#it will get better


“And I did not realize how hard it is to forget you. Forget the friendship we had, the memories we shared. The laughter that rang through the dark nights and sunny mornings. The promises we made to stay together forever. But I guess I was justthe sea for you, while you were my anchor.”

- g.d (best friend break ups hurt more than anything)

Yes, I’m all this crazy but I’m proud of it. There are times where I just wanted to change what I re

Yes, I’m all this crazy but I’m proud of it. There are times where I just wanted to change what I really am to at least make a good impression to others, but I just end up being my old quirky, funny, gay mermaid unicorn self. 


I may have received a lot of taunts about my facial feature, weight, attitude, and I will admit, it hurts. Especially when I see these good looking people living the DREAM, it makes me feel f*cking bad about myself. I can exercise and do a #healthylifestyle and look as good as them but I may not have the motivation to start yet ( I know that’s another sh*tty excuse but that’s just me ). Anyways, what I’m trying to point out is that YOU COUNT in this WORLD no matter how you look and act, it all boils down to what you CAN do to make a difference. 

You might be like me who is just worrying about what it is to come while laying down in the couch doing staring blankly into space but never worry, you’re in the right track as long as you believe in yourself and in the process of the Universe (or whoever GOD you believe in). It knows what you want and if you want it hard enough, it will make paths for you to fall into!! 

I may not have proven anything to the world yet but I know I have this gift ,that I know for my inner-self, cant wait to burst it all out and share it to the world to inspire lives of many!

 The world will be 7,299,999,999 without you! 


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Hello! I’m back! I haven’t been posting as much because of how difficult I’ve been finding lockdown. My studying routine has gone out the window (literally and metaphorically, my post it notes flew out the window today!). I just want to remind everyone that we must be kind to ourselves at a time like this. You are so strong for getting through each day even if it’s only by the skin of your teeth. I love you. ❤️❤️




me: wow i feel great lately!!!! everything Is Working Out

my anxiety:

me, 47 seconds after getting my anxiety calms: okay..!! that was Horrible…. but its passed. now i can focus on being happy and healthy, I feel motivated and ready to live My best life. I Can Handle Anything

my depression, 48 seconds after my anxiety calms:

me, 76 hours into my manic episode: please…. BRAIN….. i beg of u. ..gib me The SERATONIN… d o p a m i n e……….. Please Give To Me

my brain:

thearticsoul:An Original Quick Watercolor Work. #372 December 2015 —Day 29: With 2 days left until


An Original Quick Watercolor Work. #372

December 2015 —Day 29: With 2 days left until the end of the year, I want to remind everyone who is struggling, or has come across difficulties that “it’s okay”. Things may not be well right now, but I can promise you that for as long as you hope and never give up, you will realize in the future why certain bad things have to happen in order to give way to better things ahead. x

Check out THE ARTIC SOUL for more original artworks.

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We are capable of being our own worst critics. You’re doing what you can. Some days are probably better than others, but the good days are always out there. They’re on the way. Don’t forget how amazing you are on the bad days. Sending you some waves of love and appreciation today (and every day). I’m glad you’re here.

I see you. I love you. I’m so glad you’re here.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1(800)-273-8255


The Trevor Project for LGBTQ+ youth - 1(866)-488-7386


For international assistance, suicidestop.com has a list of international hotlines for a variety of countries.
