#astrology couples


Complexities About The Signs

Aries:Though outwardly they can seem unfriendly, all they really want is a big group of friends who will have their back and understand that inside they’re just one big lovable teddy bear. 

Taurus:Even though they can seem very calm and collected they can freak out and be emotional too. Not to mention they like to have fun just like everyone else. 

Gemini:Often seen with friends swarming them, they still take immense value in family and will care for their family to no extent. Little siblings are their weak spots.

Cancer:Sometimes they can seem to have a perfect routine down, but inside there can either be perfect chaos or monotony, and it’s always nice for someone to break this routine and be spontaneous. 

Leo:They’ll try to push people who get too close to them away, especially when they are vulnerable, but it’s really just a test to see how much the other person cares for them. They’re working on it. 

Virgo:Though it’s nice to be recognized for their skill, sometimes it feels like people want them for their talents and don’t want to have a true friendship with them. They really just to goof off. 

Libra:Their kindness and bubbly personality often hides their intelligence, passion, and drive, from people, so it’s nice when someone recognizes their more complex traits.

Scorpio:Even though they try to be as independent as possible sometimes they can fall into the trap of needing to be validated by other people, but hey it feels nice to be loved. 

Sagittarius:Though they have an astonishing amount of friends, they still love making deep individual connections with people, living life to the fullest, and passion. 

Capricorn:They are great at keeping secrets and hiding a lot of things from the public, yet once they find the right person they’re willing to spill everything. 

Aquarius:Sometimes all their work can drag them down, making rest and relaxation days essential for them. Also, spending time reflecting is key for them to better organize their lives. 

Pisces:Pisces are actually very talented and smart, though they just hide it with their socializing, leading people to often underestimate Pisces’ ability, 



Aries: Sagittarius
Taurus: Virgo
Gemini: Pisces
Cancer: Cancer
Leo: Aquarius
Virgo: Gemini
Libra: Aries
Scorpio: Scorpio
Sagittarius: Capricorn
Capricorn: Leo
Aquarius: Taurus
Pisces: Libra



Aries: dragonsk8r2006
Taurus: yolomasterchef2014
Gemini: CuteLilThang88
Cancer: xXIBangedYourMom420Xx
Leo: CaLiFoRiNaGuRL17
Virgo: Mr.randomR0flCakexD
Libra: SelenaGomezRulez
Scorpio: xXx420blazeit_mike_420blazeitxXx
Sagittarius: hotchick80576
Capricorn: Bigcreeper100
Aquarius: HairyJ69
Pisces: funfun4every1



Aries:They actually have a really big soft spot for animals and always go out of their way to help them in need, especially with dogs. This bond with animals makes up for the lack of communication they have with humans. 

Taurus:People often underestimate their drive for their passions, and once they get really into something, they strive to be the best, often achieving their goal. However, their drive can leave them feeling isolated. 

Gemini:Even though they seem very wild and quick moving they also love to settle down and just have a long brunch with deep conversations. They’d always rather have company than have to be alone.

Cancer:Though on the outside they can put up a facade of being put together so they can tend to others needs, they can fall apart and really appreciate when someone takes the time and cares for them for once. 

Leo:Horoscopes usually portray them as extremely outgoing and energetic, however once in a while they need to be alone, as everything starts getting chaotic if they never take a break. They value this time, yet can leave them feeling alone.

Virgo:Wants to have fun more than people think they do. Yes, they can get caught up in their work or school, yet people conclude they don’t want to go to social events, which is actually vital for them to go to. 

Libra:Their need to have a relationship often gets in their way of self-reflection, as instead of spending time on their selves they throw themselves into trying to help and tend to other people. Yet, they recognize this and slowly become more independent. 

Scorpio:They have contradicting emotionally of wanting to become close to people, but also wanting to keep space as they wish to not get hurt. This can strain their relationships with people, yet once they let go and fully trust people they can experience pure happiness. 

Sagittarius:They want perfect love quickly, and when that doesn’t happen they begin to doubt themselves which makes them crave love even more. Breaking this cycle is vital for them, and as they mature they realize self love is what they need. 

Capricorn:Frequently, they want to follow social expectations and try to change themselves or their image to what they think people want to see. However, once they are truly themselves they find their true friends and are able to happy. 

Aquarius:Though they try to care for everyone, dark thoughts often haunt their mind, and finding the escape to this; wether it’s friends or family or an activity, helps them immensely and is extremely important. 

Pisces:Due to their world being hectic, they often find refuge in friends, yet have a hard time breaking down their barriers and sharing their raw emotions. Doing this will lead to an unbreakable bond.


No wtf it’s too hot so its just me getting burned all the time, it’s fun for like a week then you get bored, and I’m definetly NOT beach bod ready:
Taurus ᯽
Pisces ☾
Capricorn ᯽
Virgo ᯽

Yeah I enjoy it, I mean no school right? Gives you an opportunity to have fun and not worry but you know sometimes it’s nice to see all your friends at school:
Aries ☼
Aquarius ➶
Libra ➶
Gemini ➶

I THRIVE on summer, tanning is my strange obsession, the beach is my home, I do whatever I want and just don’t care. Also don’t have to run into any snakes at school:
Leo ☼
Sagittarius ☼
Scorpio ☾
Cancer ☾


Aries: Partying ☼
Taurus: DIY projects ᯽
Gemini: Traveling around the world ➶
Cancer: Going on an adventure ☾
Leo: Tanning ☼
Virgo: Cooking ᯽
Libra: Swimming ➶
Scorpio: At a pool party ☾
Sagittarius: Going to the beach ☼
Capricorn: Riding their bike ᯽
Aquarius: Writing their book ➶
Pisces: Vacationing ☾



Aries: 30 Day Abs
Taurus: Twitter
Gemini: BuzzFeed
Cancer: Spotify
Leo: YouTube
Virgo: Pokémon Go
Libra: Episode
Scorpio: DoorDash
Sagittarius: Kik
Capricorn: Clash of Clans
Aquarius: Grindr
Pisces: Musical.ly



Aries: Honestly can’t even - 89%
Taurus: Eh - 45%
Gemini: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - 33%
Cancer: Actually doing well - 10%
Leo: Honestly Kms - 110%
Virgo: What even am I - 99%
Libra: Like good? - 20%
Scorpio: Just - 99.9%
Sagittarius: Dude bye - 120%
Capricorn: On-and off tbh - 40-60%
Aquarius: Deeeep breaths - 86%
Pisces: Why an I here - 77%


A - Super secretive, Shady, Always planning something, Too smart for their own good:

Hanna - Breathes fashion, Is not logical, Willing to cut a bitch, Bold and knows it:

Emily - Drop dead gorgeous, LGBTQ+, Very predictable, Athletic af:

Aria - Takes pics of everything, Always in a relationship, Lowkey sus, Quirky:

Spencer - The “perfect” one, Obvious leader, Hides problems, Succesful

Alison - Queen B, Driven and passionate, Manipulative at times, Extremely popular:

Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female 

Sagittarius Male + Taurus Female 

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gemini female + pisces aries cusp male  

gemini female + pisces aries cusp male  

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Why I think that zodiac signs shouldn’t be taken THAT seriously

During my time on social media, checking out the zodiac community and deciding to be a part of it here on tumblr, I have noticed how astrology became a spicy topic as well as a “not-so-friendly” conversation starter. What I mean by this is that many times I have seen people online getting seriously offended by the topic or by the people who were “into” the topic. Contradicting opinions and “bad jokes”. And I have to say that this is one of the many reasons that pushed me towards becoming a little bit distant from this community, as well as from the topic in general. I can seriously hear people commenting “well you’re an Aquarius, what can you expect?!” and it kind of drives me nuts. Astrology is a fun and entertaining subject to debate and discover. It’s got a lot of little details that are so amusing, as well as the stereotypes that come along with it and it is, honestly, a shame that we are destroying it. First of all, because if we think rationally about it, it’s (surprisingly) way too general to describe us all, down to a T. Second of all, because, just like all “sciences”, it still needs to bloom. In my opinion, astrology can be a beautiful topic to discuss, as well as believe in, however, putting too much of our trust into it, basing our lives off of it, is nothing but toxic to us. Just like an aquintance you make while in school, the kind of person that’s fun to hang around with during the breaks, but also the kind of person who you recognize as being toxic. You wouldn’t want to be friends with her. You’d just sabotage yourself, right? So you just keep her as your aquintance and that’s that. She is Astrology. Too much of her can be toxic. It can seriously distort the way you see people and the angle that you look at life. It can push you towards constantly shamming yourself AND others. It can upset you (and others). I say that if you truly like the subject, if you’re truly passionate about it, it is definitely a good idea to surround yourself with it, look into it regularly and not hide that fact at all. However, just like anything else, too much of it can seriously harm you. Love it, cherish it and laugh about it. No matter how Karen sees your sun sign or judges your moon sign. Karen is a Virgo. She judges everyone. (See what I did here? We don’t want this, unless we know how to take humor with a grain of salt). And everything that I have mentioned is purely my opinion on the topic, as well as my experience with it. And honestly, I hope people will chill tf out a little because it used to be the place where I would go to when sh*t would just go down. Because astrology is fun. And it will always remain one of my interests and fascinations.

How I see the zodiac signs

Aries: The impatient person you meet while waiting in a row at the store, the bold colleague who’s not afraid to speak up, the friend who makes you laugh like crazy, the lover who makes you feel like you’re going loco

Taurus: The kind person who offers to help any stranger on the street, the colleague that always brings you coffee and tries to brighten up your day with the spicy yet amusing gossip, the friend who makes you eat all the junk food, the extremely passionate lover

Gemini: The oddly serious person on the bus who’s actually listening to funky music while their imagination looks as if it’s high on various substances, the colleague that everyone’s talking crap about but they’re actually quite nice and helping, the friend that’s always going to contradict you but who’s always going to be by your side no matter what, the shy and blushy lover with a wild side ;)

Cancer: The super energetic kid who’s running around in circles and saying “hello” to everybody, the colleague who brings food that everyone finds disgusting, the friend that gets you in trouble but offers you the most fun time ever, the lover who is also your best friend

Leo: The fancy person on the street that somehow manages to stumble and fall in front of everyone while they’re doing the “walk of glory”, the colleague who’s not afraid to punch you and call you stupid if they see that you’re attitude is not matching your value (which btw is very high), the friend who’s giving you the best advice & is boosting your confidence up every single time you’re talking to them, the lover that’s showing you off and praising you like a God (do not dare to NOT do the same to them, they’ll leave you the next second bby)

Virgo: The person who’s judging you hard when you walk into a high-end store, the colleague who’s judging you hard when they see you claiming that you’re the best in the company, the friend who’s judging you hard when they see how stupid you are when you’re calling/texting your ex, the lover who’s not able to judge you at all because when they’re in love you are perfect to them

Libra: The person who’s taking outfit pictures in a very beautiful spot in town, the colleague who’s trying their best to be liked by everyone and comes to all the parties, the friend who’s up to do the craziest sh*t with you because they want to have fun, the lover who would do anything for you because their feelings are so dang intense and all they want to do is keep you in their life forever, no matter what it takes!!!

Scorpio: The mean cashier at your local store (you know, the one with the poker face), the colleague who’s always fooling around because they want to spice up the atmosphere and have a little bit of fun, the friend who’s always going to laugh at you (so hopefully you don’t take everything seriously), the lover who’s up to go through anything for the one that they’re in love with

Sagittarius: That one person in s group of friends that’s the loudest and laughs like crazy on the street, the colleague who always seems to work the least but however manages to do all their tasks perfectly on time and with great quality, the friend who’s always covering you up when you’re doing something crazy, the lover who would shout at you and say that they’re leaving but would never do that because they would never be able to hurt what they love the most, as they have encountered pain and would never wish it to someone else

Capricorn: The snobby person in a restaurant who’s making the waitress feel bad about the food and service facilities, the colleague who’s actually not that serious and hides a secret bottle of wine in the cabinet for the moments when nobody’s watching, the friend who will give you extremely smart advice and will take you to all the beautiful places to have fun, the lover who will make you feel extra special, respected and cared for; they will literally treat you the way they treat themselves (or even better than that—and they love themselves…hard!!)

Aquarius: The stranger you go to because you need directions advice but they can’t hear you because they’re zoned out, the colleague who doesn’t talk that much but is always listening to every conversation, the friend who can brighten up your day with their silly behavior and high level of acceptance which will make you feel 100% comfortable with being yourself around them, the lover that’s super SUPER intense and even though it may be hard to believe it, they can be jealous and clingy (if they are truly in love)

Pisces: The person who is working as a mascot for a store and needs to wear a silly costume (which they actually like not gonna lie), the colleague who is up to date with all the gossiping, the super soft friend who will be 100% transparent and honest with you, will help you get out of the deep sh*t and will constantly be there for you when you need them, the lover who will give you freedom and will love you forever (legit, forever)

It’s been a while, my friends… But I’m an Aquarius so what can you expect ‍♀️

understanding their love language—zodiac signs—

aries: difficult yet natural and out of their control, when they feel love they try their best to keep their cool but you’ll oftentimes see them burst out the most random and aggressive things ever, because it’s overwhelming to hold it all in; they do those cute little things and expect you to fall head-over-heels for them

taurus: they’ll make an impression—put themselves in favourable situations that make them look good, show signs of generosity and friendliness and even show off some of their looks and skills—in order to get you to notice them; will try to act “not that interested” but low-key will have a jealousy outburst if someone else comes close to you

gemini: blabbering about the most little and weird things ever just so that they can hear your voice and be sure that they’ve got your attention on them; they make themselves remarkable through words more than actions—not that they won’t physically show interest, it’s just that they have a way of using words that’s super charming—

cancer: when attracted, they will pay extra attention to you, observe how you interact with others, how you talk under pressure or how you smile when you are happy (stalker-ish??) and will use these small observations as ways to compliment you in the most unique ways possible; just like taurus, they will try their best to come across as interesting, almost as if they are the spotlight; usually shy and distant, will let you approach them patiently, nurturing

leo: even though it’s hard to picture them as being sublte, especially because they are very expressive human beings, they do have some sort of finesse and are some of the smoothest people when sliding into your dms; they’ll somehow always be around you, possibly competing with you (can come off as arrogant if you, yourself, have a competitive nature) but overall, they’ll be sweet and transparent

libra: flirtatious by nature it’s quite hard to know for real if they have genuine feelings for you but if they dress extra fancy around you, giggle at most of your jokes and make an effort to basically force themselves into appearing uninterested and independent, they probably have the hots for you

scorpio: they stare and they stare hard, shamelessly and non-stop; they will devour your presence with their eyes and will observe how you react under their tension, they will note down your habits, your conversations with other people and how you walk, smile and look around you; basically stalkers; when approaching you they will use that stalking and come up with conversations based on mutual interests to see how much passion hides withing you but also to figure your mind out

sagittarius: they’ll be loud show-offs and will most likely use their friends as support to convince you that they are super cool and fun; will have mood swings but that’s because your presence in their lives makes them nervous; they have incredible charm and will 100% use it to lure you in especially when giving compliments or dropping flirtatious hints—can be touchy af AND CHEESY—

capricorn: they will try their best to initiate conversation with you; they’ll show interest and support in your own beliefs, goals and dreams and will want to lend you a helping hand if they can; not good at expressing how they feel but they will always be there for you if you’re in a bad place (will hug you)

aquarius: they’ll basically ignore you, not even look in your eyes and probably give you the impression that they hate you; in reality they are silently observing you and will strike random conversations about things that remind them of you (send you memes, songs etc); they will appear as they are friend zoning you but that’s actually how they show love

pisces: they will go out of their way to spend time with you and get to know the real you; will put a lot of effort in getting you to understand how much you mean to them; will text you a lot and ask how was your day

Qualities the signs desire from their partners (THEIR TYPE):

•ARIES: They love a good warrior prince/princess and, as weird as it may sound, they won’t be with you unless you prove them that you can handle a little bit of anger hotness. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will want to fight you, but they’re clearly down for some fiery discussions that will reveal your level of patience, independence and intelligence. They want a full package, not less and from their point of view, a strong partner should want that too so girls, guys, keep your standards high and make them clear with an Aries because it’s a HUGE turn-on for them to know that you hold a power of your own.


•TAURUS: If persistence was labeled as a fetish, these guys would have it all the way. For them, a persistent person is viewed as loyal and stubborn, with their feet on the ground and eyes on the prize. They, as people, are this way and when they are hunting down partners, they will be searching for the person that embodies what they want to be or what they already are. They want to receive what they are giving because there’s never a worse thing than wearing your heart on your sleeve for someone who couldn’t care less.


•GEMINI: You probably guessed it by now but these people are drawn to intellect and personality more than anything else. They are drawn in by interesting people who are honest and original and aren’t afraid to be different. They think that the more damaged you are, the more interesting you are and their HUGE curious minds aren’t afraid to dive into your mystery. Geminis want people who can stand out from the crowd without doing anything at all, they are strong belivers that “it’s all in the eyes, baby”.


•CANCER: What would be better than finding a person with a pure heart, a person that you know they love you with all their being? That’s right, nothing is better than finding that one person who gets you, who loves you and never ever gets bored of your mood swigs, your ups and your downs. Cancers want these kind of people in their lives more than anything in the world. Even if they might not show it, or if they deny their strong desire for true and deep love, trust me, all they need is to feel like somebody cares about them. Like one person in a million actually puts them first, above anything else. They find that precious so, if you find yourself falling for a Cancer, don’t hide away your feelings for them. Make it clear. Tell them how much they mean to you.


•LEO: Diamonds, money, clothes. Save them for someone else. These people aren’t interested in your material things as they know they’re just a matter of time until they’re gone. It’s true, they love a beautiful and meaningful gift but what truly lures them in is power. The kind of power that shows through your confidence, words, actions, dreams and opinions. They are looking for a person who’s driven by a passion so crazy that it may seem as if nothing can stop then from chasing what they want to achieve. And trust me, they wouldn’t mind if their love and attention would be a goal on this person’s list hehe.


•VIRGO: It’s all fun and games until you bump into these people. Virgos are strong and intimidating people, who know they’re worth and aren’t afraid of adding tax. Still, behind their cold front and extremely high standards, there lies a powerful need for commitment. That’s why they often put their loved ones through tests and mind tricks. They want to know your limits, they want to see if you’re still there for them tomorrow. Just like Aries, they want to know the value of their loved one. They want to see how you go through the hard times because sometimes, this reveals how true the love between two individuals is.


•LIBRA: It is often said that these people are ALWAYS in love with someone or something. They’re labeled as the Venus of the Zodiac. And it’s not really a lie, after all. But, as much as they love life and what it has to offer, they still have hidden desires and hopes from their partners, such as the power of understanding one another and ability to not judge someone. Them, as people, are quite sensitive and they KNOW they make a lot of mistakes on a daily basis. People judge them more often than you may think and they know it. They want to connect with someone on a deeper and more meaningful level than just physical love or superficial, mundane love. They thrive for a divine mental connection. After all, they’re air signs for a reason.


•SCORPIO: I’m just going to be straight forward when it comes to this specific zodiac sign. They want someone crazy. Someone driven by passion. Someone who can lose their mind with when they come in contact. Brutal love that somehow might seem damaging to the world but, behind closed doors, it’s the antidote they need in order to heal. They want someone who doesn’t care about the opinion of others. Someone with back bone and a lot of mystery. Someone who opens up to them and them only. They want loyalty, power, and a love so pure and true that’s never going to run cold. Ever.


•SAGITTARIUS: Being something they can’t forget is your best solution. Now, you may wonder: Okay but how do I do this? Simple. Be yourself. These are people who value honesty and truth (it’s a fire thing) and whatever is strictly original and honest is going to bloom a feeling of respect inside them. You don’t have to match with their quircky interests and nor do you have to share the exact same mentality as them, as long as you embrace your true self and love yourself first above anything else, they’re going to appreciate and love you just like they love themsleves. Your vibes influence their vibes so pay attention to what you’re putting out there, my friend.


•CAPRICORN: If you’re a rebel without a cause I would suggest you work on that hot temper of yours and lower your ego at least a little bit because Capricorns are born to lead, control and command. This doesn’t mean, however, that you have to transform yourself into their puppy or servant. It just means that they are searching for someone who respects and accepts their way of being, which sometimes might be a little too stubborn. They want to be with someone strong that is going to be on their side, whether they agree with them or not. Supporting them and being there for them even through their hardest times is the type of relation they value the most.


•AQUARIUS: Honestly, you can be whatever you want to be as long as you respect them and show them that you care about their beliefs and opinions. They love well-educated people because they give off a superior and intelectually mature vibe which is DEFINITELY their cup of tea. Put away any fake remark and show them that you’re strong enough to handle the truth. Aquarius people are very confident whether they know it or not and they easily fall for people who are able to show off their passion towards the world, without any trace of regret. Being raw and real while still keeping a balance between arrogance and honesty, love and hate, is what they are searching for as they are tired of fake people and fake relationships. Do this and there’s a chance you’ll make them fall in love and TRUST ME, an Aquarius in love is everything you’ve ever wished for. I promise.


•PISCES: They daydream about the day they’ll live a real-life fantasy along with the love of their life, fighting against anything that tries to tear them apart. And even though they are perfectly aware of the fact that fantasy remains fantasy, they still need a partner that allows them to dream and who even dreams with them. They need someone who can be soft enough to love them and yet strong enough to bring them back to reality whenever it’s the case. Being open-minded and caring, generous and a peace maker is going to get you on their good list, for sure.


I’m not really sure if this EXACTLY what you’re looking for in a partner and that’s why I would suggest you to check your Venus sign as well as your Mars as they might influence this specific branch of astrology. THANK U ❤️
