


you are enough

never let anyone tell you differently, you may feel like you need to change, or be different to fit in but you, this person that you are is enough. you are enough and you are worthy of all the good in the world, don’t let yourself or others tell you something different. yes change is good, and discovering yourself is amazing and you should definitely do that, but don’t feel like without that discovery you aren’t enough. there is no certain level you have to ever meet to be ‘good enough’ you just are. you are worthy of love and happiness, and if you need help to find that then that’s ok. people are here to help you, they will always help you and fight for you, don’t let yourself forget that. you are beautiful and strong, and that is the truth. you are enough, remember that.

amazinglybeautifulphotography: Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park Nov. 2020 [7952x5304][OC] - Aut


Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park Nov. 2020 [7952x5304][OC] - Author: TheAllSeeingDill on reddit

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Guest blogger and debut horror author Scout Dawson talks about the book that ignited their passion f

Guest blogger and debut horror author Scout Dawson talks about the book that ignited their passion for writing.


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Addressing lifestyle trends, being ‘that girl’

As a philosophy student, I get to ask all these incredibly challenging questions about life, scientific practices, ethics and morality.

My studies so far have lead me to where I am today with my relationship with striving to achieve perfection. As well as my relationship with productivity culture.

“what am I missing out of if I don’t strive for my 'best self’?”
“why do I feel discontented no matter how hard I try?”
“Will doing these things really substantially improve my life?”
“I’m happy with what I have in life, so where are these feelings of wanting more coming from?”

andhonestly the answer to most of these questions comes from comparison, seeing people living these 'perfect’ lives online and feeling like some how, in comparison I am not doing enough.

It’s a tough thing to find the balance with, wanting to feel like you’ve done the best you could have, and actually feeling like your high standards aren’t inhibiting you from doing your best.

My partner actually pointed it out to me the other day, when I said I wanted to have a better morning routine, he said, “but you have a routine, it works for you, why do you always want to change things when they’re working?”

The answer is, because my routines don’t look pretty, they don’t look like the 'that girl’ wake ups and beautiful works during the day and breezy study. My days aren’t pretty, it’s early mornings and late nights but it works...

You don’t have to follow someone else’s path to success to find your own. Find what works for you and stick to it, you don’t have to be 'that girl’, be you.
