#lazy witch


After so many of you enjoyed the post about low-energy ways to celebrate Samhain, it is time to share some ideas on how to celebrate Yule without too big of an effort.
2020 was a hard year and everyone deals differently with handling the crazy stuff this year threw at us. You are valid and your faith isn’t less important or less worthy because you can not spend the energy you might want to on the celebration of the solstice. A blessed Yule to all of you!

-As an easy charm for good luck: Tie some tiny bells to a ribbon and wind it around the handle of your door. Who ever enters will be cleansed of their negative energies and the sound of bells will invite prosperity and luck inside your home.

-Treat yourself to some sweets. Doesn’t matter if self-baked or store-bought, we’re talking of all the delicious treats of the season full ofcinnamon (protection, luck), vanilla (friendship, passion), cloves (beauty, love) and ginger (energy, success). Yes, please!

- Give thanks and give back. You don’t need to volunteer for days to show your gratitude. Feed some birds, donate a bit to your local shelter if you have the money, small gestures matter!

- Who needs a big Yule tree? Get yourself some twigs (please don’t just break them off) from anevergreen and place them on your windowsill or inside a pretty vase. 

- Solstices are turning points, times of change. Make a list (written or mental) and remember all the things you are grateful for that happened this year. Also note things that you want the new cycle to bring to your life. Keep the list close
during the time of the solstice and burn/bury them at the end of The Twelve Nights.

- No energy to decorate your altar? Decorate yourself. Wear green, red, gold or silver colors and jewelry with rubies, garnet, jade, agate or rose quartz.

Have a blessed Yule and feel free to reblog and add to the list!

It’s no secret that seasonal depression paired with a pandemic take a toll on
a lot of people. Sometimes we also just feel exhausted, we have too little time or just too little motivation to do big rituals or fancy ceremonies. Here is for
everyone who doesn’t have the energy at the moment but still wants to celebrate this holiday. Blessed Samhain to you all!

- Eat an apple. Apples aren’t just symbols of Samhain, they also represent beauty, the divine, immortality and healing.

-Set an extra plate at dinner tonight. An easy gesture to show your ancestors or other passing souls that they are welcome and honored in your home.

-Meditate a few minutes before sleeping. You don’t need to take time out of your day to meditate, just use the last few minutes before you fall asleep to remind yourself of the things you are grateful for and what you would like to let go of.

-Open your windows wide. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long walk in nature all the time. Open your window and welcome the new cycle with all its prosperity and the healing it will bring you.

-Leave water and/or your crytsals somewhere where the moonlight reaches them tonight. Tonight is full of energy anyways but the blue moon boosts this a lot more. Your crystals and the water will hold this energy for later when you feel you have enough energy to use them.

-Place an offering on your windowsill. It can be a piece of bread, a glass of wine, some honey or a little milk. But whoever passes by will appreciate being able to strengthen themselves for their way back home.

I hope these will help some of you, feel free to add and reblog!

Super easy Pumkin Muffins For Mabon

I figured I’d post this bc Mabon is fast approaching and these legit take like 10 minutes of actual work and are yummy.

Psa these are vegan friendly if you use a vegan cake mix and dark chocolate chips. I’m vegan myself and use Duncan Hines white and spice cake mixes and enjoy life’s dark chocolate chips.

¾ tsp Cinnamon - happiness/wealth

½ tsp Cloves prosperity/good relationships

½ tsp Nutmeg prosperity/luck

1 tsp Vanilla extract beauty/self love

15oz Can of Pumpkin- protection

Box of vanilla or spice cake mix


1 cup crushed Walnuts (or really any nuts you like) -protection/empowerment

1 to ½ cup chocolate chips

Dark chocolate (what I use) - grounding/fertility

Milk chocolate- balance/comfort

Preheat oven to temp it says on the cake box.

Mix everything into a bowl

Spray muffin tin with cooking spray stuff

Bake for 15-20 minutes

 MY LAZY WITCH CONFESSIONS Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon ritua


Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon rituals, spells, and loads of inner work to create a better manifested life takes an endless amount of time. And sometimes life is messy, gets in the way, or damnit you just need to take a break from all of it. So sometimes I’m a lazy witch. (shrugs) Not that I can’t be bothered with proper ingredients of a spell, but just because sometimes it is so complicated I just need to move on. 

(Quick note, no-lazy witchcraft is not really a thing, mostly this post is just for fun.)

1 I don’t always charge my crystals 

In my defense my crystal collection has grown over the years and I don’t like to drag them all outside and let the full moon do it’s thing. I have done it. And yes I did get weird looks from my neighbors who were all watching me drag tons of Pyrex dishes outside with crystals on them. 

2 Full moon rituals are a maybe

I love a full moon ritual bath. It’s cleansing and relaxing and I can decompress from the past month while preparing myself for the month ahead. Does that always happen? No. Usually if it doesn’t it’s because something got in the way like massive loads of laundry or some other mom-type crises that can’t be avoided. (Where are my other witchy moms at?)

3 Tarot readings on the fly

I LOVE getting out all the things to do a tarot reading. Candles, crystals, Hand Of Glory (kidding!) but for real getting prepped, it makes a big difference in how my connection is and ultimately how my reading goes. No matter how much I love this, most of the time my readings are done on the fly at my desk when I’m getting pissed off at someone. 

4 I don’t have a Book Of Shadows or Spellbook

I used to keep a better record, used to being the commemorative word here. After some time IDK what happened by my leather bound journals became Dollar Tree notebooks and then nothing at all. I should write everything down before I die, I know this but will I, IDK. 

5 Sabbath celebrations are a nope

I used to do these too but with Halloween and Christmas celebrations with the fam I don’t have any time to add an additional Sabbath so I flicked it off the calendar and never looked back. (Sorry ancestors) 

6 My witchy at home aesthetic pajamas

I’m completely jealous of the witches who have their look down with the black robes and completely decorated spaces to celebrate and work their magic in. I’m in the kitchen next to stacks of papers and a doggie chew toy.

7 Substitutions are a hit or miss

Spell substitutions, we all do it, the question is do they work? Sometimes they do, and sometimes the spell goes wonky. I’m just as guilty of subbing out things as the next witch but I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do!

8 Kitchen witch means making Uncrustables 

Cooking is the bane of my existence. I used to love it. But after making dinner for 4 millionth time in a row I can never make a meal again. So if I have to have an edible item in my spell you best believe it’s a frozen waffle or something on that same line. 

9 Cleansing before spells is just wiping Cheeto dust off my fingers

It just takes too long. There I said it. I try to meditate to make sure my mind is clear, and I swear I used to have this ‘witchy soap’ I would make for pre-ritual washing but I haven’t come across that recipe in years so here we are.

10 My ‘circles’ are all imaginary 

I’ve seen all the fancy circles laid out with crystals, flowers and candles and I LOVE them. But am I doing them at home? Nope. Mostly I’m just imagining a fiery white light around me because that’s all the time I’ve got. 

Do you have a funny or lazy witch tip you want to share? Comment below and let me know your go-to witchy time saver!

Post link


It’s no secret that seasonal depression paired with a pandemic take a toll on
a lot of people. Sometimes we also just feel exhausted, we have too little time or just too little motivation to do big rituals or fancy ceremonies. Here is for
everyone who doesn’t have the energy at the moment but still wants to celebrate this holiday. Blessed Samhain to you all!

- Eat an apple. Apples aren’t just symbols of Samhain, they also represent beauty, the divine, immortality and healing.

-Set an extra plate at dinner tonight. An easy gesture to show your ancestors or other passing souls that they are welcome and honored in your home.

-Meditate a few minutes before sleeping. You don’t need to take time out of your day to meditate, just use the last few minutes before you fall asleep to remind yourself of the things you are grateful for and what you would like to let go of.

-Open your windows wide. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long walk in nature all the time. Open your window and welcome the new cycle with all its prosperity and the healing it will bring you.

-Leave water and/or your crytsals somewhere where the moonlight reaches them tonight. Tonight is full of energy anyways but the blue moon boosts this a lot more. Your crystals and the water will hold this energy for later when you feel you have enough energy to use them.

-Place an offering on your windowsill. It can be a piece of bread, a glass of wine, some honey or a little milk. But whoever passes by will appreciate being able to strengthen themselves for their way back home.

I hope these will help some of you, feel free to add and reblog!

Hi everyone! I’ve been swamped with schoolwork, and I apologise for not being active, but thanks to all of you for almost 600 followers! I’m so amazed and grateful. It feels like yesterday that I made this blog, and I’ve been so immensely blessed by each and every one of you. 

School is actually what’s made me log onto Tumblr again. (And no, unfortunately not because I’m procrastinating… ) One of my Anthropology courses requires me to complete some interviews on a topic of my choosing. I’ve met some truly wonderful people on here, and I would love to give you the chance to tell me a little about yourselves! 

Here are a few things to know:

  • the interviews won’t be long, only about 20 minutes
  • we’ll need to be able to skype
  • consent forms will be sent via email
  • you get to tell me a little bit about yourself, your practices, and your beliefs! 
  • must be 18+ (for legal informed consent reasons)

Don’t be afraid to contact me if you’re unsure of the requirements—chances are, you meet them!

You can identify as a witch, wiccan, or any other type of pagan! If you’re interested and want to set up an interview or just ask for more details, please email me at[email protected]

I’m super excited for this project, and I look forward to getting to know you!  
