#mental heath


I always struggle with myself and who I am. I have a hard time dealing with things like imposter’s syndrome and anxiety. I overthink and tend to care very much about what other’s think of me. It often breaks me and then I become filled with stubbornness and anger. I shut down and refuse to continue on in my life and I realize that this ends up hurting me more in the long run. It hurts me to constantly make myself small because I am so afraid of being told all of the things that were told to me in my childhood; that I am so unworthy of any kind of platform or voice. ⁣⁣


I try to be proud of how far I have come in my life (personal and writing) and be happy but it’s so hard. I feel like I’m constantly fighting with myself; constantly convincing myself that I am worthy of love and this art that I sometimes hate with all of my heart but words keep saving me. Words keep bringing me back out of myself and showing me the way to my own happiness. At the end of everyday of my life, after I’ve done everything I can to pull my happiness from others I find myself disappointed until I release here. In this way. In this form. This is the only way I know . ⁣⁣


’ but I wanted to share this and say, I truly appreciate everyone who sticks around and reads my work and shows me love and appreciation. It’s amazing how much I have grown just by joining this amazing, insane, random, beautiful community. This is literally the first time I’ve written in maybe a month? and it turns out I had two pieces inside of me so here you go! I haven’t ever done one of these before here but it’s a poem within a poem… You can read it on the first slide or you can swipe and read on the next slide (separately). ⁣⁣


Thank you again for following/liking/sharing/commenting. I truly appreciate all you ⁣⁣


ReBecca DeFazio⁣⁣

More Than a Flower

Anorexia is just me wanting so desperately to be skinny that I let a bunch of fifteen year olds on tumblr tell me I can’t eat bread

Do NOT blame suicidal people for wanting to die

  • They can’t help it.
  • They are in a kind of pain you can’t even imagine.
  • The last thing they need is more guilt.
  • They trusted you enough to tell you, don’t guilt trip them.
  • If you don’t know how to help them, please ask a professional for advice.
  • It takes much strenght to survive suicidal thoughts. They are strong but they need help and support. 
  • It is NOT their fault, nor yours. They just need support.
  • Suicidal pain is exhausting and they only want to rest. Try to understand, not blame them.
  • They need professional help.
  • They are not selfish.
  • They are ill.
Even these little fellas know exercise is important. And they want to be more flexible.On Redbubble!

Even these little fellas know exercise is important. And they want to be more flexible.

On Redbubble!

© Megan Fabbri

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Yo, I can literally feel my mental state going down. Like wtf I didn’t sign up for this.



I have been very upset lately so I drew this. I also haven’t drawn Jack in a long time tbh
