

last one hurts

fields are the most dreamcore for me

places between vivid and blurred

Those dreams where you get lost in your neighborhood, but can never find your house. Just pick the one that looks the most similar.

and here we are yet again rolling over in our woes

omg it looks so good

this is my oc but like I redid her (ephemera)

guess who learned how to rasterize after using CSP for 3 years


Oftentimes in my dreams I am in my neighborhood, but I can never find my house, and everything is off.

Also good news, I found my gender identity, I am a demigirl. They.her pronouns. I am unsure about Neo pronouns, but if they were accepted and I didn’t have internalized disliking for it, I might use something cool, like ephe/phers/pheirs

keeping it ephemeral core. I won’t stray from my cores now.


It’s like a bad trip and it doesn’t stop


as a dear friend of mine once said, every exit is an entrance to somewhere else

how many times have i been here before?

you were never really lost, were you?
