#hell no


Hey man

Fuck this Post+ idea


reblog this post and say in the tags whether you know how to write in cursive. I’m curious

Hey, thank you all so much

Americans are being all thankful and I am thankful for you guys, I have been all out of sorts but the fact that I have so many people looking at my work has softened the blows of the last few months. That being said this site’s viability has come into question yet again and I guess this is the best reason for me to start actually using Twitter seriously.

I haven’t been drawing or really able to but I hope to get back with it soon, until then I’ll probably be reposting stuff from here on Twitter, not all of it but stuff I like and think are still good.

I made a poll on Twitter to see if people are wanting more interaction out of me or just more of the same old silently posting until I have a breakdown. https://twitter.com/kentayuki22/status/1065661307603611656?s=09


Reblog and put in the tags whether or not you like raisins 


you have to fistfight your tumblr pfp. do you think you’d win

hanji wanted to live but in a world in peace and with no conflict. that is why them wanting to escape from their responsibilities was portrayed as something negative and the reason why they were so embarassed at their own words when called out. that is NOT what hanji wanted. taking hanji’s moment of weakness as the character’s “true desires” means you don’t like what the character originally stands for (wanting a bright future for everyone).  

the last scene of chapter 132 is still ambiguous. but if hanji “real desire” was to live hiding in a house in the forest, don’t you think that is what the character would have hallucinated instead? but no, they just wanted to see their old friends again.

for people who claim to understand the character so much, they truly miss the point what hanji believed. a person who never hated anyone regardless of their circumstances, still killed and stained their beliefs but managed to own their mistakes and take accountability. even if that meant losing their own life. everyone should learn from hanji.

y'all do realise that if it’s canon that catra is covered in fur, that means she would look like this if it was life action, right?

$14.99 a MONTH?! For what? THIN higher chances at not gender locked books and with “better” quality?

That’s something they should give for free wtf is this?

I’m so tired of romance. I want scary and suspenseful books again. It feels like really bad fanfiction written by 13 yr old teens. I’m getting so tired of the app It’s taking space capacity I could use for other games.

Give equality to all genders, preferences, and races. Then we’ll talk.

wifihunters:“now now, what is a blood saint doing dressed as a dog?” vampire man a rude host, snow cwifihunters:“now now, what is a blood saint doing dressed as a dog?” vampire man a rude host, snow cwifihunters:“now now, what is a blood saint doing dressed as a dog?” vampire man a rude host, snow c


“now now, what is a blood saint doing dressed as a dog?”

vampire man a rude host, snow cold, giant man-eating ticks bad lawn accessories. would not vacation at cainhurst again, 0/10

Post link

you ever try thinking of someone’s name and suddenly a name like, idk, keith pops into your head and then you can’t erase it from your mind?

yeah - that’s exactly how keith got his name.

my eyes are puffy and red. i feel a little numb and shaky. i just want a hug and someone to tell me “everything is going to be alright”. my boyfriend is thinking about breaking up with me. we’ll find out tomorrow. it almost feels like russian roulette in a sense. things are gonna be fine. tomorrow is a new day & i’m no longer fucking with that birth control. hell no. happy thoughts. praying for posi.

(Y/N) and I walked into the second day of school at Riverdale high. We had been transferred there from Southside High and although we did miss it, we loved the new school. We had a locker that we shared, we had computers that worked, and we had athletic teams. I had joined the basketball team and she had tried out for cheerleading. I wasn’t happy about it.

“Oh come on, Sweets!” (Y/N) exclaimed throwing her arms around me and smiling.

“You can do whatever you want, babe. I just don’t like the idea of you dancing around for other guys.” I had said grumpily.

“You make me sound like a damned stripper, Sweet Pea.” She said in a tone that made me know I had just fucked up. Shit.

“That’s not what I meant, damn it. Quit taking shit out of context.” I say to her calmly, sitting down on her couch.

“It’s cheerleading. Toni is on the squad and so are Betty and Veronica.” (Y/N) says, crossing her arms.

“So you’re way of trying to talk me into this is tell me you’ll be hanging out with the two biggest preps?” I ask, chuckling. She knew I wasn’t crazy about those two girls, mostly because Veronica’s dad had tried to fuck the Serpents over way too many times for my liking.

“Toni is on the team for her girlfriend,” I say to her, standing up and grabbing my bag. “Do what you want. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna be happy about it.” I said shrugging and walked out of the trailer.

Since then we came to an understanding that she would at least defend herself if some scum hit on her. Inside I was hoping she just didn’t make the squad. We walked up to the sheet that had the names of new River Vixens on it and sure enough, at the top of the list was her name. I groaned and she jumped up and down excited.

“Oh my god! I made it, Pea!” She says happily and hugs me. I hug her back and roll my eyes.

“Oh joy!” I say sarcastically. She pulls back and before she can yell at me Toni runs up and hugs her.

“Congrats, girl!” She exclaims, hugging (Y/N). She turns and looks at me confused.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Pea? You look like someone just shot your dog.”

“He’s pissed because I’m on the squad.” (Y/N) says, glaring at me.

“Why?” Toni asks me, raising an eyebrow.

“Because, Topaz, I don’t like the idea of her jumping around in that short ass skirt where these pervy ass Northsiders can see her. One of them is going to try some dumb shit with her and I’m gonna end up in jail because I’ll kill them.” I growl and turn around, stomping to class without (Y/N).

All day I avoided (Y/N) and Toni. I was still super pissed at both of them. Yes, she had the right to do what she wanted but she couldn’t see my point at all. I sighed as I walk into the gym in my sleeveless shirt and shorts, for practice to see the Vixens taking a break from their practice. I see (Y/N) stretching, and talking to Reggie Mantle. I clench my fists as I see him put his hand on the small of her back. She pushes his hand away but he just gets a cheesy grin on his face and puts it back. I snarl and throw my bag down, stomping over to him. I shove him down on the ground and get in his face.

“Listen here, asswipe. I see you touch my girl again and I will make sure to mop this floor with your face.” I growl and shove him down on the ground again, making his head hit the floor.

I turn to see (Y/N) smiling at me, her face red. I pull her into a hug and kiss her head.

“I’m sorry I got mad at you, baby.” She says into my chest.

“It’s fine. Just know I always got your back.” I say smiling at her.

Everything was normal for a few weeks after that. No one dared to even look at (Y/N) when she was in her cheerleader uniform, not even Jughead or Fangs.

(Y/N) came in the lounge with her Vixen uniform on. I hear Fangs cough and I turn to look at him. He looked over at the snack machine.

“Hey, babe. Hey, Fangs.” (Y/N) greets us.

“Hey.” Fangs says, still not looking at her. She looks at me confused and I shrug my shoulders.

“Fangs, you okay?” She asks him, chuckling.

“Yep, just not gonna die at the hands of your boyfriend.” Fangs says and (Y/N) and I bust out laughing.

I was finally able to convince Fangs that I wasn’t going to kill him for just talking to her when she was in her uniform. Friday after school, I decided to go to the game, just to see (Y/N). I was sitting in the 3rd row of bleachers while the football team tried, unsuccessfully to score a touchdown. I chuckle to myself and see the Vixens come out to start cheering. (Y/N) had on her uniform and her (Y/H/C) hair into a long curly ponytail. She looked up to see where I was when she spotted me her face lit up and she blew me a kiss. I wink at her and her face turns red. I chuckle.

After they got done cheering they went over to the water station and was filling up their water bottles. As I got up to go down and talk to her, I see the Mantle punk walk over to her. I narrow my eyes as I quicken my steps and jump over the fence. When my feet hit the ground I see him walk up behind (Y/N) and grab her ass and pull her against him, I hear her yelp in surprise and that was all it took for me to flip. I storm over to him and push (Y/N) behind me and grabbing his jersey. I glared at him.

“I warned you once, you dumb fuck. Don’t fucking touch my girl!” I yell in his face. I pull my fist back and connect it with his face, as I feel his knee connect with my stomach. I groan and grab his neck, slamming him onto the ground. My fist connected with his nose as I felt someone’s fist connect with my eye. I snarl as I look up to see Andrews.

“This isn’t your fight, Andrews. I suggest you back off.” I warn him, getting up and shoving him.

“There’s no need to kill him. He learned his lesson.” He says helping Reggie up. I laugh and kick him back on the ground.

“No, you see he didn’t. I warned him once to keep his hands off my girlfriend. He didn’t listen, he would rather sexually assault her in front of everyone.” I say glaring down at Mantle. His nose was bleeding and his eye was starting to darken. “So again. This isn’t your fight.”

I yank Mantle up by his jersey and get in his face. “I’m telling you right now. Next time, I’ll have my switchblade on me. You think I mind going to jail for beating your ass? Hell no. No one fucks with my girl.” I snarl at him before hitting him one more time and going over to (Y/N) and taking her into my arms. She had been crying and I stroked her hair.

“It’s alright, babe. He won’t fuck with you again.” I say kissing her head. She looks up at me and nods.

“Thank you for that. You didn’t have to beat the hell out of him though.” She says chuckling and wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Yes, I did,” I say pulling her up into my arms, her legs going around my waist.

“Why?” She asks, kissing my neck. I groan and pull her face back, locking eyes with her.

“Because I love you. He isn’t gonna fuck with you. No one is. You’re mine, doll.” I say smiling and kissing her. Her lips connected with mine and I heard her let out a tiny moan. I smile against her lips before deepening the kiss.

“You know, you haven’t seen what this uniform looks like on the floor.” She says, her breath hot on my ear.

“You read my mind,” I say carrying her to my bike.

Opening up Tumblr and this is the first thing I see,

Opening up Tumblr and this is the first thing I see,

Post link


Stay locked betas ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Who the hell do people think erasing net neutrality benefits?

Artists, poor people/families, schools, shops, stores, restaurants? Hell no.

IPSs? Sure for a little while until everybody becomes so sick of this bs and boycotts.

Amazon, Tumblr, Google, and other popular sites? Nope. Not in a million years. People would rather go to the store or make it themselves over paying a shit ton extra for the ACCESS to the sight.

The people behind this? You think there won’t be backlash?

Propoganda and oppression? Yep. If they can control the flow of information they will.

