#mafia au

inspired by @kawaiilo-ren , and her mafia au!I drew a few other arts inspired by this au, but I&rsqu

inspired by @kawaiilo-ren , and her mafia au!
I drew a few other arts inspired by this au, but I’ve gotten a lot better since then!

Post link

Shit I just started applying the Reincarnation AU to all the other AUs I’ve created or been a part of.

Like imagine Hiccup and Viggo as pirates, pitted against each other, fighting against feelings of deja vu. After years of being rivals, they finally get all the memories back of their first life. Hiccup is already married by the time they have this revelation.

Hiccup’s a prince the next time they meet. He’s got his friends by his side, the children of noble families, and they remember their days as dragon riders as well as pirates sailing the seas. There’s blank spaces in there, though, where he knows he had rivals and faced madmen and ended wars but the details are foggy. Then Viggo is assigned as his personal guard. The pieces start to fall into place and he remembers how he didn’t get to pursue a relationship with the man in their last life, yet the feelings were blooming every time they met on the seas. This time he won’t let it go even if he’s betrothed to Astrid. She’ll understand if he just explains, right?

Fast forward a few lifetimes and Viggo’s a renowned detective. The title “Nightfury” rings a bell in his mind, but not enough to give him any clue as to who the mysterious crime lord is. He’s assigned a new partner and the moment their eyes meet, the memories filter in. There’s dragons and pirates and knights and he knows he’s spent at least a couple lives married to Hiccup. His not-so-new partner worries over a picture of Viggo’s daughter thinking he missed his chance this lifetime. Viggo assures him he’s divorced while laughing at Hiccup for being a crime lord. He never thought their roles would be reversed.

Hiccup’s in college when her funds are cut off and she’s in desperate need for money to pay for her classes and projects. She runs into Viggo at a coffee shop and jokingly asks him to be her “sponsor.” They’ve been through so many lives by now that the memories click instantly and it’s hardly the craziest situation they’ve been in.

And how much more interesting and tragic could it be to play with different age gaps and genders? Imagine Hiccup as an old man when he finally crosses paths with a young Viggo. Or them being the same age and growing up together.

Complete: Better than Revenge

“Better than Revenge” is officially complete.
150k, Rated E.
Yes, there is a happy ending. It’s much fluffier than it sounds!

Read it on the AO3 HERE!


Dean Winchester is #blessed. He’s got a great family, a million followers on social media, ad endorsements coming out of his extremely fine omega ass, and he’s about to graduate with a hard-won Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering. Said degree is an escape hatch to the life he craves, away from the scripted roles his well-meaning father keeps trying to corral him into. Dean’s a lot of things, but he's not cut out to be a Don—or to fall in love.

Castiel Krushnic is a ruthless, hardened alpha underboss for the Russian Mafia and his only soft spot is for his daughter. When she’s sent away to the U.S. in hopes of a better life, Castiel follows, reluctantly moving a chunk of the operation with him. His marching orders are clear—first order of business is to send a message to John Winchester, Don of the enemy local syndicate.

The easiest way to do that? Use his son.

Sounds easy, but Castiel wasn’t expecting to fall head-over-heels, or for Dean to want him back. What’s an alpha to do when a beautiful omega and an unorthodox mob boss have him questioning everything, abandoning his past and all of its pain for something much better than revenge?

Do you like epic love stories about two ridiculously competent badasses coming together and being even more awesome together? Do you like smart, grad student, influencer, omega Dean? How about hot, muscle-y, alpha DILF Castiel? How about Mary Winchester as Kris Kardashian and John being ACTUALLY supportive? How about Sam yelling, “ET TU BRUTE?!” when he doesn’t get his way?! How about Dean with a girl gang of besties including Charlie, Donna, and Jody?! I could go on, or you could just read it.

This fic was such a group effort. HUGE thanks to my discord for coming up with the premise, helping me flesh it out, and sticking with me. If you enjoyed this fic and would like to leave a tip or join my community to influence the next one, you can do that HERE!

Likewise, if you would like any of my print books (we now have Fire & Ice, Wild, Deserted, Break on Through, with Seasons of Love as well as After the End coming soon), that is also done exclusively through the discord. More info on that HERE.

BTR even has merch (“OMEGAS TO THE FRONT” and “I’M CANON IN THE OMEGAVERSE”) which you can find at @valderieETSY STORE!!!

With art by the amazing and astounding, the wonderful @categoryfour4!!


Complete: Better than Revenge

“Better than Revenge” is officially complete.
150k, Rated E.
Yes, there is a happy ending. It’s much fluffier than it sounds!

Read it on the AO3 HERE!


Dean Winchester is #blessed. He’s got a great family, a million followers on social media, ad endorsements coming out of his extremely fine omega ass, and he’s about to graduate with a hard-won Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering. Said degree is an escape hatch to the life he craves, away from the scripted roles his well-meaning father keeps trying to corral him into. Dean’s a lot of things, but he's not cut out to be a Don—or to fall in love.

Castiel Krushnic is a ruthless, hardened alpha underboss for the Russian Mafia and his only soft spot is for his daughter. When she’s sent away to the U.S. in hopes of a better life, Castiel follows, reluctantly moving a chunk of the operation with him. His marching orders are clear—first order of business is to send a message to John Winchester, Don of the enemy local syndicate.

The easiest way to do that? Use his son.

Sounds easy, but Castiel wasn’t expecting to fall head-over-heels, or for Dean to want him back. What’s an alpha to do when a beautiful omega and an unorthodox mob boss have him questioning everything, abandoning his past and all of its pain for something much better than revenge?

Do you like epic love stories about two ridiculously competent badasses coming together and being even more awesome together? Do you like smart, grad student, influencer, omega Dean? How about hot, muscle-y, alpha DILF Castiel? How about Mary Winchester as Kris Kardashian and John being ACTUALLY supportive? How about Sam yelling, “ET TU BRUTE?!” when he doesn’t get his way?! How about Dean with a girl gang of besties including Charlie, Donna, and Jody?! I could go on, or you could just read it.

This fic was such a group effort. HUGE thanks to my discord for coming up with the premise, helping me flesh it out, and sticking with me. If you enjoyed this fic and would like to leave a tip or join my community to influence the next one, you can do that HERE!

Likewise, if you would like any of my print books (we now have Fire & Ice, Wild, Deserted, Break on Through, with Seasons of Love as well as After the End coming soon), that is also done exclusively through the discord. More info on that HERE.

BTR even has merch (“OMEGAS TO THE FRONT” and “I’M CANON IN THE OMEGAVERSE”) which you can find at @valderieETSY STORE!!!

With art by the amazing and astounding, the wonderful @categoryfour4!!

hello i am still alive, the last few months have been plagued by mafia au brainrot ksnfddhfjjdh

ft. the lovely @worldofvaldis’s Ephialtes (based on @flamingbiscuit’s mafia noot), Bravo (also based on bis’s killer), and Valkyr and my Beau and Oneiros (Dream)

Under the Knife


Warning - This fic will contain the following: blood, violence, gun violence, torture, manipulation, coercion, gore and graphic depictions of murder. If any of these are triggering or make you uncomfortable, please do not proceed. You have been warned.

Chapter One
Prompt: Abducted

Of all the ways Sakura thought her Wednesday night would end, it was not like this. After getting out of a ten-hour trauma surgery, she had planned on pouring a large glass of wine, curling up on her sofa with a good book and falling asleep before finishing the first chapter. Not by being thrown into the back of an unknown town car by a bunch of rough-looking men.

They had grabbed her out of her own staff parking lot at the hospital, squishing her between them to keep her from trying to escape out the doors. She didn’t know who they were, but the handguns on their hips had kept her from asking from too many questions. They looked mean and ready to prove their strength at any given second.

The only thing that seemed to be keeping them back was the well-dressed and otherwise handsome man that sat across from them. He wore an expensive wristwatch and a tailored suit that wrapped around his lithe, and undoubtedly, strong body. He had dark eyes and a mane of dark hair that made his pale complexion even paler but no less stunning. Sakura had seen plenty of kidnapping stories on the news during her breaks on shift, but she was pretty sure kidnappers weren’t supposed to be this attractive. For some reason, that set her further on edge.

He had only glanced at her twice after her abduction, but he held himself with an air of confidence that made it clear that his word was the one that mattered.

Like a cornered animal, Sakura curled up in the center seat with her purse clutched to her chest. She tried to make herself as small as possible, as if they might forget she was there all together. No one had said a word to her since entering the car, except for the man on her right who had warned her only once to keep quiet. She was too frightened to disobey.

Her mind raced through the reasons of why she might be there. She had no family, no money. She was no one. Well, almost no one. She was the city hospital’s newest trauma surgeon. But she had no money for a ransom. She made a decent pay check, but the majority went to her medical school bills and insurance payments. She was comfortable, but not as well off as the man in front of her seemed to be.

The inside of the vehicle was silent as they drove, the roll of rubber against the road filling the quiet until they eventually arrived at the International District. The car slowed as they approached what appeared to be an abandoned fish market.

As soon as the car pulled to a stop, the driver hopped out and opened the back door. The man in charge exited first before the guards slipped out. When she made no move to follow, one reached back in and grabbed her wrist. Her survival instincts kicked in.

“No! Let me go!”

For a minute, she struggled with the man until he hauled her from the inside of the vehicle and slammed her back hard enough against the side of the car to nearly knock the breath from her lungs.

The man in charge stepped forward then, making a vague gesture to his man to release her. Still holding her purse to her chest, Sakura peered up at him, not sure if he was going to rape her or cut straight to just killing her. After all, she had seen most of it already in her new position at the hospital.

“Dr. Haruno,” he spoke, his voice calm in comparison to her frantically beating heart. “We require your presence. The more you cooperate, the easier this will be.”

Sakura gripped her purse tighter, as if that would protect her from what may happen next. “I don’t understand. What do you want with me?”

“Our intentions will be made clear soon. Please, come.”

It was clearly an order, but she still hesitated as her escort turned and made his way inside. At least until a guard grabbed the front of her jacket near her collar and yanked her off the car. Sakura’s struggles renewed, but she wasn’t given the opportunity to escape as her captors grabbed her by the arms and forcefully made her follow.

They dragged her through the empty fish market, the sour smell of old seafood flooding her nose and mouth, and into a large backroom that was perhaps bigger than the market itself. Like going through the wardrobe into Narnia, the guards forcefully pushed her into a well-furnished room with lush carpets and hardwood floors. There were expensive paintings on the wall and handcrafted wooden feet on the couches and armchairs.

Around a large, varnished table were a handful of men looking over something she couldn’t see. Everyone was seated, some with a glass of fine whiskey in their hands or cigars hanging from their mouths. The smell made her nose scrunch up.

On the far side of the room, a man was bent over the side of the couch. Whatever he was looking at she couldn’t see, but her attention turned as her escort approached another man.

The pair looked alike with their dark hair and even darker eyes. Even their high cheekbones and strong jawlines were similar. Perhaps an older cousin or brother. He was dressed just as finely, but there was an air of absolute authority and command about him that made even her escort look small. It seemed she had been wrong. Whoever he was, he was definitely in charge.

Without looking up from his phone, this new boss listened vaguely as her escort spoke in a murmured voice. Their conversation was indecipherable amongst the quiet chatter throughout the rest of the room, but her escort must have said something important for the man in charge glanced at him before turning his sights on her.

Sakura felt as if a set of crosshairs had just fixed upon her. A chill went down her spine, but she wasn’t given the chance to run before the guards shoved her forward until she was half-standing, half-cowering before this new boss.

“Dr. Haruno Sakura, I presume,” he said. His voice was smooth and easy as if he were discussing the full moon that were out tonight.

It made Sakura bristle and she glared up at him with more bravery than she actually felt. “Who the hell are you? And how dare you kidnap me on my very own hospital property.”

The man before her was hardly fazed by her tone. He simply inclined his head minutely. “I apologize. Where are my manners? My name is Madara. And this is my brother, Izuna,” he told her.

Her escort bowed his head slightly as if his politeness now would excuse his abrupt abduction of her only twenty minutes ago.

A scowl crossed her face. “What the hell do you want?”

“Simple really,” Madara said, turning away to approach a nearby dry sink bar. On one side was a crystal glass of whiskey that he unstoppered before he filled a pristine glass. Only once he had resealed the expensive liquor did he turn back to her. “I require your skill.”

Sakura blinked in bewilderment. “My skill?” she parroted.

“Your surgical ability,” he clarified.

“What about it?”

“It seems we had a small altercation this evening,” Madara told her before taking a sip. “The Senju are becoming quite an issue for us.”

Sakura said nothing, but her expression must have expressed her continued confusion. It was like he was speaking another language.

Madara simply gestured to her. “Come.”

Knowing she would be forced to follow either way, Sakura trailed some paces behind him, her eyes darting from his back to Izuna before returning to Madara again. He stopped in front of the couch, one hand in his pocket, the other lifting his drink to his lips before he gestured towards the couch with his whiskey.

“It seems my nephews, Itachi and Shisui, may have crossed paths with a less than amiable Senju tonight. Such aggressive, violent people. Shisui needs urgent medical attention.”

Now that she was standing before them, Sakura understood what was wrong. One man, apparently Shisui, was laying on the couch with blood gushing from a wound in his shoulder. It was hard to see the extent of the damage from where she stood, especially with Itachi pressing a bloodied towel to the area, but it was obvious the injury needed to be seen to immediately.

Then something crossed Sakura’s mind. Senju – she knew that name. She had heard it on the news and read about them in the newspaper whenever a violent crime had been committed within the city. There were only ever rumors, but Sakura had worked trauma in the city long enough to know there was an Underground that dealt in weapons, drugs and women.

If the Senju were Madara’s enemy, that would mean him and these men were of the Uchiha family. In other words, mafia. And Shisui was likely suffering from a bullet wound.

Her fingers itched to help him. Every nerve in her body was yelling at her to go assess the damage and fix it, but she was also aware the instant she touched him, she would be bound to these men. There would be no escape.  

“I won’t do this,” Sakura said, her eyes still glued to the man bleeding on the couch. “I won’t get involved.”

Like someone had abruptly raised the needle on a record player, the room went utterly silent. Even the men around the polished table stopped what they were doing. The sudden stillness pressed down on her like a physical weight, forcing her heart into the pit of her stomach. She swallowed thickly as her eyes darted around the room. The hair on the back of her neck prickled when she found everyone was watching her, cigars and whiskey halfway to their mouths as they paused to see how this would play out.

Itachi, who was still bent over Shisui and applying pressure to his gunshot wound, was openly glaring at her. He looked as if he wanted nothing more than to hold her at gunpoint until she agreed to help. Which she realized was likely not far from the truth.

It was Madara who broke the silence. “I understand your reluctance,” he said, causing her gaze to flicker back to him abruptly.

Both his tone and expression were calm, almost friendly, but she got the distinct impression it was all a front. After all, this man was the head of one of the most dangerous mobs in the country. And he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

He stepped towards her, his black, perfectly polished, cap toe shoes clacking sharply against the hardwood floor. Each step was like a clock slowly ticking away the seconds left of her life, until Madara stood before her like Death himself.

Sakura shrunk under his towering form and gripped her purse tighter to her chest. He stood at least a head taller, forcing her to crane her neck back to meet his dark, obsidian gaze. He was a handsome man, at least a decade or more older than her, but the mild lines around his mouth and eyes only made her realize that as much violence as she had seen in her career, he had seen more. He had likely caused it too.

“I will only ask once,” Madara said calmly. “And you do not wish to know the consequences should you refuse.”

Sakura inhaled a silent but shaky breath as her gaze briefly returned to the bleeding man on the couch. His face was pinched in obvious pain, his complexion pale as he breathed through clenched teeth. Itachi was holding pressure to the wound, but his gaze was focused on her, his eyes sharp like he was just waiting for the order to kill her should she say no. Behind Madara, Izuna stood only a few feet away, a similar expression on his face.

She only had one choice.

Flickering her gaze back to Madara, she asked, her voice coming out with a small waver, “And what happens to me after I do as you ask?”

“That depends on the condition in which Shisui is in when you are finished.”

She didn’t have to ask to know what he meant. The only way she got out of this alive was if Shisui survived.

After a hesitation that seemed to stretch on for a lifetime, Sakura gave Madara a weak nod. "I’ll need some tools.”

Madara casually turned to Itachi then as if he hadn’t just threatened her very life. “Get Dr. Haruno what she needs. You will assist her as she sees fit.”

To her surprise, the glare was gone from Itachi’s face when she turned back to him. In fact, there was no emotion in his expression at all. She didn’t know which she preferred, but she wasn’t given the opportunity to decide before Madara turned and made his way towards a door in the back of the room, his expensive shoes clacking against the hardwood. He threw her one parting message over his shoulder.

“You better get started.”


As quickly as the madness had begun, it ended. Sakura did what Madara had asked. She had dug the bullet out of Shisui’s arm and stitched him back together before starting him on a course of antibiotics. Then Madara’s men, this time with the absence of Izuna, had dropped her off on her apartment building’s doorstep as if nothing had ever happened.

That had been over a month ago.

Since then, Sakura had done her best to move on as if the incident had never happened. She went to work as usual before heading home, most of the time catching a ride with her best friend and fellow surgeon, Naruto. She doubted his presence would keep the mafia at bay, but she felt safer than when she was by herself. Still, she couldn’t help glancing over her shoulder, as if expecting to find a shadow everywhere she turned.

Tonight was an exception. Naruto had left for home some hours ago while Sakura stayed behind to review a case. She had a high-profile surgery tomorrow and the latest labs for her patient weren’t what she was hoping.

After ordering more tests and pushing more drugs, she finally got the results she wanted. Just in time for her to go home and catch a few hours of sleep before returning to the hospital in the morning.

Yawning, Sakura shrugged on her peacoat. She grabbed her purse from her locker before she closed it and left the quiet attendings’ lounge. There were a few messages waiting for her when she finally checked her device for the first time in hours, including one from Naruto asking if she was home yet.

Smiling faintly, Sakura shot him off a quick reply that she was on her way now. The rest of the messages could wait until later. She slipped her phone into her pocket before she searched for her car keys.

Only to halt abruptly halfway to her vehicle when she realized there was a shadow leaning against the back door. In the lighting of the parking lot, all she could see was a young man dressed in a nice suit with a flashy watch and curly hair.


Sakura didn’t wait to see if he noticed her. She turned sharply, about to escape back into the hospital, when she ran into a wall. No, not a wall. A firm chest.

“Going somewhere?” Itachi asked.

Sakura opened her mouth, but before she could cry for help, he clamped a strong hand over her lips and leaned down to whisper, “Scream and you will regret it.”

She got the vague impression he wanted nothing more than for her to give him an excuse, but she bit down on her tongue sharply even as she shrunk under his towering presence. He didn’t give her the chance to try anything else before a town car skidded to a stop beside them.

Itachi opened the door and shoved her inside without regard for her comfort. She nearly landed on her face, only just catching herself with her hands. Automatically, she scrambled for the door on the other side, but before she could reach it, Shisui opened it and slipped inside. She was effectively trapped.

Backpedaling, Sakura crawled into the corner of the back-facing bench. Neither Itachi nor Shisui paid her any mind as they settled in. As soon as their doors were closed, the car began to move.

Sakura didn’t bother asking questions. She suspected they were heading towards where they had taken her before. Once again, she pushed herself into the corner of the seat, hoping to make herself as small as possible.

Itachi didn’t even glance at her as he scrolled through his phone, his expression akin to boredom as if she was his annoying little sister his parents had made him pick up from school. Shisui, on the other hand, wouldn’t take his eyes off her.

His arms were crossed loosely over his chest as he chewed on a piece of gum slowly. She eyed him at first as she wondered how well his wound had healed. Then she noticed his expression. It was friendly enough, but she didn’t think she liked the way the corner of his mouth was curved into a hint of a smirk or how his gaze was just a little too unwavering. He didn’t even seem to blink.

Unconsciously, Sakura flinched and turned her sights out the window. The city passed by rapidly as the car flew down the highway. They took an exit into the downtown and drove through a number of winding streets until even Sakura didn’t know where they were. Eventually they pulled into a garage and parked the car.

Itachi and Shisui both exited. When Sakura didn’t immediately follow, she heard Itachi’s voice from outside, “You have three seconds to get out on your own or I will assist you.”

She didn’t wait for him to start counting. She hurried out of the car with her purse in hand. Itachi shot her a look as if to say ‘there, wasn’t that better?’ before he turned and continued further into the garage. A silent command for her to follow.

Swallowing, Sakura didn’t dare refuse him. She had felt the hard metal of his gun when she had body slammed into him in the hospital lot and she doubted he kept it on him just for show.

Now that she had a chance to look around, she realized they weren’t in a normal parking garage. It was a loading dock. Like the kind transport trucks and vans used to deliver shipments for the offices in the building. In the middle of the bay was a large area where trucks backed in to unload their shipments onto a higher platform before they were taken into the freight elevators.

Only there weren’t any vehicles now. Just two other town cars off to the side like the one she had been kidnapped in. Again.

In one of the parking stalls was a man bound to a chair. Another man stood over him, his knuckles bloody and torn from delivering blow after audible blow. Each smack made Sakura wince. She hoped with every fiber of her being that she wasn’t next.

A second man stood beside him, his hands less damaged, but blood speckled the front of his white shirt. She didn’t recognize either man, but a few paces behind them was Izuna.

He was watching the event take place before him with a passive expression, but it shifted slightly when he glanced up at the sound of their footsteps. He eyed Sakura silently before his gaze briefly flickered up to the unloading platform above them.

Sakura followed it to find Madara standing at the railing as he supervised. He looked like an emperor overseeing his subjects in his black, iron-pressed pants. He wore a matching black vest over a white button-up shirt. The suit of his jacket hung over his shoulders, his hands in his pockets.

The first time they had met, Madara’s arms had been covered. Now, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up. His forearms were littered with tattoos. So much so that she couldn’t tell where one ended and another began. There was more ink than skin.

He was listening to one of his men speak a few paces behind him, but his dark, dark eyes tracked their movements as Sakura ascended the stairs with Itachi and Shisui at her heels. She crossed her arms tightly over her chest, hoping no one would see how badly she was shaking. She had hoped after their last meeting, she would be left alone if she did her job well. She didn’t know what Madara wanted from her now.

As soon as they reached the top step, Madara dismissed his man. Sakura tried to swallow back her fear, but she knew even with his back turned Madara could sense it. He was like a shark who could smell blood in the water.

“Good evening, Dr. Haruno. I hope you had a pleasant trip,” Madara greeted.

There was a vague hint of friendliness in his tone as if he actually cared how her car ride was. It made her anger briefly overpower her terror.

“If you call being manhandled into the back of a car pleasant, then sure,” she retorted coolly.

For a moment, Sakura wondered if she had pushed him too far already with her sharp reply when Madara turned around. He seemed to scrutinize her before his eyes landed on the pair behind her.

“Gentleman, I thought I made it clear you were to treat the Doctor with respect,” he said. His tone was calm enough but there was a hint of ice that made the hair on the back of her neck prickle. And she wasn’t even on the receiving end.

Itachi’s glare burned a hole into her back, but she refused to look behind her.

“She was treated fairly enough, given her uncooperative behavior,” Itachi said indifferently.

Madara eyed them a moment before his gaze returned to her, his expression once more an apathetic mask. “My apologies, but we do in fact need your assistance once more this evening. There was a small incident an hour ago that we do not need to go into the details of. All you need to know is one of our men sustained a severe injury. He was stabbed in the abdomen with a blade.”

At the end of his assessment, Madara’s gaze turned towards the far side of the wall. Sakura followed it to find a group of men huddled together she hadn’t noticed until now. They were standing around a makeshift bed that consisted of an old table covered with moving pads. The top blanket was dark blue, but the side of it was stained almost black with what she could only guess was blood.

The doctor in her zoned in on the injury, trying to assess the damage from where she stood. From her distance, it was impossible to tell what condition the man was in. The only thing she was certain of was that he was much worse off than Shisui had been. This man was likely in critical condition. She would need more than just a couple of tools.

As if it had just occurred to her where she was, Sakura peered about the loading dock. It was dirty. And not just because the scent of blood lingered in the air. There were pools of stagnant water in the corners of the room, left over from the rainstorm the night before. Cockroaches scurried from one crate to another and everything seemed to be coated in a fine layer of dust. At least when she had stitched up Shisui, they had been in a cleaner environment.

Sakura shook her head in exasperation. “I work in a hospital with unlimited resources and equipment, and a team of trained staff. What exactly do you expect me to do here?”

When she turned back to Madara she found he was watching her with an utterly blank expression. He didn’t look angry, but she got the impression she would have to watch her tongue and how she addressed him in front of his subordinates more carefully moving forward. Lest she preferred being the city’s best dead trauma surgeon.

“I expect you to do your very best to save him,” Madara told her like a parent chiding their child.

Even though she wanted nothing more than to shrink away from his towering form, she couldn’t stop herself from frowning in frustration. “You said you would leave me alone after helping Shisui.”

“I said you would be released. Not that you wouldn’t be called upon in the future as our needs arise.”

Scraping together all the bravery she could muster, she shook her head. “I won’t do this again.”

Madara’s expression didn’t exactly change, but a shadow seemed to flicker behind his eyes like when a bird or airplane briefly flew in front of the sun. He said nothing, but a faint click from Itachi had her glancing over her shoulder.

He had drawn his gun. It wasn’t pointed at her, but the threat was clear. Far clearer than it had ever been before.

She clung to the last bit of her quickly dissolving courage as she returned her gaze to Madara. “If you kill me, he will die.”

Well eventually at least. If they hurried and got him to the hospital, he might still survive, but his chances were growing slimmer and slimmer with each passing second. They were wasting time. And Madara knew it.

“The same offer I provided to you with Shisui applies now,” he told her.

Meaning the only way she survived was if the man did too.

“And after that, you’ll leave me alone?” she asked, trying her best to keep her voice from wavering.

Perhaps she was pressing her luck, but if she didn’t stand her ground, these men would walk all over her. Some silent thought passed behind Madara’s eyes, but it was gone so quickly she wondered if she had imagined it. Then he gave her his ultimatum.

“If he survives, we can discuss it further.”

It wasn’t the answer she wanted, but it was all Madara was willing to give her at that time. She held his gaze for one moment that seemed to stretch on for hours and then another before she gave a silent but frustrated sigh and got to work.

Sakura didn’t know how long she stood over the man – the gangster – as she attempted to stem the bleeding. He had been stabbed in the upper right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. She knew for sure his liver had been nicked, but judging by his poor breathing, she suspected the lower portion of his lung had been pierced as well.

If she had an ultrasound or any medical piece of equipment other than a single scalpel and some crappy sutures, she might be able to save him, but as each second passed, she could feel his life slipping away. And with it, hers.

Another warm gush of blood slid down the back of Sakura’s hand and down her arm before collecting on the sleeve of her shirt. The material was dyed red, but the deep crimson turned it nearly black everywhere it touched.

She paid it no mind. Her entire focus centered on how she could possibly delay this man’s death. He had been in terrible agony when she had first started, but as the blood continued to stain her hands and the moving pad beneath him, he had quickly lost consciousness. She didn’t even know if he would want saving at this point. The muscles were sliced clean through, his liver had damage and she would be lucky to save his lung. His quality of life would be terrible. But she had to try. Because her life depended upon it too.

“Fuck,” Sakura cursed.

She grabbed a large wad of bandages from the little medical kit they had provided her and began shoving gauze inside the hole in the man’s chest. She didn’t know if they were sanitary at this point, but she was far past the ability to care. She had to do something to stop the bleeding.

“What the hell are you doing?” Shisui asked somewhere over her shoulder. She had been left in his and Itachi’s charge.

Sakura didn’t look up as she continued her work. “I’m packing the injury. This is beyond what I can do here. He needs a hospital.”

“That’s not an option.”

“That’s the only option if you want him to live!” she retorted.

Shisui might have said something else, but she was no longer listening for she glanced at her patient to find he was no longer breathing. Another long string of curses slipped between her lips before she placed her palms on the man’s chest and began compressions.

Somewhere very far in the back of her mind, she knew it was useless. But the louder, even more urgent voice yelled at her to keep going. If not for him, then for herself.

She put all her strength and energy into her compressions. She pushed down until his ribs cracked and his cartilage crunched beneath her hands. The seconds stretched onto minutes and the minutes into what felt like hours until Sakura’s arms ached. Her body quit before her mind gave the option.

Numb, her hands stilled over his chest. Her eyes drifted over the now-deceased man’s face. He was grey. Whatever blood might still be circling from her attempted CPR was pooling in his abdominal cavity and seeping through the gauze she had shoved into his side.

Utterly spent, Sakura stepped back from the table only for her knees to give out on her. She would have collapsed to the floor hard enough to bruise if it hadn’t been for the pair of hands that helped soften her fall. She didn’t know who it was. She didn’t dare look at them. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the man on the table.

He was dead. Which meant only one thing: she would follow shortly.

Sakura’s gaze dropped to her hands. They were stained crimson, wet and sticky, but they didn’t tremble. They never shook. No matter how stressed she was. And given the circumstances, she was under a great deal at the moment.

As soon as Madara learned of her failure, he would kill her. She wondered if he would be merciful with a simple bullet to the back of her skull; or would he make her suffer a slow, painful death before he dumped her in some ditch on the outskirts of town?

Sakura couldn’t move. She wondered if her body even remembered how to. She just sat there. It could have been a minute. It could have been a year. Then she heard the sharp clip of Madara’s exclusive, polished shoes. Her eyes didn’t leave her hands as he stopped a pace behind her. She barely dared to breathe as he delivered his verdict.

“Itachi, dispose of this,” he ordered. Then the longest pause in the world followed before he finally said, “Shisui…take her home.”

Amazed, Sakura turned her gaze up to Madara slowly as she tried to process if she had just heard him correctly. He simply stared down at her. His expression was utterly unreadable, but for a moment she thought she saw the slightest shift of something behind his eyes. She couldn’t be sure, but he turned and walked away before she could look closer.

Stunned, Sakura didn’t move as his footsteps faded away. She likely would have sat there forever had Shisui not finally reached down and helped her to her feet. The real world felt so far away. Like she was seeing everything through water. She barely remembered being guided into the car.

The next thing she knew, she was standing in front of her apartment door, her shirt and hands still stained with blood. Not even the hottest shower could seem to scrub it all away.


Under the Knife


In the shadows of the deepest part of the city, there is a place not even Death dare lurks. That is where you can find him. The Mob Boss of the city. The man who controls everything. Including her very life. That is where you will find Uchiha Madara.


Mafia/Yakuza AU

Mafia!Madara x Surgeon!Sakura

Chapter One

Member: B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk
Pairing:  MafiaLeader!Yongguk & Wife!You [Takes place right after Epilogue]
Genre: Something short, fluffy and a bit smutty

I just felt like writing something short - really held back on the smut due to me not understanding tumblrs guidline change (anyone can explain) Please read Dangerously Innocent first before reading this!

Words: 2,180The two of you return to the tent where your wedding celebrations are currently taking place. Yongguk is holding your hand, keeping you close to him until you finally enter the tent, where he feels a bit safer, the walls of the tent were made of some sort of special fabric and really thick, to no allow bullets to go through too easily. You knew that this location was not the first choice for your husband – the tent has multiple openings and is not made out of real walls – another safety issue in his eyes. But you wanted this and he wanted to make your dreams come true and allow you to get married the way you always wanted to – despite marrying the head of a mafia clan. Yongnam runs towards you, a big smile on his face and – to your horror- chocolate all over his hands. Yongguk quickly catches him, before he can get said chocolate all over your shiny white wedding dress. “Hey big boy!”  He kisses the top of your sons head and turns toward you. Your heart still skips a beat whenever you see the two of them together, looking so much alike. It’s like Yongnam is a smaller version of your husband. “Daddy tired!” Yongnam whines and pouts. It’s already 2 hours past his bedtime and you look at Yongguk, who calls Melody. “How about the two of you go to bed?” He could see that the young girl was getting tired as well. Three Bodyguards accompanied the two children home and promised to keep you updated once they arrived home. You and your husband joined the crowd on the dance floor.

The hours flew by and after what felt like an hour, the crowd began shirking. You said goodbye to your parents, guests and lastly, the inner circle before Yongguk and you are left alone - if you deduct the three security men that were now following you into the small wood close to the beach. “Where are we going?” You ask Yongguk, who has an arm wrapped around your waist. “To the Honeymoon suite” He smiles to himself. Soon, a small house comes into view. “What is this?” You want to know and stop walking once you were pretty close. “It’s my present to you. Thank you for marrying me. ” He kisses you softly and you smile into the kiss, leaning your head against his. “I love you” you whisper and he hums softly at you. The two of you enter the house, leaving the security men outside. You look around inside the house, which seems to have two stories as well as a cellar. The A/C inside is on and running, keeping it nice and cold. From the outside, the house looked like it was completely made from stone – you couldn’t even remember if there were any windows, but from the inside it seems like it was mostly made from glass. You walk around the rooms, Yongguk following you around, watching you. “Do you like it?” You nod and stretch. “tired?” he adds and you nod again, kissing his jaw. “Let’s get you into the shower and then go to bed.” He takes you hand and kisses the ring on your left ringer finger. After a hot, relaxing shower you find yourself beneath the sheets of a comfortable bed, your dress discarded on the bathroom floor, along with Yongguks suit. Speaking of him, he is currently kissing the side of your face, holding your close to him, his hand resting on the small swelling of your baby bump – you were sure that you wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer, since you were showing quicker this time. “Are you feeling good?” He whispers into your ear, moving back to look at you. You nod and smile softly at him.  “I hope this was just as you had planned it to be.” Your now husband whispers and kisses your nose softly. You couldn’t believe that this man had killed countless men and women. His hand were so soft and light, brushing over your skin, going lower and lower, until they made you moan his name.  You looked at him in shock, not having expected his slender fingers to slide in without any warning. The look on your face made him smile a devilish smile, pulling the two fingers out and rubbing the wet digits over your lower lip. You pulled them in, sucking on them, making the man next to you gasp. He pulls the fingers out and kisses you. You roll him over and sit on his upper body, leaning down to kiss him , your lips wandering to his neck, leaving behind violet bruises on his skin, marking him as yours. “Y/N.” He gasps, you know that he is not used to you taking over. You look at him, the smile on your face almost sheepish as you slide down his body, your core gliding over his, making him gasp and moan as you kiss down his body. “God had I known that being my wife made you do this.  . . ” he couldn’t  end the sentence  because you suddenly sucked him into your mouth, tasting the saltiness that came with his arousal .  You carefully sucked on hi, making him fist the sheets tightly. “Babe” he gasped as you used your hand and bite the inside of his thigh, carefully sucking on the tender flesh, leaving behind more bruises. Losing patience, he pulls you up rather harshly and pushed you into the mattress, his eyes wild. He enters you without much of a notice, making you gasp and moan. His movements are sweet and slow first, but increase in speed until the two of you were close, his hand never leaving the bundle of nerves at your core. You scream out his name, praying that the house is soundproof.   The two of you came together, his body collapsing on top of yours, quickly rolling off you, in order not to suffocate you. He lays next to you, panting and pulling you into him. You curl into him, kissing his jaw as you watch him fall asleep next to you, his arm wrapped tightly around you.


Mafia mood wayne children

one day i will write a fic to this

Let The Devil In - Chapter (Two/?)

Pairing: mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: You and Kylo become a bit more familiar with each other.

Warnings:Like one curse word but that’s it

As you began to run to work once more this morning, you finally realized what happened to you when you and Kylo’s eyes first met. You had fallen in love with this man at first sight.

Prior to this morning, you thought that love at first sight moments were bullshit and fake. But now that you had bumped into Kylo and fallen into his strong arms, your perspective had been changed completely.

You now believed in the idea of ‘love at first sight’ because you had experienced it first hand and it was nothing like anything you had ever experienced before.

You never wanted to let Kylo go now that you had him, loosely in your comforting grasp.

And as you continued to run to work, you wondered if you over thinking all of this. You wondered if you were already too attached this man as you hadn’t even had a proper conversation yet.

But you quickly shook these thoughts away as the building your worked in came into view. You worked at The Mustafar Times and was just starting the second half of your first year with the successful company. You were still surprised that they had even hired you in the first place.

Everything that happened to you today felt like a dream and you didn’t know what to think or feel whatsoever. You were already beginning to grow lost into the pit of quicksand that was Kylo Ren. But you weren’t complaining at all.

You wanted to love this man, not caring how weird all of this may seem from an outsiders perspective.


Once arriving on the floor you worked in within the tall building, you nervously walked over to your bosses dark and gloomy office.

“Mr. Hux?” you softly said as you knocked onto the door to his office that was open just a few inches.

“Come in.” he coldly replied, not looking up from whatever he was working on, not even for a second.

You started to speak again once he had invited you into his office, “I apologize for being so late this morning, sir. I accidentally woke up la-.”

Your boss interrupted you as he held up his index finger to silence you, “Just get to work, Mrs. (y/l/n).” he said, still not looking up at you.

You then nodded in response though you knew he wouldn’t see your response and put the door back in the position you found it in prior to going in there to talk to Mr. Hux.

From your point of view, he was just a small man hungry for money and power. But you were still grateful for the fact that he had hired you at the most successful newspaper in all of New York.

So as a compromise with yourself, you kept your mouth shut and pretended to like him so that you wouldn’t have to worry about ever loosing your job, knowing you wouldn’t be able to afford to rent your apartment anymore if you were unemployed.

You sat down in your cubicle minutes later and then pulled out your phone as well as the business card Kylo had given you so that you could introduce yourself to him. And before you even turned your phone on, you peered over your shoulder to make sure that Mr. Hux was still distracted by his work, which he was.

You then typed Kylo’s number into your contacts and sent him a friendly sounding text.


Hi! I’m (y/n), the woman who accidentally bumped into you earlier this morning. :) Sorry I got lipstick on your shirt by the way.

He responded almost right away, his heart pounding in his chest as he speedily re-read the text you had sent a few times before he responded.

Kylo Ren:

It’s alright, (y/n), don’t worry about it. It’s nice to formally meet you.

What he had said caused butterflies to appear in your stomach once again even though they were simply just words on a phone screen.


Hopefully the lipstick will come off easily in the wash. And it’s nice to meet you too, I hope that I’ll bump into you again sometime soon. ;)

God, you were horrible at flirting and you hoped that Kylo understood the message you were trying to get across. Which he did, he thought that your attempt at flirting with him was cute and only made him start to like you even more then he already did.

Kylo Ren:

Again, don’t worry about it, dove. It’s okay, I promise.

His nickname for you made heat sprint your to cheeks, the areas of skin now a light pink while you smiled to yourself.

He sent another text just seconds later, making you feel more excited because of how quickly he was responding to you. You craved this kind of attention from a man like him.

Kylo Ren:

Let me take you out to one of my favorite  restaurants in the city tomorrow night, I’ll pick you up at 6:30pm. Dress formally.

You had to admit, you liked how straight forward he was with you. You liked that you didn’t have to beat around the bush when speaking to the handsome man.


That works, I’ll see you then, Kylo. ;)

You then sent him the address to your apartment and shut your phone off, carefully slipping his business card back into your bag. And as much as you’d like to continue to talk to Kylo, you knew that your boss would catch you in the act eventually.

And as your fingers got settled on your somewhat old keyboard and you turned your computer on, your close work friend, Rey, startles you a bit by popping up and leaning on the barrier that separated your cubicle from hers.

You let out a noise of surprise as she began to pester you about the person you were texting as well as your tardiness this morning.

“Soo, who were you talking to?” she asked you, poking your arm as she talked to you, a grin on her face.

“No one.” you quickly said as you looked up at her with a nervous look in your eyes, her mind waiting for any possible gossip.

Rey then gave you a knowing look and settled back down into her seat, leaving you alone to process every single thing that had happened to you this particular morning on your own.

Series Masterlist

Follow my library account to keep up to date with everything I write


Let The Devil In - Chapter (One/?)

Pairing: mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Chapter Summary: You and Kylo accidentally meet for the first time on your way to work one morning.

Warnings:None :)

Thanks to your somewhat weird sleep schedule, you ended up waking up an hour later than you normally did every morning. You decided to skip breakfast today as you quickly packed yourself lunch and anything else you would need to have with you at work today.

You then speedily got dressed, not really looking at yourself but still hoping that your boss, Mr. Hux wouldn’t be upset about your tardiness and that you would look at least somewhat decent.

And once you were completely ready for the day ahead, you quickly locked the door to your apartment and ran down the old concrete stairs outside of your tall apartment building.

Your heart was racing as you began to run down the sidewalk, tightly holding your tote bag at your side. You absolutely hated being late to anything and you hoped that this wouldn’t reflect badly on you. Especially because your still in the beginning of your hopefully long career as a journalist.

And as you continued to run to work, you began to loose touch with your surroundings, causing locals in the city to yell at you as you accidentally brushed past them at a very quick pace.

While you became closer to the end of this part of the sidewalk, you were looking over your shoulder and apologizing to the business man you had slightly bumped in to, causing him to drop his fancy looking brief case.

Your body then collided with a very tall man’s wide chest, accidentally leaving a light print of the lipstick you had on right next to the pocket on his dark grey button up shirt.

To anyone else that might interact with this man, the lipstick wouldn’t be noticeable at all, but to you it was extremely obvious. This made you feel really guilty as a result, you didn’t want to ruin a strangers clothes.

You both apologize to each other right away as you looked up to meet each other’s gaze.

As you start to back away from this man, the thin heal of your shoe gets caught into a small gap on sidewalk, causing you to drop your bag as you tried to get your shoe free. You then tripped a bit and before you even had the chance to fall onto the ground, this man slid one of his muscular arms under your back and helped you get back up on your feet.

And once you were back on your feet, he bent down briefly to free your heal from the sidewalk, making you smile and blush at this man while he retrieved your bag for you as well.

If you were being honest, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your whole life and you kind of felt like you fallen in love with him the second his eyes had met yours just minutes ago.

He could feel your deep gaze on him as he did those two things for you, but he didn’t mind it and used this chance to slip his business card into your bag while you were still distracted by his pretty brown eyes.

“Here.” the man says as he kindly hands you your bag, happily smiling back at you.

You thanked him as you started to walk away, but before you could get too far away, this handsome man placed one of his large hands on your clothed shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.

“Call me.” he simply said, a smirk on his face in place of that adorable smile of his.

“Huh?” you quickly responded with furrowed eyebrows, raising one of them for just a second.

He then lifted his hand from your shoulder and pointed to your bag prior to him basically vanishing into thin air after you had looked down.

You looked inside of your bag to see his business card sitting on top of all the things you had quickly packed today. According to the card, his name was Kylo Ren and you weren’t sure why but something about that name made butterflies appear in your stomach.

Whilst Kylo walked away, he couldn’t help but brightly smile to himself at the thought of you. You were soft, kind and beautiful. And up until today he had believed that there was no such thing as ‘love at first sight’. But you easily proved him wrong.

And just as his smile began to fade from his face, he looked down at the mark your lipstick had left on his shirt and just like that he was smiling again, earning confused looks from his Knights while he approached his car.

Initially, Kylo had come to this part of the city to take a walk. He wanted the sounds of the city to fill his head instead of the stressful and burdening thoughts his line of work caused.

If he was being honest with himself, he felt as though he had fallen in love with you the moment your eyes met for the first time. The way your face looked was now engraved in his mind and he liked that, he never wanted to forget you, even if you never ended up calling him.

But Kylo still hoped that you would call him sometime soon as he desperately wanted you to be in his life. Even though he didn’t even know your name yet, he didn’t care about that because you still had him falling for you either way.

He knew you would change his life for the better, that is if you let him into your life and gave him the chance to get to know and love you.

Series Masterlist

Follow my library account to keep up to date with my writing!


Let The Devil In — Series Masterlist

Pairing:mafia!Kylo Ren X fem!Reader

Series Summary: You had never thought that you would ever find someone you wanted to love for the rest of your life, then you practically fell into his arms.

Warning:This fic a modern au. This story is not meant to glamorize/romanticize the mafia/mob or violence. Nor is that my intention. I don’t claim to have have a vast knowledge of mafia/mob life, but I will do my best with the help of research.

* = smut


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Katyusha in his latest outfit from @captainoceanwhirl ’s ff Midnight in Moscow

Katyusha in his latest outfit from @captainoceanwhirl ’s ff Midnight in Moscow

Post link

re-doing my taeyong soul mate&mafia!au :)
