#important reminder








Man. Sometimes you just feel your brain resonate like a tuning fork. Like I definitely wanna talk Making Weird Things with that guy.

Things change.

4 years ago, I was sleeping about 4 hours every night. Many of my closest friends at the time had, or were in the process of, leaving me and I would cry from the loneliness. I was fighting with my parents and wanted to leave home. They thought I was exaggerating and attention-seeking. Every appointment ended with “we can’t help you” or “there’s nothing wrong with you” or medications that made me worse, to put it lightly. More than once I wanted to end it

This morning, I woke up after sleeping for 9 hours in a room built by my dad specially for me, so I would have a space for me if I stay at home longer because of my health. I texted my best friend who yesterday asked me to be her bridesmaid. Before asking me, she spent weeks making sure it would all be accessible and fun for me, not stressful. My mum brought my medication in for me, ones that actually make me feel better, and asked how I was feeling. Later I’ll text one of the members of my lovely and amazingly supportive medical team to see when we can video call. We always have tea when we call, and cookies or a cupcake- food doesn’t scare me so much anymore. Every appointment ends with “you’re doing so well”. I haven’t hurt myself in years, I actually stopped counting, and when it all gets too much I know I have people I can talk to and strategies prepared to get through it and it will pass. Life is still hard. But it keeps moving, and I’m so grateful.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it will be ok. It might not be now, and I don’t know when it will be, but it will be. It doesn’t all happen at once. Things are still hard. But one day you’ll wake up and be so glad you didn’t leave, because you would have missed these moments of happiness and love, and some of them-probably more than you realise- wouldn’t have been possible without you.


never underestimate the power of:

• eating fruits and veggies

• going outside

• opening your windows and letting the fresh air in

• cuddling with your pet

• catching up with your sibling or parent

• complimenting someone you don’t know

• exercising

• journaling

• cleaning out your fridge and cabinets

• listening to happy music

• putting yourself first

• making and eating a home cooked meal

• washing the dishes/putting the dishes away

• washing/brushing your hair


please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period. don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. if/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. but there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better. while it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are nowand it’s your now that determines your future. 








PETA: They’d rather spend their money on publicity campaigns than on the animals in their care. PETA killed 73.8% of the animals in their care in 2015 (x)

FCKH8: Is a for-profit company that exploits oppressed groups for money. They’re also wildly uninformed, and spread misogyny, cissexism and bi/panphobia, as well as stealing their posts/designs (x)

Autism Speaks: They spend most of their money on researching a way to eliminate autism, heighten the stigma against autism and don’t have a single autistic person on their board (x)

Please support other, better charities, and feel free to add any others you can think of to this.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure: CEO makes insane amounts of money, they deny a lot of requests for wigs/help with treatment/etc., and have attempted to sue other charities that use the color pink as part of their anti-breast cancer campaign. ( xxx )

The Salvation Army: They promote the hatred of LGBT+ people, work with fundamentalist Christian groups to support conservative politics and rip off and exploit workers. ( xxx )

Wounded Warrior: They take money that should be spent on veterans and blow it on huge opulent parties for the company bigwigs. 26 million in 2014 alone wasted! ( xxx)

^ Important reminder to NOT waste any money donating to these groups

Reblogging because of the added info about Wounded Warrior.

Signal boost.


mutuals if i like your negative posts please just imagine me patting u on the back comforting you, not like i actually like that you’re hurt





sometimes i need to remind myself that i’m writing fanfiction for free and i’m allowed to have a shitty sentence or two

so many of my fics have remained buried in my drafts because i wrote the cool scenes first and then didn’t have “connective tissue”. but i’m freeing myself from that and just adding shitty “and then a week passed” or “they got to their destination” connections and just posting them and it’s so! freeing! try it!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve agonized over a scene transition, only to fill in the missing space with, like, a sentence.

Write the parts you wanna write and then go in and slap scotch tape over the rest of it.


here is a reminder-

you are enough. you deserve all the love you put into others. don’t give up on yourself. take your time. breathe. it is okay to exist. inaction is still action.


theology student here with a friendly reminder that there is no scriptural basis for demanding that people with a uterus reproductive systems capable of bearing children use their bodies as baby incubating chambers at the risk of their own lives. God asked mary’s permission before her pregnancy. mary chose to be pregnant with christ. the most divine act of grace is allowing someone their bodily autonomy. 

your religion is not an excuse to not support reproductive rights. you are a bigot.


Needing and receiving help isn’t a bad thing. Continuously giving and giving and giving has to be paired with accepting the aid others offer you in return and asking for it when they don’t. Saying “I am not doing okay and I need your support” doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human experiencing human things. Give people the opportunity to be there for you.



it is okay to cry. it is okay to feel emotions. even the negative ones. breathe. take your medicine. tomorrow always brings new opportunities. you are enough. you deserve all the love you put into others. keep going, everything will be okay.


Reminder that self care ismagic.

Drink water

Connect with nature


Take your time



having a bit of an ego is essential to the artistic process

its mostly died down now but i am still really sick of the culture that tends to perpetuate around digital art where your art is never good enough, everyone else’s work is better than you, your art or your page or your name being some variant on ‘trash’, ‘garbage’, bad… 

i don’t really think it helps anyone! to be so constantly self deprecating all the time, because the nature of art is that it’s never going to quite look like it does in your head because the human imagination is a fickle thing, and this constant ‘aaah its not Good’ instict is going to halt your progress, because you’re never going to get to that stage where it looks perfectly as how you imagine it.

accepting your art as it is and understanding that just because it’s not like your imagination doesn’t mean it’s bad, and appreciating the way it looks and that You Made That is absolutely vital. and i think being proud of yourself, being proud of the stuff you make and your improvement is hugely important because that powers you forward… i love thinking about, ‘oh, this will look so cool when i’m done’ and more often than not i finish and i’m like yeah, damn, this DOES look so cool! and trusting that what you make is good will help you explore more, branch out, etc.

thinking you’re kinda hot shit or you’re talented or you’re good at what you do is super super important


If I ever respond to you w just a heart emoji it’s not meant to be dismissive. I’m bumping my shoulder against yours bc I like you. I am blinking slowly at you like a cat.




I know that this really isn’t Game Grumps related, but this really needed to be said.

Hey this isn’t just for like people you’re a fan of. It could be someone you’re dating, a friend, a family member. You shouldn’t have to prove to anyone that you love/like/care about them.

This should be so obvious but you’d be surprised how much you let yourself forget. It’s always important to remind yourself of this. Don’t go in the same traps as you have done before, learn from mistakes, move on.

You don’t have to prove your love for someone. Love is always enough.


Weekly friendly reminder that you must be at least 18 years old to follow my blog! If you don’t have some indication that you are 18 or older in your bio, you will be blocked.


Let me clear something up that some people don’t understand:

  • Aspec - Anyone on the aromantic or asexualspectrum.
  • Arospec - Anyone on the aromanticspectrum.
  • Acespec - Anyone on the asexualspectrum.
  • Aphobia - Bigotry directed towards anyone who is aspec.
  • Arophobia - Bigotry directed towards aromantic people specifically.
  • Acephobia - Bigotry directed towards asexual people specifically.

Don’t say “aspec” if you just mean asexuals!
Don’t say “aspec and arospec”!
Don’t say “aphobia and arophobia”!

Don’t exclude aromantic people from our own community!


A part of being an adult is living with regret and not allowing it to consume you. The older you get, the more mistakes you’ve made, opportunities you’ve missed, people you’ve disappointed. And every day you have to remind yourself to be kind and forgiving of yourself. You accept and love the you from the past and understand that it’s all a part of the process. Then you move on and live your best life, knowing now as old as you feel today, you’ll never be this young again.
