#milk and honey


M'hai toccata

senza neanche


-Milk and Honey, Rupi Kaur


Happy International Women’s Day from around the world!

li tratti come se avessero un cuore come il tuo ma non tutti sanno essere altrettanto teneri e delicati non vedi la persona che essi sono vedi la persona che saprebbero essere continui a dare fino a quando ti tirano via tutto lasciandoti vuota

~ Rupi Kaur

A while back I made some fun graphic Jewish t-shirts under the brand M.o.T.s (members of the tribe).

A while back I made some fun graphic Jewish t-shirts under the brand M.o.T.s (members of the tribe). You can snag a Milk & Honey shirt while supplies last at hillelsmith.storenvy.com/collections/1264560-m-o-t-s-jewish-t-shirts/products/15754683-milk-honey-t-shirt. Celebrate Israel and Yom Ha’atzmaut in style.

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Based on this recipe posted by Orriculum here on tumblr

The only change I made to their recipe was to replace the 3 chicken eggs the box called for with a single goose egg! 

I had been reading about goose eggs being good for baking rich desserts, and I thought Ostara would be a perfect opportunity to try it out! I’m lucky enough to live near a fantastic Asian market where they currently had plenty of goose eggs in stock! 

Below I have included pictures of my cake, and the gorgeous egg which my husband was able to save the shell of for me!

Happy Spring to All


Fellowship of the Ring Book Tag

Today, for the very first time, I’m doing a book tag on my blog! Many thanks to BiblioNyan for tagging me. She’s very cool and kind and friendly and you should check her out.

I have to admit, I’m a poor Tolkien fan. I’ve only read The Hobbit and about two thirds of The Fellowship of the Ring, although I have seen all the movies in the trilogy & the first Hobbit movie. I’ll have to get on that…

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Hello! I know some of you need some cheering up, so-

Here’s the Hot Tea Milk from Ponyo!

First, brew half a mug of tea (preferably chai, no hibiscus, as the milk will curdle) and let it steep. Next, heat up some milk! Not boiling hot, but warm enough for your tea. Take of the tea bags/leaves and toss em in the trash! Mix the milk and tea. Add a heaping spoon of honey and mix well! If you want, add half a cap of vanilla, and there you are!

I hope I helped someone today :)

A bad recording is usually the opposite of bad. The sound is scratchy, the microphones might not have been calibrated properly. The guitar is faint, not quite as rich as you might like, breaking up in the high end. There's interference. 

What this does, though, is not create a bad sound, something that I just wish had been done properly. Instead, it lends texture to a piece, gives it a sense of place and time. It becomes a tangible thing, rather than just a piece of music. 

It helps when you’re Nick Drake, of course. 
