#keep moving forward


And when they do you’ll be more beautiful & happy then you ever were before… ❤️ Always keep moving forwards.



we are not born to die!! what are you talking about!! do you think a book begins just to finish? do you think a song opens with a beautiful chord just for it to end? you don’t read the book to finish it, you read the book to eat up the excitement and the emotions it evokes!! to learn and to digest and to fall in love and be heartbroken!! you listen to the song to dance and dance and sing your throat raw!!! to cry and smile and swell with the harmonies!! yes, we are born with the inevitable fate of death, we are mortal after all, but that is merely the finale of the play!! the final act, the closing of the curtains - we are not born to take a bow and exit stage left!! we are born to love and be joyous and yell and move and learn and cry and feelfeelfeel!!!  we are not born to die, silly, we’re born to live!!!

This is so violently hopeful and uplifting everyone needs to see it


Two people can see things from two completely different perspectives and both be “right”. Rather than seeking to defend, perhaps seek to learn more about your own perspectives and other perspectives; broaden your scope.

compassionatereminders:Image text: “You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that ref


Image text: “You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.”

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My heart has cracks and scars around the center from where knifes were once plunged

I grip my pillow like friend to keep myself from coming undone

I watch memorys like movies still laughing at the funny bits

Still crying at the hard times, that made it so I knew how not to quit.

I found meaning in book pages and quotes by Phill Ochs

“Every bad thing has also happened to better men” I would remind myself between the rocks

Thrown at me by unknown assailants, some of them later became my friends

Some of them would haunt my mind the nights I would burn the candle at both ends.

I gotta keep on moving, so I write poetry just for me

Then I share it with everyone in case it helps them through honesty

So I will keep moving foreword, untill the man in the mirror

Is a man ruled by his heart. And never by his fear

STAYCATION VACATION: Self-care is necessary and I have been hospitalized 3 times. I always called it

STAYCATION VACATION: Self-care is necessary and I have been hospitalized 3 times. I always called it a forced vacation, but you have to identify with my twisted humor to really understand that. I have been taking care of myself this summer, reallu preparing myself for the next school year. Medication, healthy eating, emotional support…it all matters.

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So I found myself struggling these days because of a loss of motivation. Of course that’s normal, especially while learning a new language. First you’re like “I can learn this language in one night!” motivated but that can change into “How the f*ck could anyone remember all this sh*t?? Why am I doing this…”. I already saw that coming because it was the same with the language I learned before. That’s why I made a list for my future-me to look at when I feel like giving up. Now it’s time for it and I thought I could share it with you. Hopefully it helps some of you! :)

1. Drink water or juice. Yes I know, this is something people like to skip, because they want to get to the “real” tips, but please don’t do that! If you’re feeling tired, exhausted, down or even depressiv this can help you! 

2. Clean your desk. If it looks like world war 3 just passed your table, it’s too messy and you will feel like it.

3. Read the list. Yes I mean THE list. Oh wait… you don’t know what I’m talking about? I mean the list you wrote down with reasons why you want to have good grades, why you started this new language, why you have to study the stuff you have to study right now. What do you mean you don’t have a list like that? Write one and then read it!

4. Look at your goals. What do you mean you don’t have a list with small goals that will keep you motivated? What are you doing the whole day? Write one! And be sure you write down small goals you can reach in like a few days or weeks. Everything else will be too far away.

5. Look at the list with rewards you will get/do/buy yourself if you reach a goal. Yes… I’m sure you have a list like that. I’m sure because you know you need one. Who doesn’t like rewards?… Of course you have one. Of course.

6. Anything is better than nothing. Watch a movie in your target language, listen to music the guy you have to learn about composed or watch a Youtube video of this stupid maths stuff you don’t get. Also if you sit down and just study 5 minutes it’s better than nothing. 

7. Start a challenge. There are challenges for everything everywhere on the internet. Find one you like, set your goals, choose your rewards and start. This coffee you want to drink at this cool new Coffee shop won’t drink itself!

8. Teleport yourself into the future and skip studying. Of course that doesn’t work! Do I look like a wizard? No. But just close your eyes for a little bit, relax and imagine how you feel after reaching your goal. For example if you are studying a new language, imagine how you visit the country where your target language is spoken. You wake up and go outside for breakfast. You order what you want in your target language, while people look at you, impressed on how good you speak their language. You sit down and drink your coffee/tea, while a cute young man asks if he can sit next to you, because all other seats are taken. He starts a conversation and you have no problem to speak in your target language. He tells you how cute your accent is and asks you for a date. Oh, that won’t happen? Of course not if you don’t study.

9. Go for a walk. I know, just like “drink water” you probably want to skip that, but just don’t. If you really don’t want to go for a walk open all windows. Breath.

10. Meditate. Maybe you’re just too stressed. Calm yourself down for a moment.

11. Exercise. Your body will produce happy hormones. Yes I said happy hormones and yes they exist. Probably not with this name but who cares. The chance is higher to feel motivated to study after a workout.

12. Write a To Do List. Yes I like lists because they work. Write down what you HAVE TO DO today. If nothings helps you should at least do these things and just take a nap. The world is brighter after a nap.

13. There is no thirteen.

As a starting artist…

When I started writing, I wrote ALL the clichés.

-Unpopular, bullied kid falls in love with the most popular and beautiful girl in school

-A war between heaven and hell

-Lines like ‘you are sorely mistaken’

The first book I wrote was over 300 pages and it was absolute TRASH. Half way through the story, I couldn’t even read the beginning anymore because it was too cringey.

In the beginning, your lines will be sloppy, your writing will be armature, you will sing and play off key. It’s FINE. You are still learning! You will use those clichés and mistakes to learn how to write, how to draw, how to sing.

Don’t let ANYONE get you down when they say 'that’s so cliché’ or 'that sounds boring’, you need time to build. Continue to build and nothing you make will be cliché after enough time.

There is nothing wrong with starting easy.

Everyone does.

Just keep going.

humansofnewyork:I asked her for a piece of advice. She reached in her purse, pulled out a piece of


I asked her for a piece of advice. She reached in her purse, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to me. It said this:

Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. Life is too short— enjoy it. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present and the future. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn’t be in it. 

Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else. When it comes time to go after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles, use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

Over prepare, then go with the flow. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years will this matter?’ Always choose life. Forgive but don’t forget. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

If we all threw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else’s, we’d grab our’s back. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. Yield. Friends are the family we choose. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.*

*Some Google sleuthing revealed the author of these tidbits to be Regina Brett: www.reginabrett.com

Sometimes I find inspiration in the most random of places/blogs. This strikes a chord for me today.

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