

“Hope is not a plan”

|| Captain America (2017) - #700

Okay I saw these amazing tags by @cupsofdream and I had so many ideas I needed to write something, and then I did??? Sudden inspiration is sudden

“Midgard has never thrived as much as it does now under my rule. Leaving here would cause chaos, and a good king would never abandon his subjects. Hence I see no reason to your request of my departure.”

A beat passed.


The heavy emphasis pressing down the words like lead ballast and the hint of selfish desire were enough already to up the pace of Fury’s heart in sudden vigilance, but it was the smirk ticking up the corner of his mouth and the mischievous glint in the poison green of the god’s eyes that really put him on edge.

No words followed, Loki remained quiet as he averted his eyes to his golden staff, the tiny smile still visible on his features as he feigned nonchalance. His sudden casualness and lack of arrogant superiority told Fury that, whatever he was going to ask, it was something big.

As much as he despised giving tyrants their way and joining in on their play of vanity, he knew more was at stake than his own pride. He took a small breath. “However?”

Loki’s gaze snapped back at him, and with clear satisfaction the god leaned forward in his throne – a seat made of gold and encrusted with jewels, something “fitting of a ruler”, as the mischief maker had put it. Pretentious twat.

“However,” Loki continued, “I might be willing to bestow the honor of rulership over Midgard to whomever you Misgardians please.” He paused shortly, the smirk returning in its full punchable glory. “In exchange for a favor.”

Fury clenched the fingers of one hand to a fist, focusing on containing his breathing and stuffing the rage that coursed through his veins into a deep dark hole where he would deal with it later. How he wished Carol would blast Loki’s face off, how he wished to put an entire magazine of bullets into the man’s chest.

He managed to keep it together, though. Just barely. “Cut to the chase, Loki. With every passing minute my team is getting closer to knocking you off your chair, so if you have any demands for a quick and peaceful ending, I’d suggest you’d make them now.”

The god narrowed his eyes, maddened that someone, a human, dared to speak to him this way, but the sudden faint blush on his cheeks told he was flustered. He knew he was getting cornered, his troops failing against the woman that burned like a thousand suns and the man who wielded Mjolnir, the hammer of the gods, with terrifying familiarty and precision. It was only a matter of time – which was exactly why he had allowed Fury to come here in the first place.

“Fine,” he spat, “I want the soldier you call Steve Rogers delivered to me on my doorstep, no later than the fall of Midgard’s sun tomorrow.”

Fury clenched his jaw, trying to ignore the way his stomach just dropped into an abyss. His voice was steady. “To kill him?”

“Tohave him,” came the answer. “If the soldier swears to obey me and comply to my every demand, I will allow you to have your precious Earth. If not, I will make sure to turn as much as possible into a wasteland of ice. You have until nightfall tomorrow to decide.”


No matter what would happen, Steve was determined to keep his head up high. He refused to let himself be clipped of his wings and tied to the ground. No matter what Loki would do to him, no matter what Loki would tell him to do, he wouldn’t allow his spirit to be broken. You always get up.

Steve licked his dry lips, sitting on a bench in the large hall of Loki’s so-called “palace” and waiting nervously. He watched the buzz of people around him, taking at least some joy out of the relieved looks on the faces of the people who knew they’d soon be freed of the man who thought himself a god.

It didn’t take long before a set of guards came to fetch him for their master, and they guided him outside. They didn’t bother putting him in chains, knowing of the deal Steve made to obey Loki and come willingly– as willingly as being blackmailed could get, anyway.

Loki was waiting for him, the satisfaction on his face enough to make Steve’s stomach turn.

“You will like it in Asgard,” Loki said. The tone of his voice made it sound more like a demand than reassurance. “You will be treated well, I will see to it.”

“A gilded cage is still a cage,” Steve said back.

“Perhaps.” Loki took hold of his wrist, his strength surprising even to Steve as he pulled him in closer. “But it is only for six months anyway, is it not? Six months on Asgard, and you will return here after for the rest of the year.” A grin crawled across his face. “Then I will have you again.”

“I don’t know what you want with me anyway.”

Loki didn’t answer that. He just smiled, then the Rainbow Bridge opened overhead, blasting down upon them and Steve lost all sense of coherent thought.

Favorite details from Avengers Annual 2014 #1

They have two kitties living with them in Stark Tower. THEY HAVE KITTIES

Steve has a nightlight and a teddy bear, so he’s not afraid in the dark also Tony calls him “young man” like the total dad he is

Natasha got her Black Widow top and her Black Widow laptop and a big box of chicken. She also wears glasses, and painted her nails black

Steve has mitts made by a couple elderly women who wouldn’t take no for an answer

Bruce snores unbelievably loudly and has Hulk slippers

Steve drinks hot tea and looks at an old picture of him and the Howlies around their makeshift Christmas tree

Tony uses his Iron Man helmet to put ice in to cool his drink

Captain Handsome ordering you to rock and roll on that 45

Tony Stark labmess



Me too, Coulson. Me too

We can laugh, but if it works, it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me too, Coulson. Me too

“Imagine Steve going to Vormir and returning small again”

You’re supposed to sacrifice something that you love, does Steve love Captain America? Does Steve love Cap more than he loves Steve Rogers? Does he love the tool he was ready to sacrifice multiple times more than the real man beneath the mask?

Allow me to suggest an alternative option:

Steve jumps and only Captain America returns

Rainbows, however, symbolize much more than just a range of colors combined to make a whole. They are symbols of hope, promise, peace, equality, new beginnings, and eternal life.”

✭ Steve Rogers


God I wish more than anything that the memory lane scene in dr strange 2 showed Stephen remembering Tony. Can you imagine that? He steps on the plate that will show one of his best most cherished memories and you think “oh of course it’s gonna be him and Christine” but its not, instead it’s a memory of him and Tony, and you get to sit in the theater realizing it wasn’t Christine who was the love of his life, it was Tony?? The one he misses most of all is Tony?? God, that would have been fantastic


Spoilers for MOM:

Okay so one thing that was my biggest gripe in the film is that-prior to this when MCU!Wanda goes “You break the rules” and all, I thought it was referring to the whole NWH situation. And, if that were the case, I could be a little more lenient on my feelings because, while with good intentions, in the end the spell was risky from the start. However, instead, the movie decides to have her bash Strange for…giving Thanos the time stone? Even though, for one, he didn’t even really want to do it, you could see how much of a difficult choice it was for him to give it up. Two, he literally searched different possible outcomes and that turned out to be the best one. And three, his intentions were for the greater good, and even still Strange is shown to have wished things had gone better. Like it felt as if they were framing it as Strange just going off and doing his own thing, with no regards when he actually took the time to work around ultimately having to give up the stone. It is not on the same field as taking a whole town hostage, removing dozens of people’s autonomy just to play into your fantasy, and then harming those who went against what you were doing-only for you to not only not apologize to any of them (that apology to Monica was trash and we all know it), but continue to act as if it was right.

Felt cute, might delete later. #kreeskrullwar #tonystark #interestingchoice #marvel #marvelcomics #f

Felt cute, might delete later. #kreeskrullwar #tonystark #interestingchoice #marvel #marvelcomics #feltcutemightdeletelater (at Victory Comics)

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“Sometimes I feel like love doesn’t actually exist. It’s just pheromones playing tricks on people.”

|Cherry (2021), dir. Anthony and Joe Russo.
