#horoscope post


Cancer: Friday
Scorpio: Friday
Sagittarius: Friday
Aquarius: Friday


signs as stranger things characters

Aries: Chief Hopper

Taurus: Will

Gemini: Dr. Martin Brenner

Cancer: Lucas

Leo: Nancy

Virgo: Mike

Libra: Eleven

Scorpio: Steve

Sagittarius: Dustin

Capricorn: Jonathan

Aquarius: Barbara

Pisces: Joyce


Complexities About The Signs

Aries:Though outwardly they can seem unfriendly, all they really want is a big group of friends who will have their back and understand that inside they’re just one big lovable teddy bear. 

Taurus:Even though they can seem very calm and collected they can freak out and be emotional too. Not to mention they like to have fun just like everyone else. 

Gemini:Often seen with friends swarming them, they still take immense value in family and will care for their family to no extent. Little siblings are their weak spots.

Cancer:Sometimes they can seem to have a perfect routine down, but inside there can either be perfect chaos or monotony, and it’s always nice for someone to break this routine and be spontaneous. 

Leo:They’ll try to push people who get too close to them away, especially when they are vulnerable, but it’s really just a test to see how much the other person cares for them. They’re working on it. 

Virgo:Though it’s nice to be recognized for their skill, sometimes it feels like people want them for their talents and don’t want to have a true friendship with them. They really just to goof off. 

Libra:Their kindness and bubbly personality often hides their intelligence, passion, and drive, from people, so it’s nice when someone recognizes their more complex traits.

Scorpio:Even though they try to be as independent as possible sometimes they can fall into the trap of needing to be validated by other people, but hey it feels nice to be loved. 

Sagittarius:Though they have an astonishing amount of friends, they still love making deep individual connections with people, living life to the fullest, and passion. 

Capricorn:They are great at keeping secrets and hiding a lot of things from the public, yet once they find the right person they’re willing to spill everything. 

Aquarius:Sometimes all their work can drag them down, making rest and relaxation days essential for them. Also, spending time reflecting is key for them to better organize their lives. 

Pisces:Pisces are actually very talented and smart, though they just hide it with their socializing, leading people to often underestimate Pisces’ ability, 



Aries: Kris
Taurus: Rob
Gemini: Khloe
Cancer: Kendall
Leo: Kylie
Virgo: Kendall
Libra: Kourtney
Scorpio: Kim
Sagittarius: Khalid
Capricorn: Rob
Aquarius: Kris
Pisces: Kourtney


Aries:Cheryl’s Mom
Cancer:Veronica’s Mom
Libra: Betty
Aquarius:Ms. Grundy
Pisces:Archie’s Dad



Aries:Old text messages with 7th exes 
Taurus:Pooping at someone else’s house 
Gemini:Singing the wrong lyrics to a song
Cancer:Pretend to text while actually taking selfies 
Virgo:Forgetting the name of the person they’ve met more than once
Libra:Walking in on someone in the bathroom 
Scorpio:Social media stalking 24/7
Sagittarius:Waving to someone who wasn’t waving to you 
Capricorn:Watching a sex scene with you parents 
Aquarius:Old youtube channel videos 
Pisces:Make up plans so you can stay home and binge watch 24/7



Aries: Sagittarius
Taurus: Virgo
Gemini: Pisces
Cancer: Cancer
Leo: Aquarius
Virgo: Gemini
Libra: Aries
Scorpio: Scorpio
Sagittarius: Capricorn
Capricorn: Leo
Aquarius: Taurus
Pisces: Libra



Aries: dragonsk8r2006
Taurus: yolomasterchef2014
Gemini: CuteLilThang88
Cancer: xXIBangedYourMom420Xx
Leo: CaLiFoRiNaGuRL17
Virgo: Mr.randomR0flCakexD
Libra: SelenaGomezRulez
Scorpio: xXx420blazeit_mike_420blazeitxXx
Sagittarius: hotchick80576
Capricorn: Bigcreeper100
Aquarius: HairyJ69
Pisces: funfun4every1



Aries:They actually have a really big soft spot for animals and always go out of their way to help them in need, especially with dogs. This bond with animals makes up for the lack of communication they have with humans. 

Taurus:People often underestimate their drive for their passions, and once they get really into something, they strive to be the best, often achieving their goal. However, their drive can leave them feeling isolated. 

Gemini:Even though they seem very wild and quick moving they also love to settle down and just have a long brunch with deep conversations. They’d always rather have company than have to be alone.

Cancer:Though on the outside they can put up a facade of being put together so they can tend to others needs, they can fall apart and really appreciate when someone takes the time and cares for them for once. 

Leo:Horoscopes usually portray them as extremely outgoing and energetic, however once in a while they need to be alone, as everything starts getting chaotic if they never take a break. They value this time, yet can leave them feeling alone.

Virgo:Wants to have fun more than people think they do. Yes, they can get caught up in their work or school, yet people conclude they don’t want to go to social events, which is actually vital for them to go to. 

Libra:Their need to have a relationship often gets in their way of self-reflection, as instead of spending time on their selves they throw themselves into trying to help and tend to other people. Yet, they recognize this and slowly become more independent. 

Scorpio:They have contradicting emotionally of wanting to become close to people, but also wanting to keep space as they wish to not get hurt. This can strain their relationships with people, yet once they let go and fully trust people they can experience pure happiness. 

Sagittarius:They want perfect love quickly, and when that doesn’t happen they begin to doubt themselves which makes them crave love even more. Breaking this cycle is vital for them, and as they mature they realize self love is what they need. 

Capricorn:Frequently, they want to follow social expectations and try to change themselves or their image to what they think people want to see. However, once they are truly themselves they find their true friends and are able to happy. 

Aquarius:Though they try to care for everyone, dark thoughts often haunt their mind, and finding the escape to this; wether it’s friends or family or an activity, helps them immensely and is extremely important. 

Pisces:Due to their world being hectic, they often find refuge in friends, yet have a hard time breaking down their barriers and sharing their raw emotions. Doing this will lead to an unbreakable bond.


No wtf it’s too hot so its just me getting burned all the time, it’s fun for like a week then you get bored, and I’m definetly NOT beach bod ready:
Taurus ᯽
Pisces ☾
Capricorn ᯽
Virgo ᯽

Yeah I enjoy it, I mean no school right? Gives you an opportunity to have fun and not worry but you know sometimes it’s nice to see all your friends at school:
Aries ☼
Aquarius ➶
Libra ➶
Gemini ➶

I THRIVE on summer, tanning is my strange obsession, the beach is my home, I do whatever I want and just don’t care. Also don’t have to run into any snakes at school:
Leo ☼
Sagittarius ☼
Scorpio ☾
Cancer ☾


Aries: Partying ☼
Taurus: DIY projects ᯽
Gemini: Traveling around the world ➶
Cancer: Going on an adventure ☾
Leo: Tanning ☼
Virgo: Cooking ᯽
Libra: Swimming ➶
Scorpio: At a pool party ☾
Sagittarius: Going to the beach ☼
Capricorn: Riding their bike ᯽
Aquarius: Writing their book ➶
Pisces: Vacationing ☾



Aries: 30 Day Abs
Taurus: Twitter
Gemini: BuzzFeed
Cancer: Spotify
Leo: YouTube
Virgo: Pokémon Go
Libra: Episode
Scorpio: DoorDash
Sagittarius: Kik
Capricorn: Clash of Clans
Aquarius: Grindr
Pisces: Musical.ly



Aries: Honestly can’t even - 89%
Taurus: Eh - 45%
Gemini: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - 33%
Cancer: Actually doing well - 10%
Leo: Honestly Kms - 110%
Virgo: What even am I - 99%
Libra: Like good? - 20%
Scorpio: Just - 99.9%
Sagittarius: Dude bye - 120%
Capricorn: On-and off tbh - 40-60%
Aquarius: Deeeep breaths - 86%
Pisces: Why an I here - 77%


A - Super secretive, Shady, Always planning something, Too smart for their own good:

Hanna - Breathes fashion, Is not logical, Willing to cut a bitch, Bold and knows it:

Emily - Drop dead gorgeous, LGBTQ+, Very predictable, Athletic af:

Aria - Takes pics of everything, Always in a relationship, Lowkey sus, Quirky:

Spencer - The “perfect” one, Obvious leader, Hides problems, Succesful

Alison - Queen B, Driven and passionate, Manipulative at times, Extremely popular:

a pisces is that daydreamer. the one who speaks with “if” instead of “when”. very calm and sweet. a good person to befriend if you want someone loyal and adorable. 

in private – a pisces in private is pretty much the same as when they’re in public. they love to listen to you and offer emotional support rather than giving advice. they tend to be pretty gullible. very loving and easy to love back. 

flirting – a pisces is a touchy flirter, but an awkward touchy flirter. they’ll go to touch your shoulder but quickly retract as soon as their fingertips brush. it may be obvious when they’re flirting. they tend to ramble and maybe even stutter. 

features - a pisces is just a big ol’ ball of cuteness. no specifics. just awesome. 

reads but doesn’t reply: aries, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn

says stuff but never gets a reply: taurus, cancer, gemini, aquarius, pisces 

aries: overspending, biting your nails, and eating fast food

taurus: road rage, humming constantly, and eavesdropping

gemini: licking the spoon after baking, talking during movies, and laughing at inappropriate times

cancer: biting at the end of pens, gossiping, and midnight snacking

leo: chewing gum obnoxiously, licking your fingers, and finishing people’s sentences

virgo: clicking pens, borrowing and never returning things, and whining

libra: swearing, comfort shopping, and reality tv

scorpio: speaking with your mouth full, fidgeting, and being a know-it-all

sagittarius: talking to yourself, flaking out, and being late

capricorn: cracking knuckles, excessive throat-clearing, and bragging

aquarius: one-upping, name dropping, and grinding your teeth

pisces: exaggerating, day-dreaming, and avoiding confrontation

aries: vitality, springtime, untiring, full of life, dynamic

taurus: folksy, rustic, of the earth, unyielding, yearning

gemini: airy, balmy, bellowing, pleasant, fickle

cancer: delicate, powerful, serene, of the sea, zealous

leo: fearless, unwavering, luminescent, spirited, radiant

virgo: bucolic, dreamy, astral, celestial, intuitive

libra: fluttery, harmonious, adored, exalted, enchanting

scorpio: luxurious, opulent, protective, dignified, regal

sagittarius: vagrant, enigmatic, electric, astir, compelling

capricorn: abstract, deep thinking, mysterious, frugal, sensible

aquarius: ethereal, divine, intangible, heavenly, of the sky and stars

pisces: imaginative, quixotic, poetic, amorous, whimsical 

aries: at the movies

taurus: on the couch eating and watching football

gemini: doing last-minute homework

cancer: taking a bath with candles

leo: stays in bed all day

virgo: drinks tea and watches netflix

libra: makes music

scorpio: cleans up room/house

sagittarius: goes outside and plays in rain puddles

capricorn: listens to sad music

aquarius: goes on social media all day wearing a blanket

pisces: sleep

aries: pomeranian; vivacious, spunky, and independent, refusing to take orders from anyone they view inferior to them

taurus: english bulldog; calm and phlegmatic while possessing a very stubborn temperament

gemini: poodle; intelligent with a very nervous, high-strung temperament 

cancer: labrador; protective and family-oriented

leo: golden retriever; extremely loyal with a bright and cheerful temperament

virgo: german shepherd; intelligent, aloof, and requires plenty of mental stimulation

libra: english cocker spaniel; sweet, gentle, and agreeable with nearly everyone

scorpio: rottweiler; fiercely protective and loyal to their loved ones

sagittarius: siberian husky; free-spirited, energetic, and good-natured while being very strong-willed

capricorn: saint bernard; calm, sensible, and patient with an independent streak

aquarius: border collie; intelligent, quick-minded, and loves to socialize

pisces: pug; peaceful, sweet, and dependent on others 

aries: $10000000000000 to the swear jar

taurus: screams into a pillow

gemini: goes for a walk to calm down

cancer: so angry they go to bed to try and sleep it off

leo: rants to themselves

virgo: squeezes something really hard

libra: gets mad in their mind, but their face is so calm

scorpio: punches walls

sagittarius: breaks glass things

capricorn: breathes hard and bottles up their anger

aquarius: has to go and be alone or they might kill someone 

pisces: listens to music to calm themselves

aries: watching youtube vids, ends up in that weird side of it (you know what i’m talking about)

taurus: checking the empty fridge every 15 mins, other than that they’re just probably surfing the internet

gemini: talking either to themselves or to their pet, who knows what they’re discussing about

cancer: binge watching tv shows and sometimes checking social media

leo: dancing in front of the mirror in their underwear

virgo: happy that they finally have some time for themselves and doing whatever they love, such as reading, sleeping or just watching tv

libra: summoning satan

scorpio: kissing posters in their bedroom and snacking

sagittarius: ready to fight the ghost who’s hiding in their closet (it’s really there)

capricorn: stalking their crush on the internet and spamming their friends with pictures (caption ‘dis u’)

aquarius: who knows but they end up setting their house on fire

pisces: using comb as a microphone, they’re pretending that they’re a winner of a singing competition
