success, Anti-Haunting, Healing, Psychic Powers, Good Luck 

Rue - Healing, Health, Mental Powders, Protection Against the Evil Eye, Purification, Banishing, Breaking Hexes and Curses, DO NOT TOUCH OR USE IF PREGNANT 

Rye - Love, Fidelity, Self-Control

Plant Masterlist

Letter Q

Quassia Root - Love

Quince - Love, Happiness, Luck, Protection from Evil

Plant Masterlist

Letter P

Palm - Fertility, Focus, Potency, Divination,  Cleansing, Transforming, Transitions, Fertility, Nourishment, Peace, Relaxation, Victory

Palo Santo -  Aligning with the Divine, Clearing, Creating Sacred Space, Healing, Meditation

Pansy - Love, Divination Related to Love and Relationships

Papaya - Love, Protection

Paprika -  Boosting Energy, Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love

Papyrus - Protection

Parsley -  Love, Protection, Purification, Lust, Communication 

Parsnip - Male Sex Magic

Passion Flower -  Peace, Sleep, Friendship, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Love

Patchouli - Love, Wealth, Passion

Pau d'Arco - Healing

Peach - Fertility, Love, and Wisdom, Protection from Evil (peach pit)

Pear - Lust, Love

Pearl Moss - Inviting Good Spirits

Peas - Money, Love

Peat Moss - Protection

Pecan - Money, Employment

Pennyroyal - Strength, Protection, Peace

Peony - Protection, Luck, Good Fortune, Prosperity

Pepper - Courage, Protection, Exorcism, Warding, Cursing

Peppermint - Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers

Periwinkle -  Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection, POISONOUS DO NOT INGEST

Persimmon - Healing, Lust

Petitgrain - Protection, Relieving Confusion, Anxiety, Anger. Self-Confidence0

Pimento - Love

Pimpernel - Protection, Health, Consecration

Pine -  Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money

Pineapple -  Luck, Money, Chastity

Pink Rose Buds -  Friendship, love, romance and self acceptance

Pistachio - Breaking love spells

Plantain -  Healing, Protection, Snake-Repelling, Strength

Pleurisy Root - Healing

Plum - Healing, Peace, Love

Plumeria - Persuasiveness, Eloquence

Poke Root - Finding Lost Objects, Courage, Breaking Hexes and Curses

Pomegranate -  Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility

Poppy -  Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck

Poppy Seeds - Pleasure, Heightened Awareness, Love, Luck

Potato - Grounding, Protection, Stability

Prickly Ash Bark - Safe travel, Fertility, Removing Spells and Breaking Hexes

Primrose -  Protection, Love

Pumpkin - Granting Wishes, Love, Prosperity, Fertility, Protection When Carved

I just turned on asks and the ability to be an anon so if anybody wanted to send an ask that would be more than okay. Reminder that if you are asking for info on a specific subject that I am also a new witch and would probably be learning with you rather than teaching!

Plant Masterlist

Letter O

Oak - Protection, Health, Inner Strength, Money, Healing, Potency, Luck

Oakmoss - Luck, Money, Protection, Strength

Oat - Happiness, Health, Stability, Fertility, Fortitude, Good Luck, Healing

Oat Straw - Money, Fertility, Inner Peace

Olive - Peace, Prosperity, Money, Luck

Olive Leaf - Healing, Peace, Protection, Luck

Onion - Prosperity, Stability, Endurance, Protection

Orange - Love, Divination, Luck, Money

Orange Bergamot - Money, Success

Orange Blossoms - Prosperity, Stability, Harmony, Peace, Love

Orange Peel - Love, Divination, Luck, Money

Orchid - Love, Concentration

Oregano - Joy, Strength, Vitality

Orris Root - Love, Protection, Divination

Osha Root - Protection against evil spirits

Plant Masterlist

Letter N


Nasturtium - Banishing Prejudice, Creativity, Freedom

Neroli - Joy, Happiness, Confidence, Purification, Courage, Love, Luck

Nettle - Binding, Courage, Healing, Protection, Banishing

Nutmeg - Money, Prosperity, Good Luck

Plant Masterlist

Letter M

Mace - Psychic Awareness, Success, Inspiration, Protection

Magnolia Flowers - Health, Beauty, Love, Loyalty, Peace, Calm

Magnolia Bark - Fidelity, Love

Maidenhair Fern - Healing, Purification, Renewal, Beauty, Love

Mandrake - Protection, Prosperity, Money, Fertility, Love, Virility, Good Luck, TOXIC DO NOT INGEST

Maple - Love, money, Wealth, Longevity, Good Luck

Maple Syrup - Longevity, Money, Love

Marigold - Healing, Psychic Opening, Clairvoyance, Focus

Marjoram - Cleansing, Purification, Dispels Negativity, Brings Happiness, Love

Masterwort - Strength, Courage, Protection

Marshmallow Root - Love, Protection, Psychic Development, Summoning Good Spirits (DO NOT DO UNLESS EXPERIENCED)

Mastic - Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust

Meadowsweet - Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness

Mesquite - Healing

Milk Thistle - Strength, Perseverance, Wisdom, Decision Making

Mimosa - Protection, Purification, Love, Dreams

Mint - Promotes Energy, Communication, Vitality, Attracts Customers

Mistletoe - Prosperity, Draws in Customers, Money, Business, POISONOUS NEVER CONSUME

Monkshood - Consecration, Purification, POISONOUS NEVER CONSUME

Morning Glory - Happiness, Peace, Binding, Banishing, POISONOUS NEVER CONSUME

Motherwort - Cleansing, Protection, Purifying, Love, Good Luck, Fortune

Moss - Luck, Money

Mugwort - Lust, Fertility, Psychic Opening, Clairvoyance, Prophetic Dreams

Mulberry - Protection, Strength

Mullein - Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism

Musk - Confidence, Self-Assurance, Persuasiveness

Mustard Seed - Courage, faith, Endurance

Myrrh - Spiritual Opening, Meditation, Healing

Myrtle - Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money

jam tart recipe

ingredients :

for the jam :

2 cups of gooseberries

1 cup of sugar or 5 tablespoons syrup

½ lemon

for the tart :

5 tablespoons of butter

1 cup of flour

1 egg

2 teaspoons of almond extract

jam directions :

1 - pick two cups of slightly underripe tart gooseberries and remove the the stems and bottoms

2 - cook gooseberries , ¼ cup water, and a little bit of fresh lemon juice on medium high heat and cook until partially disintegrated.

3- add sugar or syrup and cook for about 10 more minutes. The consistency should be a bit thick.

4 - refrigerate

tart recipe :

1 - cut 5 tablespoons of cold kerrygold butter into cubes and mix in flour with a fork until it looks like fine breadcrumbs

2 - add one egg, almond extract, 2 tablespoons of sugar or syrup, and 2 tablespoons of cold water

3 - roll out dough, add a bit of flour as needed so the dough isn’t as super sticky. It should only be partially sticky. Cut out circular shapes, place in muffin tray, and fill with jam

4 - cook at 400 degrees fahrenheit for 15 minutes or until golden

mushroom haul from a few days ago, hiked about 3 miles

peep the little tiny red one

red clover syrup + mixed drink recipe

ingredients :

2 cups raw sugar

2 cups water

2 cups red clover flowers

1 - bring everything to a boil and boil until the flowers smell fragrant, about 10 minutes

2 - pour the mixture into tupperware and put in the fridge to infuse for 4-6 hours. You know it’s ready when it tastes like flowers

3 - take a cheese clothe and squeeze the extra juice out of the flowers and throw away the plant material, leaving only a golden brown liquid

4 - bring the liquid to a simmer and cook for 1-2 hours or until really frothy on top

5 - stir well and then store in sterilized jars in the fridge. it should have a thick consistency

for the drink :

mix a few shots of bombay sapphire east, approximately 2 tablespoons of the red clover syrup, and fill the rest with lemonade. I chose a rose lemonade and it tasted really good, but maybe don’t choose a carbonated lemonade

recipe for wild horseradish rolls


-around 7 horseradish leaves

-one horseradish root (optional)

- 5 tablespoons sour cream

-3 tablespoons Dijon mustard

-½ cup of couscous

-½ cup of vegetable stock

-spring onions

-truffle salt

-around black pepper


-ground chili pepper

-¼ cup of white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon olive oil


1 - set aside the prettiest looking leaves (around 4 or five) and chop up the extra until you get a cup of chopped horseradish leaves

2 - mix the chopped leaves with the sour cream, Dijon mustard, truffle salt, black pepper, chili powder, oregano, and white wine vinegar. If you want a stronger kick, you can grate the horseradish root and add that as well. you can blend for a smooth consistency or just leave it as is. Store in the fridge.

3 - cut the large stems off the leaves you set aside, splitting them into two near sections.

4 - add salt to a pot of water and bring to a boil. turn off the heat and add the halved leaves to the boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then dunk in ice water.

5 - in a small sauce pan, add ½ cup of vegetable stock and bring it to a boil. then, add your dry couscous , a tablespoon of olive oil, and two chopped spring onions, then cover for 5 minutes or until soft.

6 - after the horseradish leaves have cooled down, pat them dry with a towel. then, add the filling and sauce. it was difficult to wrap them too tightly or neatly, but try your own technique until you get the hang of it. If you want an extra kick, you can add hot sauce as well.

full recipe for my tik tok

ingredients :

full basket of dandelions

½ cup salt

1 tablespoon sesame oil

5 tablespoons avocado oil

2 eggs

2 cups flour

2 cups panko bread crumbs

1 tablespoon garlic powder

½ tablespoon cinnamon

2 tablespoon chili powder

2 tablespoon mustard seed powder

2 tablespoon dried minced onion

1 tablespoon dried oregano

6 wild garlic stalk

soak dandelions in a mixture of water and ½ cup salt for 2-5 hrs to remove bitterness

rinse and let dry while you prepare the breading

mix minced onion, mustard seed powder, chili powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, salt, and pepper into the flour (optional : add seasoning to panko bread crumbs as well)

prepare three bowls, one with egg mixed with fork, one with flour, and one with panko bread crumbs

heat sesame oil and avocado oil at medium high heat

douse the dandelion flowers first with egg, then flour, then back into the egg, then panko bread crumbs

when all the flowers are doused and breaded, fry them until slightly browned

you can dip them in any sauce but I used a greek dill dressing that i mixed with a bit of feta cheese

my tik tok full recipe

Ingredients :

approximately 1-2 lbs of rhubarb, I just eyeballed it.

1 cup of sugar, I used raw sugar but you can use any kind

½ cup of sugar

half lemon squeezed

3 tablespoons any alcohol, I used tequila

bring sugar and water to a boil and mix frequently until dissolved

let the mixture sit for about 20 mins

lightly blend rhubarb until chunky

cook rhubarb with the sugar water for about 10 mins on medium low heat

add lemon juice

blend until really smooth, although the rhubarb is fibrous so it won’t be perfectly smooth

add the alcohol, this step is optional but it works a lot better if you don’t have an ice cream maker machine

put in the freezer

set a timer for 30 mins and mix with a spoon every 30 mins. I did this about 6 or 7 times throughout the day, but if you have an ice cream maker you don’t have to do this.

when you’re mixing and it reaches a consistency you like, then it’s done
